12 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Kotoran Hewan Ternak Sapi Menjadi Biogas Dan Pupuk Organik (Study Case Dusun Semuten)

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    Semuten is one of the hamlets in the Bantul region, DI Yogyakarta with an area of 118 ha. The livelihoods of the people in this village are mostly farmers and ranchers. The large number of livestock in this village is a great source of energy from the results of the livestock manure (biogas). Waste from biogas processing is considered very good for plant organic fertilizer. However, the residents of Semuten Hamlet are still unable to utilize the livestock manure to its full potential. In fact, the dirt is left and becomes waste that can pollute the environment around the village. Therefore, the authors formulate a partnership program for livestock groups based on processing manure into biogas and organic fertilizer. The purpose of this program is to apply livestock waste processing technology so that it can produce useful products, namely biogas and organic fertilizer. These products can be used by the people of Dusun Semuten and open up new MSME opportunities so that they can improve the welfare of the community. The method used is a participatory community empowerment model. The results obtained from this program are modern technology so that livestock waste that was previously considered to have no value, can be used as a selling value product. The final product produced from biogas and organic fertilizer is expected to empower the people of Dusun Semuten, especially breeder

    Study and Evaluation of Loss Circulation Mitigation When Drilling Unconsolidated Formation, Batang Field

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    Field development of Batang Field through infill drilling was an effort by PHE Siak to contribute to national oil production. Target formation of the drilling campaign was Bekasap Formation which is part of central Sumatera basin. During the drilling execution of these infill wells, loss circulation occurred on some of the wells especially when the drilling reaches 8.5 in hole section. The severity of loss circulation ranging from small partial loss to total loss. To optimize future drilling operation in Batang, analysis will be conducted to determine the cause, prevention, and mitigation of loss circulation event based on drilling history.Method used in this research begins with analysing the cause of loss circulation on 8.5 in hole section that commonly occurs. Analysis then proceeded to analyse historical drilling parameter, such as: pump (MW, ECD, Pump Rate, Yp, RPM, SPM, dan ROP) recorded when loss circulation events occurred. Finally, the effectiveness of current method to mitigate loss circulation will also studied.Based on the analysis, it is known that the possible cause of loss circulation on infill well drilling in Batang is the reservoir properties and condition which having depleted or sub-normal average reservoir pressure and the property of the rock itself which is unconsolidated. Based on the study on drilling parameter history, the severity of loss circulation might be minimized by keeping pump flow rate to under 190 gpm, RPM under 48 rpm, WOB under 2 klbs, and ROP under 135 ft/hr when drilling progresses to 8.5 in hole section. Meanwhile, other parameters have not shown any relation to severity of loss circulation

    Evaluation of Water Channeling Problems and Planning for Its Improvement Using the Remedial Cementing Method and Its Economics in Well AB-30 Field AB PT. Pertamina EP

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    The AB-30 well is an oil producing well located in the AB Field. Production performance data shows that AB-30 shows excessive water production behavior or is a high water cut production well. In addition, the interpretation of CBL data shows an amplitude value of <10 mV in the productive interval. This condition is an indicator that the primary cementing activity in this well is not good. Therefore, a comprehensive and integrated analytical method is needed to identify the problem of excess water production and to design and plan water shut-off activities through squeeze cementing as an effort to mitigate the problem of high water cut to economic analysis.The research begins by identifying the problem of excess water production, whether caused by water channeling, water coning, changes in water oil contact, or by the physical properties of the reservoir rock. Identification is done through production analysis and water diagnostic plots. The next stage is to evaluate the interpretation of CBL Logging results to strengthen the results of production data analysis. After confirming that the problem of excess water production is caused by poor cement bonding cement, the next step is to calculate the cement work program in order to repair the bad cement bonding. Subsequently, the productive zone interval re-perforation was carried out according to the results of the OH Loh Co Log evaluation. No less important is to conduct an economic analysis as a basis for whether or not this work is feasible.The result of this research is that the water shut-off activity went well and was able to reduce the level of excess water production in the AB-30 well and optimize oil production so as to provide a good economic indicator of oil recovery. Remedial cementing work for bonding repair was carried out at well AB-30. The first work is to close the existing layer, followed by Logging evaluation (CBL-USIT). The evaluation results showed that the cement bonding was good with the CBL amplitude parameter < 10 mV. After that, the productive zone reperforation was carried out. The economy by considering the values of economic indicators such as Pay Out Time and Rate Of Investment showed positive results so that the priority and strategy of well intervention could be continued. The results obtained before the well intervention were 148 BOPD oil production, 97% water cut after well intervention was 880 BOPD average oil production, 0% water cut for 1.5 months


