34 research outputs found

    Implikasi Pembatalan Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2004 Tentang Sumber Daya Air terhadap Perusahaan Pengelola Air (Pdam Kota Surakarta dan PT Tirta Investama Klaten)

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    This law article is written in order to determine the implication of abrogated law number 7 year 2004 on water resource into government\u27s water management company and private\u27s water management company, in this case is PDAM Kota Surakarta and PT Tirta Investama Klaten. The writer using empirical research which tries to identify law that live in society based on fact that happen in the location, and the writer got the answer by interviewing the head of legal unit PDAM Kota Surakarta and HRD manager PT Tirta Investama Klaten. Implication of abrogated law number 7 year 2004 on the Government is the legislation as rules of law implementation water management does not apply, so as a legal umbrella reintroduced Irrigation and molded Government Law No. 121 and 122 in 2015 as an implementing regulation of the law on water resources. Both the Government Law is to restore the priority right to control and exploit the water resources to the country\u27s state and public enterprises. Regulation No. 121 Year 2015 on Exploitation of Water Resources regulates the private company that will run the business in the field of water resources must cooperate with State or local government in the region, while private companies are already doing business in the field of water resources before Law of water resources canceled still run the business until the contract expires, and if it will be extended to refer to the latest rules on water resources. Many important things are not regulated by the Water Act, therefore the government should immediately prepare a draft water resource management was good and ideally suited to the concept of domination and exploitation of water resources by the State

    Hubungan antara pH Susu dengan Jumlah Sel Somatik Sebagai Parameter Mastitis Subklinik

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    The aim of this research was to measure the relationship of the pH value to the somatic cell count as a parameter of sub clinical mastitis detection. Two hundreds quarter milk samples were used in this research and the test (the pH value, IPB-1 mastitis test and Breed method) was done in parallel way. The results showed that 152 samples from 200 samples (76%) tested with Breed method came from the herds which suffered from sub-clinical mastitis and with IPB-1 test showed that 145 (72.5%) of the samples had positive reaction. Using pH meter, it showed that 44 samples (22 %) had pH > 6.75, presumed suffered from sub-clinical mastitis and 2 samples (1%) showed pH < 6.30 (6.25 and 6.28). At the same time, these two samples showed a negative reaction with IPB-1 test and had somatic cell count of 360,000/ml and 280,000/ml, each. It also showed that there was a close relationship between pH value and IPB-1 test. The conclusion of this research was that the measurement of pH value was not a sensitive method for detecting sub-clinical mastitis. Key words: sub-clinical mastitis, pH, somatic cell count, IPB-1 mastitis tes

    Evaluasi Kandungan Coliform dan Salmonella Pelet Limbah Penetasan dengan Aditif Zeolit pada Lama Penyimpanan Berbeda

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    Penelitian untuk menguji kemampuan zeolit dalam menekan pertumbuhan Coliform dan Salmonella pada pelet limbah penetasan selama penyimpanan dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknologi Pakan, Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro. Zeolit telah dilaporkan memiliki kemampuan khusus untuk menyerap zat, menukar ion dan sebagai katalisator. Zeolit ini diharapkan dapat menekan pertumbuhan bakteri patogen sehingga dapat memperpanjang masa simpan serta mempertahankan kualitas pelet. Dalam proses peleting, limbah penetasan ditambahkan dengan 0 dan 3% zeolit, kemudian pelet disimpan selama 4, 8, dan 12 minggu, dengan 3 ulangan dari masing-masing kombinasi perlakuan. Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa penambahan zeolit dalam proses peleting limbah penetasan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kandungan Coliform dalam pelet selama penyimpanan dan Salmonella negatif. Jumlah rata-rata bakteri Coliform berada pada kategori kritis standar keamanan bahan pakan yaitu 105 cfu/g. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan peleting efektif menekan pertumbuhan bakteri Coliform dan Salmonella, namun penambahan zeolit tidak efektif dalam menekan pertumbuhan patogen pada pelet limbah penetasan selama penyimpanan

    Penambahan Boraks Dalam Bakso Dan Faktor Pendorong Penggunaannya Bagi Pedagang Bakso Di Kota Bengkulu

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    The research of using borax in meatballs which was undertaken in the Bengkulu City in 2011 showed that 10% from 100 samples of meatballs containing borax. Considering the dangers of borax for the consumer if consume continuously and increasing the number of meatball traders until 2013, it is necessary to study with more meatballs samples and widely area. The aim of the study was to detect the presence of borax in meatballs, borax content after heating, storability meatballs which containing borax and determine the factors that support the meatball traders to use borax. The study was designed using cross sectional study using two types of data, they were data of meatball sample test in the laboratory and interview data to meatball traders in the BengkuluCity. Total of 160 meatball samples from traders and five meatball samples from grinders were collected and examined with qualitative test using turmeric paper. The qualitative test showed that 165 samples (100%) takenfrom meatball traders and grinders didn't contain borax. Knowledge and attitudes level of traders were at a good level. There were significant relationship between education level with knowledge, information source fromtelevision with attitude, and knowledge with attitude of traders in Bengkulu City (p < 0,05)

