30 research outputs found

    Studi Perubahan Garis Pantai Di Kawasan Kilang Gas Alam PT Arun Ngl, Pantai Ujong Blang, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh

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    Pantai selalu menyesuaikan bentuk profilnya sedemikian sehingga mampu meredam energi gelombang yang datang. Sering pertahanan alami pantai tidak mampu menahan serangan aktifitas laut (gelombang, arus, pasang surut) sehingga pantai dapat tererosi, namun pantai akan kembali kebentuk semula oleh pengaruh gelombang normal.. Simulasi model dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak NEMOS dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui Perubahan garis pantai yang terjadi dan memprediksikannya. Data yang digunakan mencakup data primer dan sekunder. Data primer yaitu data gelombang, batimetri, dan sampel sedimen dasar laut. Sedangkan data sekunder yaitu data angin dan data pasang surut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan penentuan titik sampling menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Metode analisis data menggunakan metode analitis dan pendekatan model menggunakan perangkat lunas CEDAS-NEMOS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perubahan garis pantai Ujong Blang selama 2008 – 2018 diperkirakan mundur sebesar 53,10 meter sepanjang 1,73 km dengan luas lahan yang mengalami kemunduran garis pantai (erosi) sebesar 86.318,90 m2 (8,63 Ha) dan maju sebesar 51,61 meter sepanjang 0,42 km dengan luas lahan yang maju (akresi) sebesar 22.755,55 m2 (2,27 Ha)

    Evaluation of Setup Errors at the Skin Surface Position for Whole Breast Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer Patients

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    We used image-processing software to analyze the setup errors at the skin surface position of breast cancer patients (n=66) who underwent post-operative whole breast irradiation at our hospital in 2014-2015. The sixty-six digital reconstructed radiographs (DRR) were created at the treatment planning for each patient. The lineacgraphies (n=377) were taken after the patients’ setup during radiotherapy. The lineacgraphies and DRR were superimposed at the skin surface position for each patient with the image-processing software. We measured the deviations of the isocenters for the nipple-lung (X) direction and craniocaudal (Y) direction and the deviation of the rotation angle of the XY axes between the lineacgraphy and DRR on the superimposed images. The systematic error (μ, Σ) and random error (σ) were calculated from the X and Y deviations and rotation angle deviation. The μ of X, Y, and rotation angle were 0.01 mm, −1.2 mm, and 0.05°, respectively. The Σ of X, Y, and rotation angle were 1.8 mm, 1.5 mm, and 0.9°, respectively. The σ of X, Y, and rotation angle were 2.0 mm, 1.5 mm, and 1.0°, respectively. Our analyses thus revealed that evaluations using image-processing software at the skin surface position in routine breast radiotherapy result in sufficiently small setup errors

    Tarjamah, Tafsir, dan Ta’wil

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    Tulisan ini membahas tentang tiga hal penting dalam memahami Al-Qur'an, yaitu tarjamah, tafsir, dan ta'wil. Tarjamah artinya menerjemahkan atau mengalihkan makna dari satu bahasa ke bahasa lain, bisa secara harfiah atau dengan mempertimbangkan konteksnya. Sementara tafsir berarti menjelaskan makna dan maksud ayat Al-Qur'an secara detail dengan merujuk pada sumber-sumber yang valid, seperti hadits, riwayat sahabat, dan kaidah bahasa Arab. Sedangkan ta'wil adalah upaya untuk mengungkap makna tersirat atau makna batindari ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an dengan memperhatikan berbagai aspek, seperti konteks, sebab turunnya ayat, dan kaidah-kaidah penafsiran yang benar.Selain itu, tulisan ini juga membahas macam-macam tarjamah, seperti tarjamah harfiah, dan tarjamah tafsiriah. Perbedaan mendasar antara tafsir dan ta'wil juga diuraikan, dengan melihat batasan-batasan dan syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi dalam melakukan keduanya. Terakhir, tulisan ini menyoroti syarat-syarat dan etika yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang mu (penafsir) dalam menafsirkan Al-Qur'an, seperti memiliki penguasaan yang mendalam terhadap ilmu-ilmu terkait, bersikap objektif, dan menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kebenara

    Development of a novel method for visualizing restricted diffusion using subtraction of apparent diffusion coefficient values

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    In order to visualize restricted diffusion, the present study developed a novel method called 'apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) subtraction method (ASM)' and compared it with diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI). The diffusion-weighted images of physiological saline, in addtion to bio-phatoms of low cell density and the highest cell density were obtained using two sequences with different effective diffusion times. Then, the calculated ADC values were subtracted. The mean values and standard deviations (SD) of the ADC values of physiological saline, low cell density and the highest cell density phantoms were 2.95 +/- 0.08x10(-3), 1.90 +/- 0.35x10(-3) and 0.79 +/- 0.05x10(-3) mm(2)/sec, respectively. The mean kurtosis values and SD of DKI were 0.04 +/- 0.01, 0.44 +/- 0.13 and 1.27 +/- 0.03, respectively. The ASM and SD values were 0.25 +/- 0.20x10(4), 0.51 +/- 0.41x10(4) and 4.80 +/- 4.51x10(4) (sec/mm(2))(2), respectively. Using bio-phantoms, the present study demonstrated that DKI exhibits restricted diffusion in the extracellular space. Similarly, ASM may reflect the extent of restricted diffusion in the extracellular space

