209 research outputs found

    Microplastics dysregulate innate immunity in the SARS-CoV-2 infected lung

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    IntroductionGlobal microplastic (MP) pollution is now well recognized, with humans and animals consuming and inhaling MPs on a daily basis, with a growing body of concern surrounding the potential impacts on human health.MethodsUsing a mouse model of mild COVID-19, we describe herein the effects of azide-free 1 μm polystyrene MP beads, co-delivered into lungs with a SARS-CoV-2 omicron BA.5 inoculum. The effect of MPs on the host response to SARS-CoV-2 infection was analysed using histopathology and RNA-Seq at 2 and 6 days post-infection (dpi).ResultsAlthough infection reduced clearance of MPs from the lung, virus titres and viral RNA levels were not significantly affected by MPs, and overt MP-associated clinical or histopathological changes were not observed. However, RNA-Seq of infected lungs revealed that MP exposure suppressed innate immune responses at 2 dpi and increased pro-inflammatory signatures at 6 dpi. The cytokine profile at 6 dpi showed a significant correlation with the ‘cytokine release syndrome’ signature observed in some COVID-19 patients.DiscussionThe findings are consistent with the recent finding that MPs can inhibit phagocytosis of apoptotic cells via binding of Tim4. They also add to a growing body of literature suggesting that MPs can dysregulate inflammatory processes in specific disease settings

    Kunjin virus replicons: an RNA-based, non-cytopathic viral vector system for protein production, vaccine and gene therapy applications

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    The application of viral vectors for gene expression and delivery is rapidly evolving, with several entering clinical trials. However, a number of issues, including safety, gene expression levels, cell selectivity and antivector immunity, are driving the search for new vector systems. A number of replicon-based vectors derived from positive-strand RNA viruses have recently been developed, and this paper reviews the current knowledge on the first flavivirus replicon system, which is based on the Australian flavivirus Kunjin NUN). Like most replicon systems, KUN replicons can be delivered as DNA, RNA or virus-like particles, they replicate their RNA in the cytoplasm and direct prolonged high-level gene expression. However, unlike most alphavirus replicon systems, KUN replicons are non-cytopathic, with transfected cells able to divide, allowing the establishment of cell lines stably expressing replicon RNA and heterologous genes. As vaccine vectors KUN replicons can induce potent, long-lived, protective, immunogen-specific CD8(+) T cell immunity, a feature potentially related to extended production of antigen and double-stranded RNA-induced 'danger signals'. The identification of KUN replicon mutants that induce increased levels of IFN-alpha/beta has also spawned investigation of KUN replicons for use in cancer gene therapy. The unique characteristics of KUN replicons may thus make them suitable for specific protein production, vaccine and gene therapy applications

    SerpinB2 deficiency in mice reduces bleeding times via dysregulated platelet activation

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    SerpinB2, also known as plasminogen activation inhibitor type 2 (PAI-2), is classically viewed as an inhibitor of fibrinolysis. However, we show herein a distinct, hitherto unrecognized role for SerpinB2 in hemostasis. Mice deficient in SerpinB2 expression and mice with an active site mutation in SerpinB2, both showed significant reductions in tail bleeding times. This hemostatic phenotype was associated with platelets, with SerpinB2 and SerpinB2-urokinase complexes clearly present in platelet fractions, and immunohistochemistry of blood clots suggesting SerpinB2 is associated with platelet aggregates. Thromboelastography illustrated faster onset of clot formation in blood from SerpinB2 deficient mice, whereas clotting of platelet-free plasma was unaffected. The results appear consistent with the low circulating SerpinB2 levels and hypercoagulation seen during pre-eclampsia; however, SerpinB2 was not detected in human platelets.This work was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australi

    Identification and characterization of a Ross River virus variant that grows persistently in macrophages, shows altered disease kinetics in a mouse model, and exhibits resistance to type I interferon

