15 research outputs found

    Cardiorespiratory responses and prediction of peak oxygen uptake during the shuttle walking test in healthy sedentary adult men.

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    BACKGROUND:The application of the Shuttle Walking Test (SWT) to assess cardiorespiratory fitness and the intensity of this test in healthy participants has rarely been studied. This study aimed to assess and correlate the cardiorespiratory responses of the SWT with the cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CEPT) and to develop a regression equation for the prediction of peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak) in healthy sedentary adult men. METHODS:In the first stage of this study, 12 participants underwent the SWT and the CEPT on a treadmill. In the second stage, 53 participants underwent the SWT twice. In both phases, the VO2 peak, respiratory exchange ratio (R), and heart rate (HR) were evaluated. RESULTS:Similar results in VO2 peak (P>0.05), R peak (P>0.05) and predicted maximum HR (P>0.05) were obtained between the SWT and CEPT. Both tests showed strong and significant correlations of VO2 peak (r = 0.704, P = 0.01) and R peak (r = 0.737, P<0.01), as well as the agreement of these measurements by Bland-Altman analysis. Body mass index and gait speed were the variables that explained 40.6% (R2 = 0.406, P = 0.001) of the variance in VO2 peak. The results obtained by the equation were compared with the values obtained by the gas analyzer and no significant difference between them (P>0.05) was found. CONCLUSIONS:The SWT produced maximal cardiorespiratory responses comparable to the CEPT, and the developed equation showed viability for the prediction of VO2 peak in healthy sedentary men

    Classe hospitalar: a articulação da saúde e educação como expressão da política de humanização do SUS Hospital class: coordination between health and education as an expression of the NHS' policy of humanization

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    A saúde é determinada por condições sociais, econômicas, educacionais, políticas e ambientais, extrapolando, portanto, a dimensão exclusivamente biológica. O presente trabalho tenta estabelecer uma reflexão interpretativa sobre os princípios do SUS e mostrar a interface deles com a proposta da classe hospitalar, uma modalidade de educação especial que estimula a construção de conhecimentos, a capacitação e o ensino de algumas habilidades, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento infantil. Tratase de um exercício de argumentação para o entendimento do papel da classe hospitalar na realização da atenção integral à saúde no Brasil. O desenvolvimento de atividades pedagógico-educacionais em hospitais permite oferecer às crianças e adolescentes hospitalizados a continuidade do seu aprendizado.<br>Health is determined by social, economic, educational, political and environmental conditions and, as such, it ranges well beyond a solely biological dimension. This article attempts to establish an interpretative reflection on the principles of the NHS and to show the interface of such principles with the hospital class proposal, a type of special education that encourages the construction of knowledge, training and the teaching of a set of skills to contribute to development in childhood. This is an exercise of reasoning conceived to understand the role played by the hospital class in the achievement of comprehensive health care in Brazil. Providing educational activities in hospitals allows hospitalized children and adolescents to carry on with their learning processes

    Comparison between the results of cardiorespiratory variables and RPE at the end of the test, obtained in SWT and CEPT.

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    <p>The data is presented as mean (SD). *<i>P</i><0.05. SWT = Shuttle Walking Test; CEPT = cardiopulmonary exercise testing; VO<sub>2</sub> = oxygen uptake; R = respiratory exchange ratio; HR = heart rate; RPE = rating of perceived exertion. <sup>†</sup>Paired-t test; <sup>¥</sup>Wilcoxon test.</p><p>Comparison between the results of cardiorespiratory variables and RPE at the end of the test, obtained in SWT and CEPT.</p

    General characteristics of the participants of the second stage.

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    <p>The data is presented as mean (SD). BMI = body mass index. HR = heart rate.</p><p>General characteristics of the participants of the second stage.</p

    Agreement between VO2 peak and R peak obtained in the SWT and CEPT.

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    <p>Bland-Altman plot of the difference between the VO<sub>2</sub> peak of the SWT and CEPT plotted against the mean VO<sub>2</sub> peak of the SWT and CEPT (A) and difference R peak of the SWT and CEPT plotted against the mean R peak of the SWT and CEPT (B). SWT = Shuttle Walking Test; CEPT = cardiopulmonary exercise testing; VO<sub>2</sub> = oxygen uptake; R = respiratory exchange ratio.</p

    Construção das dificuldades de aprendizagem em crianças adotadas Construction of learning difficulties by adopted children

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    Breve revisão bibliográfica acerca da usual concepção de que crianças adotivas comumente possuem dificuldades de aprendizagem escolar. Investigações sobre o processo de construção de dificuldades de aprendizagem em crianças adotivas são praticamente inexistentes na produção científica brasileira e internacional. Algumas poucas pesquisas fazem referência direta aos problemas de aprendizagem desses sujeitos, relacionando o sintoma com o curto ou longo tempo de institucionalização por eles vivenciado. Já a literatura psicopedagógica aponta alguns sintomas apresentados por essas crianças, os quais teriam influência sobre a sua não aprendizagem, tais como: dificuldades na estruturação egóica, baixa autoestima, rebaixamento intelectual associado a problemas de comportamento, hiperatividade, desatenção. Todavia, esses problemas não são descritos em quantidade e/ou profundidade, de sorte que sobre a questão há uma escassez, um vácuo, o que indica a necessidade de realização de estudos específicos que tornem visíveis tanto o número de ocorrências das dificuldades de aprendizagem entre adotados quanto os aspectos que contribuem para a constituição (ou não) de tais sintomas.<br>The objective of this work is to present the results of a brief bibliographic review concerning the common idea that adopted children often experience difficulties in school learning. Studies of how difficulties in learning arise in adopted children are quite scarce both in Brazil and internationally. Some of the few researches found make direct reference to the problems in learning for these children - usually relating these difficulties to the length of time children are in institutions. The literature in educational psychology has previously identified some symptoms associated with adoption - for example, problems in ego strength, low self-esteem, reduced intellectual functioning associated with behavioral problems, hyperactivity, and deficits in attention. However, these problems are not described with either depth or reliability. This suggests that there is a shortage, a vacuum of knowledge, requiring the execution of specific studies, which might make visible the actual magnitude of learning difficulties among adopted children and as well illuminate the factors that contribute (or that do not contribute) to these symptoms