20 research outputs found

    In-situ synchrotron diffraction study of the phase evolution of the novel Na\u3csub\u3ex\u3c/sub\u3e(Fe\u3csub\u3e1/2\u3c/sub\u3eMn\u3csub\u3e1/2\u3c/sub\u3e)O\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e cathode for use in sodium-ion batteries

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    Abstract of a poster presentation at the 5th Australia-China Conference on Science, Technology and Eduction with the 5th Australia-China Symposium for Materials Science, at the University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia, on 21st - 23rd July 2014

    Nano-engineering and advanced characterizations of layered-structure electrode materials for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries

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    Undoubtedly, there is a huge demand for renewable energy storage devices for various everyday applications, from portable electronics to large-scale applications such as electric vehicles and energy storage for electrical grids, made especially urgent due to the depletion of fossil fuels. Currently, rechargeable lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology is most prominently used in mobile or portable electronics, which has raised a huge demand for expensive lithium, the reserves of which would not be sufficient for a future huge share of electric vehicles and grid-scale energy storage, thereby putting severe pressure on lithium production and its cost. Alongside LIB technology, both academic and industrial researchers need to focus on exploring various other types of energy storage devices (which can compete with LIB technology) and their materials, considering important factors such as cost, safety, and energy storage and delivery capabilities. These alternative energy storage systems could make a considerable contribution to balancing future energy demands. What could be the potential alternatives/partners to LIB technology to balance energy demands? How can we design and engineer alternative materials for such energy storage devices (including LIB technology)? This doctoral thesis work summarizes research to address the aforementioned questions

    Electrochemistry and structure of the cobalt-free Li1+xMO2 (M = Li, Ni, Mn, Fe) composite cathode

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    The development of cathode materials with high capacity and cycle stability is essential to emerging electric-vehicle technologies, however, of serious environmental concern is that materials with these properties developed so far contain the toxic and expensive Co. We report here the Li-rich, Co-free Li1+xMO2 (M = Li, Ni, Mn, Fe) composite cathode material, prepared via a template-free, one-step wet-chemical method followed by conventional annealing in an oxygen atmosphere. The cathode has an unprecedented level of cation mixing, where the electrochemically-active component contains four elements at the transition-metal (3a) site and 20% Ni at the active Li site (3b). We find Ni2+/Ni3+/Ni4+ to be the active redox-center of the cathode with lithiation/delithiation occurring via a solid-solution reaction where the lattice responds approximately linearly with cycling, differing to that observed for iso-structural commercial cathodes with a lower level of cation mixing. The composite cathode has ∼75% active material and delivers an initial discharge-capacity of ∼103 mA h g-1 with a reasonable capacity retention of ∼84.4% after 100 cycles. Notably, the electrochemically-active component possesses a capacity of ∼139 mA h g-1, approaching that of the commercialized LiCoO2 and Li(Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3)O2 materials. Importantly, our operando neutron powder-diffraction results suggest excellent structural stability of this active component, which exhibits ∼80% less change in its stacking-axis than for LiCoO2 with approximately the same capacity, a characteristic that may be exploited to enhance significantly the capacity retention of this and similar materials

    Electrospun P2-type Na 2/3 (Fe 1/2 Mn 1/2 )O 2 hierarchical nano fibers as cathode material for sodium-ion batteries

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    Sodium-ion batteries can be the best alternative to lithium-ion batteries, because of their similar electrochemistry, nontoxicity, and elemental abundance and the low cost of sodium. They still stand in need of better cathodes in terms of their structural and electrochemical aspects

    Building High-Rate Nickel-Rich Cathodes by Self-Organization of Structurally Stable Macrovoid

