4,027 research outputs found

    Micro scalar patterning for printing ultra fine solid lines in flexographic printing process

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    This research focuses on the study of ultra-fine solid lines printing by using Micro-flexographic machine which is combination of flexography and micro-contact printing technique. Flexography is one of the famous and high speed roll to roll printing techniques that are possible to create graphic and electronic device on variable substrates. Micro-contact printing is a low cost technique that usually uses for micro to nano scale image especially in fine solid lines image structure. Graphene is nano material that can be used as printing ink which usually uses in producing micro to nano scale electronic devices. Lanthanum is a rare earth metal that has potential in printing industry. The combination of both printing techniques is known as Micro-flexographic printing has been successfully produced the lowest fine solid lines width and gap. The new printing technique could print fine solid lines image below 10 μm on biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) substrate by using graphene as printing ink. The Micro-flexographic printing technique has been successfully printed fine solid lines with 2.6 μm width. This study also elaborates the imprint lithography process in achieving micro down to nano fine solid lines structure below 10 μm. In an additional, the lanthanum target has been successful printed on variable substrates with good surface adhesion property. This research illustrates the ultra-fine solid lines printing capability for the application of printing electronic, graphic and bio-medical

    CPLD based controller for single phase inverters

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    The DC-AC converter, also known as inverter, converts DC power to AC power at desired output voltage and frequency. The DC power input to the inverter is obtained from an existing power supply. Nowadays inverters use high power switching transistors either IGBT's and/or MOSFETs. In addition, the voltage and frequency of the source can be adjustable. These single phase inverters and their operating principles are analyzed in detail. In this project, a full-bridge, single phase inverter that uses a digital Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control the power switches at 18 kHz was constructed. The concept of PWM with different strategies for inverters is described. A type of filter is used to improve the distortion in the output waveform. A design and implementation of PWM by using complex programmable logic device (CPLD) from Altera MaxPlus II is constructed and programmed. The involved software, hardware, and suitable algorithm to implement and generate the PWM are developed in details. To verify the significant of this single phase inverter, the output voltage will be tested with resistive load and inductive load

    Variational method in the design of an optimum solar water heater storage tank

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    Solar energy is a renewable resource because it is non-exhaustible and is available in abundance. The average daily total solar radiation amount in Malaysia is about 4500 Wh/m2, K.S Ong (1994). Intermittency and non-availability at night are the main drawbacks to the use of solar energy. However, heat storage devices could be designed to store heat for up to 24 hours if necessary. Solar water heaters are now been accepted as a reliable source of providing hot water heating in many domestic homes and are becoming more popular. Unfortunately, solar water heaters are still considered luxurious items in Malaysia. Users will always seek the product with cheaper price but at the same time still fulfill their need. Thus, a cheaper and efficient solar water heater system is required to be designed. The only way to produce cheaper and efficient product is through the optimization process to obtain the minimum cost but still maintain the specification required or call as constraints. In this project the hot water storage tank will be analyzed to obtain the optimum cost. Thermosyphon-flow solar water heating system is preferred for obvious economic reasons since they do not require circulation pumps and control units. Average temperature of the hot water in the storage tank is determined through the temperature distribution simulation. The overall average temperature obtained is 49.30C. The overall average temperature is used to solve the optimization problem. The constraints involve for the optimization are the tank volume and heat losses allowed from the water in the tank. The Lagrange multiplier method, which is based on derivatives of the objective function and the constraints are applied. The optimum independent variables and Lagrange multipliers is solved by computational approach. The minimum cost obtained for hot water storage tank with 225 l capacity is RM 1322.15. The Lagrange multipliers represent the sensitivity coefficient, which define as the rate of change of the objective function with the constraint at the optimum. This optimization method is very useful for the manufacturer in adjusting the design variables to come up with the final design

    Perencanaan dan Pelaksanaan Supervisi Akademik Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    In an effort to produce a quality lesson that is run by teachers, the steps taken in the education system is an intense and continuous coaching in the form of academic supervision given to teachers to improve their ability to run a quality learning process. Guidance to the teacher's essence is an act of giving assistance to improve his ability in running the learning process. The reason for coaching is given to the teacher is that the ability of the teacher must always be improved especially in the techniques related to the learning process that must be executed. The failure of teachers in the learning process is more due to the ability of teachers who are still low in the science of teaching. It may be that the teacher has had enough qualifications or even master's degrees, but is still weak in his teaching. So the ability of teachers in running a quality learning process is still low. Suharsimi Arikunto asserted that the main activity of supervision is to provide guidance to the school/madrasah in general and especially to the teachers for better learning quality, which in turn improves students' learning achievement. in the Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on Education Standards specially contained in Chapter IV Article 19 paragraph (3) states that every year education performs planning of learning process, implementation of learning process, assessment of learning activity, and supervision of learning process for the implementation of effective learning process and efficient


