9 research outputs found


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    NANORODS ZnO THIN FILM PERFORMANCE AS TRANSPARENT HEATERS. Transparent heaters have been used for various applications. In this research, a transparent heater made from ZnO nanorods has been successfully fabricated. ZnO nanorods were produced by using the chemical bath deposition method.The results of the XRD investigation showed that the ZnO_0.015 and ZnO_0.025 samples contained three and five ZnO peaks, respectively, with a hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure. The crystallite size increased along with the increase in the solution concentration from 71.198 nm to 82.924 nm. The morphological characterization of the samples using FE-SEM showed that ZnO_0.025 sample had a better surface covarege than ZnO_0.015 sample. The average diameters of ZnO_0.015 and ZnO_0.025 are 127.130 and 146.756 nm, respectively. The transmittance value decreased along with the increase of solution concentration which is from 55% to 53%. The value of the band gap energy decreased as the concentration of the seed solution increased from 3.25 eV to 3.20 eV. The resistivity values of ZnO_0.015 and ZnO_0.025 are 1.126 x 10-4 and 0.824 x 10-4Ωcm, respectively. From these results it appears that ZnO_0.025 sample has a more optimal performance as a transparent heater compared to ZnO_0.015 sample


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    To fully utilize the intermittent renewable energy resources, energy storage applications such as lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) become very critical. Among LIBs components, cathode part is very important. LiFePO4 material is among the cathode material which has gained significant attention owing to its environmentally friendly and low-cost features compared to Co- or Ni-based cathodes. In this study, we present a theoretical investigation of LiFePO4 material using density functional theory calculations. We optimized LiFePO4 as well as FePO4 structures. Li ion intercalation potential into the structure was also calculated. In addition, the electronic structure of the material was also studied. The present study may provide an insight for further investigation of cathode materials for LIB applications.Dalam memanfaatkan energi baru dan terbarukan yang bersifat tidak berkesinambungan, aplikasi penyimpanan energi seperti baterai ion litium (BIL) menjadi sangat penting.  Di antara komponen BIL yang sangat penting adalah katoda. Material LiFePO4 merupakan salah satu katoda untuk BIL yang menarik perhatian sangat besar dikarenakan sifatnya yang relatif ramah lingkungan serta relatif tidak mahal dibandingan dengan katoda lain berbahan Co atau Ni. Pada penelitian ini, kami menyajikan hasil studi teoritis material LiFePO4 menggunakan kalkulasi teori fungsional kerapatan. Kami melakukan optimasi struktur LiFePO4 beserta FePO4. Kemudian, nilai potensial interkalasi ion Li ke dalam struktur juga diprediksi. Selain itu, struktur elektronik material tersebut juga dipelajari. Studi ini dapat menjadi bahan acuan yang dapat digunakan sebagai teknik dalam mempelajari material untuk aplikasi katoda pada BIL

    Nanostructural Growth Investigation of ZnO Nanorods Derived from Chemical Bath Deposition for Transparent Heater Application

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    One dimensional Zinc Oxide (ZnO) nanostructures in the forms of nanowire, nanorod, nanotube have been attracting scientific and technology interests in the last few years. This current study investigated the effects of chemical bath deposition (CBD) synthesis parameters i.e. seeding solution concentration and growing time on the nanostructural characteristics of ZnO nanorods and considering their potential application for transparent heater. Seed solutions were prepared by dissolving 1:1 equimolar zinc nitrate tetrahydrate and hexamethylenetetraamine in water at 0°C for 1 hour. Upon the synthesis, the seeding solution concentration was varied from 0.005, 0.025, 0.05 M. The formation of thin films containing ZnO nanoseeds was carried out by spin coating the precursors on the conducting indium tin oxide (ITO) glass substrates, followed with annealing at 200oC for 5 minutes then further growing the ZnO nanorods at 90oC for 3 hours. Another variation in this work was also carried out by selecting a different route upon CBD process, i.e. with a fixed 0.05 M seeding solution prepared from the same equimolar zinc nitrate tetrahydrate and hexamethylenetetraamine in water at 25oC for 1 hour, followed with the same annealing stage but continued by variation in the growing stage at 90oC for different times (3, 4 and 5 hours). ZnO nanorods were characterized using x-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy and ultraviolet-visual spectroscopy. The results of these investigations demonstrated that with the increase in reaction time from 3 to 5 hours, the band gap energy, Eg of the nanorods decreased from 3.63 to 3.13 eV, a consequence of the increase in their diameter and crystallite size from 325 to 583 nm and 22.68 to 34.28 nm, respectively. The desired coverage of ZnO nanorods for transparent heater applications was obtained with a 0.05 M seeding solution and 5-hour reaction time

    Penentuan Fungsi Gelombang Dan Tingkat Energi Dari Suatu Partikel Dengan Metode Operator Filter

