62 research outputs found

    Modelling chaos in asymmetric optical fibres

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    A ray dynamical approach is developed for the study of large-core asymmetric step index fibres (SIF), especially those made from chalcogenide glasses (ChGs) which can exhibit very high refractive index, large numerical aperture, and which are transparent at mid-infrared wavelengths. The model allows for deformations of the SIF away from concentric circular structures, and for the light rays captured by the fibre to behave chaotically within the asymmetric boundaries of the fibre. Chaotic and periodic rays can be classified by the Poincaré surface of sections (SOSs). In the model, the ray dynamics in the SIF are approximated by dividing the SOSs into pixels; the construction of a transfer matrix stores all the mapping probabilities. The light intensity distribution in the SOSs is efficiently propagated using the constructed transfer matrix, providing a viable alternative to propagating all the rays in the SIF by brute force ray tracing. The model enables the rapid calculation of the power accumulated in the fibre core following an arbitrary excitation

    Modeling propagation in large deformed step-index fibers using a finite operator method

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    © 2019 Optical Society of America. A finite operator model is applied to the propagation of light in deformed step-index fibers. The distribution of the light captured by the fiber from an arbitrary initial excitation is illustrated in the phase space for each fiber boundary. The method proves to be promising in modeling the transmission of light in the presence of fiber asymmetries. Simulations are made of the captured power in the core in the presence of fiber deformations

    True mid-infrared Pr3+ absorption cross-section in a selenide-chalcogenide host-glass

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    The mid-infrared (MIR) spans the 3-25 m wavelength range. Rare-earth-ion doped selenide-chalcogenide glasses are being developed for direct-emission MIR fibre lasers. The true Pr3+ absorption cross-section in the 3.5-6 µm wavelength region of a Pr3+-doped (500 ppmw of Pr3+ i.e. 9.47 x 1019 Pr3+ ions cm-3) GeAsGaSe host-glass is presented, after numerically removing the underlying, extrinsic vibrational absorption due to [H-Se-] contamination of the host-glass

    Promising emission behavior in Pr 3+ /In selenide-chalcogenide-glass small-core step index fiber (SIF)

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    Selenide-chalcogenide glass, small-core, step-index fiber (SIF), core-doped with Pr3+: 9.51 × 1024 ions m−3 (500 ppmw) is fabricated for the first time with indium to help solubilize Pr3+. Core diameters of 20 or 40 μm are confirmed using scanning electron microscopy and near-field imaging; fibre numerical aperture is ∼0.4. Optical loss is ≥ 4.9 dB m−1 across the 3–9 μm mid-infrared (MIR) spectral range. On pumping at 1.55 μm or 2.013 μm, the SIFs give broad MIR emission across 3.5–6 μm assigned to 3H6 → 3H5 and 3H5 → 3H4. The Pr3+ emission-lifetime at 4.7 μm decreases from bulk-glass (10.1 ± 0.3 ms), to intermediately processed fiber (8.10 ± 0.5 ms) to SIF (7.1 ± 0.5 ms) induced by the processing. On end-pumping SIFs at 2.013 μm, the output pump-power and emission intensity at 4.7 μm became sub-linear and super-linear, respectively, suggesting MIR excited-state saturation is occurring

    True mid-infrared Pr3+ absorption cross-section in a selenide-chalcogenide host-glass

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    The mid-infrared (MIR) spans the 3-25 m wavelength range. Rare-earth-ion doped selenide-chalcogenide glasses are being developed for direct-emission MIR fibre lasers. The true Pr3+ absorption cross-section in the 3.5-6 µm wavelength region of a Pr3+-doped (500 ppmw of Pr3+ i.e. 9.47 x 1019 Pr3+ ions cm-3) GeAsGaSe host-glass is presented, after numerically removing the underlying, extrinsic vibrational absorption due to [H-Se-] contamination of the host-glass

    Characterising refractive index dispersion in chalcogenide glasses

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    Much effort has been devoted to the study of glasses that contain the chalcogen elements (sulfur, selenium and tellurium) for photonics’ applications out to MIR wavelengths. In this paper we describe some techniques for determining the refractive index dispersion characteristics of these glasses. Knowledge of material dispersion is critical in delivering step-index fibres including with high numerical aperture for mid-infrared supercontinuum generation

    Comparative modeling of infrared fiber lasers

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    The modeling and design of fiber lasers facilitate the process of their practical realization. Of particular interest during the last few years is the development of lanthanide ion-doped fiber lasers that operate at wavelengths exceeding 2000 nm. There are two main host glass materials considered for this purpose, namely fluoride and chalcogenide glasses. Therefore, this study concerned comparative modeling of fiber lasers operating within the infrared wavelength region beyond 2000 nm. In particular, the convergence properties of selected algorithms, implemented within various software environments, were studied with a specific focus on the central processing unit (CPU) time and calculation residual. Two representative fiber laser cavities were considered: One was based on a chalcogenide-selenide glass step-index fiber doped with trivalent dysprosium ions, whereas the other was a fluoride step-index fiber doped with trivalent erbium ions. The practical calculation accuracy was also assessed by comparing directly the results obtained from the different models

    Numerical modelling of Tb3+ doped selenide-chalcogenide multimode fibre based spontaneous emission sources

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    A model is developed of a terbium (III) ion doped selenide chalcogenide glass fibre source that provides spontaneous emission within the mid-infrared (MIR) wavelength range. Three numerical algorithms are used to calculate the solution and compare their properties

    Numerical modeling of lathanide-ion doped fibre lasers operating within mid-infrared wavelength region

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    We discuss the numerical modelling of lanthanide-ion doped chalcogenide glass fibre lasers for operation in the mid-infrared wavelength region. We extract the modelling parameters from emission and absorption measurements using Judd-Ofelt and McCumber theory. Numerical algorithms are developed based on the experimentally extracted fibre parameters. The simulation results predict lasing with slope efficiency of at least 20 % provided, that the fibre loss can be kept at the level of 1 dB/m or less

    Modelling of multimode selenide-chalcogenide glass fibre based MIR spontaneous emission sources

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    Chalcogenide glass fibres have been demonstrated as a suitable medium for the realisation of spontaneous emission sources for mid-infrared photonics applications with a particular emphasis on sensor technology. Such sources give a viable alternative to other solutions due to their potentially low cost, high reliability and robustness when pumped using commercially available semiconductor lasers. We present a comprehensive analysis of the properties of selenide-chalcogenide glass fibres applied as spontaneous emission sources. We extract the modelling parameters from measurements using in house fabricated bulk glass and fibre samples. We apply the well-established rate equations approach to determine the level populations, the distribution of the photon intensity within the fibre and the output power levels. We compare the modelling results with experiment
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