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    This article explores reading programs that used by students in learning English System, Inc, and students attitudes towards reading while specifically focusing on the difference in attitudes toward reading between low achieving and high achieving students. In addition, this article describes the reading achievement and the use of the Reader Program.This article explores reading programs that used by students in learning English System, Inc, and students attitudes towards reading while specifically focusing on the difference in attitudes toward reading between low achieving and high achieving students. In addition, this article describes the reading achievement and the use of the Reader Program

    Strategi pembangunan program homestay Kampung Kangkar Merlimau

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    Kampung Kangkar Merlimau pernah diwartakan sebagai kawasan Pelancongan Agro sebelum ini oleh Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Negeri Johor pada tahun 1993 (Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa, 2007). Pembangunan pelancongan tersebut telah mendapat kerjasama dari Jabatan Pertanian untuk membantu komuniti yang terlibat dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan inap desa (homestay). Walau bagaimanapun, pada tahun 2005 Jabatan Pertanian telah menarik diri dari usaha sama tersebut disebabkan pembangunan program homestay yang tidak menggalakkan. Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti tahap kemahiran, pengetahuan, dan penglibatan ketua, di samping mengenal pasti sama ada terdapat perbezaan tahap kemahiran antara komuniti yang menjalani latihan dan tidak menjalani latihan kemahiran, untuk membangunkan program homestay yang lepas di Kampung Kangkar Merlimau. Kaedah persampelan yang digunakan ialah kaedah persampelan bertujuan, iaitu keadaan di mana pengkaji memilih sampel berdasarkan pengalaman dan pengetahuan tentang kumpulan yang akan dikaji sahaja. Jadi dalam kajian yang dijalankan, sampel yang diambil berjumlah 81 orang penduduk yang pernah terlibat dalam program homestay sahaja. Hasil kajian didapati skor min untuk tahap kemahiran,pengetahuan, dan penglibatan ketua adalah 2.99, 3.04, dan 2.76, dan ini menunjukkan bahawa ketiga-tiga tahap tersebut adalah sederhana. Melalui kajian ini juga, didapati terdapat perbezaan signifikan tahap kemahiran komuniti yang menjalani latihan dan tidak menjalani latihan kemahiran, kecuali untuk tahap kemahiran komunikasi didapati tiada perbezaan yang signifikan. Oleh itu, kemahiran dan pengetahuan komuniti serta penglibatan ketua dalam menjayakan program homestay di Kampung Kangkar Merlimau ini perlu dipertingkatkan lagi

    Efektifitas Matakuliah Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Pembinaan Moral Mahasiswa: Studi Diskriptif-Analitis di Universitas Madura

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    Pengaruh globalisasi membawa efek yang sangat besar bagi generasi muda yang menjadi cikal bakal pengganti bagi generasi tua. Generasi muda menjadi tonggak estafet untuk generasi berikutnya. Kualitas generasi selanjutnya ditentukan oleh eksistensi generasi mudanya, terutama hal yang menyangkut persoalan moral, etika dan akhlaq yang kerapkali menjadi tujuan utama dalam proses pendidikan di bangku perguruan tinggi. Universitas Madura adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi umum yang menerapkan matakuliah Pendidikan Agama Islam sebagai matakuliah dasar umum (MKDU), yang wajib diikuti oleh seluruh mahasiswa semester satu dan semester dua. Matakuliah ini bertujuan untuk memberbaiki dan menyempurnakan moral mahasiswa agar nantinya menjadi generasi yang islami, sebagai modal dalam menghadapi kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Selain itu juga sebagai upaya preventif terhadap dekadensi moral yang seringkali terjadi dalam dunia mahasiswa. Oleh karena itu keberadaan matakuliah Pendidikan Agama Islam sangat efektif diterapkan pada perguruan tinggi umum, khususnya Universitas Madura Pamekasan. Pendekatan yang dipilih oleh peneliti adalah berupa pendekatan kualitatif yang bertujuan mengungkap sebuah gejala yang terjadi di lapangan dan kontekstual dalam mencari dan memahami tentang efektifitas matakuliah Pendidikan Agama Islam melalui pengumpulan data dengan memanfaatkan diri peneliti, dosen dan Mahasisiswa sebagai instrumen utama dan disajikan secara deskriptif