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang penentuan fungsi gelombang secara numerik pada potensial atom hidrogenik dan potensial osilator harmonik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode numerik operator filter (filter operator method). Metode numerik ini melibatkan matriks dengan kebanyakan nol. Salah satu bentuk matriks yang elemen nolnya berpola adalah matriks pita (banded matrix). Lebar pita adalah maksimum banyaknya elemen taknol pada baris-baris suatu matriks pita. Matriks pita yang terkecil adalah yang lebar pitanya tiga atau dikenal sebagai tridiagonal matriks. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa fungsi gelombang yang ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode numerik Operator filter sama dengan hasil analitis. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari error yang dihasilkan yaitu untuk po tensial atom hidrogenik pada keadaan (n,l) = (1,0),(2,0), (2,1), dan (3,0) masing-masing sebesar 0.2153%, 0.215%, 0.263%, dan 0.145%. Sedangkan error yang dihasilkan pada potensial osilator harmonik pada keadaan n=0, n=5 masing-masing sebesar 0.000839% dan 0.000597%. Selisih untuk tiga tingkat energi pertama dari atom hidrogenik terhadap harga perhitungan numerik dengan analitik masing-masing sebesar 0.248%, 0.08%, dan 0.02777%. Selisih energi dari potensial osilator harmonik pada keadaan kuantum n = 0, n = 5, n = 10, dan n = 15 terhadap harga perhitungan numerik dengan analitik masing–masing sebesar 0.0025%, 0.0138%, 0.0263%, dan 0.06015%


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    Nickel leaching from Pomala low-grade laterite nickel ore has been carried out using organic and inorganic acids. In this study, the effect of solvent concentration and leaching temperature on the nickel extraction value will be analyzed. The concentration variations used for each type of solvent are 1 mole (M) and 2 moles (M). Meanwhile, the variation of leaching temperature is 60? and 95?. Samples from the leaching process were characterized using XRF. The recovery value of nickel extraction using CH3COOH solvent with various concentrations of 1M and 2M at a leaching temperature of 60? is 0.49% and 0.37%, respectively. The leaching temperature of 95? is 0.34% and 0.23%, respectively. Meanwhile, the recovery value of nickel extraction using H2SO4 solvent at a solution concentration variation of 1M and 2M with a leaching process temperature of 60? is 0.905% and 0.900%, respectively. For a temperature of 95? the nickel extraction value is 0.84% ??and 0.58%. In the treatment of temperature variations of 60? and 95?, nickel recovery using CH3COOH solvent with a concentration of 1M is 0.50% and 0.35%, respectively. At the concentration of 2M is 0.37% and 0.24%, respectively. The type of solvent H2SO4 at a concentration of 1M solution with temperature variations of 60? and 95? obtained nickel with temperatures of 0.905% and 0.840%, respectively. Meanwhile, at the concentration of 2M solution obtained nickel of 0.900% and 0.567%.Telah dilakukan pelindian nikel dari bijih nikel laterit low-grade Pomala menggunakan asam organik dan inorganik. Pada penelitian ini akan dikaji pengaruh konsentrasi pelarut dan temperatur pelindian terhadap nilai ekstraksi nikel. Variasi konsentrasi yang digunakan untuk masing-masing jenis pelarut adalah 1 mol (M) dan 2 mol (M). Sementara itu, variasi temperatur pelindian sebesar 60 dan 95. Sampel dari proses pelindian dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRF. Nilai perolehan ekstraksi nikel menggunakan pelarut CH3COOH dengan variasi konsentrasi 1M dan 2M pada temperatur pelindian 60 masing-masing sebesar 0,49% dan 0,37%. Untuk temperatur pelindian 95 masing-masing sebesar 0,34% dan 0,23%. Sementara itu, nilai perolehan ekstraksi nikel menggunakan pelarut H2SO4 pada variasi konsentrasi larutan sebesar 1M dan 2M dengan temperatur proses pelindian 60 masing-masing sebesar 0,905% dan 0,900% Untuk temperatur 95 dihasilkan nilai ekstraksi nikel masing-masing sebesar 0,84% dan 0,58%. Pada perlakuan variasi temperatur sebesar 60 dan 95, perolehan kembali nikel menggunakan pelarut CH3COOH dengan konsentrasi sebesar 1M masing-masing sebesar 0,50% dan 0,35%. Pada konsentrasi 2M masing-masing sebesar 0,37% dan 0,24%. Jenis pelarut H2SO4 pada konsentrasi larutan 1M dengan variasi temperatur 60 dan 95 diperoleh nikel masing-masing temperatur sebesar 0,905% dan 0,840%. Sementara itu, pada konsentrasi larutan 2M diperoleh nikel sebesar 0,900% dan 0,567%. &nbsp


