139 research outputs found

    Growth and Production of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Dennst. Nicolson from Different Corm Weights

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    The effect of different seed corm weight on the growth and production of elephant foot yams (Amorphophallus paeonifolius Dennst. Nicolson) were studied. Two forms of corm with same weight were prepared, i.e., whole corm and vertically sectioned by 1/2. The fresh mass of each whole corm and corm section was the same. Six different corm weights were compared, i.e., 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 g. Growth and development of  elephant foot yam were determined by corm weigth, large seed corm produced larger leaf and fresh mass of daughter corms. On the contrary, number of leaf decreased with increasing seed corm weight. Plants from whole seed corms emerged earlier and they were larger than those from the sectioned corms, irrespective of weight. Plants from small sized whole corm emerged earlier than the larger ones. Dissecting the main bud caused the development of lateral buds, resulted in a delay of leaf emergence. The lower yield obtained by the use of sections might be related to the late emergence leading to shorter vegetative period in the field. In the cultivation, it is recommended to use whole seed corms of 100 or 200 g.   Key words :  Elephant foot yams, tuber crop, Araceae, corm weight, tuberization rat

    Agronomy, Utilization and Economics of Indigenous Vegetables in West Java, Indonesia

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    ABSTRACTIndigenous vegetables have become popular in recent Indonesian diet, but agronomic and economic studies on these crops are limited. The objective of this research was to investigate the cultural technique of indigenous vegetables, their uses and economic importance in West Java, Indonesia. Initial market observation was conducted in Bogor to determine the economic value of indigenous vegetables. In depth observations of the indigenous vegetables and interviews with merchants, farmers and consumers were conducted in three districts, i.e., Bogor, Cianjur and Tasikmalaya, focusing on four indigenous vegetables familiar to local people, i.e., genjer (Limnocharis flava (L.) Buchenau), kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.), leunca (Solanum americanum Miller) and poh-pohan (Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Wedd.). This study showed that indigenous vegetables have been produced in extensive and semi-intensive cultivations and are sold in local markets daily, although local people do not consume them frequently. Indigenous vegetables held a market share of less than 5% at local markets, and accounted for less than 10% in household vegetable consumption. The reasons for consumers to choose indigenous vegetables were familiarity to these crops, moderate prices, family members’ preference, availability and ease of preparation. Generally, younger family members (<30 years old) bought indigenous vegetables less frequently than older ones (>30 years old), possibly due to lack of information on its use, unfamiliar flavor and high availability of other commercial vegetables commonly grown worldwide.Keywords: Cosmos caudatus, Limnocharis flava, local knowledge, Pilea melastomoides, Solanum americanumABSTRAKPopularitas sayuran indigenus terus meningkat di Indonesia, namun studi agronomi dan ekonominya masih terbatas. Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji budidaya, pemanfaatan dan nilai ekonomis sayuran indigenus di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Penelitian pendahuluan dilakukan di pasar di wilayah Bogor. Penelitian mendalam dilakukan dengan mewawancarai pedagang, petani dan konsumen, serta mengamati di lahan petani di tiga kabupaten yakni Bogor, Cianjur dan Tasikmalayauntuk empat sayuran indigenus utama yakni genjer (Limnocharis flava (L.) Buchenau), kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.), leunca (Solanum americanum Miller) dan poh-pohan (Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Wedd.). Studi menunjukkan bahwa sayuran indigenus diproduksi secara intensif dan semi intensif, serta dijual di pasar setiap hari, walaupun penduduk setempat tidak mengkonsumsi secara teratur. Sayuran indigenus mengisi celung pasar kurang dari 5% dan memenuhi kurang dari 10% kebutuhan sayuran rumah tangga. Konsumen memilih sayuran indigenus karena sudah terbiasa mengkonsumsi, harga terjangkau, disukai anggota keluarga,ketersediaan dan kemudahan mengolah. Secara umum, anggota keluarga muda (usia < 30 tahun) lebih jarang membeli sayuran indigenus dibanding yang lebih tua (usia > 30 tahun), kemungkinandisebabkan keterbatasan informasi nilai guna, adanya aroma asing, dan ketersediaan sayuran lain.Kata kunci: Cosmos caudatus, Limnocharis flava, pengetahuan lokal, Pilea melastomoides, Solanum americanu


