197 research outputs found

    What can the Falkland Islands tell us about Diphthong Shift?

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    Exploring the Measurement Properties of the eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS) Among Baby Boomers: A Multinational Test of Measurement Invariance

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    BACKGROUND: The eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS) is one of only a few available measurement scales to assess eHealth literacy. Perhaps due to the relative paucity of such measures and the rising importance of eHealth literacy, the eHEALS is increasingly a choice for inclusion in a range of studies across different groups, cultures, and nations. However, despite its growing popularity, questions have been raised over its theoretical foundations, and the factorial validity and multigroup measurement properties of the scale are yet to be investigated fully. OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to examine the factorial validity and measurement invariance of the eHEALS among baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) in the United States, United Kingdom, and New Zealand who had used the Internet to search for health information in the last 6 months. METHODS: Online questionnaires collected data from a random sample of baby boomers from the 3 countries of interest. The theoretical underpinning to eHEALS comprises social cognitive theory and self-efficacy theory. Close scrutiny of eHEALS with analysis of these theories suggests a 3-factor structure to be worth investigating, which has never before been explored. Structural equation modeling tested a 3-factor structure based on the theoretical underpinning to eHEALS and investigated multinational measurement invariance of the eHEALS. RESULTS: We collected responses (N=996) to the questionnaires using random samples from the 3 countries. Results suggest that the eHEALS comprises a 3-factor structure with a measurement model that falls within all relevant fit indices (root mean square error of approximation, RMSEA=.041, comparative fit index, CFI=.986). Additionally, the scale demonstrates metric invariance (RMSEA=.040, CFI=.984, ΔCFI=.002) and even scalar invariance (RMSEA=.042, CFI=.978, ΔCFI=.008). CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate multigroup factorial equivalence of the eHEALS, and did so based on data from 3 diverse nations and random samples drawn from an increasingly important cohort. The results give increased confidence to researchers using the scale in a range of eHealth assessment applications from primary care to health promotions

    One Dimensional Nonequilibrium Kinetic Ising Models with Branching Annihilating Random Walk

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    Nonequilibrium kinetic Ising models evolving under the competing effect of spin flips at zero temperature and nearest neighbour spin exchanges at T=∞T=\infty are investigated numerically from the point of view of a phase transition. Branching annihilating random walk of the ferromagnetic domain boundaries determines the steady state of the system for a range of parameters of the model. Critical exponents obtained by simulation are found to agree, within error, with those in Grassberger's cellular automata.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, figures upon request, SZFKI 05/9

    Site-bond representation and self-duality for totalistic probabilistic cellular automata

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    We study the one-dimensional two-state totalistic probabilistic cellular automata (TPCA) having an absorbing state with long-range interactions, which can be considered as a natural extension of the Domany-Kinzel model. We establish the conditions for existence of a site-bond representation and self-dual property. Moreover we present an expression of a set-to-set connectedness between two sets, a matrix expression for a condition of the self-duality, and a convergence theorem for the TPCA.Comment: 11 pages, minor corrections, journal reference adde

    Propagation and Extinction in Branching Annihilating Random Walks

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    We investigate the temporal evolution and spatial propagation of branching annihilating random walks in one dimension. Depending on the branching and annihilation rates, a few-particle initial state can evolve to a propagating finite density wave, or extinction may occur, in which the number of particles vanishes in the long-time limit. The number parity conserving case where 2-offspring are produced in each branching event can be solved exactly for unit reaction probability, from which qualitative features of the transition between propagation and extinction, as well as intriguing parity-specific effects are elucidated. An approximate analysis is developed to treat this transition for general BAW processes. A scaling description suggests that the critical exponents which describe the vanishing of the particle density at the transition are unrelated to those of conventional models, such as Reggeon Field Theory. P. A. C. S. Numbers: 02.50.+s, 05.40.+j, 82.20.-wComment: 12 pages, plain Te

    Absorption problems for quantum walks in one dimension

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    This paper treats absorption problems for the one-dimensional quantum walk determined by a 2 times 2 unitary matrix U on a state space {0,1,...,N} where N is finite or infinite by using a new path integral approach based on an orthonormal basis P, Q, R and S of the vector space of complex 2 times 2 matrices. Our method studied here is a natural extension of the approach in the classical random walk.Comment: 15 pages, small corrections, journal reference adde

    Reentrant phase diagram of branching annihilating random walks with one and two offsprings

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    We investigate the phase diagram of branching annihilating random walks with one and two offsprings in one dimension. A walker can hop to a nearest neighbor site or branch with one or two offsprings with relative ratio. Two walkers annihilate immediately when they meet. In general, this model exhibits a continuous phase transition from an active state into the absorbing state (vacuum) at a finite hopping probability. We map out the phase diagram by Monte Carlo simulations which shows a reentrant phase transition from vacuum to an active state and finally into vacuum again as the relative rate of the two-offspring branching process increases. This reentrant property apparently contradicts the conventional wisdom that increasing the number of offsprings will tend to make the system more active. We show that the reentrant property is due to the static reflection symmetry of two-offspring branching processes and the conventional wisdom is recovered when the dynamic reflection symmetry is introduced instead of the static one.Comment: 14 pages, Revtex, 4 figures (one PS figure file upon request) (submitted to Phy. Rev. E

    Precise Critical Exponents for the Basic Contact Process

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    We calculated some of the critical exponents of the directed percolation universality class through exact numerical diagonalisations of the master operator of the one-dimensional basic contact process. Perusal of the power method together with finite-size scaling allowed us to achieve a high degree of accuracy in our estimates with relatively little computational effort. A simple reasoning leading to the appropriate choice of the microscopic time scale for time-dependent simulations of Markov chains within the so called quantum chain formulation is discussed. Our approach is applicable to any stochastic process with a finite number of absorbing states.Comment: LaTeX 2.09, 9 pages, 1 figur

    Duality relations for the ASEP conditioned on a low current

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    We consider the asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) on a finite lattice with periodic boundary conditions, conditioned to carry an atypically low current. For an infinite discrete set of currents, parametrized by the driving strength sKs_K, K≥1K \geq 1, we prove duality relations which arise from the quantum algebra Uq[gl(2)]U_q[\mathfrak{gl}(2)] symmetry of the generator of the process with reflecting boundary conditions. Using these duality relations we prove on microscopic level a travelling-wave property of the conditioned process for a family of shock-antishock measures for N>KN>K particles: If the initial measure is a member of this family with KK microscopic shocks at positions (x1,…,xK)(x_1,\dots,x_K), then the measure at any time t>0t>0 of the process with driving strength sKs_K is a convex combination of such measures with shocks at positions (y1,…,yK)(y_1,\dots,y_K). which can be expressed in terms of KK-particle transition probabilities of the conditioned ASEP with driving strength sNs_N.Comment: 26 page
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