827 research outputs found

    Moralitas dalam Novel Negeri di Ujung Tanduk Karya Tere Liye

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     Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan moralitas yang terkandung dalam novel Negeri di Ujung Tanduk Karya Tere Liye. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis isi. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kalimat yang mengandung nilai moral yang terdapat novel Negeri di Ujung Tanduk Karya Tere Liye. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi dan catat. Teknik analisis data dengan langkah-langkah: reduksi data, tabulasi data dan pengkodean, interpretasi, klasifkasi, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa moralitas dalam novel Negeri di Ujung Tanduk karya Tere Liye, yaitu: 1) hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain berupa eksistensi diri, harga diri, rasa percaya diri, takut, maut, rindu, dendam, kesepian, dan keterombang-ambingan, menjaga kesucian diri dari sikap rakus, mengembangkan keberanian, kejujuran, kerja keras, sabar, ulet, ceria, teguh, terbuka, visioner, mandiri, tegar, pemberani, optimis, dengki, munafik, reflektif, tanggung jawab, prinsip, percaya diri, disiplin, dan rakus 2) hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain (sosial) dan alam berupa kerja sama, saling mengenal, munafik, kepedulian, kemunafikan, rasa peduli, persahabatan, senyuman, saling membantu, dan pengkhianatan; serta 3) hubungan manusia dengan berupa mentauhidkan Tuhan dan menghindari syirik, bertaqwa dan memohon pertolongan dengan doa-doa, salat yang dilakukan oleh manusia, sebagai suatu kesadaran bahwa semua yang ada di alam ini raya milik Tuhan. Kata kunci: moralitas, sastra, novel   Abstract The objective of this research was to describes the morality contained in the Negeri di Ujung Tanduk novel the works of Tere Liye. The research method used content analysis. The data in this research is a sentence containing the moral values ​​contained by the Negeri di Ujung Tanduk novel the works of Tere Liye Tere Liye. Technique of collecting data using documentation technique and record. Data analysis techniques with steps: data reduction, data tabulation and coding, interpretation, classification, and conclusion. The result of the research shows that morality in Negeri di Ujung Tanduk novel the works of Tere Liye is: 1) human relationships with other human beings in the form of self-existence, self-esteem, self-confidence, fear, death, longing, resentment, loneliness, maintaining the sanctity of greed, developing courage, honesty, hard work, patient, resilient, cheerful, steadfast, open, visionary, independent, brave, courageous, optimistic, envy, hypocritical, reflective, responsible, principle, confident, disciplined , and voracious 2) human relationships with other humans (social) and nature in the form of cooperation, acquaintance, hypocrisy, caring, hypocrisy, caring, friendship, smile, mutual help, and betrayal; and 3) human relationships in the form of God\u27s menthidising and avoiding shirk, piety and pleading with prayers, prayers performed by human beings, as an awareness that everything in this universe belongs to God. Keywords: morality, literature, novels   Daftar Pustaka Al-Qur\u27an Surat An-Nahl. Al-Qur\u27an dan Terjemahan. (2016). Cetakan ke-7. Bandung: Al-Mizan Publishing House. Bakry, N. MS. B. (2010). Pendidikan Pancasila. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar. Depdiknas. (2008). Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Edisi ke-4). Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Harahap, Sofyan Syafri. (2014). Analisis Kritis atas Laporan Keuangan. Rajawali Pers: Jakarta. Kaelan, M. S. (2014). Pendidikan Pancasila. Yogyakarta: Paradigma. Khayati, Arief Nur. (2016). Permasalahan Sosial dalam Novel Negeri di Ujung Tanduk Karya Tere Liye: Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra dan Implementasinya dalam Pembelajaran Sastra di SMA. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta: Surakarta. Kosasih, E. (2012). Dasar-Dasar Keterampilan Bersastra. Bandung: Yrama Widya. Liye, Tere. (2013). Negeri di Ujung Tanduk. Jakarta:Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Noermanzah, N. (2017). 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    Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan dengan Menggunakan Metode Quality Function Deployment (Qfd) di Rumah Sakit Xyz

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    Kesehatan merupakan sesuatu yang sangat berharga bagi setiap orang, sehingga mutlak harus dijaga oleh setiap orang dengan sangat baik. Rumah sakit sebagai salah satu sarana kesehatan yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat memiliki peran yang sangat strategis dalam mempercepat peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, rumah sakit dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan yang bermutu sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan dan dapat menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Kondisi ini mengharuskan Rumah Sakit XYZ Medan memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi setiap masyarakat yang membutuhkannya. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas pelayanan dengan dimensi kualitas pelayanan kesehatan untuk menentukan variabel kebutuhan pelanggan yang tidak terpenuhi dengan Quality Function Deployment (QFD) yaitu dengan pembentukan matriks House of Quality (HOQ) yang memiliki Tingkat Kepentingan Relatif tertinggi. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) digunakan untuk merancang usulan perbaikan pelayanan rumah sakit sesuai voice of costumer. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen penelitian. Hasil penyebaran kuesioner pendahuluan menggunakan 16 variabel pelayanan yang dibutuhkan oleh pasien rawat inap. Pembentukan matriks House of Quality (HOQ) diketahui bahwa karakteristik pelayanan “daya tanggap staf rumah sakit”, memiliki nilai Tingkat Kepentingan Relatif (TKR) sebesar 16,435% sehingga kemampuan staf rumah sakit dalam merespon pasien dengan cepat menjadi prioritas untuk perbaikan pelayanan

    A study to assess the effectiveness of beetroot extract on reducing anaemia among antenatal mothers at aravindan hospital, Coimbatore

