228 research outputs found

    The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Students' Reading Comprehension

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara penguasaan kosakata dan kemampuan membaca siswa. Populasi dalam studi ini adalah kelas dua MIA 3 siswa SMAN 1 Sidomulyo. Ada 30 siswa sebagai sampel. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes kosakata dan tes membaca. Hasil perhitungan SPSS menunjukkan persentase rata-rata kemampuan membaca adalah 63,4% dan persentase rata-rata penguasaan kosakata adalah 60%, dan hasil perhitungan SPSS untuk korelasinya adalah 0,989. Koefisien korelasi lebih tinggi bahwa nilai kritis tabel (0,989> 0,32). Analisis statistik menunjukkan korelasi antara penguasaan kosakata siswa dan membaca adalah signifikan (p .32). The statistical analysis showed that the correlation was significant (p< .01; p= .000). Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted

    Detection of Antimicrobial Compounds Isolated from Several Tropical Lentinus by Bioautographic Method

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    The antimicrobial compounds extracted either from culture filtrates or mycelia of several tropical Lentinus species could be detected their existences and locations by bioautographic method. For this purpose, the crude extracts were deposited as spots on silica gel plates and developed in a n-butanol-acetic acid-water mixture (3:1:1). The dry silica gel plates were then seeded with Bacillus subtilis and incubated at 35 oC for one night. On these plates, the extracts were separated into several bioautographic spots or growth inhibition zones. In parallel, the spots were detected by viewing with chemical revelations or under ultraviolet radiations at 254 nm or 366 nm. On silica gel thin-layer chromatograms, the crude extracts of Lentinus were separated into several bioautographic spots; for the filtrate extracts of L. squarrosulus 55A into three spots (Rfs 0.75, 0.50, 0.17), the mycelial extracts of L. sajor-caju LSC8 into two spots (Rfs 0.77, 0.54), the mycelial extract of L. torulosus LU3 into two spots (Rfs 0.77, 0.48), the filtrate extracts of L. cladopus LC6 into one spot (Rf 0.76) but the mycelial extracts of this mushroom separated into two spots (Rfs 0.79, 0.54), the filtrate and mycelial extracts of L. cladopus LC4 into three spots respectively (Rfs 0.75, 0.61, 0.45 for the filtrate extract and Rfs 0.83, 0.73, 0.60 for mycelial extract). By this method, the active compounds were detected directly and it is a usual method for further work on the purification of the target compounds

    Pengembangan Lks Bercirikan Guided Discovery Learning pada Materi Segi Empat untuk Siswa Kelas VII Mts

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    The objective of the study is to the produce students\u27 worksheet using the Guided Discovery Learning it is valid, practical and effective. This is a research and developmental design which adopted the model of Plomp. This developmental model includes phases preliminary research, prototyping phase and assessment phase. The subject of this study is the students of class VII MTs Labbaika Samarinda. The result of the study shows that the LKS is in the category of valid with mean 3,40. The result of the try-out show that it fulfills the practicality aspect which is useful and achieves the category of high with mean 3,77. The worksheet is also effective. It was proved by (1) 85,29% of students, who take the subject of mathematics using worksheet developed, achieve the minimum passing grade and (2) All students give positive response to the activities of learning and teaching of mathematics using developed worksheet.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan LKS bercirikan Guided Discovery Learning yang memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis dan efektif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang mengadopsi model pengembangan Plomp yang meliputi tahapan preliminary research, prototyping phase, dan assessment phase. Penelitian ini melibatkan siswa kelas VII MTs Labbaika Samarinda sebagai subjek uji coba. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LKS yang dikembangkan berada pada kategori valid dengan skor rata-rata 3,40. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba yang dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa LKS yang dikembangkan memenuhi aspek kepraktisan, yaitu hasil observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran oleh guru dan siswa menggunakan LKS berada pada kategori tinggi dengan skor rata-rata 3,77. LKS juga memenuhi aspek keefektifan. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari (1) 85,29% siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan LKS yang dikembangkan mampu melampaui nilai KKM dan (2) seluruh siswa memberikan respon positif pada kegiatan pembelajaran dan LKS yang dikembangkan

    Transitional-Apprehending Mental Model for Junior High School Students in Understanding the Concept of Integers

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    Background: A concept that exists in students' minds and is used to describe and explain a phenomenon is called a mental model. Objective: This study aims to describe the transition-apprehending mental model of students in understanding the concept of integers. Design: This study used a qualitative approach and the type of research conducted was descriptive. Setting and participants: The subjects of this study were 35 students in grade VII Junior High School. Subjects were given a test to determine their understanding of the concept of integers. Data collection and analysis: data collection in this study, using test questions and interviews. Data analysis used five steps, namely 1) data transcoding; 2) reviewing data; 3) data reduction; 4) presenting data; 5) analyze the process of forming mental models; and 6) verify the findings. Results: showed that grade VII students were at the transition-Apprehending level, as evidenced by students being able to compare negative integers and positive integers with the same magnitude symbol. Conclusion: based on the results of research that has been found, that students already understand positive integers and negative integers using a number line