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    Nickel-rich materials, as a front-running cathode for lithium-ion batteries suffer from inherent degradation issues such as inter/intragranular cracks and phase transition under the high-current density condition. Although vigorous efforts have mitigated these current issues, the practical applications are not successfully achieved due to the material instability and complex synthesis process. Herein, a structurally stable, macrovoid-containing, nickel-rich material is developed using an affordable, scalable, and one-pot coprecipitation method without using surfactants/etching agents/complex-ion forming agents. The strategically developed macrovoid-induced cathode via a self-organization process exhibits excellent full-cell rate capability, cycle life at discharge rate of 5 C, and structural stability even at the industrial electrode conditions, owing to the fast Li-ion diffusion, the internal macrovoid acting as "buffer zones" for stress relief, and highly stable nanostructure around the void during cycling. This strategy for nickel-rich cathodes can be viable for industries in the preparation of high-performance lithium-ion cells

    Hydrogen adsorption in flame synthesized and lithium intercalated carbon nanofibers: a comparative study

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    Carbon nanofibers (CNF) have been synthesized under partial combustion conditions in a flame reactor using different mixtures of hydrocarbon gases in the presence and absence of precursors. The hydrogen (H2) adsorption studies have been carried out using a high pressure Sievert\u27s apparatus maintained at a constant temperature (24°C). The flame synthesized CNFs showed high degree of H2 adsorption capacities at 100 atm pressure. The highest H2 capacities recorded have been 4.1 wt% [for CNF produced by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)-Air (E-17)], 3.7 wt% [for nano carbons produced by Methane-Acetylene-Air (EMAC-4)] and 5.04 wt% for [Lithium intercalated sample (Li-EMAC-4)] respectively

    Feasibility of Cathode Surface Coating Technology for High-Energy Lithium-ion and Beyond-Lithium-ion Batteries

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    Cathode material degradation during cycling is one of the key obstacles to upgrading lithium-ion and beyond-lithium-ion batteries for high-energy and varied-temperature applications. Herein, we highlight recent progress in material surface-coating as the foremost solution to resist the surface phase-transitions and cracking in cathode particles in mono-valent (Li, Na, K) and multi-valent (Mg, Ca, Al) ion batteries under high-voltage and varied-temperature conditions. Importantly, we shed light on the future of materials surface-coating technology with possible research directions. In this regard, we provide our viewpoint on a novel hybrid surface-coating strategy, which has been successfully evaluated in LiCoO2-based-Li-ion cells under adverse conditions with industrial specifications for customer-demanding applications. The proposed coating strategy includes a first surface-coating of the as-prepared cathode powders (by sol-gel) and then an ultra-thin ceramic-oxide coating on their electrodes (by atomic-layer deposition). What makes it appealing for industry applications is that such a coating strategy can effectively maintain the integrity of materials under electro-mechanical stress, at the cathode particle and electrode-levels. Furthermore, it leads to improved energy-density and voltage retention at 4.55 V and 45 degrees C with highly loaded electrodes (approximate to 24 mg.cm(-2)). Finally, the development of this coating technology for beyond-lithium-ion batteries could be a major research challenge, but one that is viable

    Sodium and lithium storage properties of spray-dried molybdenum disulfide-graphene hierarchical microspheres

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    Developing nano/micro-structures which can effectively upgrade the intriguing properties of electrode materials for energy storage devices is always a key research topic. Ultrathin nanosheets were proved to be one of the potential nanostructures due to their high specific surface area, good active contact areas and porous channels. Herein, we report a unique hierarchical micro-spherical morphology of well-stacked and completely miscible molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanosheets and graphene sheets, were successfully synthesized via a simple and industrial scale spray-drying technique to take the advantages of both MoS2 and graphene in terms of their high practical capacity values and high electronic conductivity, respectively. Computational studies were performed to understand the interfacial behaviour of MoS2 and graphene, which proves high stability of the composite with high interfacial binding energy (−2.02 eV) among them. Further, the lithium and sodium storage properties have been tested and reveal excellent cyclic stability over 250 and 500 cycles, respectively, with the highest initial capacity values of 1300 mAh g−1 and 640 mAh g−1 at 0.1 A g−1