10 research outputs found


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    Lembaga Pemasyarakatan bukan hanya sebagai tempat pemberian sanksi terhadap orang yang telah melanggar hukum, tetapi juga sebagai tempat pendidikan dan tempat pembinaan, Lapas menyelenggarakan beberapa program pembinaan untuk memberikan bekal terbaik untuk narapidana ketika telah selesai menjalankan masa hukuman nya. Dalam penelitian ini juga penulis melakukan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis (empiris), yaitu hukum sebagai geja masyarakat, sebagai institusi sosial atau perilaku yang mempola. Teknis pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah melalui metode observasi, dan metode interview (wawancara). Narapidana di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II B Cianjur di berikan kesempatan seluas-luas nya dalam menjalankan ibadah sesuai agama yang di percayai nya. Lapas Kelas II B Cianjur memiliki program unggulan yaitu Pondok Pesantren At-Taubah dan memiliki Gereja bernama Gereja Pnail. Dalam menjalankan pembinaan keagamaan ini pihak Lapas bekerja sama bersama Majelis Ulama Indonesia Kabupaten Cianjur dan para pendeta dilingkungan Kabupaten Cianjur. Dalam pembinaan terdapat beberapa hambatan yaitu over kapasitas, kurangnya fasilitas, latar belakang narapidana yang berbeda-beda dll


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    tying soul and physic of a man and a woman as a couple of wife and husband with a target to happy and everlasting family forming according to Belief in the one and only God Society sense of justice about applying Marriage Act had not been matching with expected. Social sense of justice concerning science aspect, appreciation and compliance of the parties to finishing all the dispute according to the law. Hence from that, the government must be giving some facilities to increase the society sense of justice about applying marriage act through research, dissemination or devotion to knowing the Society sense of justice about applying act in Indonesia. Target of this research is to know the efforts of Regency Bogor Government about applying marriage act, and also to know the causing of divorce factors attributed to society sense of justice about applying marriage act of Bogor Regency by taking information and data from some countryside in three sub district as an input and information research According to fact finding result in the field research that society sense of justice at some region do not full of awareness own of applying marriage act especially in cloistered which is far from Governance Center. This Matter is caused of less science understanding, transportation difficulty band, communication and of economic condition. But there is also more region which respecting of moslem scholar / moslem leader according to Islamic Law to execute the Marriage without applying Marriage Act and the divorce in cloistered region is do not through Islamic Religion Justice caused of the marriage is not noted in KUA and have not own the marry book so that certainty law guarantee for the marriage is executed un expectation

    Pelaksanaan Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kinerja Perguruan Tinggi

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    Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka merupakan kebijakan program pemerintah yang memberikan hak belajar tiga semester kepada mahasiswa seluruh Indonesia di luar program studi. Program tersebut diberikan oleh Pemerintah    melalui perguruan tinggi di seluruh Indonesia dengan tujuan peningkatan mutu pembelajaran sekaligus kemampuan  lulusan dalam mengabdikan ilmunya di masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis efektivitas pelaksanaan program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pembelajaran dan lulusan di lingkungan perguruan tinggi serta mengetahui hambatan yang timbul dalam pelaksanaannya bagi program studi yang sudah berpartisipasi dalam melaksanakan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif serta metode empiris dengan observasi dan wawancara terhadap berbagai pihak yang berkepentingan di lingkungan kampus yang telah melaksanakan Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pelaksanaan program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka dengan sasaran untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran serta mutu lulusan dalam pelaksanaannya belum maksimal karena masih terdapat mitra perguruan tinggi yang belum melaksanakan program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka serta belum tersedianya fasilitas teknologi yang disiapkan oleh perguruan tinggi guna mendukung hal tersebut. Adapun hambatan dalam pelaksanaan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka diantaranya sosialisasi dan interaksi pemahaman mahasiswa dan dosen serta fasilitas program pendukung yang belum maksimal. Selain itu, sinyal jaringan internet pun menjadi kendala