    Survey on Characteristics of Processing and Quality of Dangke Milk Cows in Enrekang District, South Sulawesi

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    The development of the processing industry of dangke milk cows in Enrekang district had an important role in support of the improvement of national milk consumption and absorption of milk cows of local farmers. The purpose of research is to describe of the characteristics of the processing of dangke milk cows consisting of methods of manufacture and storage, as well as the quality of dangke in Enrekang district. This research is a descriptive survey. The respondents are 60 people manufacturers dangke milk cows which selected by simple random sampling. Data on the characteristics of dangke processing collected through observation and interviews with open-ended questionnaire, whereas quality of dangke (moisture, fat, protein, ash, and pH) were measured by AOAC method (1995). Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. Conclusion of this study is that the method of manufacture of dangke milk cows includes heating of the milk, the addition of papaya latex solution, filtering and printing of the curd, and packaging products are varied quantitatively cause the quality of dangke is diverse. Dangke storage method allows a reduction of the quality of the physical and microbiological dangke milk cows

    Survey on the Potency of Cow Milk Dangke as an Alternative to Buffalo Milk Dangke in Enrekang, South Sulawesi

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    The scarcity of buffalo milk caused farmers in Enrekang district switch to use cow's milk as a raw material for the manufacture of dangke. This study aims to explore the potential of dangke milk cows from various aspects in the field. Information on population and daily milk production of dairy cows and buffalo, as well as questionnaire data of dangke consumers of Enrekang were obtained in Enrekang district, while data of dangke consumer of not Enrekang were collected with organoleptic tests and questionnaires. Determination of respondents Enrekang with simple random sampling while respondents are not Enrekang with purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent two-sample t test and chi squared test. The potential benefits of cow milk dangke compared to cow buffalo dangke is that with the same quality (moisture, fat, protein, ash, and pH value) cow's milk dangke has higher raw material availability, cheaper price, easier attainability, widely accepted by Enrekang consumer population, preferred by the non-Enrekang consumer population, and also possess colour and flavor that is preferred by consumers

    Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis of dairy cows in Bogor

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    Johne’s disease (JD) or partuberculosis is a chronic granulomatous enteritis in ruminants caused by infection of Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis subspecies (MAP). The disease has been detected serologically in Indonesia. It’s potential to spread to other herds and could create great economic losses. The objectives of current study were to detect MAP in milk and faeces of dairy cows as well as to evaluate the association between farm management factors and presence of the bacteria in dairy cows in Bogor. The sample size was calculated using the formula to detect disease with the prevalence assumed to be 5% using 95% significant level. Milk and faeces samples were taken from 62 dairy cows which were suspected as suffering from MAP infection. Detection of MAP was done by isolation in Herrold’ egg yolk medium with mycobactin J (HEYMj), acid-fast bacilli Ziehl-Neelsen staining, PCR IS900 and F57. Biochemical test to confirm M. tuberculosis presence was also conducted. Fifteen isolates of Mycobacterium sp. were found from the faeces samples but not from the corresponding milk samples. However, conventional PCR conducted on the isolate as well as the milk samples, gave negative results. Biochemical test proved that all Mycobacterium sp. isolates were not M. tuberculosis. This study indicated the prevalence of MAP in Bogor was less than 5%. These findings should be continued by observational study to achieve the comprehensive information at the cattle and herd level. Bovine Tuberculosis monitoring should be done also to protect dairy herd and food safety for the community. Key words: Johne’s disease, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, Milk, Faece

    Biosintesis Antigen Permukaan Hepatitis B HBsAg100 Pada Escherichia Coli Dalam Rangka Produksi Protein Rekombinan Sebagai Model Imunogen Untuk Menghasilkan Antibodi

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    Biosintesis protein rekombinan melalui Escherichia coli memberikan alternatif untuk menghasilkan protein antigen yang bermanfaan bagi kepentingan kesehatan yang bebas dari protein manusia. Penelitian ini menggabungkan fragmen DNA dari antigen permukaan virus Hepatitis B dengan gen penyandi enzim gluthation-S-transferase (GST) di dalam plasmid p GEX-4T-2 yang di ekspresikan di dalam sel-sel Escherichia coli. Polypeptida dengan berat molekul sekitar 34,8 kDa telah diproduksi dan diidentifikasi sebagai protein gabungan GST-HB100. Protein gabungan tersebut kemudian dimurnikan menggunakan kolum GSTrap yang disambung dengan kolum HiTrap. Selanjutnya, protein hasil pemurnian tersebut diharapkan bisa digunakan sebagai bahan vaksin atau untuk menghasilkan antibodi