    Evaluation of the Imaging Process for a Novel Subtraction Method Using Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values

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    Diffusion-weighted imaging may be used to obtain the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), which aids the diagnosis of cerebral infarction and tumors. An ADC reflects elements of free diffusion. Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) has attracted attention as a restricted diffusion imaging technique. The ADC subtraction method (ASM) was developed to visualize restricted diffusion with high resolution by using two ADC maps taken with different diffusion times. We conducted the present study to provide a bridge between the reported basic ASM research and clinical research. We developed new imaging software for clinical use and evaluated its performance herein. This software performs the imaging process automatically and continuously at the pixel level, using ImageJ software. The new software uses a macro or a plugin which is compatible with various operating systems via a Java Virtual Machine. We tested the new imaging software’s performance by using a Jurkat cell bio-phantom, and the statistical evaluation of the performance clarified that the ASM values of 99.98% of the pixels in the bio-phantom and physiological saline were calculated accurately (p<0.001). The new software may serve as a useful tool for future clinical applications and restricted diffusion imaging research

    Usefulness of Simple Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging for Head and Neck Tumors: An Early Clinical Study

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    Diffusion kurtosis (DK) imaging (DKI), a type of restricted diffusion-weighted imaging, has been reported to be useful for tumor diagnoses in clinical studies. We developed a software program to simultaneously create DK images with apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps and conducted an initial clinical study. Multi-shot echo-planar diffusion-weighted images were obtained at b-values of 0, 400, and 800 sec/mm2 for simple DKI, and DK images were created simultaneously with the ADC map. The usefulness of the DK image and ADC map was evaluated using a pixel analysis of all pixels and a median analysis of the pixels of each case. Tumor and normal tissues differed significantly in both pixel and median analyses. In the pixel analysis, the area under the curve was 0.64 for the mean kurtosis (MK) value and 0.77 for the ADC value. In the median analysis, the MK value was 0.74, and the ADC value was 0.75. The MK and ADC values correlated moderately in the pixel analysis and strongly in the median analysis. Our simple DKI system created DK images simultaneously with ADC maps, and the obtained MK and ADC values were useful for differentiating head and neck tumors from normal tissue

    Characteristic Mean Kurtosis Values in Simple Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging of Dentigerous Cysts

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    We evaluated the usefulness of simple diffusion kurtosis (SD) imaging, which was developed to generate diffusion kurtosis images simultaneously with an apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map for 27 cystic disease lesions in the head and neck region. The mean kurtosis (MK) and ADC values were calculated for the cystic space. The MK values were dentigerous cyst (DC): 0.74, odontogenic keratocyst (OKC): 0.86, ranula (R): 0.13, and mucous cyst (M): 0, and the ADC values were DC: 1364 × 10−6 mm2/s, OKC: 925 × 10−6 mm2/s, R: 2718 × 10−6 mm2/s, and M: 2686 × 10−6 mm2/s. The MK values of DC and OKC were significantly higher than those of R and M, whereas their ADC values were significantly lower. One reason for the characteristic signal values in diffusion-weighted images of DC may be related to content components such as fibrous tissue and exudate cells. When imaging cystic disease in the head and neck region using SD imaging, the maximum b-value setting at the time of imaging should be limited to approximately 1200 s/mm2 for accurate MK value calculation. This study is the first to show that the MK values of DC are characteristically higher than those of other cysts

    Evaluation of Fast Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Using New Software Designed for Widespread Clinical Use

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    Clinical research using restricted diffusion-weighted imaging, especially diffusion kurtosis (DK) imaging, has been progressing, with reports on its effectiveness in the diagnostic imaging of cerebral infarctions, neurodegenerative diseases, and tumors, among others. However, the application of DK imaging in daily clinical practice has not spread because of the long imaging time required and the use of specific software for image creation. Herein, with the aim of promoting clinical research using DK imaging at any medical facility, we evaluated fast DK imaging using a new software program. We developed a new macro program that produces DK images using general-purpose, inexpensive software (Microsoft Excel and ImageJ), and we evaluated fast DK imaging using bio-phantoms and a healthy volunteer in clinical trials. The DK images created by the new software with diffusion-weighted images captured with short-time imaging sequences were similar to the original DK images captured with long-time imaging sequences. The DK images using three b-values, which can reduce the imaging time by 43%, were equivalent to the DK images using five b-values. The DK imaging technique developed herein might allow any medical facility to increase its daily clinical use of DK imaging and easily conduct clinical research