19 research outputs found

    Uji Efektivitas Insektisida terhadap Hama Maruca Testulalis pada Bibit Malapari (Pongamia Pinnata (L.) Pierre)

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    Maruca testulalis is one of pest on leaves of Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre. leaf in nursery. The objective of this research was to compare the efficacy of insecticides on larvae population and degrees of damage intensity. The research used complete randomized design with five treatments and three replications. The treatments were control, azadirachtin 5 g/l, Bacillus thuringiensis 1 g/l, klorantraniliprol 1 g/l and monosultap 0.5 ml/l. The results showed that tested insecticides influence on the intensity of M. testulalis. Klorantraniliprol azadirachtin and monosultap insecticides were more effective to control the larvae of M. testulalis when compared to B. thuringiensis


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    Nyamplung (Calophyluminophylum) merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman yang dikembangkan sebagai tanaman penghasil biofuel. Penanaman nyamplung banyak mengalami gangguan berupa serangan hama trips (Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis Bouche) dan hama penggerek pucuk. Upaya pengendalian hama terpadu ditekankan pada pengurangan penggunaan insektisida sintesis dengan penggunaan insektisida nabati. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektfitas beberapa jenis insektisida terhadap hama trips dan penggerek pucuk. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 3 perlakuan (kontrol, insektisida kimia dan ekstrak daun sirsak). Setiap perlakuan di ulang sebanyak 30 kali, sehingga total tanaman sebanyak 90 tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ekstrak sirsak efektif menurunkan tingkat kerusakan hama penggerek pucuk sampai 10% sedangkan insektisida kimia efektif menurunkan tingkat kerusakan hama trips sampai 85%

    Pengawetan Kayu Ganitri dan Mahoni melalui Rendaman Dingin dengan Bahan Pengawet Boric Acid Equivalent

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    Dalam rangka meningkatkan masa pakai kayu jenis ini, penelitian mengenai pengawetan kayu dengan larutan Boric Acid Equivalent (BAE) 10 % melalui perendaman dingin telah dilakukan. Sampel kayu ganitri (Elaeocarpus ganitrus) dan mahoni (Swietenia mahogany) berasal dari hutan rakyat di Desa Sukamulih, Kecamatan Sariwangi, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah tebal kayu (2,5 cm, 5 cm, 7,5 cm dan 10 cm) dan lama perendaman (3 hari, 5 hari dan 7 hari). Parameter yang diamati adalah retensi dan penetrasi bahan pengawet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perlakuan tebal kayu dan lama perendaman berpengaruh nyata terhadap retensi dan penetrasi bahan pengawet BAE pada kayu ganitri maupun mahoni. Tingkat retensi dan penetrasi bahan pengawet BAE pada kayu ganitri memenuhi persyaratan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) pada semua perlakuan. Sedangkan pada jenis mahoni, tingkat penetrasi bahan pengawet BAE memenuhi standar SNI untuk semua perlakuan, namun tingkat retensi  hanya  memenuhi  standar  SNI  pada  ketebalan  kayu  2,5  cm  dan  5  cm  pada  semua perlakuan lama perendaman. Pada ketebalan kayu mahoni yang lebih tinggi, lama perendaman sampai 7 hari belum dapat mecapai retensi yang memenuhi standar SNI. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, pengawetan dengan menggunakan BAE 10 % yang direkomendasikan adalah lama perendaman 3 hari pada semua ketebalan kayu ganitri, dan ketebalan kayu 2,5 dan 5 cm pada kayu mahoni

    Pengawetan Kayu Tisuk (Hibiscus Macrophyllus Roxb.) Melalui Rendaman Dingin Dengan Bahan Pengawet Boric Acid Equivalent

