89 research outputs found


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    The study entitled “Antecedent Factors Determining Patient SatisfactionIn Mlati II Health Center "aims to partially determine the effect andsimultaneous variables of caring, effectiveness on an ongoing basis,appropriateness/worthiness, information, efficiency, effectiveness-food to satisfactionpatients at Mlati II Health Center. The population in this study was inpatientswho use the services of Mlati II Health Center. The sampling technique at this research uses purposive sampling. Data collection techniqueusing interviews and questionnaires. 87 samples were processed from 100respondent. The data analysis method used is linear regression analysismultiple. Testing the variables in this study using the help of the programSPSS 16.0 for windows. By using the method of multiple linear regression can be concludedthat the caring variable does not significantly influence satisfactionpatient. The effectiveness variable on an ongoing basis also has no significant effect.The appropriateness/feasibility variable has no significant effect. Information variablesignificant effect. The efficiency variable has no significant effect. Variablefood-effectiveness has no significant effect. Simultaneously the variable Concern (X1), Effectiveness on an ongoing basis (X2), Appropriateness/Feasibility (X3),Information (X4), Efficiency (X5), Food-Effectiveness (X6) have no effectsignificant on patient satisfaction. The resulting coefficient of determination isequal to 0.008 which means 0.8% can explain the variable Concern (X1), Sustained effectiveness (X2), Appropriateness/Feasibility (X3), Information (X4),Efficiency (X5), food-effectiveness (X6) and patient satisfaction (Y) together, while the remaining 92% is explained by other variables not examined


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    ABSTRACT  Determining value and predicting price of a technology is difficult to be done in the process of commercialization because invention’s character in the form of technology could not be measured quantitatively (intangible). This character complicates process valuation of technology. Based on that, technology valuation system was expected to be able to assist inventor and intellectual property rights center in assessing and predicting the price of new technology. The objectives of this research were (1) to value composition of cajuput candy as throat relief  as  new technology that is potential to be commercialized; and (2) to give license price prediction for composition of cajuput candy as a throat relief product. Inventor and investor have different perception in assessing new technology. This perception identified its variables and attributes. Rank of technological valuation variables was carried out with Ordered Weighted Averaging-Operator method. Commercialization risk judgement was done with Expert Panel method. Technological license price prediction was done with Discounted Cash Flow method. Assessment and prediction of technological license price was done with system approach in decision making with program package called V-Tech v1.2.  Based on the analysis result the composition of cajuput candy as throat relief had risk factor of 0.4947 with technology class in moderate risk, stayed at growth step in technological life cycle and stayed at diffusion step in product life cycle. License profit was equal to Rp 111,701,422.00 and stayed at growth step in innovation diffusion to new consumer. Keywords: valuation system, cajuput candy, license profit, risk factor, technology life cycle, product life cycl


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    Dampak globalisasi keuangan (financial global) dan pasar bebas (laissez-faire) berdampak pada kehati-hatian pelaku industri dan bisnis keuangan Islam untuk menjaga aspek kepatuhan syariah (shariah compliance) sebagai alat pencegahan kemungkinan resiko dan fraud di sektor riil. Begitu juga tantangan terhadap inovasi produk keuangan harus dilakukan dengan melakukan penyesuaian antara manfaat, dinamika masyarakat serta kondisi perekonomian global. Ini diterapkan untuk membuktikan bahwa nilai-nilai Islam mampu dan eksis dalam persaingan bisnis, perdagangan di era globalisasi modern serta menjaga keberlangsungan usaha (sustainability) perbankan Islam di Indonesia. Fungsi kepatuhan sebagai tindakan dan langkah yang bersifat ex-ante (preventif), untuk memastikan kebijakan, ketentuan, sistem dan prosedur, serta kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan oleh Bank Islam. Untuk itu, Bank Islam wajib memahami seluruh ketentuan perundangan yang berlaku, sehingga menjadi tanggung jawab setiap individu dari  jajaran tertinggi yaitu Direksi sampai pegawai terendah jajaran Bank. Begitu juga inovasi produk perbankan Islam mengacu pada standar syariah (shariah standards) dan shariah governance, berpedoman pada standar internasional, pemenuhan integritas dan kualitas sumber daya manusia perbankan Islam, kesesuaian akad, dan tidak mendzalimi masyarakat sebagai konsumen. Hal ini menjadi penting, bahwasannya jika bank Islam tidak bisa menjaga nilai-nilai Islam dalam bisnis dan persaingan keuangan global, maka berarti nilai-nilai Islam tidak sesuai dan tidak relevan dengan zaman. The impact of financial globalization and the laissez-faire impact on prudential industry and Islamic finance businesses to maintain shariah compliance aspects as a means of fraud prevention and possible risks in the real sector. The challenge innovation of financial products has to do with adjusting the benefits, as well as the dynamics of the global economy. It’s applied to prove that Islamic values can exist in the business competition, trade in the modern era of globalization and to maintain sustainability business of Islamic banking in Indonesia. Compliance functions as actions and measures, both are preventive to ensure the policies, rules, systems and procedures, the business activities carried out by the Islamic Bank. That end, the Islamic Bank  shall understand all the provisions of laws and regulations, so the responsibility of each individual from the board of directors to the lowest employee ranks of bank. Likewise, the Islamic banking product innovation refers to the sharia standards and sharia governance, based on the  international standards, compliance the integrity and quality of human resources Islamic banking, contract compliance and not hurt people as consumers. This is important, if Islamic banks can not maintain Islamic values in the global business and financial competition, it means that Islamic values are not appropriate and irrelevant the times

    Sharia Maqashid’s Inclusive Performance and Contribution to The Sharia Non-Bank Financial Industry in Indonesia

