5 research outputs found

    Accountability of General Election Commission of Klaten Regency in Organizing the 2015 Election of Regent and Deputy Regent

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    General Election Commission is an election organizing institution as referred to in the Law governing election administrators who are given the task and authority in administering an election based on the provisions stipulated in the Law. Managerial accountability is expected to be able to encourage the creation of public trust in government performance. Therefore, a review of managerial accountability in public organizations is very important to be carried out in order to ensure that the values of public services are carried out clearly on the managerial performance of the organization. This study will employ a qualitative descriptive approach to gain an in-depth understanding of managerial accountability of General Election Commission of Klaten Regency in organizing the 2015 election of Regent and Deputy Regent of Klaten. The data was obtained from sources related to the research object. In this case, it is the document of the election results of regional head from General Election Commission of Klaten Regency. Collecting the informants was carried out by using purposive sampling technique by selecting who the subjects are in the best position to provide information needed by researchers. In this case, General Election Commission of Klaten Regency carried out 3 stages in managerial accountability consisting of information, action and answer, although there are still a number of activities that are not yet optimal. Society participation and stakeholders have contributed to the success of the election implementation at each stage

    Online System Adaptation Single Submission Risk Based Approach (OSS-RBA)

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    The industrial revolution can bring changes in human lifestyles, from manual to digital trading and ways of working. This will provide Indonesia with opportunities, enormous opportunities, including government organizations that are innovative in fulfilling their mandates and functions. Utilizing developments in information technology, accelerating the promotion of e-government, implementing science and technology public services and implementing other government affairs. The Indonesian government has finally passed Law No. 19 of 2020. Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation has changed the licensing paradigm from a permit-based approach to a risk-based approach (RBA). Not without reason, this provision is intended to provide ease and certainty in doing business so as to increase regional competitiveness. This new paradigm places risk as the main consideration in every business activity, thus having implications for changes in the current design of business policies, institutions and service platforms in the central and regional governments. However, at the implementation level in each region, the application of this risk-based licensing model depends on the readiness and subsequent response from each region, especially policies, institutions (organization and human resources) and digital service tools (sarpras, internet networks). Electronically Integrated Business Licensing or Online Single Submission Risk-Based Approach (OSS-RBA) is a business license issued by the OSS-RBA agency on behalf of the Minister, Head of Agency, Governor, or Regent/Mayor to commercial participants through an electronic system. The OSS-RBA was created as a form of reform in the field of commercial licensing, because initially the handling of proposed permits seemed complicated, requiring lengthy bureaucratic procedures and direct visits to relevant agencies

    Voices dalam Pelayanan Publik (Studi Tentang Pengembangan Model Mekanisme Voices untuk Mewujudkan Akuntabilitas Sosial dalam Pelayanan Publik di Kota Surakarta)

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    Hampir di semua negara, birokrasi pemerintah memainkan peran strategis dan dominan dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan masyarakat. Peran tersebut mencakup: regulative, protective, redistributive, distributive, public service. Namun ketika pelayanan publik menjadi monopoli pemerintah, maka warga (users) hanya dapat melakukan “voices”, dan tanpa dapat melakukan “exit”. Dalam kondisi demikian, maka sangat perlu diupayakan adanya mekanisme “voices” yang dapat dijadikan guidance bagi seluruh stakeholders penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik. Riset ini dilakukan dengan tujuan utama untuk menghasilkan model mekanisme voices dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik pada umumnya, dan khususnya pelayanan perijinan dalam mewujudkan akuntabilitas social di Kota Surakarta. Riset ini menggunakan desain penelitian analitis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumulan data dilakukan melalui teknik unobtrusive observation, controlled observation, indepth interview, dan focus group discussion (FGD). Informan penelitian adalah seluruh stakeholders dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik yang ditentukan secara purposive. Validitas data menggunakan teknik data triangulation dan methodological triangulation. Analisis data dilakukan melalui teknik interactive model, yang mencakup: data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/verification. Hasil riset menunjukkan, bahwa keberhasilan mekanisme voices sangat tergantung kepada empat faktor kunci, yakni: System, Organization, Management, dan Skill (SOMS). Kemudian, model mekanisme voices dapat berwujud Bottom-Up, yakni: Warga-Sistem-Pemkot-Filtering-Respons. Dalam konteks ini, maka perlu dibentuk sebuah lembaga independen yang bernama Lembaga Penampung Pengaduan Masyarakat (LEMPUNGDUMAS), yang berfungsi tidak saja sebatas menampung seluruh pengaduan dari masyarakat namun juga melakukan advokasi, dan bahkan berfungsi sebagai pressure group untuk menjamin pelayanan publik terselenggara dengan baik dalam konteks terwujudnya akuntabilitas sosial

    Evaluation of The Implementation of The Smart School Transportation Program (ACS) in Ponorogo Regency

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    Smart School Transportation (ACS) is a program from the Ponorogo Regency Government as an effort to make it easier for students to get free school transportation. The purpose of this research is to describe the evaluation of the implementation of the ACS Program and to describe the inhibiting and supporting factors for the implementation of the ACS program in Ponorogo Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data analysis techniques Qualitative analysis is carried out through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal conclusion. The results of the study show that the ACS program in the District Ponorogo is still not running effectively. In terms of effectiveness, it has not been effective because there are still many underage children who use motorbikes. The efficiency aspect has been fulfilled because it has implemented cost and time efficiency in program operations. In the aspect of adequacy still not fulfilled because of the limited number and capacity of the fleet in transporting students. In the aspect of alignment it is still not evenly distributed because there are still many schools that have not received program services. The responsiveness aspect has received response and support from ACS users and parents. Aspects of provisions, programs This ACS is right on target, namely to transport students. In the implementation of the ACS program, of course, there are inhibiting and supporting factors. The inhibiting factor for the first ACS program was resources, because human resources in the form of Department of Transportation staff were inadequate to carry out socialization and financial resources were also inadequate, which affected the provision of fleets and the provision of program support facilities. The second inhibiting factor is the bureaucratic structure due to the absence of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that are clear and regional regulations that cover program implementation. While the supporting factors for the implementation of the first ACS program, namely, communication through transmission and clarity of information have been running optimally. The second supporting factor is the attitude of the implementer that liveliness officer executor socialization from Service Communications Ponorogo Regency for schools and students is carried out continuously every new school year