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    Tisuk (Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb.) adalah salah satu jenis tanaman cepat tumbuh yang banyak dikembangkan di hutan rakyat, terutama di Pulau Jawa. Salah satu kelemahan jenis ini adalah tingkat keawetannya yang rendah (kelas awet III/IV). Dalam rangka meningkatkan masa pakai kayu tisuk, penelitian mengenai pengawetan kayu tisuk dengan larutan Boric Acid Equivalent (BAE) melalui perendaman dingin telah dilakukan. Sampel kayu tisuk berasal dari hutan rakyat di Desa Sukamulih, Kecamatan Sariwangi, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah tebal kayu (2,5 cm, 5 cm, 7,5 cm dan 10 cm), immersion time (3 hari, 5 hari dan 7 hari), dan konsentrasi bahan pengawet (5 %dan 10 %). Parameter yang diamati adalah retensi dan penetrasi bahan pengawet. Hasil penelitian menunjuk-kan bahwa retensi bahan pengawet berbeda nyata pada perlakuan tebal kayu tetapi tidak berbeda nyata pada kedua perlakuan lainnya. Sementara, tingkat penetrasi bahan pengawet tidak berbeda nyata pada semua perlakuan. Retensi dan penetrasi bahan pengawet menunjukkan nilai yang memenuhi persyaratan SNI. Berdasarkan analisis ini, pengawetan kayu tisuk yang disarankan menggunakan BAE adalah konsentrasi bahan pengawet 5 % dengan waktu perendaman 3 hari pada ketebalan 2,5 cm, 5 cm, 7,5 cm dan 10 cm

    The Intensity Attack of Leaf Pest Graphium Agamemnon L. and Its Parasitoid Potency on Monoculture and Agroforestry Manglid (Magnolia Champaca) Patterns

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    The purpose of this research is to compare the intensity attack of G. agamemnon on monoculture and manglid agroforestry patterns, to identify G. agamemnon parasitoid and to compare the level of parasitization on monoculture and manglid agroforestry patterns. The method used is direct observation of manglid with parameters such as G. agamemnon intensity attack on monocultur and agroforestry, morphology identification of parasitoid type and parasitization level on monoculture and agroforestry. The results showed that G. agamemnon attack on monoculture pattern reached 39.25 % and 25.75 % on agroforestry pattern. The type of parasitoid that attacks G. agamemnon larvae is Diaparsis sp. Parasitization of Diaparsis sp. on monoculture and agroforestry manglid pattern were 55.00 % and 66.67%

    The Diversity and Utilization of Weeds in Sengon (Falcataria Moluccana (Miq.) Barneby & J.W.) Grimes) Agroforestry and Monoculture Pattern

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    Sengon (Falcataria moluccana) is a superior commodity of private forests in Java island. However, its management faces a gall rust attack. In addition, another challenge is the presence of weed disturbance which can reduce plant growth productivity. This study aims to measure the diversity and utilization of weed species in the agroforestry and sengon monoculture demonstration plots. The research method used was the method of vegetation analysis of understorey and interviews. Data analysis was performed descriptively using the importance species index, species diversity index and species similarity index.The results showed that both cropping patterns produced the same level of diversity and species richness despite differences in species density and presence. A total of 29 species of weeds were found in the agroforestry pattern and 27 types in the monoculture pattern.. Weed species diversity in agroforestry and monoculture patterns is classified as moderate with Shannon-Wienner species diversity index (H ') values of 2.47 and 2.66 respectively. Likewise, the level of species richness both pattern is classified as moderate with Margalef Richness Index (R') value of 3.89 in monoculture and 4.23 in agroforestry. The level of species similarity between the two cropping pattern according to the Bray-Curtis Index is 0.66. The density of weeds in the monoculture pattern is higher (66.00 individuals / m2) than the agroforestry pattern (62.25 individuals / m2). Most of the weeds (67.65%) are used by people around the forest as animal feed (18 species), foodstuffs (4 species) and traditional medicine (4 species). The many species of weeds that can be utilized by the community shows that sengon forests can support food security, so that the weed control techniques recommended are manual techniques with simple tools and spatial management with F. moluccana plants

    Diversity of Soil Macro Fauna and Its Role on Soil Fertility in Manglid Agroforestry

