55 research outputs found

    Transvaginal ultrasound and digital examination for predicting successful labour induction in postterm pregnancy

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    Objective: To compare transvaginal ultrasound and digital cervical examination in predicting successful induction in post-term pregnancy. Methods: Transvaginal ultrasound and digital examinations were performed on 122 women at 41 or more weeks' gestation, immediately before labor induction. Ultrasound assessments of cervical length, dilatation, and presence of funneling were compared with the components of the Bishop score. The primary outcome was the rate of vaginal delivery. Secondary outcomes included the rates of active labor in 12 hours, vaginal delivery in 12 and 24 hours, mean duration of latent phase labour, and induction to vaginal delivery interval. Linear and logistic regression models were generated to identify factors independently associated with successful induction. Results: No ultrasound characteristic predicted primary or secondary outcomes. Bishop score, cervical position, and maternal age independently predicted vaginal delivery. Maternal weight, cervical dilatation, and effacement independently predicted active labor in 12 hours. Independent predictors of vaginal delivery in 12 hours were induction method, dilatation, gravidity, and maternal weight. Cervical effacement and parity independently predicted vaginal delivery in 24 hours. Maternal weight, cervical position, dilatation were independently associated with latent phase duration. Factors associated with induction to delivery interval were parity, effacement, and maternal weight. Conclusion: Transvaginal ultrasound does not predict successful labor induction in post term pregnancy as well as digital cervical examination

    Choosing a marriage partner: Insights from young Indians on beliefs, perceptions, and preferences, and 3 key questions for screening

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    Abstract Background: Although several studies have been conducted on marriage and marriage partner selection, there is still much to understand about the multifaceted aspects of this phenomenon in India. Objective: This study aimed to explore beliefs, perceptions, and preferences related to marriage partner selection and identify three key questions to screen potential marriage partners. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted online through a self-administered questionnaire created on Google Forms and distributed through popular social media channels like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook. The study targeted young adults aged 18 years and above and collected data from Jul 22, 2022 to Feb 7, 2023. The semi-structured questionnaire captured demographic information, beliefs, perceptions, and preferences regarding marriage partner selection. Participants were also asked three key questions they would prefer to ask their potential marriage partner. The questionnaire was filled out anonymously after obtaining informed consent from all participants. The data collected were exported to Microsoft Excel, and quantitative data analysis was done using R software, while qualitative data were opencoded by the authors and categorized into meaningful groups. After several discussion sessions, the three key questions were selected from personal, marriage and family, and career and life domains, and disagreements were 15 resolved by consensus. The results were reviewed and validated by four participants to ensure validity. Results: The majority of participants considered marriage to be beneficial for emotional stability, companionship, and social support but viewed increased responsibilities as a disadvantage. Love marriage was preferred over arranged marriage, with age and financial stability seen as important factors for marriage. In screening a potential marriage partner, participants identified communication skills as the first quality they would observe and tested loyalty. They also preferred partners who possess loyalty and understanding as top qualities. The majority believed that both marriage partners should work and earn money. Three vital questions to ask a potential marriage partner identified were related to personal and career goals for the next 5 or 10 years, description of themselves, and their family’s expectations and preferences for their future partner. Conclusion: The findings highlight the importance of companionship, emotional stability, and social support in marriages, as well as the potential stressors and expectations associated with marriage. These findings can inform policies and educational interventions to promote healthy relationships and marriages among young adults. To enhance the external validity of the findings, a larger sample size and a more diverse population can be included in future studies

    A study of thyroid dysfunction in dysfunctional uterine bleeding

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    Background: The objective of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of thyroid disorder in dysfunctional uterine bleeding and to assess the menstrual pattern in women with thyroid disorders.Methods: The present study was conducted on 104 patients who presented with dysfunctional uterine bleeding in gynecology OPD/IPD Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, SCBMCH, Cuttack, India.Results: Among the 104 women 16 (15.3%) had hypothyroidism, 3 (2.8%) had hyperthyroidism and 75 (72.1%) were euthyroid and 10(9.6%) subclinical hypothyroidisim. Menorrhagia was the most common menstrual disorder in hypothyroidism and oligomenorrhoea in hyperthyroidism. In the present study the age group of 41-50 year and multyparity (para-2) and commonest are menorrhagic 42 (40.38%). Menorrhagia in hypothyroidisim 15 (72.4%) cases and oligomenorrhoea in hyperthyroidisim 3 (10.3%).Conclusions: Thyroid dysfunction should be considered as an important aetiological factor in menstrual disturbances and thyroid assessment should be done in all patients with menstrual irregularities. Therefore, to conclude any type of menstrual abnormality should be considered as a possible presenting symptom of thyroid dysfunction and it may even indicate subclinical abnormality, evaluation of thyroid would avoid unnecessary surgeries and exposure to hormones