    Age factors: A view of the effect on SLA

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    There are many differences among second language learners. In first language acquisition by children, individual differences (e.g. across genders or the language being learned) are largely overshadowed by striking similarities in terms of natural stages and ultimate attainment. However, in second language acquisition, individual differences have more of an impact on the second language learning process, and their role has thus received considerable attention in recent years. Learners' beliefs and affective factors are likely to have a direct effect on second language learning, but they themselves may be influenced by a number of general factors relating to learners' ability and desire to learn and the way they choose to go about learning. One of those important areas of difference among second language learners is age. We now turn to a discussion of four main effects of age on second language acquisition.  There are many differences among second language learners. In first language acquisition by children, individual differences (e.g. across genders or the language being learned) are largely overshadowed by striking similarities in terms of natural stages and ultimate attainment. However, in second language acquisition, individual differences have more of an impact on the second language learning process, and their role has thus received considerable attention in recent years. Learners' beliefs and affective factors are likely to have a direct effect on second language learning, but they themselves may be influenced by a number of general factors relating to learners' ability and desire to learn and the way they choose to go about learning. One of those important areas of difference among second language learners is age. We now turn to a discussion of four main effects of age on second language acquisition. &nbsp

    Imam Ibnu Qutaibah dan Takwil terhadap Kemusykilan dalam Al-Quran

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    The study of the Qur'an in its various dimensions has always been actual from classical times to the present. This is marked by the emergence of a number of scholars who are famous for their various works and discuss various aspects related to the content of the holy book, one of which is Ibn Qutaibah who lived in the 3rd century AH with various monumental works such as the book Ta'wil Musykil Al- Quran. In this book, he displays takwil or explanations of various utterances that he considers musykil, so that with the takwil he did, then what was previously considered musykil seen to have become something clearer. The recitation of the pronunciation of the verse he chose not only uses reason alone, but also seen by considering the language factor, so that the recitation does not deviate from the rules of language. His efforts should help us to be more aware of the uniqueness of the language of the Qur'an itself, not even enough to get there, but also he has played an active role in making the people aware of the greatness of the Divine Word which is a guide for all human beings. Although his description musykil covers a lot of themes, but this simple writing only describes a few things, such as related to majaz, isti`arah, al-hazfu, words that have different meanings and related letters ma'ani.ABSTRAKKajian tentang Al-Quran dalam berbagai dimensinya senantiasa aktual sejak zaman klasik hingga kini. Hal ini ditandai dengan munculnya sejumlah ulama yang terkenal dengan berbagai karyanya dan membahas berbagai sisi terkait isi atau kandungan Kitab suci itu, salah satunya adalah Ibnu Qutaibah yang hidup pada abad ke 3 hijriyah dengan berbagai karya monumentalnya antara lain adalah kitab Ta'wil Musykil Al-Quran. Dalam kitab ini, beliau paparkan takwil atau penjelasan terhadap berbagai lafaz yang beliau anggap musykil, sehingga dengan takwil yang beliau lakukan, maka apa yang tadinya dipandang musykil terlihat telah menjadi sesuatu yang lebih jelas. Penakwilan terhadap lafaz ayat yang beliau pilih tidak hanya menggunakan nalar semata, tapi juga terlihat dengan mempertimbangkan faktor bahasa, sehingga takwil yang dilakukan tidak menyimpang dari kaidah bahasa. Upaya yang beliau lakukan kiranya dapat membantu kita untuk lebih menyadari akan keunikan gaya bahasa Al-Quran itu sendiri, bahkan tidak cukup sampai di situ, melainkan juga beliau telah berperan aktif untuk menyadarkan umat akan keagungan Kalam Ilahi yang menjadi petunjuk bagi sekalian manusia itu. Walaupun uraian beliau tentang takwil musykil itu memuat cakupan tema yang cukup banyak, namun tulisan yang sederhana ini hanya memaparkan beberapa hal saja, seperti terkait majaz, isti`arah, al-hazfu, lafaz yang memiliki makna yang berbeda serta terkait huruf ma'ani.  