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    Soil macro fauna is one of the bio indicators in determining the quality of the land. The total soil macro fauna is influenced by the climatice condition and land utilization pattern. Agroforestry is one of type land utilization that is expected to improve the soil fertility. Land utilization changing from monoculture into agroforestry is predicted to influence the soils macro fauna. This study is aims to find out the population of soil macro fauna before and after applying manglid agroforestry. The research was conducted in Cukangkawung, Tasikmalaya District, West Java Province. Sample of macro fauna was taken from non-productive land of tea plantations and one year after the land was planted by manglid + corn + peanut by using agroforestry. Samples were taken in Feb-March 2015 and once more in Feb-March 2016. The observation land area is 1 hectare that is divided into 1 m x 1 m - 16 observation plots that was placed randomly. In each plot, a hole of 30 cm in depth was made and the dug out soil was placed on the plastic container. The collected macro fauna was counted and placed into a bottle that was filled with 70% alcohol. The macro fauna identification was conducted in LIPI zoology laboratory. The research shows that the diversity indexes for Shanon and Margalef on manglid agroforestry are higher than on the ex tea land. Factors that influence the soil macro fauna diversity improvement is pH, low temperature of soil and high soil moisture. Soil macro fauna becomes organic decomposer in agroforestry for about 56,25% and 20% in non-productive land of tea plants

    Weed Density and Dominant Weed Species in Malapari (Pongamia Pinnata (L.) Pierre) Agroforestry

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the weed density and the dominant species of weeds in Malapari (Pongamia pinnata (L). Pierre) agroforestry. The study was conducted in Patutrejo Village, Grabag District, Purworejo Regency. The method used is single plot method in malapari agroforestry, as a comparison of observations of weeds on empty land that is not planted. Weed sample collection was carried out by the quadratic method measuring 1 m x 1 m as many as 3 plots placed in malapari agroforestry and empty land diagonally. Observations were repeated 3 times so that there were 18 observation plots. The results showed that weed density in malapari agroforestry (29.95) was lower than empty land (54.17). The dominant species of weeds in both malapari agroforestry and empty land is Eulalia amaura (Buese) with Important Value Index (IVI) of 36.40 % and 43.39 %. This species is a pioneer weed and Fast growing, so monitoring and control are needed so that the weed population is not economically disserve

    Pengawetan Kayu Ganitri dan Mahoni melalui Rendaman Dingin dengan Bahan Pengawet Boric Acid Equivalent

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    Dalam rangka meningkatkan masa pakai kayu jenis ini, penelitian mengenai pengawetan kayu dengan larutan Boric Acid Equivalent (BAE) 10 % melalui perendaman dingin telah dilakukan. Sampel kayu ganitri (Elaeocarpus ganitrus) dan mahoni (Swietenia mahogany) berasal dari hutan rakyat di Desa Sukamulih, Kecamatan Sariwangi, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah tebal kayu (2,5 cm, 5 cm, 7,5 cm dan 10 cm) dan lama perendaman (3 hari, 5 hari dan 7 hari). Parameter yang diamati adalah retensi dan penetrasi bahan pengawet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perlakuan tebal kayu dan lama perendaman berpengaruh nyata terhadap retensi dan penetrasi bahan pengawet BAE pada kayu ganitri maupun mahoni. Tingkat retensi dan penetrasi bahan pengawet BAE pada kayu ganitri memenuhi persyaratan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) pada semua perlakuan. Sedangkan pada jenis mahoni, tingkat penetrasi bahan pengawet BAE memenuhi standar SNI untuk semua perlakuan, namun tingkat retensi hanya memenuhi standar SNI pada ketebalan kayu 2,5 cm dan 5 cm pada semua perlakuan lama perendaman. Pada ketebalan kayu mahoni yang lebih tinggi, lama perendaman sampai 7 hari belum dapat mecapai retensi yang memenuhi standar SNI. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, pengawetan dengan menggunakan BAE 10 % yang direkomendasikan adalah lama perendaman 3 hari pada semua ketebalan kayu ganitri, dan ketebalan kayu 2,5 dan 5 cm pada kayu mahoni