1,535 research outputs found

    Robustness of force and stress inference in an epithelial tissue

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    During morphogenesis, the shape of a tissue emerges from collective cellular behaviors, which are in part regulated by mechanical and biochemical interactions between cells. Quantification of force and stress is therefore necessary to analyze the mechanisms controlling tissue morphogenesis. Recently, a mechanical measurement method based on force inference from cell shapes and connectivity has been developed. It is non-invasive, and can provide space-time maps of force and stress within an epithelial tissue, up to prefactors. We previously performed a comparative study of three force-inference methods, which differ in their approach of treating indefiniteness in an inverse problem between cell shapes and forces. In the present study, to further validate and compare the three force inference methods, we tested their robustness by measuring temporal fluctuation of estimated forces. Quantitative data of cell-level dynamics in a developing tissue suggests that variation of forces and stress will remain small within a short period of time (∼\simminutes). Here, we showed that cell-junction tensions and global stress inferred by the Bayesian force inference method varied less with time than those inferred by the method that estimates only tension. In contrast, the amplitude of temporal fluctuations of estimated cell pressures differs less between different methods. Altogether, the present study strengthens the validity and robustness of the Bayesian force-inference method.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A comparison of presettlement and modern forest composition along an elevation gradient in central New Hampshire

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    Tree species composition is influenced not only by edaphic and climatic factors but also by natural and human-caused disturbances. To understand interactions among these influences, we compared forest species composition data from the time of European settlement with modern data. We derived elevation data for 2529 trees mapped by early land surveys (1770–1850) across a 1000 m elevation gradient in central New Hampshire and compared these with modern data (2004–2009) from the Forest Inventory and Analysis program (123 plots containing 2126 trees) and from permanent plots representing case studies of different land-use histories. Spruce and beech are much less abundant today at all elevations than they were prior to settlement, while maples and birches have increased. Fir, hemlock, pines, and oaks have changed little in distribution, although pines and oaks increased in abundance somewhat. Land-use history (agriculture below 500 m and cutting of various intensities at all elevations) is likely the primary explanation for these shifts, although climate change is also an important factor for some. A clearer understanding of presettlement forest composition improves our ability to separate the relative importance of natural and human-driven influences on the species composition of today’s forests

    Seismic Microzonation Considering Long Period Components

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    A methodology for characterizing the different levels of incident motion for micro zonation is discussed. Relatively long period components, which dominate the nonlinear response of soft sites at higher level of excitation, are suitably accounted for. Incident motions with the defined characteristics are generated by two step iteration scheme, and a seismic micro zonation example based on the nonlinear response analysis of a soil profile database system is presented. Effectiveness of a new micro zonation parameter, defined as Spectrum Intensity Amplification (SIA), to represent the extent of ground shaking hazard is examined and is found to represent well the damage pattern of wooden houses during a past earthquake

    Aircraft measurements of NO and NOy at 12 km over the Pacific Ocean

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    Measurements of nitric oxide (NO) and total reactive nitrogen (NOy) at altitudes about 12 km were made from two aircraft missions over the central and western Pacific Ocean at latitudes between 65 deg N and 65 deg S during the International Strato-Tropospheric Air Chemistry (INSTAC) program. NO measurements were performed during the first mission in late February and early march 1990, while NOy measurements were performed during the second mission in October 1990. Lowest NO and NOy mixing ratios in the upper troposphere were observed near the equator to be about 30 to approximately 70pptv and 150 to approximately 220pptv, respectively. NOy mixing ratios in the upper troposphere were higher in the northern middle latitude than in the southern middle latitude; 300 to approximately 900pptv in 30 deg N to approximately 50 deg N and 250 to approximately 400pptv around 25 deg S and 50 deg S possibly due to the transport of the polluted air from the boundary layer and the emissions from the commercial aircraft in the northern middle latitudes. Near the equator up to 40 deg S, the NO values showed very high variability and reached between 200 and 2000 pptv. NOy(pptv)/ozone(ppbv) ratios in the upper troposphere were between about 3 and 20 and these values seem to be higher in the lower latitude except for the polluted air in the northern middle latitude. These NOy/ozone ratios in the equatorial upper troposphere are higher than those in the lower stratosphere observed by others. These features of NO and NOy in the equatorial upper troposphere suggest that NOx is produced possibly by the lightning

    Electron correlation in FeSe superconductor studied by bulk-sensitive photoemission spectroscopy

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    We have investigated the electronic structures of recently discovered superconductor FeSe by soft-x-ray and hard-x-ray photoemission spectroscopy with high bulk sensitivity. The large Fe 3d spectral weight is located in the vicinity of the Fermi level (EF), which is demonstrated to be a coherent quasi-particle peak. Compared with the results of the band structure calculation with local-density approximation, Fe 3d band narrowing and the energy shift of the band toward EF are found, suggesting an importance of the electron correlation effect in FeSe. The self energy correction provides the larger mass enhancement value (Z^-1=3.6) than in Fe-As superconductors and enables us to separate a incoherent part from the spectrum. These features are quite consistent with the results of recent dynamical mean-field calculations, in which the incoherent part is attributed to the lower Hubbard band.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 talbl

    Healthy aging: comparative analysis of local perception and diet in two health districts of Côte d'Ivoire and Japan

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    Context: Good health and longevity depend on dynamic interactions between biological, social, psychological, and environmental factors. Aging is globally a big challenge, particularly with the demographic transition, including population growth, and an emerging burden to society. Knowledge, behavior, diet, and consumption of animal source food were related to aging and emerged as the key factors modulating healthy aging. Objective: The study was designed to understand the main healthy aging factors, such as knowledge, social network, and diet of elders, and to derive mutual learning from it for healthy aging. Methods: A qualitative approach has been applied to explore health-related knowledge, attitude, and diet of elders from Ebetsu (Japan) and Tiassale (Cote d'Ivoire) health districts, using focus group discussions and comparative context analysis between high- and low-income countries. Results: The study shows that living longer is a common feature of people in Japan compared to Cote d'Ivoire, where the life expectancy is still low. Both groups of elders have social networks that support them, and both offer their gained experience to society. While Japanese elders depend on pension and insurance for income and medical treatments, Ivorians depend mostly on their children and social network in old age. The worries of elders differ between the two regions. In Ebetsu, elder members of the community are concerned about the future burden they pose for the younger generation if they develop ill-health, making them more resilient to aging. In Taabo, elders are considered to be culturally and socially useful to the society. Elders in Ebetsu pointed out that for healthy aging, education on diet at a younger age, physical activities, and access to basic social services are the key aspects. This was not observed in Taabo's context. Being inactive and dependent on others were described as the most worrying situations for elders in Ebetsu, as it is perceived to increase the risk of non-communicable diseases and anxiety. Elders in Ebetsu have good knowledge on what constitutes a healthy diet, and they believe that diversifying their diet, reducing portions, and substituting red meat with good animal and vegetable proteins are best eating practices to maintain good health. In Cote d'Ivoire, the diet is imbalanced and the whole family consumes the same meal made mainly with high-energy staples and little protein. However, it is observed in both societies that adopting a good diet is very expensive. Conclusion: The consciousness of aging is universal, but healthy aging varies according to the social systems, education, and knowledge on diet transition. Physical activities, protein-energy balance in diet, and social networks are the key for healthy aging in both contexts. The challenge is to find ways to increase knowledge regarding healthy aging and to strengthen the support system so that healthy aging becomes affordable
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