31 research outputs found


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    In this study, we analyzed the existence and the contribution of the semantic deviations in the eight selected poems of William Blake. We tried to answer two problems : what were the semantic deviation found on William Blake's selected poems and how those deviations contributed to the meaning of the poems. Eight poems were selected from the songs of innocence and songs of experience.  Furthermore, we used the qualitative content analysis which involved series of activities in analyzing document and described them based on the related theories of research. After analysing the data, we revealed the following findings: (1) the semantic deviation found on William Blake's selected poems was formed by three tropes. There were semantic oddity, transference of meaning and honest deception. (2) those deviations contributed to help the poet transmit his point of view about social condition, religious value, love and  human to human relationship.  They were also used to make the poems more aesthetical and dense in meanin

    The Communication Style of Americans In ‘The Stars Shine Down’ by Sidney Sheldon

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    This study analyzes the communication style of Americans in novel tilted “The Stars Shine Down” by Sidney Sheldon. It is important to be analyzed because if people control their communication style, they can control the outcome of most interactions and avoid the conflict or misunderstanding that caused by communication problem. The analysis of characters’ communication was based on McCallister’s theory (1994) to determine the patterns of communication style. The patterns were divided into three communication styles. It was Dominant Style which was included Noble, Reflective, and Socratic. Then, Blended Style consisted of Magistrate and Candidate. Also, Dual Style was known as Senator. Furthermore, this study was designed in the form of a content analysis of qualitative design. The source of data was the dialog of the main and supporting characters in the novel “The Stars Shine Down” by Sidney Sheldon which supported by the author’s narrative of novel. Moreover, this study used two validators to increase the credibility of the findings and interpretation the communication style. The results for the research question showed that Magistrate and Senator were mostly used by Lara for communication. Then, Noble was utilized dominantly by Paul in his communication which was influenced by the social status. Meanwhile, other style such as Socratic and Candidate were found in most of Howard‟s interaction. Even if all of the communication styles were reflected to the characters, the difference of frequency figures in using communication style was not too excessive for each style. Also, with using of communication style, both of main and supporting character can control the outcome of interaction. It can be related to students’ communication and material of teaching and learning English Thus, it is important for the students and lecturers to understand communication style in their interaction with foreign language speakers, especially Americans to avoid the misunderstanding of communication and control the outcome of interactio

    Language Attitude of the Fourth Semester English Education Department Students Toward Their Speaking Skill Implemented in the Classroom

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    Language attitude is considered as the key factor that influence students’ motivation to learn and determine the results of studying a language. Therefore, the objective of this study is to find out the fourth semester students’ language attitude toward their speaking skill implemented in the classroom and the factors affecting their attitudes. The research methodology utilized a qualitative case study design. The participants of this study were six students of the fourth semester of English Education Department at Mulawarman University which were selected by using purposive sampling. The data of this research were collected through interview and were analyzed by using Thematic Analysis adopted from Braun and Clarke (2006). The findings discovered that three students have positive attitudes and the others have negative attitudes. Ideally, student with positive attitude will have good score in speaking. However, the researcher found that P4 has negative attitude even though she has middle score in speaking. This case is caused by internal and external factors that make P4 has negative attitude. Moreover, findings also showed that students’ positive attitude were mainly influenced by parents’ roles, teacher’s attitudes, inter-ethnic contact and some psychological factors such as self-confidence and high motivation. In addition, students’ negative attitudes were influenced by lack of desire to speak English and teacher high expectation. Further research may be recommended to find out different factors that might affect student’s attitude with different methodology such as conduct some observations in the classroom to see the implementation of students speaking skill which can reflect their attitude and enrich the data findings. Language attitude knowledge could help the students to motivate them in maintaining their positive attitude. Besides, parents and English teacher could support and encourage the students to increase their positive attitude in learning a languag

    The Communication Style of Americans In ‘The Stars Shine Down’ by Sidney Sheldon

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    This study analyzes the communication style of Americans in novel tilted “The Stars Shine Down” by Sidney Sheldon. It is important to be analyzed because if people control their communication style, they can control the outcome of most interactions and avoid the conflict or misunderstanding that caused by communication problem. The analysis of characters’ communication was based on McCallister’s theory (1994) to determine the patterns of communication style. The patterns were divided into three communication styles. It was Dominant Style which was included Noble, Reflective, and Socratic. Then, Blended Style consisted of Magistrate and Candidate. Also, Dual Style was known as Senator. Furthermore, this study was designed in the form of a content analysis of qualitative design. The source of data was the dialog of the main and supporting characters in the novel “The Stars Shine Down” by Sidney Sheldon which supported by the author’s narrative of novel. Moreover, this study used two validators to increase the credibility of the findings and interpretation the communication style. The results for the research question showed that Magistrate and Senator were mostly used by Lara for communication. Then, Noble was utilized dominantly by Paul in his communication which was influenced by the social status. Meanwhile, other style such as Socratic and Candidate were found in most of Howard‟s interaction. Even if all of the communication styles were reflected to the characters, the difference of frequency figures in using communication style was not too excessive for each style. Also, with using of communication style, both of main and supporting character can control the outcome of interaction. It can be related to students’ communication and material of teaching and learning English Thus, it is important for the students and lecturers to understand communication style in their interaction with foreign language speakers, especially Americans to avoid the misunderstanding of communication and control the outcome of interactio