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    Amorphophallus variabilis Blume, a member of Araceae, is a fleshy perennial tuber crop endemic in Java Island, Indonesia. The plant produces white edible corm; and it was used as food during famine time before 1960s. Rapid ecological changes and land fragmentations in Java in recent times threaten populations of A. variabilis. Here, compound microsatellite markers were developed in order to develop conservation strategies in the populations. Twelve primers pairs produced high polymorphism ranging from 5 to 22 alleles per locus. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.191 to 0.851 and 0.380 to 0.943, respectively. This high allelic diversity indicates that these markers are suitable for the study on population genetic structure. Cross-amplification on related and non-related species was performed. Application of the markers on populations from Dramaga Conservation Forest revealed high allelic richness, high diversity within and among populations. Genetic distance among populations increased with an increase of geographic distance. Present study suggested that, it is important to study population of A. variabilis in Java in order to understand the population genetic structure and develop effective in situ conservation programs

    Gamma Irradiation on Growth and Development of Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume.

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    Iles-iles (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) produces apomictic seeds lead to low genetic variation. In order to induce genetic variation, germinated seeds were exposed to Gamma irradiation (Co-60) at doses of 10 to 100 Gy. Seed irradiation was conducted at Center for the Application of Isotope and Irradiation Technology -National Nuclear Energy Agency (CAIRT), Indonesia. Morphology and yield of M1 generation were observed. Results showed that irradiation at a dose of 10 Gy close to LD50 with survival rate 56%. Gamma irradiation at a dose of 10 Gy delayed seeds germination. Germination rates gradually increased and reached maximum at 4 weeks after planting (WAP) for control plants, and 14 WAP of irradiated plants. At 16 WAP, germination rate of 10 Gy irradiated plants was 56% and 84% for those of control plants. Irradiation induced chimera as indicated by short petiole, variegated and abnornal shape of leaflets. Some irradiated plants entered dormancy at 8-10 weeks later than control ones. Prolong vegetative periode lead the plants to produce heavier corms. This study revealed the possibility to induce variation of A. muelleri by using gamma irradition. Keywords: Amorphophallus muelleri, gamma irradiation (Co-60), morphological variation, mutation breedin

    KNO 3 Application Affect Growth and Production of Amorphophallus muelleri Blume

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    ABSTRAKPemberian larutan KNO3 diduga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman iles-iles (Amorphophallus muelleriBlume). Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh pemberian larutan KNO terhadap produktivitas A. muelleri. Umbiutuh umur satu tahun dengan bobot 100-125 g ditanam dalam polibag yang ditempatkan di bawah naungan paranet 50%pada musim hujan (September 2010-April 2011) di Bogor, Indonesia. Lima taraf larutan KNO3 yaitu 0, 2, 4, 6 dan 8% (b/v)diberikan melalui daun dan melalui tanah. Larutan diberikan 2 kali sebulan mulai 12 minggu setelah tanam (MST). Hasilmenunjukkan bahwa pemberian KNO3-13 nyata mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman, khususnya meningkatkan jumlah daundan memperpanjang masa vegetatif. Pemberian KNO pada taraf 4% memberikan pengaruh tertinggi jika diberikan melaluidaun. Pemberian KNO33 taraf 4% memberikan pertumbuhan yang lebih tinggi jika diberikan melalui daun dibandingkanmelalui tanah. Secara umum, tidak ada pengaruh nyata pada pertumbuhan tanaman akibat pemberian dosis KNO yangdiberikan melalui tanah. Penelitian berimplikasi bahwa pemberian pupuk KNO melalui daun pada taraf 4% dapatditingkatkan efektivitasnya jika kerusakan pada anak daun dapat diminimalkan. Kerusakan daun cenderung meningkat padadaun tua, oleh karena itu, studi lanjut perlu dilakukan terkait waktu aplikasi yang tepat.Kata kunci: iles-iles, kalium nitrat, pupuk daun, pertumbuhan vegetati

    Surveys of postpartum depression in Miyagi, Japan, after the Great East Japan Earthquake

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    This study explores the correlation between the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the incidence of postpartum depression in Miyagi prefecture, Japan. The design used was a cross-sectional study with self-administered questionnaires, 6–9 months after the disaster. The results showed the prevalence of postnatal women with Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) score of ≥9 to be 21.3 %. Multivariate analysis showed that exposure to tsunami (odds ratio, 1.80; 95 % confidence interval, 1.16–2.78) was significantly and independently associated with an EPDS score of ≥9. Postnatal women and their children should be treated as a vulnerable population, and a protective framework must be established to prepare for future devastating disasters

    Canopy Achitecture, Biomass and Fruit Production of Solanum nigrum L. as Determined by Nitrogen Application