    Problems In Managing Waqf Endowment Asset In Bogor Regency

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    This article examines the role and function of Nazhir (guardian of endowment) in the empowerment of waqf objects in the Legal District of Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia. The aim is to increase Nazir's professionalism in increasing the productivity of waqf assets to be able to provide maximum benefits to the general public (ummah) in a sustainable manner. In Bogor district, there are waqf assets in the form of land totaling 5,686 locations within land areas of 4,433,860 M2. With such a large number of waqf assets, if managed professionally, the waqf will certainly be able to bring the sustainability of the Ummah economy, especially the sustainability of education for the younger generation. However, as this study found, only a few Nazhirs in the Bogor Regency area who have begun to develop productive waqf assets. The majority of Nazirs still use the old pattern which is not conducive to the development of the productivity of waqf property. Therefore it is necessary to optimize the role and function of Nazhir through continuous coaching by the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI). In the form of (1) meetings in the context of coaching, (2) training activities, and (3) socialization related to the latest regulations regarding the management of waqf objects.Problems in Managing Waqf (Endowment) Assets in Bogor Regency. This article examines the problematics of empowering waqf objects in Bogor Regency. The aim is to increase the productivity of waqf property so that it can provide maximum benefits to the general public (ummah) in a sustainable manner. With such a large number of assets, if managed professionally, the waqf is believed to be able to become a pillar of the people’s economy, especially in alleviating the problem of poverty in Bogor Regency. This study found the fact that among some key problems that could hinder the development of the waqf function in Bogor Regency was the less optimal role and function of Nazhir in developing waqf assets productively. Therefore, the involvement of the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) is urgently needed to improve Nazhir’s competence in managing waqf assets in more productive ways


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    Narkoba adalah singkatan dari narkotika  dan obat atau bahan berbahaya. Selain narkoba, istilah yang diberitahukan khususnya oleh Departemen Kesehatan Indonesia adalah Napza singkatan dari Narkotika Psikotropika dan  Zat Adiktif. Semua istilah ini baik narkoba atau Napza sama halnya sekelompok zat yang umumnya mempunyai resiko kecanduan pada penggunanya. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kepada pelajar tentang bahaya narkoba. Diketahui dari angka pemakai narkoba yang terus semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Sebagian besar penggunanya adalah kalangan remaja. Karena banyaknya penyalahgunaan narkoba, kini narkoba tidak hanya digunakan dalam bidang kesehatan saja. Namun sering kali digunakan dalam berbagai alasan diantaranya data yang digunakan adalah dengan meneliti berbagai informasi yang disatukan dari media masa yang diperkuat dengan sumber yang ada di buku menjabarkan apa itu bahaya narkoba, faktor penyebab narkoba dikalangan remaja, upaya mengatasi narkoba, hasil penulisan menunjukan bahwa faktor yang menyebabkan para anak muda menyalahgunakan narkoba diantara faktor keluarga yang kurang memperhatikan anaknya dan juga faktor lingkungan dapat berpengaruh besar. Dengan pendidikan Agama sebagai tembok paling kuat mencegah penyalahgunaan narkoba


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    Lembaga Pemasyarakatan sebagai instansi penegak hukum telah diatur secara tegas dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995 tentang Pemasyarakatan. Dalam Pasal 8 ayat (1) menyatakan bahwa petugas pemasyarakatan merupakan pejabat fungsional penegak hukum yang melaksanakan tugas di bidang pembinaan, pengamanan dan pembimbingan Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan. Pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi pemasyarakatan harus dilandaskan pada aturan hukum yang berlaku agar pemenuhan dan perlindungan HAM dapat direalisasikan.Berdasarkan hasil dilapangan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Lapas Paledang Bogor , Polres Bogor Kota dan Polres Cibinong yang memiliki tahanan dan wargabinaan melaksanakan ketentuan yang ditetapkan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan. Tahanan dan wargabinaan pemasyarakatan salah diantaranya mendapatkan hak dan kewajiban melaksanakan kaidah sesuai agama yang dianutnya. Tahanan mendapat makanan yang layak, pelayanan kesehatan, keagamaan, olahraga, dan hal bermanfaat lainnya

    Implementation of Law Enforcement for Business Crime Which is Performed by Illegal Foreign Work

