6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perubahan dan Kepemimpinan Islami terhadap Kompetensi, Komitmen Organisasi dan Karakter Sumber Daya Insani Serta Kinerja UMKM di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Perubahan mendominasi dunia secara terus menerus, persaingan global amat ketat. Kepemimpinan berperan penting pada kelangsungan hidup UMKM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan dan kepemimpinan terhadapkompetensi, komitmen dan karakter sumber daya insani serta kinerja UMKM. Pendekatan dalam studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Dari sifat permasalahan bertujuan menemukan penjelasan atas hubungan kausalitas antar variabel dan melakukan pengujian hipotesis, merupakan penelitian eksplanatori. Alat analisis dalam statisitika yang digunakan adalah SEM (Structure Equation Modelling). Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 171 responden UMKM yang beragama Islam di propinsi DIY.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan berpengaruh terhadap kompetensi, karakter sumber daya insani dan komitmen organisasi. Kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap kompetensi. karakter, dan komitmen organisasi. Perubahan dan kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja melalui kompetensi dan komitmen. Perubahan dan kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja baik melalui karakter maupun komitmen. Perubahan dan kepemimpinan masing-masing berpengaruh terhadap komitmen melalui kompetensi. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa perubahan dan kepemimpinan tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja, demikian juga kompetensi dan karakter sumber daya insani tidak berpengaruhterhadap kinerja UMKM Kata kunci: Perubahan, kepemimpinan, kompetensi, komitmen organisasi, karakter sumber daya insani, kinerja umk

    Peran Identitas Agama Terhadap Niat Menggunakan Kosmetik Halal : Perluasan Theory of Planned Behavior

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    Market share of halal cosmetics in Indonesia increased all of the time. It was not surprising, as a country with the biggest Moslem population in the world, the need of halal cosmetics is a must. Had it trued that the consumption of halal cosmetics  driven by religion (Islam) as a social identity or by other factors. This study tried to find the role of religion as consumer’s social identity with extended theory planned behavior. This study used purposived sampling technics among 100 collage students in Yogyakarta and analyzed with partial Least Square (PLS)s-SEM used smartPLS software. This research found that religion identity was not influenced toward intention to use cosmetics halal. The other variables, attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control have a positive and significant influenced toward intention to use halal cosmetics

    Pengaruh Persepsi, Religiusitas, Dan Pendapatan Masyarakat Muslim Kabupaten Sleman Terhadap Minat Berwakaf Uang

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    Potential for money waqf in Sleman Regency is around IDR 35 billion per month or IDR 420 billion per year. However, the magnitude of this potential is in fact still not being managed optimally. This is happen because public knowledge and education about mon`ey waqf is still very low. Money waqf is expected to be a solution to people's economic problems, because money waqf is considered to be more effective and efficient. This study aims to determine the effect of perception, religiosity, and income of the Muslim community in Sleman Regency on the interest in money waqf. This research is a quantitative study using multiple linear regression data analysis techniques with dummy variables as well as t test and F test. The data was obtained through distributing questionnaires to 175 respondents using purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that, partially, the perception variable has a significant influence on the interest in money waqf. Meanwhile, the religiosity variable and the income variable did not have a partial significant effect on the interest in money waqf. Based on the results of the F test, the variables of perception, religiosity, and income have a simultaneous and significant effect on interest in money waqf, as evidenced by the value of sig. of 0.00 < 0.05

    The Influence of Islamic Financial Literacy on The Use of Digital Financial Services in Yogyakarta

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    A good understanding of Islamic financial literacy and digital financial services can be used as the basis for governments and Islamic financial institutions to formulate product communication strategies to be precise and accurate. Digital financial services provide many benefits for service providers as well as for users. This quantitative research was conducted by survey method using a questionnaire with purposive sampling technique. The questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability first and exceeded the standard and analysis with descriptive statistics and simple linear regression. This study found that Islamic financial literacy has a positive and significant effect on digital financial services in consumers in Yogyakarta. The influence of Islamic financial literacy is 54.1%, while other variables outside this study are 45.9%. Keywords: Islamic Financial Literacy; Digital Financial Service