26 research outputs found

    Combined effects of electric toothbrushing and dentifrice on artificial stain removal : an in vitro study

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    This in vitro study aimed to clarify the combined effect of electric toothbrushing and dentifrice on the removal of artificial stain. Twenty-five bovine incisors were cut at the cervix and the crown was embedded in auto-cured acrylic resin. Specimens were abraded using #240 SiC paper to obtain a flat enamel surface, and 20 specimens were treated with 10% citric acid / 3% ferric chloride solution followed by 1% tannic acid solution to produce surface staining. They were divided into four groups: 1) brushing with an electric toothbrush and whitening dentifrice (group S+B); 2) brushing with an electric toothbrush and fluoride dentifrice (group S+C); 3) brushing with an electric toothbrush and no dentifrice (group S); and 4) no brushing (control group). The remaining five specimens were used as a baseline. Color values (L*, a*, and b* were measured before brushing (0 min), and at 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, and 20 min using a microscopic area spectrophotometer. The color change (?E) was calculated by subtracting the baseline values from the final color values obtained at each time point. The data were statistically analyzed using two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance and Tukey?s honest significant difference test as a post hoc test (p0.05). Groups S+B and S+C demonstrated greater ?E values than group S. The combination of electric toothbrushing and dentifrice removed the artificial stain more effectively than brushing without dentifrice. However, the stain removal was limited. The two dentifrices evaluated in this study exhibited similar stain removal effects

    Effect of professional dental prophylaxis on the surface gloss and roughness of CAD/CAM restorative materials

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of dental prophylaxis on the surface gloss and roughness of different indirect restorative materials for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM): two types of CAD/CAM composite resin blocks (Shofu Block HC and Estelite Block) and two types of CAD/CAM ceramic blocks (IPS Empress CAD and Celtra DUO). After polishing the CAD/CAM blocks and applying prophylaxis pastes, professional dental prophylaxis was performed using four different experimental protocols (n = 5 each): mechanical cleaning with Merssage Regular for 10 s four times (Group 1); four cycles of mechanical cleaning with Merssage Regular for 10 s and Merssage Fine for 10 s (Group 2); four cycles of mechanical cleaning with Merssage Regular for 10 s and Merssage Fine for 30 s (Group 3); and mechanical cleaning with Merssage Fine for 10 s four times (Group 4). A glossmeter was used to measure surface gloss before and after mechanical cleaning, and a contact stylus profilometer was used to measure surface roughness (Ra). Polishing with prophylactic paste led to a significant reduction in surface gloss and increase in surface roughness among resin composite blocks, whereas the polishing-related change in surface gloss or roughness was smaller in Celtra DUO, a zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate block. Changes in surface gloss and roughness due to polishing with a prophylactic paste containing large particles were not improved by subsequent polishing with a prophylactic paste containing fine particles


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    論文 介護過程の展開において利用者の全体像を捉えることは、根拠のある介護実践が可能であると多くの研究者が認識していた。しかし、関連図を活用した先行研究において全体像を捉えられた状態を具体的に提示しているものは確認できなかった。そこで、介護過程の展開において、利用者の全体像を捉えることの困難という現状を踏まえ、利用者の全体像を捉えるための「情報の関連図」と「利用者の全体像把握の自己評価尺度(インタビューガイド)」を考案した。今回は、それらの効果測定である。 本研究では、主に介護過程の展開における「情報の関連図」が利用者の全体像を捉えるのに有効であることを明らかにすることを目的に4 年制大学の介護系学生5 名を対象にインタビューガイドを使用した聞き取り調査を行った。結果5 名とも介護過程の展開における「情報の関連図」は利用者の全体像を捉えるツールとして有効と認識していた

    介護福祉ニーズに視点をおいた介護過程 (介護過程の展開ツール)の研修効果 その1:A 県またはB 県において本研修時ファシリテーターの介護福祉士を対象とした実証研究

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    論文 一番ヶ瀬康子をはじめ西村洋子、黒澤貞夫、奈倉道隆、太田貞司らによって介護福祉の理論化が図られてきている。しかし、研究者間の一致ができていない。一般人や厚生労働省の役人、現場の介護福祉士でさえ「介護福祉士にしかできないこと、専門性が言語化・見える化できていない」という現状がある。太田は、「介護福祉学構築にとって、鈴木らが述べているように『介護過程』の研究がきわめて重要で、介護過程を「事象」介護福祉としてどうとらえるかが課題」と述べている。そこで、筆者が考案した介護過程「介護福祉ニーズに視点をおいた介護過程(介護過程の展開ツール)」の研修効果を明らかにすることを目的に、A県またはB県介護福祉士会主催の本研修時ファシリテーター(促進者)の介護福祉士 2 名を対象にインタビュー調査を行った。本稿では、ワークシートを作成し、一番ヶ瀬(2000 年)の諸点から本研修の効果を考察した。結果、10 項目を明らかにすることができた

    介護過程の展開における「情報の関連図」の教育的効果に関する研究 その2:「情報の関連図」を活用しなかった介護実習と活用した介護実習の比較から

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    研究ノート 前回(杉山2014)は主に介護実習の事後指導としての介護過程の展開における「情報の関連図」の効果測定だった。今回は、聞き取り調査の結果を集約し、情報の関連図を活用しなかった「介護実習Ⅱ」と活用した「介護実習Ⅲ」の比較や「介護実習Ⅲ」の事後指導としての活用から「情報の関連図」の有効性を考察した。 本研究では、「情報の関連図」が利用者の全体像を捉えるのに有効であることを明らかにすることを目的に、4年制大学の介護系学生6名を対象に、インタビューガイドを使用した聞き取り調査を行った。結果、「介護実習Ⅲ」で情報の関連図を活用した2 名の学生は、受け持ち利用者の全体像を捉えた介護展開を体験し、両者の主体的な学びの満足度は高かった。6名全員が、「情報の関連図」を描くことに肯定的であった。また、今後の介護福祉教育における介護過程の教育に役立つ12 項目が示唆された


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    The recent development of tube feeding enables a person who is unable to take anything by mouth because of aging and/or diseases to be alive longer. To present, a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) has been frequently used because of its convenience and safety. However, the easy use of PEG has been criticized and reconsidered during the last decade. The problem associated with the decision making of the patient and his/her family is still remained. Sometimes the family faces to the decision making process with a conflict on behalf of their family member who is supposed to be fed by tube. Therefore, it would be convenient for us to utilize a “living will display card” similar to an “organ supply will display card” in order to show our living will. We examined the knowledge and the attitude toward tube feeding at the end-of-life nutrition among the people lived in the northern part of Nagano prefecture, and to obtain their evaluation about a “living will display card”, which we proposed. A questionnaire survey was preformed and the recovery rate was 92%.  As results, the survey revealed a poor knowledge of the subjects about the tube feeding. Less than 40% of the subjects did not know the fact that the living will is not necessarily required for starting the tube feeding. The knowledge about the tube feeding based on their personal experiences seemed to contribute the refusal of persistent use of tube feeding. About a half of the subjects affirmatively answered to use “living will display card”. More than 70% of the subjects showed the respect toward their family member’s will in case the member would refuse the tube feeding in the end-of-life using the card. Not only the “living will display card” would let the family to respect their member’s will, it would also provide them a chance to discuss about nutrition at the end-of-life for their family member

    介護実習における学生の成長・変化 : 介護実習I~IIまでの実習に関するアンケート結果の比較

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