941 research outputs found

    The Zero Interest Rate Policy

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    This paper derives a generalized optimal interest rate rule that is optimal even under a zero lower bound on nominal interest rates in an otherwise basic New Keynesian model with inflation inertia. Using this optimal rule, we investigate optimal entrance and exit strategies of the zero interest rate policy (ZIP) under the realistic model with inflation inertia and a variety of shocks. The simulation results reveal that the shapes of the entrance and exit strategies in a ZIP change considerably according to the forward- or backward-lookingness of the economy and the size of the shocks. In particular, for large shocks that result in long ZIP periods, the time to the start (end) of the ZIP period is earlier (later) in an economy with inflation inertia than in a purely forward-looking economy. However, these outcomes are surprisingly converse to small shocks that result in short ZIP periods.Zero Interest Rate Policy, Optimal Interest Rate Rule

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran Discovery Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Materi Karakteristik Zat dan Perubahannya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan pembelajaran discovery learning terhadap hasil belajar IPA materi Karakteristik zat dan perubahannya. Jenis penelitian adalah ex-post facto dengan populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII SMPK Rokatenda Palue tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 48 siswa yang diperoleh dengan teknik proportionate simple random sampling. Data ditampilkan secara deskriptif dan diuji dengan perbedaan rata-rata melalui one sample t-test. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menggunakan one sample t-test  menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh dari model  discovery learning terhadap hasil belajar yang ditunjukkan pada nilai signifikan 0,000 < 0,05  di mana H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran discovery learning efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA Materi Karakteristik Zat dan Perubahanny

    Fibrinogen Yecheon: Congenital Dysfibrinogenemia with Gamma Methionine-310 to Threonine Substitution

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    This case study reports a rare fibrinogen variant, γ Met310Thr mutation, for the first time in Korea. The case shows a point mutation from T to C in the 1,007th nucleotide of the FGG gene. This report describes a variant fibrinogen, hereinafter called "fibrinogen Yecheon", using the name after the town where the patient was living at the time of diagnosis. Fibrinogen Yecheon has a de novo heterozygous point mutation of FGG resulting in γ Met310Thr and subsequent extra N-glycosylation at γ Asn308. Extra N-glycosylated fibrinogen is considered a main inhibitor of normal fibrinogen activity

    Isolation of 76Br from irradiated Cu276Se targets using dry distillation: evaluations and improvement for routine production

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    Introduction 76Br is of interest for in vivo PET imaging applications. Its relatively long half-life (16.1 h) allows use not only on small molecules but also proteins which have slow excretion as carrier molecules. Irradiation using a low energy proton beam (~ 20 MeV) on an enriched Cu276Se target, followed by dry distillation with thermal chromatography, is one of the best methods to obtain sufficient amounts of 76Br for clinical applications1,2. However, the thermal chromatography is plagued by poor reproducibility and appears unsuitable for automation of its production, leading us to remove the thermal chroma-tography from the dry distillation. In this investigation we employed H2O solution to collect 76Br and optimized the distillation condition using a small amount of 77Br (57.0 h). We also produced large amount of 76Br under the optimized conditions to evaluate the dry distillation method. Material and Methods Target preparation and dry distillation were conducted based on the methods described in previous reports1,2. To produce 77Br, Cu2natSe target was irradiated with 20 MeV proton beams (5 µA) accelerated by AVF cyclotron in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The following two systems were used in the dry distillation optimization studies; (1) an initial system was composed of two furnaces, a main and an auxiliary furnace. Temperature of each furnace was set at 1050 °C (main) and 200 °C (auxiliary) respectively; (2) the second system was made of one large furnace composed of heating and cooling area. Temperature of the heating area was varied from 1050 to 1120 °C. In both systems PTFE tubing, leading to a H2O solution (15 mL), was inserted into the apparatus. The irradiated target was heated under streaming Ar gas (30 mL/min.). An enriched Cu276Se target (76Se enrichment: 99.67%) was used for 76Br production. Radioactivity was measured on a high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector coupled to a multichannel analyzer. TLC analyses were conducted on Al2O3 plates (Merck) using 7:1 acetone:H2O as the eluting solvent. Results and Conclusion Low efficiency (33 %) of 77Br recovery was ob-served in the initial system. Distribution of radioactivity inside the apparatus showed that 35 % was trapped in the PTFE tube and the quartz tube. The recovery yield was increased up to 54 % when the auxiliary furnace was turned off, indicating that the temperature gradient inside the quartz tube is suitable to carry 77Br effectively to the H2O trap. We initially used a quartz boat to place the irradiated target in the furnace, but found that using a reusable tungsten backing was better. However, we found that recovery yield was dramatically reduced to 18 %. The studies where the temperature was varied showed that releasing efficiency was increased up to 100 % at the temperature of 1120 °C. Good recovery yield (~ 77 %) was achieved after optimizing the temperature gradient (FIG. 1b). Using the optimized setup, 76Br production runs (n = 6) have been conducted, allowing us to recover up to 39.8 MBq/µAh (EOB) of 76Br. High specific activity (~4400 GBq/µmol) was obtained in the final solution. TLC analysis showed that chemical form obtained was bromide. We concluded that the dry distillation using H2O trap is capable of providing enough high purity 76Br for clinical applications

    Repetitive CREB-DNA interactions at gene loci predetermined by CBP induce activity-dependent gene expression in human cortical neurons

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    Atsumi Yuri, Iwata Ryohei, Kimura Hiroshi, et al. Repetitive CREB-DNA interactions at gene loci predetermined by CBP induce activity-dependent gene expression in human cortical neurons. Cell Reports 3, 113576 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113576.Neuronal activity-dependent transcription plays a key role in plasticity and pathology in the brain. An intriguing question is how neuronal activity controls gene expression via interactions of transcription factors with DNA and chromatin modifiers in the nucleus. By utilizing single-molecule imaging in human embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived cortical neurons, we demonstrate that neuronal activity increases repetitive emergence of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) at histone acetylation sites in the nucleus, where RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) accumulation and FOS expression occur rapidly. Neuronal activity also enhances co-localization of CREB and CREB-binding protein (CBP). Increased binding of a constitutively active CREB to CBP efficiently induces CREB repetitive emergence. On the other hand, the formation of histone acetylation sites is dependent on CBP histone modification via acetyltransferase (HAT) activity but is not affected by neuronal activity. Taken together, our results suggest that neuronal activity promotes repetitive CREB-CRE and CREB-CBP interactions at predetermined histone acetylation sites, leading to rapid gene expression


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    To improve the responsibility and stability for force-reflecting bilateral tele-operation through the network such as the Internet,we propose a concept for compensation of the delay time for packet transfer based on model predictive control method. In the bilateral master-slave tele-operation control, there are two kinds of network time delay, one is the delay time from master to slave (T1) and another is the delay time from slave to master (T2). On the Internet, T1 and T2 change irregularly. To measure T1 and T2 precisely, we constructed a master-slave control system with GPS-based time servers. Moreover,to compensate T1 and T2, we propose a new concept of a model predictive control method with model-based simulation for T1 or T2