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    The main purposes of this study are: 1) To find out and analyze the forms of business crimes committed by illegal Foreign Workers related to violations of Immigration laws. 2) To find out and analyze immigration law enforcement against illegal Foreign Workers who commit immigration violations. The research method used in this study is a normative juridical study that takes a qualitative approach that looks at and analyzes the legal norms in existing legislation and sociological research as supplementary data to the primary data.The results of this study are: 1) Business crimes committed by illegal foreign workers related to immigration violations, namely the implementation of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) and the introduction of a visa-free policy to encourage and enhance economic growth have an impact on the uncontrolled presence of illegal foreign workers in Indonesia where from the implementation of the AEC and the implementation of the visa-free policy many of the foreign citizens, especially from China who abuse the visa-free policy that should be used for travel but instead used to find work/conduct business activities in Indonesia. 2) Immigration law enforcement against illegal Foreign Workers who commit violations of immigration criminal acts can be prosecuted in two ways, namely the prosecution process in a court or pro justitia and administrative or immigration act


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    Many countries including Indonesia have concerned about the increase of drug trafficking. Currently Indonesia has been in the situation where there is an “Emergency on Drugs Trafficking”. Lot of efforts to solve and prevent the growth of drug trafficking has been done to save young generation. Criminal Acts on Drugs which have been spread out need to be cut off because the drug trafficking has happened nationally and even has crossed international boundaries. The Aims of this research are to identify and analyses necessary actions to prevent and solve the drug trafficking. Then, to find an ultimate solution in handling arising obstacles within such prevention and eradication of drug trafficking in Indonesia. This research uses a juridical normative approach method which reviews theories, concepts, legal principals, and prevailing rules and regulations. Moreover, it also applies an empirical approach as supporting study to gain more factual data.In conclusion, illegal drug trafficking has become both national and international social issue and even a legal issue in society. Certain legal actions are required to take to prevent and solve the drug trafficking in Indonesia, which one of them is by rules and regulations. Law Number 35 of 2009 regarding Drugs is a legal basis for the prevention and eradication of drug trafficking in Indonesia.The research limitation is focus on increasing and preventing drugs should be supported by all parties of the family, community and government.Drugs is an international and national case that is difficult to overcome considering their networks are hidden and require special skills where necessary national and international cooperation so that drug circulation can be overcome quickl

    Patterns of Religious Magic Customary Law in Traditional Sundanese Wiwitan Marriage in West Java

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    Introduction:  The marriage law was carried out through a long process, due to, religions, or national interests. Marriages in Indonesia are not only based on the beliefs of official religions in Indonesia, but there are also marriages carried out by the Faith in God Almighty. One of the faith streams in Indonesia is the Sunda Wiwitan school. Purposes of the Research:  In this study, researchers were interested in examining magical religious practices in the marriages of the Sunda Wiwitan indigenous people of West Java. Methods of the Research: The approach method used in this study is normative juridical research through legal principles, legal systematics, legal synchronization, and legal comparison. Results of the Research: The results showed that the marriage practice of indigenous peoples who live the Sunda Wiwitan faith is still thick with its customary rituals, this is done as a process in fulfilling the practice of marriage as one of the important life phases for the Sunda Wiwitan community. The characteristics of marriage of indigenous peoples who live in Sunda Wiwitan in West Java, having the concept of marriage containing the meaning of the beginning of the single end so sawaji (initially one, finally so unified), Marriage must be monogamous which is approved by the parents of both parties and the prohibition of marriage for Sunda Wiwitan believers is to marry between nations (marrying people outside Indonesia)

    Problems in Managing Endowment Asset in Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia

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    This article examines the role and function of Nazhir (guardian of endowment) in the empowerment of waqf objects in the Legal District of Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia. The aim is to increase Nazir's professionalism in increasing the productivity of waqf assets to be able to provide maximum benefits to the general public (ummah) in a sustainable manner. In Bogor district, there are waqf assets in the form of land totaling 5,686 locations within land areas of 4,433,860 M2. With such a large number of waqf assets, if managed professionally, the waqf will certainly be able to bring the sustainability of the Ummah economy, especially the sustainability of education for the younger generation. However, as this study found, only a few Nazhirs in the Bogor Regency area who have begun to develop productive waqf assets. The majority of Nazirs still use the old pattern which is not conducive to the development of the productivity of waqf property. Therefore it is necessary to optimize the role and function of Nazhir through continuous coaching by the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI). In the form of (1) meetings in the context of coaching, (2) training activities, and (3) socialization related to the latest regulations regarding the management of waqf objects