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    Alphaviruses, such as chikungunya virus, o'nyong-nyong virus, and Ross River virus (RRV), cause outbreaks of human rheumatic disease worldwide. RRV is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus endemic to Australia and Papua New Guinea. In this study, we sought to establish an in vitro model of RRV evolution in response to cellular antiviral defense mechanisms. RRV was able to establish persistent infection in activated macrophages, and a small-plaque variant (RRVPERS) was isolated after several weeks of culture. Nucleotide sequence analysis of RRV PERS found several nucleotide differences in the nonstructural protein (nsP) region of the RRV PERS genome. A point mutation was also detected in the E2 gene. Compared to the parent virus (RRV-T48), RRV PERS showed significantly enhanced resistance to beta interferon (IFN-β)-stimulated antiviral activity. RRV PERS infection of RAW 264.7 macrophages induced lower levels of IFN-β expression and production than infection with RRV-T48. RRV PERS was also able to inhibit type I IFN signaling. Mice infected with RRV PERS exhibited significantly enhanced disease severity and mortality compared to mice infected with RRV-T48. These results provide strong evidence that the cellular antiviral response can direct selective pressure for viral sequence evolution that impacts on virus fitness and sensitivity to alpha/beta IFN (IFN-α/β).Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    SARS-CoV-2 omicron BA.5 and XBB variants have increased neurotropic potential over BA.1 in K18-hACE2 mice and human brain organoids

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    The reduced pathogenicity of the omicron BA.1 sub-lineage compared to earlier variants is well described, although whether such attenuation is retained for later variants like BA.5 and XBB remains controversial. We show that BA.5 and XBB isolates were significantly more pathogenic in K18-hACE2 mice than a BA.1 isolate, showing increased neurotropic potential, resulting in fulminant brain infection and mortality, similar to that seen for original ancestral isolates. BA.5 also infected human cortical brain organoids to a greater extent than the BA.1 and original ancestral isolates. In the brains of mice, neurons were the main target of infection, and in human organoids neuronal progenitor cells and immature neurons were infected. The results herein suggest that evolving omicron variants may have increasing neurotropic potential

    Rapid inactivation and sample preparation for SARS-CoV-2 PCR-based diagnostics using TNA-Cifer Reagent E

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    RT-qPCR remains a key diagnostic methodology for COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2. Typically, nasal or saliva swabs from patients are placed in virus transport media (VTM), RNA is extracted at the pathology laboratory, and viral RNA is measured using RT-qPCR. In this study, we describe the use of TNA-Cifer Reagent E in a pre-clinical evaluation study to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 as well as prepare samples for RT-qPCR. Adding 1 part TNA-Cifer Reagent E to 5 parts medium containing SARS-CoV-2 for 10 min at room temperature inactivated the virus and permitted RT-qPCR detection. TNA-Cifer Reagent E was compared with established column-based RNA extraction and purification methodology using a panel of human clinical nasal swab samples (n = 61), with TNA-Cifer Reagent E showing high specificity (100%) and sensitivity (97.37%). Mixtures of SARS-CoV-2 virus and TNA-Cifer Reagent E could be stored for 3 days at room temperature or for 2 weeks at 4°C without the loss of RT-qPCR detection sensitivity. The detection sensitivity was preserved when TNA-Cifer Reagent E was used in conjunction with a range of VTM for saliva samples but only PBS (Gibco) and Amies Orange for nasal samples. Thus, TNA-Cifer Reagent E improves safety by rapidly inactivating the virus during sample processing, potentially providing a safe means for molecular SARS-CoV-2 testing outside traditional laboratory settings. The reagent also eliminates the need for column-based and/or automated viral RNA extraction/purification processes, thereby providing cost savings for equipment and reagents, as well as reducing processing and handling times

    Identification and characterization of a Ross River virus variant that grows persistently in macrophages, shows altered disease kinetics in a mouse model, and exhibits resistance to type I interferon