    Modeling the Formation of Polylactide Microspheres

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    MODELING THE FORMATION OF POLYLACTIDE MICROSPHERES. Biodegradable polylactide microspheres have been developed from a dispersion solution of polylactide in chloroform with polyvinyl alcohol in water. The present paper focuses on developing an understanding of microspheres formation through simple dimensional analysis and principle of system similarity for microstructure observation of microsphere diameter formed. Theoretical correlation between microspheres diameter and agitation rate was derived with the concept of similarity. While the empirical correlation between Weber (We) number and microspheres diameter was derived from dimensional analysis of variables that is useful for prediction of microspheres diameter to support Holmium powder. The empiric equation of the microspheres diameter forming as a function of essential process parameters is: ln (dm/dp) = -4.81 + 0.593 ln We

    The Effect of Pre-Questioning Toward Students\u27 Reading Comprehension

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari i) apakah ada peningkatan pada keterampilan pemahaman membaca siswa setalah diajarkan menggunakan teknik pre-questioning dan ii) persepsi siswa pada teknik ini. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Sasaran penelitian sebanyak 25 siswa pada kelas delapan di MTs Negeri 3 Lampung Selatan. Reading comprehension dan kuesioner digunakan untuk pengambilan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan kemampuan membaca siswa dengan tingkat signifikansi 0.05. Para siswa menunjukkan berbagai persepsi terhadap teknik ini, kebanyakan dari mereka menunjukkan persepsi yang positif. Hal ini menandakan bahwa teknik pre-questioning memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa dalam mengembangkan keterampilan pemahaman membaca dalam bahasa Inggris dengan.The aims of this study were to find out i) whether there was statistically significant improvement of the students\u27 reading comprehension achievement after the students were taught through pre-questioning technique and ii) the students\u27 perception of the technique. This research was quantitative and qualitative research. The subjects of this research were 25 students of the eighth grade in MTs Negeri 3 Lampung Selatan. Reading comprehension tests and questionnaires were used to collect the data. The result showed that there was statistically significant improvement of the students\u27 reading comprehension achievement with the significant level of 0.05. In addition, most of them perceived that pre-questioning technique is a good technique. This suggests that pre-questioning technique facilitates the students to develop English reading comprehension

    Pengaruh Modal dan Tenaga Kerja terhadap Pendapatan dengan Lama Usaha sebagai Variabel Moderating

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    Sektor informal merupakan suatu jenis kesempatan kerja yang kurang terorganisir, tidak memiliki perlindungan oleh badan hukum yang memiliki skala kecil yang lebih bertujuan untuk mencari kesempatan kerja dan pendapatan daripada mencari keuntungan. Sektor informal juga meliputi berbagai kegiatan usaha yang tidak memiliki perlindungan oleh badan hukum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh modal, tenaga kerja dengan lama usaha sebagai variabel moderating terhadap pendapatan usaha warung makan di Kecamatan Abiansemal Kabupaten Badung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara terstruktur, dan wawancara mendalam. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Proportional Random Sampling dengan 90 sampel usaha warung makan. Data diuji dengan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Data dianalisis dengan regresi linier berganda dan regresi variabel moderating. Hasil penelitian menyatakan secara parsial dan simultan modal, tenaga kerja dan lama usaha berpengaruh positif terhadap pendapatan dan lama usaha merupakan variabel moderating yang memperkuat pengaruh modal dan tenaga kerja terhadap pendapatan

    Pengaruh Produksi, Harga, Kurs dan Tarif 0% terhadap Ekspor CPO Indonesia dalam Skema ACFTA

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    Crude Palm Oil ( CPO ) as the main export commodity for Indonesia has contributed greatly to the economy of the agricultural sector in the agreement Indonesia.Dimasukkannya ASEAN - China Free Trade Area ( ACFTA ) means the Indonesian CPO should be ready to compete freely on Indonesian CPO is ACFTA.Ekspor the highest in the world , Indonesia must therefore be defended in the ACFTA which is one of the gates to the liberalization of the economy . This study aims to determine the effect of production , price , exchange rate , and the rate of 0 % on Indonesian CPO exports in ACFTA scheme in the period 2001-2012 . The data in this study come from the UN trade database , Statistics Indonesia , the Malaysian Palm Oil Board ( MPOB ) and literature - literature terkait.Teknik analysis used in this study is ordinary least square analysis techniques. Berdasarkan results of the analysis found that the production rate 0 % positive and significant impact on Indonesian CPO exports in the period 2001-2012 ACFTA scheme, while the price and the dollar exchange rate has no effect Indonesian CPO exports in the period 2001-2012 ACFTA scheme