19 research outputs found

    Management of Krimigranthi (Ulcerative blepharitis) through Ayurveda : A Case Study

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    Ayurveda, science of life which signifies the maintenance of heath of a healthy person and to cure the diseased person who enables them to lead joyful life. Shalakya Tantra, a branch of Ayurveda which deals with disease of Urdwajatrugata Rogas in which the importance to healthy eye comes first as Acharya Vagbhata says Chakshu Rakshaya Sarvakaalam Yavadiccha means a person who want to live for a long life also should give importance to health of eye because for blind person even if he have enough wealth he is considered as insect, for him day and night remains the same. Krimi Granthi (ulcerative blepharitis), disease classified under Sandhigata Roga where there will be a cyst like swelling produced by Krimis (bacteria) in eye lids and eye lashes, a case of ulcerative blepharitis having symptoms of swelling over eye lid with mild pain which was reoccurring in nature was treated with Daru Haridra Seka and Triphala Rasakriya Netra Pratisarana along with internal medications

    Utility of Rasa Aushadhi in Nasa Roga

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    Shalakya Tantra deals with the vital sense organs located above the Jatru, also considered as the Uttamanga in Ayurveda. Detailed description of diseases of nose and paranasal sinuses are explained in the Ayurvedic classics, titled as ‘Nasa Rogas’. Diseases of nose are among the commonest problems in the otorhinolaryngology. Depending upon the cause and severity nasal diseases can be temporary or persistent, unilateral or bilateral, of recent origin or long termed. The commonly seen causes include common cold, allergy, infections of nose and PNS, defects of nasal septum and other structures, inflammatory conditions of nose and PNS, foreign body, benign and malignant tumours, polypi, enlarged adenoid, trauma etc. And the commonly seen diseases of nose are allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, rhino sinusitis, rhinitis sicca etc. For the management of Nasa Rogas, Shamana or Shodhana methods of treatments can be adopted. As Shodhana line of treatment requires the consideration of Rithu (season), Pathya (diet), and other restrictions Shamana line of treatment can be adopted so, it can be used irrespective of all seasons, with minimal diet and other restrictions. Rasa Aushadis are said to be best among Shamana Aushadhi. Because Rasa Aushadhi offers potent immunization, has rejuvenating effect and is used in the treatment of the diseases as they have low dose, swift action, long shelf life, palatability and high efficacy. &nbsp


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    Background & Objectives: Timira is one among the Drishtigata nerta roga explained by our ancient Acharyas. If proper care is not taken, Timira leads to Kaca which in turn to Linganasha. Any opacity in the lens or its capsule, whether developmental or acquired is called as cataract. There are no non-surgical measures which delay, prevent or reverse the development of cataract in conventional system of medicine; the only definite management is lens extraction once it reaches matured stage. Objectives are to evaluate the efficacy of Triphala choorna with Krishnadi anjana and Triphala choorna in the management of Timira and to compare the clinical efficacies of both the groups. Methods: A randomized clinical study was taken up. 40 patients of Timira were selected from OPD/IPD of the Shalakya tantra department of SKAMCH&RC, Bengaluru and made into two groups. Patients of Group A were treated with Krishnadi varti anjana along with Triphala choorna internally for 48 days. Patients of Group B were treated with Triphala choorna internally for 48 days. The effect of treatment was statistically analyzed using unpaired and paired student’s ‘t’–test. Results: The group with both Krishnadi varti anjana and Triphala choorna responded better when compared to the group with only Triphala choorna based on statistical analysis indicating the added effect of Krishnadi varti anjana in Group A. Interpretation and Conclusion:  Krishnadi varti anjana and Triphala choorna are the two effective modalities of treatment which can be adopted in Timira w.s.r. to senile immature cataract


