39 research outputs found

    AGN triggering in the infall regions of distant X-ray luminous galaxy clusters at 0.9 < z <~ 1.6

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    Observational constraints on the average radial distribution profile of AGN in distant galaxy clusters can provide important clues on the triggering mechanisms of AGN activity in dense environments and are essential for a completeness evaluation of cluster selection techniques in the X-ray and mm-wavebands. The aim of this work is a statistical study with XMM-Newton of the presence and distribution of X-ray AGN in the large-scale structure environments of 22 X-ray luminous galaxy clusters in the redshift range 0.9 < z \lesssim 1.6 compiled by the XMM-Newton Distant Cluster Project (XDCP). To this end, the X-ray point source lists from detections in the soft-band (0.35-2.4 keV) and full-band (0.3-7.5 keV) were stacked in cluster-centric coordinates and compared to average background number counts extracted from three independent control fields in the same observations. A significant full-band (soft-band) excess of \sim78 (67) X-ray point sources is found in the cluster fields within an angular distance of 8' (4Mpc) at a statistical confidence level of 4.0 sigma (4.2 sigma), corresponding to an average number of detected excess AGN per cluster environment of 3.5\pm0.9 (3.0\pm0.7). The data point towards a rising radial profile in the cluster region (r<1Mpc) of predominantly low-luminosity AGN with an average detected excess of about one point source per system, with a tentative preferred occurrence along the main cluster elongation axis. A second statistically significant overdensity of brighter soft-band detected AGN is found at cluster-centric distances of 4'-6' (2-3Mpc), corresponding to about three times the average cluster radius R200 of the systems. If confirmed, these results would support the idea of two different physical triggering mechanisms of X-ray AGN activity in dependence of the radially changing large-scale structure environment of the distant clusters.Comment: 18 pages, 7 color figures, accepted for publication in Advances in Astronomy for the special issue 'Seeking for the Leading Actor on the Cosmic Stage: Galaxies versus Supermassive Black Holes

    Studying the properties of galaxy cluster morphology estimators

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    X-ray observations of galaxy clusters reveal a large range of morphologies with various degrees of disturbance, showing that the assumptions of hydrostatic equilibrium and spherical shape which are used to determine the cluster mass from X-ray data are not always satisfied. It is therefore important for the understanding of cluster properties as well as for cosmological applications to detect and quantify substructure in X-ray images of galaxy clusters. Two promising methods to do so are power ratios and center shifts. Since these estimators can be heavily affected by Poisson noise and X-ray background, we performed an extensive analysis of their statistical properties using a large sample of simulated X-ray observations of clusters from hydrodynamical simulations. We quantify the measurement bias and error in detail and give ranges where morphological analysis is feasible. A new, computationally fast method to correct for the Poisson bias and the X-ray background contribution in power ratio and center shift measurements is presented and tested for typical XMM-Newton observational data sets. We studied the morphology of 121 simulated cluster images and establish structure boundaries to divide samples into relaxed, mildly disturbed and disturbed clusters. In addition, we present a new morphology estimator - the peak of the 0.3-1 r500 P3/P0 profile to better identify merging clusters. The analysis methods were applied to a sample of 80 galaxy clusters observed with XMM-Newton. We give structure parameters (P3/P0 in r500, w and P3/P0_max) for all 80 observed clusters. Using our definition of the P3/P0 (w) substructure boundary, we find 41% (47%) of our observed clusters to be disturbed.Comment: Replaced to match version published in A&A, Eq. 1 correcte

    Respon Rumah Tangga Miskin terhadap Pelaksanaan Program Beras Miskin (Raskin) di Kepenghuluan Pujud Kecamatam Pujud Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    Raskin is a food subsidy in the form of rice that is intended for poor or low-income households, as an effort by the Government to increase food security and provide social protection to target households receiving raskin. The success of the Raskin program is measured on the basis of 6T which is Exactly Targeted, Exactly Quantity, Exactly Priced, Timely, Exactly Quality, and Proper Administration. The purpose of this research is to know how the socio-economic characteristics of poor households in Kepenghuluan Pujud and see the response of poor households to the implementation of Raskin program in Kepenghuluan Pujud. The research method used is quantitative descriptive. The population of this study was all Poor Households who received the aid of Poor Rice (Raskin) in Kepenghuluan Pujud. sampling technique in this study is simple rendom sampling, this research sample amounted to 61 respondents. From the result of the research, it can be concluded that the socio-economic characteristics of Poor Households mostly work as farmers with the last education of elementary school graduates / equivalent, which has permanent type of house and the number of household heads more than 4 people, with income for family needs. Furthermore, the result of Poor Household Response to Raskin Program is a Constant Response in which the knowledge level of high poor household is 100% to the Raskin program, while the affective response is very high that is 100% while the conative response while the poor household action is less active the implementation of less active raskin program which amounted to 86.9% residing in Kepenghulan Pujud

    Analisa Biaya Pengendalian & Perencanaan Bahan Baku Di PT. Aliansi Temprina Nyata Grafika

