183 research outputs found


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    Kegiatan Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan mata kuliah lapangan yang wajib ditempuh oleh mahasiswa program studi pendidikan. Kegiatan PPL di SMA NEGERI 1 KRETEK BANTUL ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10Agustus sampai dengan 12September 2015. Tujuan dari kegiatan PPL ini adalah memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa mengenai proses pembelajaran di sekolah dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi keguruan maupun kependidikan. Mahasiswa dalam pelaksanaan PPL melalui beberapa tahap yaitu pertama observasi ke sekolah dengan melihat secara langsung KBM yang dilakukan oleh guru bidang studi sesuai disiplin ilmunya masing-masing. Kemudian dilaksanakan PPL I yaitu kegiatan mengajar di kampus bersama dosen mikro dan para mahasiswa dalam rangka persiapan praktek mengajar di sekolah. Setelah dilakukan persiapan dilakukan praktek mengajar di sekolah mulai tanggal 11Agustu ssampai dengan 12Sepember 2015. Kegiatan mengajar dilakukan di kelas X dan XI IPA sesuai kebijakan yang diberikan oleh guru pembimbing. Dalam praktek mengajar ini dilakukan berbagai persiapan mulai dari tahap persiapan seperti penyusunan Silabus, Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, Penyusunan Program Semester, Program Tahunan dan Evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan PPL memberikan cukup pengalaman bagi praktikan untuk mengajar. Pelaksanaan PPL dirasa dapat memberikan bekal pada praktikan mengenai bagaimana menjadi guru yang memiliki dedikasi dan loyalitas pada instansi. Hal penting yang harus dicapai dalam pembelajaran adalah dapat berlangsung secara optima


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aspek penilaian sikap sosial, sikap spiritual, pengetahuan dan keterampilan berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 oleh guru Biologi di SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman, mengetahui teknik penilaian sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan yang digunakan guru di SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman, mengetahui hasil penilaian aspek sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan siswa oleh guru Biologi di SMA Negeri se- Kabupaten Sleman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, sumber data penelitian adalah guru mata pelajaran biologi di SMA N se-kabupaten Sleman, dimana ada enam sekolah yang menjadi tempat peneliti memperoleh data, di setiap sekolah hanya satu guru mata pelajaran yang memberikan penilaian, instrument penilaian bersifat cek list. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa: (1) pelaksanaan penilaian aspek sikap spiritual, sikap sosial, pengetahuan dan keterampilan termasuk kategori baik, (2) pelaksanaan teknik penilaian yang digunakan guru telah diterapkan dan dikategorikan cukup, (3) berdasakan hasil pelaksanaa penilaian aspek sikap spiritual ternasuk dalam kategori baik, (4) berdasarkan hasil penilaian aspek sikap sosial ini termasuk dalam kategori baik, (5) berdasarkan frekuensi penilaian aspek pengetahuan ini termasuk dalam kategori baik, (6) berdasarkan hasil penilaian aspek pengetahuan termasuk dalam kategori baik, (7) berdasarkan frekuensi penilaian aspek keterampilan termasuk dalam kategori baik, (8) berdasarkan hasil penilaian aspek keterampilan ini termasuk dalam kategori baik

    Analyzing travel time reliability of a bus route in a limited data set scenario: A case study

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    In this information era commuters prefer to know a reliable travel time to plan ahead of their journey using both public and private modes. In this direction reliability analysis using the location data of the buses is conducted in two folds in the current work; (i) Reliability analysis of a public transit service at route level, and (ii) Travel time reliability analysis of a route utilizing the location data of the buses. The reliability parameters assessed for public transit service are headway, passenger waiting time, travel speed, and travel time as per the Service Level Benchmarks for Urban Transport by the National Urban Transport Policy, Government of India. And travel time reliability parameters such as Buffer Time Index, Travel Time Index, and Planning Time Index are assessed as per Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, U S. The study is conducted in Tumakuru city, India for a significant bus route in a limited data sources scenario. The results suggest that (i) the Level of Service of the public transit service needs improvement. (ii)around 30% excess of average travel time is needed as buffer time. (iii) more than double the amount of free flow travel time must be planned during peak hours and in the worst case. In the future, the analysis conducted for the route can be extended for citywide performance analysis in both folds. Also, the same method can be applied to cities with similar demographics and traffic-related infrastructure.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 6 table

    Classification of Finger Joint Timber Based on Strength Index

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    At present, off-cut wood pieces are dumped by sawmills as they are considered to be wastes in the wood industry. Inadequate length of sawn timber material is also reported to be a limiting factor for fully utilization of timbers. Finger joint, a method which connects two small pieces of timber together is identified as a sound technique to minimize the wastage. As there is no classification system applicable for finger joint timber in Sri Lanka, the present study focused on developing a classification system for selected 32 timber species based on their strength properties. The relationship between the strength properties and density of selected timber species was also investigated. Strength properties of finger jointed timber species were evaluated by three-point bending and compression tests according to BS 373:1957 using Universal Testing Machine (UTM-100).Factors were identified through an analysis to determine the strength index for the selected samples. The strength index values were grouped into five strength classes as very low, low, medium, high and very high. Cluster analysis was used in grouping the species with similar strength properties. Regression analysis was performed to identify the strength index of compression parallel to grain, compression perpendicular to grain, modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture varies on density. A significant correlation (p=0.05) between the strength index and timber density was observed.Keywords: Finger joint, timber classification, universal testing machine, strengthinde