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    Blepharitis or inflammation of the eye lid is one of the most frequently encountered eyelid disorder. It is often a troublesome condition for patients owing to the long standing nature of disease and fluctuations in its severity. The chronic inflammation can cause the damage to occular surface ie to the conjunctiva and cornea because of the intimate relationship between the lids and ocular surface. Blepharitis, if not recognized and appropriately managed, can lead to worsening of signs and symptoms, changes in visual function, disrupted preocular tear film, structural changes in eyelash follicle resulting in trichiasis, madarosis, tylosis and a negative impact on quality of life of patients.Complete disease elimination is rarely achieved with the modern line of management which include topical antibiotic and weak steroid ointment. Based on the site of pathology, clinical features and the sequale of the disease it can be well correlated with the Sandhigata roga -Krumigranthi wherein the Krumis will later invade to the inner structures of eye. Pratisarana is one of the treatment modality explained for the treatment of Krumigranthi in the classics. Thus an observational study has been conducted on patients (n=10) of Shalakya tantra OPD of SKAMC, Bangalore to evaluate the efficacy of Triphaladi pratisarana in the management of Krumigranthi. The present study has come out with promising results in the reduction of signs and symptoms of anterior blepharitis. However clinical trials on large sample with long duration of follow up is necessary to establish the efficacy of Pratisarana as a procedure of choice and to analyse the recurrence rate after treatment.


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    Kriyakalpa- Topical Ocular Therapeutic procedures enlisted under Bahirparimarjana Chikitsa are boon to treat Netra vikaras in present day practice as it carry the advantages such as the structures directly, crossing certain barriers providing more time for bio-availability. Acharya Sharangadhara has also highlighted Kriyakalpa and also gave a clinical order of application of these procedures. He opined that Netra Parisheka/Seka (closed eye irrigation), Ashchyotana (Eye drops), Pindi (Poultice application), Bidalaka (application of medicated paste on lids), these four are applied in Aamavastha (inflammatory stage), where as Tarpana (Satiation), Putapaka (retention of medicinal decoction along with Mamsa rasa), Anjana (Collyrium/eye ointment) are indicated in Nira amavastha (chronic stage) of Netra roga (Eye diseases). These are the seven procedures in order of their clinical application. The importance of Seka (irrigation) - local ocular therapeutic and its measures in eye care is immense in to the present day in any inflammatory conditions as acute management due to its vast advantages, cost effect, availability of the drugs and procedure. In this area of Presentation a brief overview on Seka, its variants, Indications, Clinical applications and rationality of the drugs used which are commonly available and Probable mode of action will be convened to increase the confident level and make more ease to practice Seka in different inflammatory conditions as an acute management to achieve success clinically

    Ksharavarti Prayoga (Alkali thread) in Puyalasa (Acute Dacryocystitis) : A Case Report

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    Puyalasa, one among the Sandhigataroga can be correlated to dacryocystitis based on the symptomatology which includes swelling in inner canthus, which later undergoes suppuration causing thick purulent discharge. Dacryocystitis is the inflammation of the lacrimal sac. Management of acute dacryocystitis differs based on the stage. Puyalasa treatment includes Raktamokshana (blood letting), Upanaha (poultice) and other Vranashotha (inflammatory swelling) treatment. A 28 year old female patient diagnosed as Puyalasa (acute dacryocystitis) was treated with blood letting, Ksharavarti (alkali thread) insertion and Bidalaka (applying medicines in paste form over eyelids) and the results proved to be significant on the basis of clinical assessment

    Effect of Vasaguduchyadi Kashaya in improving oxygen saturation in Covid patient - A Case Report