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    Abstract: This study aims to analyze the Sharia Non-Banking Financial Industry (henceforth INKB) performance in Indonesia based on the criterion of sharia maqashid and its inclusive contribution. This study's population is the Sharia IKNB, with the samples include sharia insurance companies, sharia finance companies, sharia pension funds, and pawnshop companies. The data in this study were analyzed using the Simple Additive Weighting method. The study results show the highest five ranks of Sharia Maqashid Index performance calculation, namely, in respective order, DPLK Muamalah, Reindo Syariah, Asuransi Takaful Indonesia, Sarana Multigriya Finansial, and lastly is Pegadaian Indonesia. To overcome the structural poverty that has been a prominent unfinished issue and often neglected by the state, it requires the ability and sensitivity to respond to the low class' turmoil by the sustainable economy, environment, and financial industry media. The Sharia IKNB must contribute to the public in becoming the frontline in improving the structural poverty system and leading industry in achieving the highest sharia objective, to maintain the life sustainability of humans, nature, economic resource, and other life aspects of the society.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja Industri Keuangan Non Perbankan Syariah (selanjutnya INKB) di Indonesia berdasarkan kriteria maqashid syariah dan kontribusinya yang inklusif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah IKNB Syariah, dengan sampel perusahaan asuransi syariah, perusahaan pembiayaan syariah, dana pensiun syariah, dan perusahaan pegadaian. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting. Hasil studi menunjukkan lima peringkat tertinggi penghitungan kinerja Indeks Maqashid Syariah, yaitu di masing-masing urutan, DPLK Muamalah, Reindo Syariah, Asuransi Takaful Indonesia, Sarana Multigriya Finansial, dan terakhir adalah Pegadaian Indonesia. Untuk mengatasi kemiskinan struktural yang selama ini menjadi isu menonjol yang belum terselesaikan dan sering diabaikan oleh negara, diperlukan kemampuan dan kepekaan dalam merespon gejolak kelas bawah oleh media ekonomi, lingkungan, dan industri keuangan yang berkelanjutan. IKNB Syariah harus berkontribusi kepada masyarakat menjadi garda terdepan dalam memperbaiki sistem kemiskinan struktural dan industri unggulan dalam mencapai tujuan syariah yang setinggi-tingginya, menjaga keberlanjutan kehidupan manusia, alam, sumber daya ekonomi, dan aspek kehidupan masyarakat lainnya.

    Sharia Maqashid’s Inclusive Performance and Contribution to The Sharia Non-Bank Financial Industry in Indonesia

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    Abstract: This study aims to analyze the Sharia Non-Banking Financial Industry (henceforth INKB) performance in Indonesia based on the criterion of sharia maqashid and its inclusive contribution. This study's population is the Sharia IKNB, with the samples include sharia insurance companies, sharia finance companies, sharia pension funds, and pawnshop companies. The data in this study were analyzed using the Simple Additive Weighting method. The study results show the highest five ranks of Sharia Maqashid Index performance calculation, namely, in respective order, DPLK Muamalah, Reindo Syariah, Asuransi Takaful Indonesia, Sarana Multigriya Finansial, and lastly is Pegadaian Indonesia. To overcome the structural poverty that has been a prominent unfinished issue and often neglected by the state, it requires the ability and sensitivity to respond to the low class' turmoil by the sustainable economy, environment, and financial industry media. The Sharia IKNB must contribute to the public in becoming the frontline in improving the structural poverty system and leading industry in achieving the highest sharia objective, to maintain the life sustainability of humans, nature, economic resource, and other life aspects of the society.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja Industri Keuangan Non Perbankan Syariah (selanjutnya INKB) di Indonesia berdasarkan kriteria maqashid syariah dan kontribusinya yang inklusif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah IKNB Syariah, dengan sampel perusahaan asuransi syariah, perusahaan pembiayaan syariah, dana pensiun syariah, dan perusahaan pegadaian. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting. Hasil studi menunjukkan lima peringkat tertinggi penghitungan kinerja Indeks Maqashid Syariah, yaitu di masing-masing urutan, DPLK Muamalah, Reindo Syariah, Asuransi Takaful Indonesia, Sarana Multigriya Finansial, dan terakhir adalah Pegadaian Indonesia. Untuk mengatasi kemiskinan struktural yang selama ini menjadi isu menonjol yang belum terselesaikan dan sering diabaikan oleh negara, diperlukan kemampuan dan kepekaan dalam merespon gejolak kelas bawah oleh media ekonomi, lingkungan, dan industri keuangan yang berkelanjutan. IKNB Syariah harus berkontribusi kepada masyarakat menjadi garda terdepan dalam memperbaiki sistem kemiskinan struktural dan industri unggulan dalam mencapai tujuan syariah yang setinggi-tingginya, menjaga keberlanjutan kehidupan manusia, alam, sumber daya ekonomi, dan aspek kehidupan masyarakat lainnya.


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    The quality of service provided depends on the ability of service providers to meetcustomers’ expectations. This study aims to determine the impact of Islamic servicequality and floating market methods on the competitiveness of Islamic banks. Thisstudy used quantitative methods with non-probability sampling techniques, usingpurposive sampling techniques. The study population was BTN Syariah customers.The data acquisition was made by spreading questionnaires to customers. Informationgleaned from specific considerations tailored to the research’s purpose or problemand data analysed by multiple linear regression techniques. The results showed thatIslamic service quality affects the competitiveness of Islamic banks, and marketingmethods based on the floating market affect the competitiveness. The study improvedBTN Syariah Indonesia’s competitiveness in Islamic service quality and marketingmethods based on the floating market. This research helps banks recognise the pointsand strategies for strengthening Islamic banks’ competitiveness and generatingpositive experiences to gain customer loyalty with the proper approach, namelyIslamic service quality and marketing strategies with floating market methods
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