    Effect of Sowing Dates and Nitrogen Levels on Population of Okra Jassids (Amrasca biguttula biguttula Ishida)

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    Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. (Moench) is one of the most important vegetable crops grown in Nepal. The crop is susceptible to various insect pests of which jassids (Amrasca biguttula biguttula Ishida.) is most predominant which reduces production and deteriorates seed quality of okra. A field study was conducted at Horticulture Farm, Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal to elucidate the effect of sowing date and nitrogen levels on the population and damage of jassids from April to September 2018. Three levels of nitrogen (100, 200 and 300 kg N ha-1) and five sowing dates (8th April, 20th April, 2nd May, 14th May and 26th May, 2018) were evaluated in randomized complete block design with three replications. Results indicated that the highest damage score was recorded in okra which was sown on 8th April (2.39) followed by 20th April (2.31) and 2nd May (1.26). The highest damage score of jassids was obtained with the use of nitrogen at the rate of 200 kg ha-1 (1.94) followed by 300 kg/ha (1.72) and 100 kg ha-1 (1.54). Mean population of jassids was maximum with okra sown on 20th April (29.91) and minimum with okra sown on 26th May (6.95). This study showed that late planting i.e. 26th May and applying low level of nitrogen i.e. 100 kg N ha- 1is an effective approach for reducing the jassids population and its damage in okra

    Partial molar pregnancy associated with a normal appearing foetus: a case report and review of the literature

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    Partial molar pregnancy is a rare entity in which there is usually a triploid abnormal foetus associated with a large placenta with cystic changes. The incidence of a normal diploid foetus and a partial molar placenta is extremely rare. Here we report a case of partial molar pregnancy in which a normal appearing foetus with diploid karyotype coexist. In this case a 24yr old primigravida at 20 week 3days gestation presented with 3-4 episodes of vaginal bleeding and generalised swelling of body since one month. On evaluation she was found to have moderate anaemia, proteinuria, raised serum β hcg and USG showed a single live foetus with thickened cystic placenta covering the internal os. After counselling patient was put up for hysterotomy. The product of conception and placenta were sent for histopathology and karyotyping which confirmed partial hydatidiform mole with trisomy 21 foetus. Patient had uneventful post op period and was followed up with serial β hcg measurement which fell to undetectable levels within two months.


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    Objective: Infertility has been known to cause serious social and emotional problems in India. Microorganisms may be a primary cause for thisinfertility. This study was carried out to know the prevalence of microorganisms in the infertility couples of a tertiary caring teaching hospital.Methods: One thousands of couples were screened for the infertility test presented at the outpatient Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.The suspected infertility couples were tested for microbial contamination in their reproductive sample. Simultaneously, the demographic data of allpatients were documented, and all the data were analyzed with SPSS 20 software.Result: From one thousand couples, 288 couples were found infertility symptoms, whereas 67.71% were primary infertility problems and rest weresecondary. It is due to male factor (27.08%), female factor (50%), and both (4.86%) but 18.05 were unexplained. From vaginal swabs, 186 and semen145 microbial colony were grown. However, Chi-square (χ) showed that there is no significant difference between the growth of microbial colony from semen or vaginal swap as p=0.06. Eight varieties of bacteria (387) and Candida albicans (37) were documented. 2Conclusion: With respect to older ages of the infertile couples, it is more chances to infections. Antibiotic should be prescribed to primary infertilitycouples and infections can be avoided the cross transmission during intercourse.Keywords: Primary infertility, Candida, Semen, Antibiotic, Vaginal swab

    Ruptured rudimentary horn pregnancy of unicornuate uterus: a case report

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    Unicornuate uterus with rudimentary horn occurs due to failure of complete development of one of the Mullerian ducts and incomplete fusion with the contralateral side. Pregnancy in the noncommunicating rudimentary horn is extremely rare and usually terminates in rupture during first or second trimester of pregnancy. Pregnancy occurs via transperitoneal migration of sperm or zygote. Variable thickness of rudimentary horn musculature, poor distensibility of myometrium lead to rupture. This complication is usually seen in 2nd trimester resulting in shock and haemoperitoneum. Diagnosis of rudimentary horn pregnancy is difficult and can be missed in ultrasound. It requires a high risk of suspicion. We report a case of G2A1 with pregnancy of 20 weeks gestation which was suspected as intraabdominal pregnancy on ultrasound and on laparotomy a live fetus of 19 weeks in intact gestational sac was found in ruptured left noncommunication horn of unicornuate uterus with haemoperitoneum. Timely laparotomy, excision of the horn and blood transfusion saved the patient
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