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    A pandemic of covid-19 caused by a mutant strain of corona virus i.e., SARS-coV-2 that has a capability to trigger respiratory tract infection has threatened the life of people all over the world. There is no proven medicine which can kill the virus and cure the disease. The Covid-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The most common symptoms of Covid-19 are Fever, cough, fatigue, loss of taste, sore throat and smell sensation. Other symptoms which are less common are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills and dizziness. In Ayurveda, Acharya Charaka has explained the concept of epidemic diseases in the chapter Janapadodhwamsa of Vimana Sthana. There he has explained about the factors like Dooshita Vayu, Jala, Desha and Kaala in causing illness. If we see the Laxanas of covid19, they resemble like the Lakshanas of Pratishyaya where Acharya Sushruta has mentioned the Laxanas of Pratishyaya as Shirogurutva, Kshavatu, Angamarda and in Upadrava he mentioned Jwara and Arochaka Amrutarista which is mentioned in Jwara Rogadhikara in Bhaishajya Ratnavali is used in this case along with Vasaguduchyadi Kashaya which contains Vasa, Guduchi, Triphala, Vibhitaki, Katvi, Bhunimba, Nimba are helpful in reducing viral load and acts as Kaasa Shwasa Hara

    Anterior Uveitis and management in Ayurveda - A Case Study

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    Anterior uveitis is inflammation of the Uveal tissue from iris upto Pars plicata of ciliary body, which is a common cause for painful red eye. It usually affects people of 20 -50 years of age and account for 10 -15% of cases of legal blindness in developed countries. Depending on the clinical presentation it can be categorised as Iritis, Cyclitis or iridocyclitis. It is typically characterized by photophobia, pain, ciliary congestion, Blurred vision, Keratic precipitates, Aqueous flare and cells and often pooled with Auto immune diseases. If untreated, it can cause permanent visual loss and serious complications such as glaucoma, cataract, and cystoid macular oedema, Retinal detachment. Reducing the inflammation with the help of steroids, Immunosuppressant (topically, systematically) are the treatments indicated in contemporary science but these have their own side-effects and many entities are such that the recurrence rates are very high in spite of treatment or will be non-responsive. So it is coherent to adopt Ayurvedic treatment principles to resolve the ailment securely and to overcome the magnitudes of recurrence. The clinical features of Anterior Uveitis simulates to Pittaja and Raktaja Adhimanta to a greater extent and treatment modalities can be adopted based on Doshas and Samprapthi involved. In this paper, a special case report of a 51 years old male patient with Anterior Uveitis who showed marked improvement with Ayurvedic management is presented. The possible role of Ayurveda in its management and mode of action is also discussed here

    A single case report on Ocular Rhinosporidiosis

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    Rhinosporidiosis is an enigmatic disease which has been known to medicine since 1900. It is a chronic infestation caused by Rhinosporidium seeberi, which predominantly affects the mucus membrane of eye, nose and nasopharynx. We report a case of rhinosporidiosis with presentation of mass which looks like a chalazia present in left upper lid. Here the case ultimately managed by surgical resection followed by Ayurvedic treatment and antibiotic eye drops for a duration of one month. Despite it has chance of recurrence but here after an year also patient doesn’t have any complaints regarding the same. Here 24 year old female patient diagnosed with Rhinosporidiosis was advised to undergo Pratisarana followed with Bidalaka and later excision. Patient came for follow-up after 1 year, there was no recurrence as well as no complaints particular to rhinosporidiasis

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Nidana for Netra Rogas as explained by different Ayurveda instigators in the specific context of Netra Shalakya

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    Ayurvedic way of diagnosis has two basic components mainly Rogapariksha and Rogipariksha. Among them Rogapariksha gives us the detailed knowledge about a disease starting from the etiological aspects to the actual manifestion of disease. The five basic components of Rogapariksha are Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa, Samprapti and Upashaya, which are collectively known as Nidana Panchakas. Nidana, the foremost component among them not only gives the knowledge of causative factors but also helps in treatment by avoiding them. Among all the Indriyas, Netra is said to be Pradhana, thus a special care and concern should be taken to protect it. Understanding the strength of the causative factors for eye diseses will help to execute the treatment appropriately and maintain the healthy vision. Thus an attempt is made to analyse the Netra Roga Nidana in this presentation