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    Alphaviruses, such as chikungunya virus, o'nyong-nyong virus, and Ross River virus (RRV), cause outbreaks of human rheumatic disease worldwide. RRV is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus endemic to Australia and Papua New Guinea. In this study, we sought to establish an in vitro model of RRV evolution in response to cellular antiviral defense mechanisms. RRV was able to establish persistent infection in activated macrophages, and a small-plaque variant (RRVPERS) was isolated after several weeks of culture. Nucleotide sequence analysis of RRV PERS found several nucleotide differences in the nonstructural protein (nsP) region of the RRV PERS genome. A point mutation was also detected in the E2 gene. Compared to the parent virus (RRV-T48), RRV PERS showed significantly enhanced resistance to beta interferon (IFN-β)-stimulated antiviral activity. RRV PERS infection of RAW 264.7 macrophages induced lower levels of IFN-β expression and production than infection with RRV-T48. RRV PERS was also able to inhibit type I IFN signaling. Mice infected with RRV PERS exhibited significantly enhanced disease severity and mortality compared to mice infected with RRV-T48. These results provide strong evidence that the cellular antiviral response can direct selective pressure for viral sequence evolution that impacts on virus fitness and sensitivity to alpha/beta IFN (IFN-α/β).Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    A Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody Targeting the Acid-Sensitive Region in Chikungunya Virus E2 Protects from Disease.

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    The mosquito-borne alphavirus, chikungunya virus (CHIKV), has recently reemerged, producing the largest epidemic ever recorded for this virus, with up to 6.5 million cases of acute and chronic rheumatic disease. There are currently no licensed vaccines for CHIKV and current anti-inflammatory drug treatment is often inadequate. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of two human monoclonal antibodies, C9 and E8, from CHIKV infected and recovered individuals. C9 was determined to be a potent virus neutralizing antibody and a biosensor antibody binding study demonstrated it recognized residues on intact CHIKV VLPs. Shotgun mutagenesis alanine scanning of 98 percent of the residues in the E1 and E2 glycoproteins of CHIKV envelope showed that the epitope bound by C9 included amino-acid 162 in the acid-sensitive region (ASR) of the CHIKV E2 glycoprotein. The ASR is critical for the rearrangement of CHIKV E2 during fusion and viral entry into host cells, and we predict that C9 prevents these events from occurring. When used prophylactically in a CHIKV mouse model, C9 completely protected against CHIKV viremia and arthritis. We also observed that when administered therapeutically at 8 or 18 hours post-CHIKV challenge, C9 gave 100% protection in a pathogenic mouse model. Given that targeting this novel neutralizing epitope in E2 can potently protect both in vitro and in vivo, it is likely to be an important region both for future antibody and vaccine-based interventions against CHIKV

    Temperature alters gene expression in mosquitoes during arbovirus infection

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    ABSTRACTArthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) such as dengue, Zika and chikungunya constitute a significant proportion of the global disease burden. The principal vector of these pathogens is the mosquito Aedes (Ae.) aegypti, and its ability to transmit virus to a human host is influenced by environmental factors such as temperature. However, exactly how ambient temperature influences virus replication within mosquitoes remains poorly elucidated, particularly at the molecular level. Here, we use chikungunya virus (CHIKV) as a model to understand how the host mosquito transcriptome responds to arbovirus infection under different ambient temperatures. We exposed CHIKV-infected mosquitoes to 18 °C, 28 °C and 32 °C, and found higher temperature correlated with higher virus replication levels, particularly at early time points post-infection. Lower ambient temperatures resulted in reduced virus replication levels. Using RNAseq, we found that temperature significantly altered gene expression levels in mosquitoes, particularly components of the immune response. The highest number of significantly differentially expressed genes in response to CHIKV was observed at 28 °C, with a markedly more muted effect observed at either lower (18 °C) or higher (32 °C) temperatures. At the higher temperature, the expression of many classical immune genes, including Dicer-2 in the RNAi pathway, was not substantially altered in response to CHIKV. Upregulation of Toll, IMD and JAK-STAT pathways was only observed at 28 °C. Time post infection also led to substantially different gene expression profiles, and this effect varied depending upon the which temperature mosquitoes were exposed to. Taken together, our data indicate temperature significantly modulates mosquito gene expression in response to infection, potentially leading to impairment of immune defences at higher ambient temperatures.</jats:p