8 research outputs found

    Kesiapan Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Mewujudkan Kota Cerdas Di Bandung Dan Surabaya

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    This study is about the Smart City. This research is motivated by the emergence of some local governments that make the district a smart city. The purpose of this research is to describe the various efforts made by the local government in realizing the Smart City. This study uses a qualitative method. The results are in get in this study is the concept of intelligent city of Bandung was named the “Smart City Bandung 1.0”. At least there are four basic frame before building a smart city of Bandung namely the Public Service, Administrative Performance Improvement, Building Civic Interaction with the Local Government Data Access and openness to the public. The concept of intelligent city of Surabaya on the theme “e-Government that is composed of” Management of Regional Development “and the system to” Public Service”. There are many efforts undertaken by the city government, both in Bandung and Surabaya. In addition to receiving many awards, during these two loci have been widely used as a role model for other cities in Indonesia. Nevertheless, respectively the creation of intelligent cities is still more the use of a means of information and technology

    Strategi Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh dan Kota Surakarta dalam Mewujudkan Kota Ramah Disabilitas

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    This study is about disability-friendly cities (KRD). This research is motivated by the innovation of local government policy in realizing the city of disability friendly. The purpose of this research is to describe various efforts made by local government of Banda Aceh City and Surakarta City in realizing KRD. This research uses qualitative approach. The data collection technique is done by interviewing informants and collecting secondary data. While data processing is done by data reduction is open coding, axial coding and selective coding. The findings of the strategy in the city of Surakarta is to support the budget for the disabled. In addition, the local government of Surakarta also issued social assistance given to persons with disabilities who enter the criteria of poor families. While Banda Aceh, local government do dukunyan in the field of education that is by establishing schools in Kota For kindergarten level there are six units, 20 units of elementary school, nine units of junior high school, seven units of SMA, and 15 SLB with the number of supporters of 120 teachers. In the housing sector, Pemko Banda Aceh also issued a policy to enable disabled people to access affordable housing facilities and the assistance of Al-Quran Braile Digital to the blind. The result of this research is surakarta city make KRD by giving social support. While Banda Aceh is more on creating an inclusive city that unites people with disabilities to merge in people's lives

    Inovasi Daerah dalam Reformasi Pemerintahan Kota Tangerang Selatan dan Kota Magelang

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    This research is about governmental reform done by city government by using innovation. This research is motivated by the existence of local government of South Tangerang City and Magelang City in improving public service, governance and regulation. The purpose of this study is to explain the innovation of governance and public services at the city level. This research uses qualitative approach. Researchers use triangulation of data sources as a way to check the validity of data. Techniques of data retrieval, conducted by participant obervation, written documents, archives, official records, personal notes or notes and drawings to produce different evidence or data. While data processing researcher do data reduction. The results obtained in this study is the City of South Tangerang improve public services to facilitate the notary official of the land in the process behind the name. In addition, governance also becomes porgam priority in South Tangerang City is free treatment. As in the city of Magelang government reform is done innovation in the transportation service. This innovation brings online KIR checks with the intention of providing effective and efficient public services. The city of Magelang reforms governance by providing data in an integrated manner. Data in any regional device organization can be accessed via DataGo. An application to collect data and information in the government of Magelang City

    Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Membangun Smart City di Kota Medan

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    This research is about local government policies in realizing smart city. This research is motivated by the existence of a new paradigm in governance and public services in local government as a way to improve good governance (Good Governance). The purpose of this research is to improve smart cities with policy innovation and technological innovation. This study uses a qualitative method. Triangulation of data sources is to explore the truth of certain information through various methods and sources of data acquisition. Observational researchers are involved (participant obervation), written documents, archives, historical documents, official records, notes or personal writings and drawings to produce different evidence or data. Whereas data processing researchers conducted data reduction. The reason for choosing this method is that this study is a contemporary social phenomenon / event. With this method, researchers can carry out observations and in-depth interviews with careful subjects. The results obtained in this study are in the management and development of smart city in the city of Medan, the city government has issued a regulation of Medan Mayor number 28 in 2018 concerning Smart city Kota Medan. the urgency of the guardianship formation is based on the development and synergy of all potential and integrated resources. Not only that, the Medan city government has also made a master plan for a smart city development roadmap to build integration between OPDs. The obstacles in reaching smart city are the uneven infrastructure and human resources to utilize ICT in the process of governance and public services. However, various efforts to overcome obstacles have also been prepared by taking into account the application infrastructure; human Resources; network infrastructure; information infrastructure, network integration, information and applications; funding; organizational structure, management system and work processes for better governance

    Predictors of COVID-19 severity: a systematic review and meta-analysis [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: The unpredictability of the progression of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be attributed to the low precision of the tools used to predict the prognosis of this disease. Objective: To identify the predictors associated with poor clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19. Methods: Relevant articles from PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, and Web of Science were searched and extracted as of April 5, 2020. Data of interest were collected and evaluated for their compatibility for the meta-analysis. Cumulative calculations to determine the correlation and effect estimates were performed using the Z test. Results: In total, 19 papers recording 1,934 mild and 1,644 severe cases of COVID-19 were included. Based on the initial evaluation, 62 potential risk factors were identified for the meta-analysis. Several comorbidities, including chronic respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension were observed more frequent among patients with severe COVID-19 than with the mild ones. Compared to the mild form, severe COVID-19 was associated with symptoms such as dyspnea, anorexia, fatigue, increased respiratory rate, and high systolic blood pressure. Lower levels of lymphocytes and hemoglobin; elevated levels of leukocytes, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, blood creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, high-sensitivity troponin, creatine kinase, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin 6, D-dimer, ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase, and procalcitonin; and a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate were also associated with severe COVID-19. Conclusion: More than 30 risk factors are associated with a higher risk of severe COVID-19. These may serve as useful baseline parameters in the development of prediction tools for COVID-19 prognosis