10 research outputs found

    Model Dakwah Fardiyah Tarekat Qodiriyah Wa Naqsabandiyah

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    Da'wah can be done with model medley, one of it named ad-da'wah fardiyah that was done by tarekat Qadiriyah wa naqsabandiyah's fellow men. Unique characteristic of model it lays in mention or greeting in the context relationship between them; mursyid's call to teachers, sheikh for tarekat's founder, murid for what do bailing knowledge, ikhwan for each member. Naming or use of greeting word purpose is not pointless even have particular implication to attitude, interaction and teaching pattern between them

    Konsep Dasar Semiotika Dalam Komunikasi Massa Menurut Charles Sanders Pierce

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    Sign or symbol in mass communication is not something with without makna. Nevertheless, it is not easy for anyone to can comprehend that sign. Minimally, that is a method for it, is named semiotic. Charles Sanders Pierce introduce pragmatism for this method. For him, semiotics have three researches area: syntactic semiotic, semantic semiotic and pragmatic semiotic. Sintaktic semiotic, teach the relation between sign with others sign; semantic semiotic, teach the relation and consequence in interpretant/ relation between sign and its denotation; pragmatic semiotic, teach relation between sign with user of sign

    Model Dakwah Fardiyah Tarekat Qodiriyah wa Naqsabandiyah

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    Da’wah can be done with  model medley,  one of it named  ad-da’wah fardiyah that was done by tarekat Qadiriyah wa naqsabandiyah's fellow men. Unique characteristic of model it lays in mention or greeting in the context relationship between them; mursyid's call to teachers, sheikh for tarekat's founder, murid for what do bailing knowledge, ikhwan for each member. Naming or use of greeting word purpose is not pointless even have particular implication to attitude, interaction and teaching pattern between them

    The Da'wah of Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah in Social Media of Facebook

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    The high number of social media users in Indonesia raises opportunities for various parties to use it. Not only for business, politics and campaign, but also for Islamic purposes. The two largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah, also use facebook social media as a medium of propaganda. The research aims to find out the propaganda of NU and Muhammadiyah on facebook social media, both related to the missionary strategy and related to the portrait of the second da'wah of the largest religious organization in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques carried out by literature study and observing both da'wah on the Facebook network. The data used in this study is qualitative data which is based on literature review and analysis of the two media Facebook organizations. The research resulted in a conclusion that the NU and Muhammadiyah da'wah strategies on facebook social media generally still use a normative pattern. Da'wah messages have not been creatively packaged, and generally still lack innovation. Da'wah material is still struggling in the area of aqeedah, morals and muamalah. Current issues that require study and solutions from an Islamic perspective are still relatively limited. Tingginya pengguna media sosial di Indonesia memunculkan peluang berbagai pihak untuk memanfaatkannya. Bukan hanya untuk bisnis, politik, dan kampanye semata, tetapi  juga untuk syiar Islam. Dua ormas Islam terbesar di Indonesia yaitu Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) dan Muhammadiyah, juga memanfaatkan media sosial facebook sebagai media dakwah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dakwah NU dan Muhammadiyah di media sosial facebook, baik terkait dengan strategi dakwah maupun terkait potret dakwah kedua organisasi keagamaan terbesar di Indonesia ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi pustaka dan melakukan pengamatan terhadap dakwah keduanya di jejaring facebook. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan data kualitatif yang berpijak dari kajian pustaka dan analisis terhadap media facebook kedua organisasi tersebut. Penelitian menghasilkan simpulan bahwa strategi dakwah NU dan Muhammadiyah di media sosial facebook umumnya masih mengguinakan pola normatif. Pesan-pesan dakwah belum dikemas secara kreatif, dan umumnya masih minim inovasi. Materi dakwah masih berkutat di wilayah akidah, akhlak dan muamalah. Isu-isu kekinian yang membutuhkan kajian dan solusi dari perspektif keislaman masih relatif terbatas

    Konsep Dasar Semiotika dalam Komunikasi Massa menurut Charles Sanders Pierce

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    Sign or symbol in mass communication is not something with without makna. Nevertheless, it is not easy for anyone to can comprehend that sign. Minimally, that is a method for it, is named semiotic. Charles Sanders Pierce introduce pragmatism for this method. For him, semiotics have three researches area: syntactic semiotic, semantic semiotic and pragmatic semiotic. Sintaktic semiotic, teach the relation between sign with others sign; semantic semiotic, teach the relation and consequence in interpretant/ relation between sign and its denotation; pragmatic semiotic, teach relation between sign with user of sign

    Preserving tradition, maintaining authority: Transmitting religious knowledge in Traditional Pesantren in Indonesia

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    The aim of this paper is to explain the attempts of traditional pesantren to maintain their religious authority facing the abundance of religious knowledge in the information age. Using three traditional pesantren(Islamic boarding school) in West Java as case, this study contends that, in the face of the emergence of new religious views, traditional pesantren uphold the traditionalism as part of maintaining their religious authority, whether from a manuscriptural, charismatic, or juridical standpoint. This study demonstrates how the patterns, objects, and methods of transmitting religious knowledge continue to adhere to traditionalism principles. The study of the kitab kuning (yellow books) and related sciences aims to enhance comprehension of the Quran, the most important Islamic religious text. This exemplifies the attempt to preserve religious authority in the manuscriptural aspect. The charismatic defense of religious authority is carried out by memorizing, learning, and analyzing hadith science, which is commonly used as the basis of religious opinions. Finally, the attempt to maintain religious authority in the juridical aspect is shown by bahtsul masa’il, which entails observing the findings of ijtihad by previous ulama. This initiative is important in dealing with various evolving times and the proliferation of various religious views circulating in contemporary societ

    Pesan Dakwah Ormas Islam Indonesia dalam Menghadapi Krisis Keagamaan Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Covid-19 yang dinyatakan sebagai Pandemi oleh WHO telah mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia dalam kehidupan sosial, bidang ekonomi dan juga kehidupan beragama termasuk umat Islam. Upaya pemerintah dalam rangka mencegah semakin meluasnya penyebaran virus melalui himbauan menjaga jarak sosial (social distancing) dan menghentikan kegiatan yang melibatkan banyak orang melahirkan krisis keagamaan, misalnya tidak boleh bersalaman, shalat berjamaah Jum’at di masjid, pengajian dan pengurusan jenazah. Dalam mengahdapi krisis ini Ormas Islam dituntut untuk melakukan redefinisi kegiatan keagamaan dan menyampaikan kegiatan, gagasan dan kebijakannya melalui pesan dakwah di media resmi organisasi. Penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis isi (content analysis) ini mengungkapkan tentang bentuk pesan dakwah, isi pesan dakwah, jenis pesan dakwah dan pembuat pesan dakwah di masa pandemi Covid-19 dari empat Ormas Islam Indonesia yaitu Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Nahdhatul Ulama, Persatuan Islam, Al-Washliyah. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa bentuk pesan dakwah yang disampaikannya ormas Islam lebih banyak berkaitan tentang berita kegiatan menghadapi masa pandemi, berita opini, opini dan panduan organisasi menghadapi wabah seperti fatwa, imbauan, dan surat edaran,. Sedangkan Isi pesan dakwah banyak berkaitan dengan kegiatan muamalah, juga ibadah dan aqidah. Adapun pembuat pesan dakwah dilakukan oleh pengurus pusat dan gugus tugas khusus penanganan Covid-19, lembaga, organ otonom, perguruan tinggi, rumah sakit dan pengurus Ormas di berbagai daerah. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan kajian pesan dakwah yang unik di masa pandemi yang bisa dilanjukan dalam penelitian berikutnya