1 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Psychological Maturity and Knowledge Management in the Developing Sustainable Professional Development of Productive Programme Teachers at Public Senior Vocational Schools in Bali

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    This study has aimed the effect of psychological maturity and knowledge management on sustainable professional development of productive teachers of public senior vocational schools in Bali by using expose facto research method involving 162 productive program teachers. The data were collected through questionnaire and portfolio assessment. Data analysis was carried out by using two-predictor regression at 0.05. The results showed that most of the productive teachers tended to have a fairly high level of psychological maturity and a low-level knowledge management in the effort of sustainable professional development. Furthermore, the result of (1) the contribution from of psychological maturity (χ1) and knowledge management (χ2) to sustainable professional development (у) of 20, 4%, at p ≤ 0,05 (2) the contribution from of psychological maturity (χ1) to sustainable professional development (у) of 17,9%, p ≤ 0,05 (3) the contribution from of knowledge management (χ2) to sustainable professional development (у) of 3%, p ≤ 0,05. It is recommended to the production program teachers to improve further their sustainable professional development by increasing their knowledge management based on their psychological maturity