    Electric Field Induced Tunneling Process in the Quantum Wells

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    Engineering modernity: Water, electricity and the infrastructure landscapes of Bangalore, India

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    The concept of ‘nexus’ has gained popularity in urban studies to examine the interconnections between the management of resources and the provision of urban services. This article proposes a conceptualisation of the urban nexus as the contingent product of the operation of physical, ecological and social processes around urban technologies in a specific location. The article focuses on the configuration of the nexus within particular trajectories of urban development, and the wider consequences of these trajectories for urban life. The strategy of the article is to examine the water-energy nexus within a particular infrastructure landscape, that is, as it emerges from the historical co-evolution of social practices and the built environment. Such co-evolution can be described as an urban trajectory that reveals the consolidation of different aspects of the nexus at varying levels from the household to the extra-urban connections that shape the city. This perspective is applied to analyse processes of infrastructure development in the city of Bangalore, India, since the completion of the first works to establish a water network and the electrification of the city at the beginning of the 20th century. The analysis reveals a historically built and context-dependent nexus that reflects the interconnectedness of the mechanisms of infrastructure governance and urban inequality

    Functional and Objective Audiovestibular Evaluation of Children With Apparent Semicircular Canal Dehiscence–A Case Series in a Pediatric Vestibular Center

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    Semicircular canal dehiscence is a bony abnormality in the otic capsule especially involving the superior semicircular canal. Since its identification in 1998, there is significant research regarding the pathology in the adult population. This condition generates a third window effect that is well–described in the literature. However, the entity is rare in the pediatric population with limited research. Difficulties encountered in children are obtaining a direct history that is essential for the diagnosis followed by neurovestibular tests that may be difficult to perform. This study presents observations regarding different clinical and diagnostic aspects of semicircular canal dehiscences in children as a retrospective audit in a tertiary pediatric vestibular center. Of 580 children assessed in a 30 months period undergoing comprehensive functional and objective audiovestibular assessment, 13 children (2.2%) were detected to possess radiological semicircular canal dehiscences (high resolution computed tomography scans at 0.625 mm slices reformatted in the axial, coronal and sagittal planes). The right superior semicircular canal was most commonly affected (66.6%). There were 4 bilateral semicircular canal dehiscences. Clinical suspicion of the condition was raised with reliable surrogate history from carers or from older children (100%), a mixed or conductive hearing loss (80% of hearing losses) in the presence of normal impedance audiometry (92.3%), normal transient otoacoustic emissions (84.6%) on the side of the dehiscence and the presence of replicable pathological saccades in the video head impulse test (76.9%). Disequilibrium symptoms and typical third window symptoms were absent or difficult to elicit in children (46.15 and 30.76% respectively). Only 3 (0.5%) fulfilled the adult criteria of a superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome. The abnormal video head impulse test characterized by pathological saccades may affect other non-dehisced ipsilateral canals. Semicircular canal dehiscences are rare in children but may be considered as an etiology for hearing losses and imbalance. Children with semicircular canal dehiscence may present differently from the classical superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome found in adults

    Integrative Taxonomic Approach for Describing a New Cryptic Species of Bush Frog (Raorchestes: Anura: Rhacophoridae) from the Western Ghats, India

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    A new cryptic species of bush frog Raorchestes honnametti sp. nov. is described from the south-eastern part of the Western Ghats, India. This newly described species belongs to the Charius clade and is morphologically similar to other clade members—R. charius and R. griet. Therefore, an integrative taxonomic approach based on molecular and bioacoustic analysis along with morphology was used to delimit the new species. Raorchestes honnametti sp. nov., is currently known only from Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Tiger Reserve, a part of Biligiri Rangaswamy horst mountain range (a mountain formed due movement of two faults) formed during the Late Quaternary period (1.8–2.58 Ma). Discovery of cryptic species from a highly speciose and well-studied genus Raorchestes hints at the possible existence of several more cryptic species in this genus. We discuss the possible reasons for crypsis and emphasize the need for continued systematic surveys of amphibians across the Western Ghats

    WALK THE PIPELINE: Urban infrastructure landscapes in Bengaluru's long twentieth century

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    Walking reveals how urban infrastructure lends identity to the urban landscape. This article focuses on the oldest water pipeline in the city of Bengaluru, India. A series of vignettes trace the linear trajectory of the walk both in terms of the spatial orientation of the pipeline, and its trajectory through time. Through space, the pipeline connects the centre of the city with its suburbs, tracking differential and sometimes invisible patterns of urbanization that follow the city's sprawl. Through time, the pipeline connects water narratives, from nostalgic notions of precolonial management to the contemporary construction of scarcity. The use of walking as a methodological tool draws attention to the subsumed and often invisible experiences of inequity in various parts of the city. The pipeline is a maker of urban stories alongside routine practices and larger strategic projects of urban development. While the pipeline enables the provision of water, the neighbourhoods it passes through are sometimes excluded from the service it provides. Strategic projects have attempted to control water resources following different ways of imagining the city. Still, such urban imaginations coexist with a more extensive set of everyday practices that engage with the pipeline in the urban landscape