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    Prediction value of the rate of penetration (ROP) in the drilling of the formation “X” well prognosis "YN2" in the field “IP” and the actual well "YN1" as a review of the selection of a representative Model-ROP at a depth of 2620 mbpl - 3000 mbpl in the "IP" field ". This study selected a representative Model-ROP from drilling the "X" formation of the actual well "YN1" in the "IP" field then predicting the rate of penetration (ROP) value in the drilling of the "X" formation of the "YN2" prognosis well in the "IP" field. ROPs used in this study include the Bingham Model (1966), Teale (2008) and Mottahari (2010). Prediction of the rate of penetration (ROP) value in the drilling of the "X" formation well "YN2" prognosis is done in stages including predicting the rate of penetration (ROP) value in the drilling of the "X" formation of the actual well "YN1" by collecting data including data on "YN1" actual well drilling includes bit records, drilling reports, well programs, and well profiles and then predicts the rate of penetration (ROP) value in the drilling of the "X" well formation "YN2" using drilling prognosis. Determine the drilling parameters needed to predict the value of the rate of penetration (ROP) has a difference in each model. In the Bingham model the parameters required include MD, WOB, RPM, T, and d-exp values. In the Teale model the required drilling parameters contain the actual MD, WOB, RPM, T, DB, and ROP values, MSE, μ and AB. In the Mottahari Model, the drilling parameters needed for MD, WOB, RPM, T, DB, actual ROP, σ, Wf (use function), G (model coefficients representing drillability), a = 0.50 and y = 1,50 is obtained from assumptions. In the Bingham Model has a coordination coefficient value (R2) = 0.9985, the Teale Model has a coordination coefficient value (R2) = 1 and the Mottahari Model has a co-coefficient value (R2) = 1. The ROP model that represents the drilling of the "X" formation Actual wells "YN1" can all be used or all Model-ROPs represent to predict the value of the penetration rate (ROP) in drilling the "X" formation prognosis of the well "YN2". Calculate the estimated penetration rate (ROP) in the drilling of the "X" formation prognosis of the well "YN2" using the Bingham, Teale and Mottahari models through the prognosis of the drilling "YN2"

    Drilling Casing Design Using Landmark Software at Well "Well X-01" Field "S"

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    Well "X-01" is a slant (J-Type) directional well and will be subjected to appropriate and technically qualified drilling casing planning in order to prevent problems such as burst, collapse, and tension that can cause increased internal and external pressure loads experienced by the casing. The methodology used in this research is document study and quantitative analysis in casing planning using Drilling Software by taking into account the loading acting on the casing, which is burst, collapse, tension, biaxial, and triaxial loads. Casing design planning for Well "X-01" is carried out by analyzing the casing setting depth based on PPFG data, considering kick tolerance, then casing planning is carried out using Drilling Software. The results of drilling casing planning inWell "X-01" Field "S" using Drilling Software, five design routes were obtained, that is conductor casing using X-52 casing; 157.5 ppf, surface casing using K-55 casing; 94 ppf, intermediate casing using K-55 casing; 54.5 ppf, kick tolerance 32.55 bbls, production casing using K-55 casing; 40 ppf, kick tolerance 42.1 bbls, and production liner using K-55 casing; 23 ppf, kick tolerance 69.08 bbls. The safety factor of each route met API standards for the durability of the selected casing. In well "X", casing planning can be a reference in the casing design process stage because optimal and safe results are obtained.Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) © Copyright: All rights reserved

    Geothermal hot water potential at Parangwedang, Parangtritis, Bantul, Yogyakarta as main support of Geotourism

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    The paper aims to determine the condition of Parangwedang as hot spring source in Parangtritis, Bantul, Yogyakarta and provide a guidance to develop Parangwedang as one of tourism destinations by controlling geological factor. The study is limited to examining the physical condition in the form of color, turbidity, odor, temperature and chemical condition (pH), compositions of calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), silica (SiO2), magnesium (Mg), bicarbonate (HCO3), sulfate (SO4) and chloride (Cl) and water source debits of Parangwedang hot springs as part of geohydrology research. The methodology used in the paper is divided into three steps. Firstly, the methodology was based on orientation and survey location. Then, it examined mapping the hot water temperature distribution. Lastly, it was implementing laboratory analysis of rocks and water. As a result, the paper portrays that there are potential water of hot of spring which meets the standards as clean water and the heat capacity can be utilized to support as geological tourism at Parangwedang, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    Gas Injection Optimization to Increase Oil Production at MRA PT. PHE ONWJ