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    A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Beetroot Extract on Reducing Anemia among Antenatal Mothers at Aravindan Hospital, Coimbatore. Objectives: To monitor the haemoglobin level among the antenatal mothers in the experimental and control group. To administer the beetroot extract for experimental group among antenatal mothers along with iron supplement. To remonitor the haemoglobin level among antenatal mothers of experimental and control group. To compare the level of haemoglobin before and after administration of beetroot extract among antenatal mothers in the experimental group. To findout the association between the level of haemoglobin with demographic variable among antenatal mothers. Assumptions: Anaemia is prevalent during pregnancy. Degree of anaemia will vary from one mother to another. The level of Haemoglobin is an indicator of anaemia. Dietary intake of iron supplement in the form of beetroot extract will improve the level of Hemoglobin among antenatal mothers

    Baiu rainfall variability and associated monsoon teleconnections

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    Century-long observations enable us to uncover an interesting out-of-phase variability between the first principal component of Baiu rainfall over the Japanese archipelago and the monsoon rainfall over India during the early summer season (June and July). The signatures of this contemporaneous relationship are clearly evident from analysis of long-period multi-source climate datasets. One of the findings suggest that the circulation near the subtropical region of the west Pacific Ocean tends to vary in-phase with that over the Indian subcontinent, so that an intensified (weakened) west Pacific subtropical high is accompanied by an intensified (weakened) Baiu circulation over Japan and a weakened (intensified) monsoon circulation over India. Additionally, the Baiu-Indian Monsoon relationship is well supported by middle and upper tropospheric circulation anomalies extending from the mid-latitude region of West-Central Asia up to the Far East. A pattern consisting of an anomalous low over the Caspian and Aral Sea region, a high over Mongolia and an anomalous low over Korea and Japan, tends to be associated with increased Baiu rainfall over Japan and decreased monsoon rainfall over India. An opposite configuration of the mid-latitude circulation pattern tends to accompany below normal Baiu rains over Japan and above normal monsoon rains over India. It is suggested that the two patterns oriented along the (a) west Pacific southern oceanic route and the (b) mid-latitude continental route yield a consistent dynamical basis for inferring the Baiu-Indian Monsoon rainfall teleconnections

    Active Referral Intervention following Fragility Fractures Leads to Enhanced Osteoporosis Follow-Up Care

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    At one major urban academic medical center, patients aged 50 years and older with fragility fractures were identified and scheduled or assisted in referral into osteoporosis medical management appointments. We evaluated the efficacy of an active intervention program at overcoming the logistical barriers and improving proper osteoporosis follow-up for persons who have sustained a fragility fracture. Of 681 patients treated for defined fractures, 168 were eligible and consented for the study of fragility fractures. Of those enrolled, 91 (54.2%) had appropriate osteoporosis follow-up on initial interview, and overall 120 (71.4%) had successful osteoporosis follow-up following our active intervention. Seventy patients (41.7%) were deemed to have no osteoporosis follow-up, and, of these, 48 were successfully referred to a scheduling coordinator. The scheduling coordinator was able to contact 37 (77%) patients to schedule proper follow-up, and, of these, 29 (78.4%) confirmed receiving an appropriate follow-up appointment. Active intervention and assisted scheduling for patients with recent fragility fractures improved the self-reported rate of osteoporosis follow-up from 54.2% to 71.4%


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    Aflatoxin contaminating peanut seeds make a serious health hazards to human and animals. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the response of several peanut varieties (Anoa, Jepara, Jerapah, Kelinci, Panter, Singa, and Turangga) to A. flavus (Af-I-10 and Af¬Kt-1 isolates), and to detect the level of aflatoxin content in seeds. This research observed the thickness and the epidermal-cell densities of the testae, the effect of the testae extract to the fungal growth, the colonization intensities of the A. flavus on seed, and the aflatoxin production in seeds. The thickness and the epidermal cells of the testae do not always reduce the colonization intensities of A. flavus on seeds the extract of the testae do not always inhibit this fungal growth. The toxigenisity of the A. flavus determines the aflatoxin content in seeds. According to the level of the colonization intensities of A. flavus on seeds, the Anoa, Singa, and Turangga varieties are moderately resistantJepara and Panter are susceptiblewhile Jerapah and Kelinci are more susceptible. Key words: Peanut, Aspergillus flavus, aflatoxin

    Alpha B-crystallin protects retinal tissue during Staphylococcus aureus-induced endophthalmitis

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    Bacterial infections of the eye highlight a dilemma that is central to all immune-privileged sites. On the one hand, immune privilege limits inflammation to prevent bystander destruction of normal tissue and loss of vision. On the other hand, bacterial infections require a robust inflammatory response for rapid clearance of the pathogen. We demonstrate that the retina handles this dilemma, in part, by activation of a protective heat shock protein. During Staphylococcus aureus-induced endophthalmitis, the small heat shock protein αB-crystallin is upregulated in the retina and prevents apoptosis during immune clearance of the bacteria. In the absence of αB-crystallin, mice display increased retinal apoptosis and retinal damage. We found that S. aureus produces a protease capable of cleaving αB-crystallin to a form that coincides with increased retinal apoptosis and tissue destruction. We conclude that αB-crystallin is important in protecting sensitive retinal tissue during destructive inflammation that occurs during bacterial endophthalmitis


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    In the title compound, C23H19NO, the oxindole residue is essentially planar and is almost perpendicular to the phenyl rings [dihedral angles = 72.1 (6) and 77.6 (6)°]. The mol­ecular packing is stabilized by C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds and C—H⋯N inter­actions