2 research outputs found

    “BE YOURSELF” (the Creation of a Music Composition)

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    An artistic workmanship is a creative work process of an artist in creating artworks. Artwork meant by the writer is "Be Yourself", which is related to the establishment of his self-characters that grown up in Sundanese culture. Life journey was a dynamic process and became the will of the Almighty. God's destiny and life journey made the writer as “urangsumando” (people related by marriage) in Minangkabau. Cross-cultural was a life journey to be (yourself) and the destiny he should do – being in two different culture positions. Such differences did not automatically make the writer soluble in integration – he existed in two conceptions. In the realization, how the concepts are able to deliver other offers which have contribution to the development of artistic creation. The discussion in this article is the artistic forms as the exploration, working material, and forms of performance

    Fungsi dan Peran Api dalam Seni dan Kehidupan Masyarakat Bali

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    Api terbentuk dari tiga elemen yakni, panas, bahan mudah terbakar dan oksigen. Api memiliki panas dan cahaya. Api digunakan dalam kehidupan manusia dari memasak, penerangan, perkawinan sampai pembakaran jenazah. Api terletak di angkasa, di bumi, dalam diri. Api dijadikan simbol semangat, penyucian, peleburan, pencerahan, api asmara, api dendam. Terjadi over heated/panas berlebih yang tidak lagi mengindahkan norma, etika, aturan. Studi kepustakaan, wawancara, observasi, dan percobaan merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan ini. Seyogyanya api baik sebagai simbol maupun teks, difungsikan sesuai kapasitas/perannya masing-masing, baik dalam diri maupun diluar diri, semua itu harus dikendalikan penggunaannya, agar keharmonisan bhuana alit dan bhuana agung dapat terwujud, kapan menggunakan api kecil, sedang maupun besar, karena semuanya penting