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    The MRA platform is one of the offshore platforms located in the north of the Java Sea. The MRA platform has 4 production wells, namely MRA-2ST, MRA-4ST, MRA-5, and MRA-6 wells. The 4 production wells are produced using an artificial lift in the form of a gas lift. The limited gas lift at the MRA Platform at 3.1 MMSCFD makes the production of wells at the MRA Platform not optimal because the wells in the MRA Platform are experiencing insufficient gas lift. Optimization of gas lift injection is obtained by redistribution of gas lift injection for each. The results of the analysis in this study indicate that the optimum gas lift injection for the MRA-2ST well is 0.5552 MMSCFD, the MRA-6 well is 1.0445 MMSCFD, the MRA-5 well is 0.7657 MMSCFD, finally the MRA-4ST well with gas injection. lift is 0.7346 MMSCFD. The manual gas lift in the MRA-4ST is also replaced based on an economic feasibility analysis to ensure that the gas lift injection for each well can be kept constant. The redistribution of gas lift carried out by the author has increased the total production rate of the MRA Platform by 11,160 BO/year or approximately USD 781,200/year. Keywords: Gas lift; Insufficient; Optimizatio


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    Material limbah panasbumi (scale silica) merupakan endapan yang terbentuk akibat proses kondensasi fluida produksi pada lapangan panasbumi, yang mengendap pada fasilitas produksi permukaan. Hal tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya permasalahan penyumbatan pada pipa produksi (Scaling Problem) di lapangan panasbumi. Limbah penggilingan beras (organic silica) merupakan abu silika yang dihasilkan dari pembakaran sekam padi. Scale silica dan organic silica merupakan sumber silica ringan alam Indonesia yang belum dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian terhadap pemanfaatan silika ringan tersebut sebagai material untuk meningkatkan kekuatan dinding lubang bor (extender additive)pada pembuatan terowongan atau konstruksi sumuran.. Pemanfaatan scale silicate dan organic silicate sebagai extender additive diuji di laboratorium semen pemboran prodi Teknik Perminyakan dengan 2 tahapan pengujian, yaitu pengujian komposisi kimia dan pengujian sifat fisik semen pemboran terhadap penambahan scale silicate dan , organic silicate, dan extender pembanding (Bentonit dan Fly Ash) sesuai dengan standard Aerican Petroleum Institute Spec. 10. Sifat fisik semen pemboran yang diuji meliputi Density, Rheology, Free Water, dan Compressive Strength pada berbagai macam variasi temperature. Hasil pengujian laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa silica scale dan silica organic memiliki kandungan Silica Dioxide (SiO2) sebesar 93 % dan 90%. Pada komposisi slurry 90:10 (semen Class G:Extender), penambahan scale silica dan organic silica menghasilkan densitas slurry sebesar 15,66 ppg dan 15,61 ppg, sedangkan fly ash menghasilkan densitas slurry sebesar 15,69 ppg. Pada pengujian compressive strength slurry yang berdensitas 15,7 ppg dengan temperatur 302 0F, penggunaan scale silica dan organic silica menghasilkan compressive strength sebesar 3853 psi dan 3739 psi, dan jika menggunakan fly ash dan bentonit hanya sebesar 3295 psi dan 2922 psi. Penggunaan scale silica dan organic silica menghasilkan semen ringan yang kuat , hal ini akan meningkatkan kekuatan dinding lubang. Key word : Material limbah panasbumi dan limbah penggilingan beras, Standard American Petroleum Institut


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    Gayam Hamlet is well-known as a coconut producer in Kulon Progo Regency, which has high-quality coconut varieties. Based on the resources in Gayam Hamlet, there are 10-15 coconut trees in the yard of the residents' houses, but they have not been used appropriately. With the formation of MSMEs that focus on processing coconut products into Virgin Coconut Oil (VCCO) products, coconuts in Gayam Hamlet can be put to good use. These MSMEs directly provide training to residents on how to process coconut, packaging, and marketing good products. The residents of Gayam Hamlet are very enthusiastic about MSMEs that focus on coconut production or VCCO because this MSME in Gayam Hamlet can help improve people's lives, open up new jobs, and make VCCO a superior product from Kulon Progo Regency