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    ABSTRACT Demand on fruits of Leunca (Solanum nigrum L.) is increasing in Indonesia due to a rapid expansion of ethnic restaurants, especially Sundanese restaurants. Most fruits come from semi-intensive cultivation in intercropping system, leading to low productivity. In order to improve productivity, nitrogen experiment was carried out at field of Leuwikopo Farm of Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor-Indonesia, during rainy season from December 2013 to April 2014. Four levels of nitrogen, i.e., 0, 60, 120, and 180 kg N ha-1, were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. The results revealed that canopy architecture, dry matter and fruit production, and fruit quality were highly affected by nitrogen application. Increasing nitrogen levels increased biomass and fruit production. Plants treated with nitrogen at level of 60 kg ha-1 produced ideal height for local labor and stable weekly fruit production than other levels. Hence, N fertilizer is essential for achieving high productivity of S. nigrum.Keywords: canopy shape, fruit load, indigenous vegetable, leunca, ranti kebo ABSTRAK Permintaan buah Leunca (Solanum nigrum L.) terus meningkat di Indonesia sejalan dengan perkembangan restoran etnis khususnya restoran Sunda. Sebagian besar buah leunca berasal dari tanaman sampingan secara tumpangsari, sehingga produktivitas rendah. Dalam rangka meningkatkan produktivitas, percobaan pemberian nitrogen dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Leuwikopo IPB, Bogor pada musim hujan Desember 2013 sampai April 2014. Nitrogen diberikan empat taraf yaitu 0, 60, 120, dan 180 kg N ha-1, yang disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan empat ulangan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa bentuk kanopi, produksi bahan kering dan produksi buah serta kualitas buah dipengaruhi oleh pemberian nitrogen. Peningkatan dosis nitrogen meningkatkan bahan kering dan produksi buah. Tanaman dengan perlakuan 60 kg N ha-1 menghasilkan tinggi yang ideal bagi pemanen, dan hasil mingguan yang stabil dibandingkan dengan taraf yang lebih besar. Oleh karena itu, pemupukan nitrogen penting dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas leunca.Kata kunci: beban buah, bentuk kanopi, leunca, ranti kebo, sayuran tradisiona


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    We reviewed the records of 13 patients with adrenal masses operated on over a ten-year period to clarify clinical characteristics of adrenal tumors. Tumors were found incidentally in seven of nine patients with primary adrenal tumors (78%); however, three of these seven patients (43%) proved to have shown symptoms related to adrenal hyperfunction when re-e、raluated. Other adrenal tumors (metastatic in three patients and inflammatory in one) were found without any symptoms referable to the tumors. In nine of 13 patients (69%), tumors were discovered by computerized tomography (CT). All patients with primary tumors have been gotten free of disease postoperatively. In contrast, although all three patients with metastatic adrenal tumors underwent resection of all known disease tissue, they died of the recurrence of malignancies within 10 months. This study suggests that a number of functional adrenal tumors are possibly left undiagnosed until found incidentally, and that CT is the most powerful tool to detect adrenal tumors. Our data did not support surgical intervention in cases of metastatic adrenal tumors.副腎腫瘤の臨床的特徴を明らかにするために過去10年間に当科で手術された13例を検討した. 原発性腫瘍9例中2例は臨床症状より原発性アルドステロン症を疑われ副腎腫瘍を発見されているが, 残りの7例(78%)は偶然腫瘍が発見された, いわゆる incidentaloma であった. しかしながら, retrospective にみるとこの7例中3例(43%)で副腎機能亢進によると考えられる症状を呈していた. 転移性腫瘍3例, histoplasma による肉芽腫1例は全て無症状であった. 13例中9例(69%)はCTにより, 2例は超音波, 1例は血管造影, 1例は scintigraphy によりそれぞれ病変を発見され, CT で副腎腫瘤を指摘できなかったのは1例のみであった. 13例中11例は経腹的に, 2例 は開胸開腹で手術されたが, 術後合併症は1例に創感染を認めたのみであった. 原発性腫瘍例は全例術後再発を認めていないが, 転移性腫瘍の3例は全例, 術後10ヶ月以内に再発死した. 以上の結果は機能性副腎腫瘍でも偶然発見されるまで診断されない場合が多いことを示唆しており, 臨床症状を注意深く検討し常に副腎腫瘍の可能性を考慮にいれることが肝要であると考えられる. また, 今回の結果より CT が副腎腫瘤の診断において重要な位置を占めるものと考えられた. なお, 転移性副腎腫瘍に対する手術療法は今回の検討ではそれを積極的に支持する結果は得られず, 今後さらに検討を要する問題と思われる