    The Conversational Implicature in the Movie Script of Freedom Writers

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    This study aims at analyzing the flouting conversational maxims, types of generalized and particularized conversational implicature and its implied meanings. It belongs to a qualitative content analysis approach. The data source comes from the movie script of Freedom Writers in the form of conversation and utterances of the characters that are appropriate with the focused analysis. It uses the Grice’s theory of flouting maxims as well as implicature and Searle’s theory of illocutionary acts to support the data analysis. It reveals that the characters flouted the maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relevance, and maxim of manner that create the presence of implicature. They used generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature to calculate the implied meanings. It found that the implied meanings are intended to give information, to deny truthful information, to do action, to express feeling, and to show politeness and respec

    Exploring the Level and Primary Causes of Speaking Anxiety in Thesis Seminar Among EFL Students

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    Speaking anxiety in this research was interpreted as a feeling of nervousness when EFL students were speaking English while delivering the material in the thesis seminar. The purposes of this study were (1) to find out the levels of speaking anxiety in thesis seminars and (2) to find out the primary factors that influence speaking anxiety in thesis seminar among EFL students of English Department at Mulawarman University. The design of this study was the quantitative method. This study dealt with a descriptive quantitative approach. In this case, the researcher took 56 students; 36 students in the academic year 2015 and 20 students in the academic year 2016 from English Department at Mulawarman University as the sample to investigate the level and primary causes of EFL students' public speaking anxiety in thesis seminar. In this study, the quantitative data from the result of the adapted Public Speaking Class Anxiety Scale (PSCAS) questionnaire proposed by Yakihong and Usaha (2012) was analyzed by descriptive statistic SPSS 26. The results of SPSS 26 indicated that there were 62.8% of students experienced a medium level of public speaking anxiety in the thesis seminar. Furthermore, it was found that lecturers’ or contributors’ characteristics (LCC) became the primary factor that contributed to influence speaking anxiety in thesis semina

    Donald Trump’s Political Speech: A Critical Issue “us vs them”

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    Politics is always linked to activities that have an impact on government or societal action and policies. For a variety of reasons, a speech can be a powerful tool, and any speech, particularly one intended to persuade, must be rhetorical. A persuasive speech, such as Donald Trump's, seeks to persuade the audience to accept his idea by making a reasonable claim and providing evidence to support it, because Donald Trump has the potential to be a positive force for the American economy. The purpose of this analysis is to identify how Trump uses discourse about a critical issue (the American economy) to portray a "us versus them" message. Two approaches to analysis were used in this study: Fairclough's CDA (2013) and Van Dijk's (2008). The outcome demonstrated power in his speech and demonstrated the closeness between Trump's administrations; additionally, his speech persuaded the people to accept his speech. As a result, the speech reflected both negative and positive aspects in lauding his administration's accomplishments

    EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Identity and Position During Teaching Practice

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    Background: As student teachers shift to preservice teachers during teaching practice, it is necessary to find out how teaching practice could shape their identity and position, especially in the EFL context where English is taught as a foreign language. Based on this purpose, this study seeks information on preservice teacher identity and position during teaching practice by taking discourse analysis lenses. Methodology: This study used descriptive research to describe EFL preservice teachers’ identity construction and position. Adopting Fairclough's (2013) theory relationship between language, power and social used as data analysis. An interview transcript was used to investigate the meaning behind the spoken text of two EFL preservice teachers. Findings: The finding found they shared similar identity construction across two different contexts where preservice teachers conduct their teaching practice. Starting as a student at university and transferring to school as a teacher made them construct a new identity after several times teaching students and positioned themselves in school by participating in several activities. Conclusion: It found that positioning oneself could influence the identity development of preservice teachers. However, the unexpected condition that forced them to teach online made them feel less than a teacher and try to get an identity recognized by the environment by positioning themselves in the school context. Originality: In contrast to earlier studies that investigated the anxiety of preservice EFL students, this study focused on describing how EFL preservice teachers' identity construction related to the position assigned to them in the real classroom setting

    The Conversational Implicature in the Movie Script of Freedom Writers

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    This study aims at analyzing the flouting conversational maxims, types of generalized and particularized conversational implicature and its implied meanings. It belongs to a qualitative content analysis approach. The data source comes from the movie script of Freedom Writers in the form of conversation and utterances of the characters that are appropriate with the focused analysis. It uses the Grice’s theory of flouting maxims as well as implicature and Searle’s theory of illocutionary acts to support the data analysis. It reveals that the characters flouted the maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relevance, and maxim of manner that create the presence of implicature. They used generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature to calculate the implied meanings. It found that the implied meanings are intended to give information, to deny truthful information, to do action, to express feeling, and to show politeness and respec

    The Teaching of Listening at The English Language Education Program of Mulawarman University During Covid-19 Pandemics

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    Listening is very important and language educators are often lacking in practical approaches, techniques, and activities that they can apply in their classrooms. The purposes of this study are to describe the implementation of Listening activities and the obstacles in implementing the activities during the Covid-19 pandemics. A qualitative case study approach was used in this research and the interview protocol and documents were utilized to collect the data. The findings of this research reveal that the teaching and learning activities conducted by the two research subjects are in the online synchronous and asynchronous mode of learning delivered through the three sequences of teaching listening namely pre-listening, whilst-listening, and post-listening which include the model, the process, and the strategies for teaching listening. In implementing activities, they involved the model, process, and strategies using videos, applications, and web platforms in different ways. Furthermore, both research subjects have similar obstacles like internet connection and mobile data which leads to the preference for the synchronous and asynchronous mode in teaching. Moreover, It is also found that the whilst-listening and the evaluation phases of listening are the biggest problems in teaching Listenin