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    Properties such as photocatalytic, electrical, optical, and antibacterial. This paper presents research on the biosynthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using fingerroot extract with the spin coating method at various growth times. The process begins with preparing a seed solution with a concentration of 0.5M at a temperature of 60? at a speed of 1000 rpm for 60 minute. Furthermore, the preparation of seed layers with the spin coating technique. ZnO nanostructured thin films were grown with variations 3 hours and 4 hours. The results of SEM analysis showed the morphology of ZnO was spherical and agglomeration occurred in each variation. The average grain size of ZnO at 3 hours of growth time was 88.61 nm and 58.23 nm at 4 hours. The results of the XRD pattern analysis showed that each of the ZnO samples had a high crystallinity with a hexagonal shape, with. Crystal size at 3 hours of growth is 25.8 nm and 4 hours is 34.4 nm. Energy gap values at 3 hours of growth are 3.40 eV and 4 hours are 3.85 eV. The absorbance value was relatively high in the 3 hour treatment with a wavelength of 215 and in the 4 hour treatment with a wavelength of 245nm.ZnO merupakan salah satu material yang banyak dikembangkan oleh peneliti karena sifatnya yang unik seperti fotokatalitik, elektrik, optik, dan antibakteri. Artikel ini memuat penelitian dalam melakukan biosintesis ZnO nanopartikel menggunakan ekstrak temu kunci dengan metode spin coating pada variasi waktu pertumbuhan. Proses diawali dengan pembuatan larutan bibit dengan konsentrasi 0,5M pada temperatur 60? dengan kecepatan 1000rpm selama 60 menit. Selanjutnya, pembuatan lapisan bibit dengan teknik spin coating. Lapisan tipis ZnO nanostruktur ditumbuhkan dengan variasi waktu 3 jam dan 4 jam. Hasil analisis SEM menunjukkan bentuk morfologi ZnO di atas substrat kaca berbentuk spherical dan terjadi aglomerasi pada masing-masing variasi. Ukuran rata-rata butir ZnO pada perlakuan waktu tumbuh 3 jam adalah 88.61 nm dan 4 jam adalah 58.23 nm. Hasil analisis pola XRD menunjukkan bahwa dari masing- masing sampel ZnO memiliki kristalinitas tinggi berbentuk heksagonal, dengan. ukuran kristal pada waktu tumbuh dari 3 jam yaitu 25.8 nm dan 4 jam sebesar 34.4 nm. Nilai Energy gap pada waktu pertumbuhan 3 jam adalah 3.40eV dan 4 jam adalah 3.85 eV. Nilai absorbansi relatif tinggi pada perlakuan 3 jam dengan panjang gelombang 215 dan pada perlakuan 4 jam dengan panjang gelombang 245nm

    Nanorods Zno Thin Film Performance as Transparent Heaters.

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    NANORODS ZnO THIN FILM PERFORMANCE AS TRANSPARENT HEATERS. Transparent heaters have been used for various applications. In this research, a transparent heater made from ZnO nanorods has been successfully fabricated. ZnO nanorods were produced by using the chemical bath deposition method.The results of the XRD investigation showed that the ZnO_0.015 and ZnO_0.025 samples contained three and five ZnO peaks, respectively, with a hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure. The crystallite size increased along with the increase in the solution concentration from 71.198 nm to 82.924 nm. The morphological characterization of the samples using FE-SEM showed that ZnO_0.025 sample had a better surface covarege than ZnO_0.015 sample. The average diameters of ZnO_0.015 and ZnO_0.025 are 127.130 and 146.756 nm, respectively. The transmittance value decreased along with the increase of solution concentration which is from 55% to 53%. The value of the band gap energy decreased as the concentration of the seed solution increased from 3.25 eV to 3.20 eV. The resistivity values of ZnO_0.015 and ZnO_0.025 are 1.126 x 10-4 and 0.824 x 10-4Ωcm, respectively. From these results it appears that ZnO_0.025 sample has a more optimal performance as a transparent heater compared to ZnO_0.015 sample

    The Fabrication of Cellulose Acetate Fiber Based on Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) Using Electrospinning Technique

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    The cellulose acetate fiber is widely applied in various fields. This study elaborates the fabrication of cellulose acetate fiber based on cellulose acetate is synthesized from cellulose contained in empty fruit bunches (EFB)

    Pelatihan Elearning Moodle Untuk Meningkat Pembelajaran Siswa Pada SMAN 3 Praya Lombok Tengah

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    Pembelajaran daring telah mengubah cara berpikir, meotde yang digunakan, paradigma dan pendekatan pembelajaran yang lebih mengedepankan belajar mandiri secara online dengan sarana internet. Internet semua informasi tersedia, namun tetap harus disharing dan dipilah sesuai kebutuhan dan informasi yang hendak diajarkan kepada siswa salah satu satunya elearning. Elearning adalah salah satu media pembelajaran yang lagi populer saat ini dimana sejalan dengan perkembangan populasi pengguna jaringan internet. Namun dari sekian banyak guru di sekolah masih sedikit yang mampu mengimplementasikan e-learning dalam proses kegiatan pembelajaran. Untuk itu dibutuhkan guru yang berkompeten bukan saja secara pedagogik, sosial dan profesional tetapi juga dituntut untuk menguasai teknologi pembelajaran. Pelatihan ini dilakukan guna melatih guru dalam merencanakan, mendesain, mengembangkan dan mengoperasikan elearning dalam proses pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan bersama para siswa. Adapun pendekatannya menggunakan latihan langsung dengan penyampaian materi dan praktek. Dalam pelatihan ini mengajarkan guru membuat dan mengembangkan media pembalajaran menggunakan elearning