9 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah di Indonesia

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    This study aimed to analyze the factors affecting the amount of profitability (ROA) provided by Islamic banking in Indonesia. The data which is used is taken from the financial report of the Shari\u27a Bank during the 2011-2016 periods by using montly financial statement This study uses a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to see the long-term effect and response to shock that occur in the studied variables. The result shows that in the long run, the percentage Financing (FIN) and BOPO give a positive siqnifikant effect on the ROA, while third party funds (DPK), percentage profit and loss sharing (TBH), financial to deposit ratio (FDR) has negative and siqnificant effect on the ROA. Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah (SBIS) and non performing finance (NPF) have no significant effect on the ROA. In short run, ROA give a negatif and siqnificant effect on the ROA and FDR give a positif and siqnificant effect, while DPK, FIN, SBIS, TBH, NPF and BOPO have no sinificant effect on the ROA. Therfore, shocks that occur in the ROA, FIN, FDR , NPF dan BOPO positively responded by ROA and will be stable in the long term. While the shocks that occur in the percentage of FDR, SBIS and TBH responded negatively by financing and will be stable in the long term.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi profitabilitas (ROA) perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan data bulanan dari laporan keuangan bank syariah periode 2010-2015. Penelitian ini mengunakan Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) untuk melihat dampak jangka panjang dan respon terhadap dampak shock pada setiap variabel terhadap pembiayaan. Hasil olah data menunjukkan bahwa FIN dan BOPO berhubungan positif terhadap ROA, sedangkan DPK, TBH, FDR berhubungan negatif terhadap dan ROA SBIS dan NPF tidak berpengaruh terhadap tingkat ROA. Dalam jangka pendek, ROA berhubungan negatif, tetapi FDR terhadap ROA berhubungan positif. Sedangkan DPK, FIN, SBIS, TBH, NPF and BOPO tidak berhubungan dengan pembiayaan. Di lain pihak, respon pembiayan terhadap goncangan yang terjadi terjadi pada ROA, FIN, FDR, NPF dan BOPO direspon positif oleh ROA. Sedangkan respon ROA terhadap goncangan yang terjadi pada FDR, SBIS dan TBH adalah negatif

    Tingkat Efisiensi Perbankan Syariah dan Konvensional dengan Mengunakan Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea)

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    This research utilizesa non-parametric frontier approach, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). By using such an analysis, the purpose of this study is to analyse 3 Islamic banks in Indonesia during 2007-2010 period. In general, the result of study indicates that the level of efficiency of Islamic bank is various moving over time. In intermediary efficiency, conventional bank is found to be more efficient than Islamic bank. Moreover, conventional bank is more efficient than Islamic bank. Since the study pinpoints the sources of inefficiency, it also helps to provide the banks with strategic plannin

    Identifikasi Daerah Prioritas Rehabilitasi Lahan Kritis Kawasan Hutan Dengan Penginderaan Jauh Dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Pati)

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    Kerusakan Hutan masih menjadi perbincangan hangat di Indonesia. Banjir bandang yang sering penambangan karst liar di kawasan hutan pegunungan Kendeng Utara sehingga hutan terdegradasi dan akan menadi lahan kritis. Faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya lahan kritis kawasan hutan antara lain; kerapatan vegetasi, kelerengan hutan, erosi lahan dan manajemen hutan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persebaran lahan kritis kawasan hutan dan berapa luas daerah prioritas rehabilitasinya. Pengolahan dilakukan dengan metode overlay tiap parameter; peta kelas vegetasi, peta kelas lereng, peta kelas erosi dan peta kelas manajemen. Pembuatan peta kelas kerapatan vegetasi dibuat dari klasifikasi NDVI citra Landsat 7 ETM+. Kemudian analisis tiap kecamatan, Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan, Bagian Hutan dan fungsi hutan dilakukan dengan overlay data vektor.Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, kawasan hutan Kabupaten Pati didominasi oleh kriteria potensial kritis seluas 14.351,74 ha (62,67%) dari luas hutan di Kabupaten Pati. Kerusakan hutan tertinggi berada di kecamatan Margorejo dan Sukolilo. Lahan kritis paling banyak berada di kecamatan Margorejo 252,02 ha. Sedangkan lahan agak kritis paling banyak terdapat di kecamatan Sukolilo 1.492,22 ha

    Do Stability and Size Affect the Profitability of Islamic Rural Bank in Indonesia?

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    Purpose – This study aims to analyze the effect of stability, size, financial performance and macroeconomic variables on the profitability of Islamic Rural Banks (BPRS) in Indonesia.Methodology – This study uses panel data consisting of 82 BPRS from December 2012 to December 2018. This study uses a dynamic model using GMM (General Method of Moments) developed by Arellano & Bover (1995) and Blundell & Bond (1998). GMM is used to describe the actual conditions in the analysis of profitability of Islamic Rural Banks.Findings – The findings of this study indicate that the stability and size of the BPRS have a negative effect on the level of ROA and ROE. Further, BAC has a positive effect on ROA but it has a negative effect on ROE. While the deposit structure (DS) is found to have a positive effect on ROA and ROE, FDRand the total deposit (DAR) is found to have a positive effect on both ROA and ROE. Meanwhile, the capital structure does not show a significant value on ROA. On the other hand, economic growth (GDP) and inflation (INF) do not show a significant relationship to ROA, but inflation is positively related to ROE.Originality – This study is to determine the effect of the stability and the size of BPRS on its profitability. This study uses 6 models to obtain a consistent variation of variables in influencing profitability

    Do Religiosity, Halal Knowledge, and Halal Certification Affect Muslim Students' Intention to Purchase Halal Packaged Food?

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    Purpose: This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the intention of Muslim students in purchasing halal packaged food.Methodology: This study uses the variables of religiosity, halal knowledge, halal certification, brand, attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control. The sample of this research is 239 respondents who live in West Java, Central Java, and East Java. The partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) method was used to process the research data.Findings: Halal label variables, religiosity, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived control have a positive effect on Muslim students' intention in purchasing halal packaged food. While the variables of halal knowledge and brand image do not affect the intention in purchasing halal packaged food.Originality: Halal packaged food companies need to develop promotions of halal packaged foods that highlight Islamic nuances, including more elegant and modern Islamic symbols. Besides, the promotion is directed at efforts to reinforce the image that halal packaged food is not only individual food but also family food and Muslim student groups/organizations