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    PT.Aliansi Temprina Nyata Grafika have problems of supply of raw materials, especially paper that will be processed into the paper to stock too much so that many raw materials are ultimately broken prior to use and interfere with the paper production process so that it is detrimental to the company. It is therefore necessary to implement the planning and control of the appropriate raw materials in order to smooth production process can guarantee.Metode used in the process of material supply is Lot For Lot (LFL), Fixed Order Quantity (FOQ), Fixed Period reqiurement (FPR). planning and inventory control system for raw material Plain Paper Roll CD 45 GR 138 cm in PT.Aliansi Temprina Nyata Grafika can use LFL method because it can save the cost of raw materials inventory Rp.602.159.101 or 19.89% in the period from January to July 2015.Sistem planning and inventory control for raw materials Photopolymer CTP Plate PT.Aliansi Temprina Nyata Grafika can use LFL method because it can save the cost of raw materials inventory Rp.9.527.795 or 2.26% in the period from January to July, 2015

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran IPA dengan Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi pada Siswa Kelas VI SD

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    Research about Learning Activity Step-up IPA By Use Of Demonstration Method On Student brazes VI SDN Paloh. To the effect this research to get imformasi that clear, objektif and accurate about demonstration method purpose in IPA\u27S learning on student brazes VI SDN Paloh, meanwhile benefit of this research which is gets to give benefit to learn, student and divides school. Method that is utilized is deskriftif\u27s method whereas research form that is utilized is survey studies with Actions Observational type braze. Performance indicator that is analyzed is physical activity, mental and emotional. With acquired observational end product which is physical activity of pre tindakan33,79% to III. cycles as big as 97.58% worked up as big as 63.79% by tall categories. Meanwhile mental activity from pratindakan 24,73% to III. cycles as big as 87,09% worked up as big as 62,36% by tall categories. Be emotional activity of pre action 31.19% to III. cycles as big as 97.85% worked up as big as 66.67%dengan tall categories. Learned result of pre action 60.45% to III. cycles as big as 88.60 % worked up as big as 28.15 % by good categories

    Sosialisasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Talking Stick di SMP 3 Suwawa

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    Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe talking stick merupakan strategi pengajaran yang mendorong siswa untuk menyuarakan pikirannya melalui penggunaan tongkat. Strategi pengajaran ini bertujuan untuk menanamkan kepercayaan diri siswa untuk menyuarakan pemikirannya dan berbicara di kelas, menjadikan pembelajaran menyenangkan dan nyaman bagi semua orang. Langkah-langkah dari model pembelajaran talking stick antara lain Pemilihan topik, Pemilihan urutan, Berbicara, Mendengarkan, Kolaborasi dan tanggapan, Berpindah keanggota berikutnya dan Penutup pembelajaran. SMP Negeri 3 Suwawa salah satu sekolah yang belum menerapkan model-model pembalajaran kooperatif. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini untuk melakukan sosialisasi model pembelajaran kooperatif talking stick sehingga model pembalajaran ini bisa di terapkan di dalam kelas pada setiap pembelajaran. hasil dari pengabdian ini merupakan terciptanya kelas yang aktif dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif talking stick. Sosialisasi yang diberikan berjalan dengan lancar dan memberikan hasil pembelajaran yang aktif sehingga memberikan solusi pada pengembangan model pembelajaran yang aktif dan efektif.

    Implementasi Data Mining Dalam Penentuan Tingkat Kemiskinan Menggunakan Fuzzy C-Means

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    Kemiskinan merupakan salah satu persoalan yang menjadi perhatian utama pemerintah daerah, termasuk di Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Provinsi Gorontalo, Indonesia. Berbagai program dan bantuan untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat telah dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah daerah namun dinilai belum efektif, karena adanya kekeliruan yang disebabkan oleh ketidaksesuaian dalam penentuan kategori rumah tangga miskin pada saat pendataan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menerapkan algoritma Fuzzy C-Means dalam menentukan kategori rumah tangga miskin. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Eksperimen dengan menggunakan tahapan umum dari proses Data Mining dengan Algoritma Clustering Fuzzy C-Means. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah sistem yang dapat mendata rumah tangga miskin dan kemudian mengelompokannya ke dalam (3) jenis kategori yaitu miskin, hampir miskin, dan sangat miskin dengan model perhitungan yang lebih akurat. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh bahwa sistem yang dibuat telah behasil mengklaster 100 (seratus) data sampel rumah tangga miskin di Kabupaten Bone Bolango ke dalam tiga kategori kemiskinan, dengan persentase setiap kategori adalah 50% sangat miskin, 34% hampir miskin, dan 16% sangat miskin. Poverty has become one of the major issues concerned by the government in Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. Various programs and assistance for the welfare of the community have been implemented, yet they are considered ineffective due to some mistakes in specifying the category of poor households during the data collection process. The objective of this present study is to apply the Fuzzy C-Means algorithm in determining the category of poor households. Further, it employed the Experimental Method by going through general stages of the Data Mining process with the Fuzzy C-Means Clustering algorithm. This study produces a system that is able to record poor households, which then groups them into three categories, including poor (50%), almost poor (34%), and very poor (16%) with a more accurate calculation model. In brief, the produced system has successfully clustered 100 sample data of poor households in the site area into three poverty categories with the percentage of each category mentioned above

    Probing the correlations in composite signals

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    The technique of degree of randomness is used to model the correlations in sequences containing various subsignals and noise. Kolmogorov stochasticity parameter enables to quantify the randomness in number sequences and hence appears as an efficient tool to distinguish the signals. Numerical experiments for a broad class of composite signals of regular and random properties enable to obtain the qualitative and quantitative criteria for the behavior of the descriptor depending on the input parameters typical to astrophysical signals.Comment: Eur.Phys.J. to appear, 6 pages, 6 figure