102 research outputs found
Reading the Death in Literary Works (A Comparison between “Dokter dan Maut” and A Christmas Carol)
This paper compares two literary works written by an Indonesian and a British author. There are some different points of views regarding the phenomenon of death in these literary works. In contrary, there are also similarities between the two texts. Social, cultural and religious backgrounds influence the way of looking at and discussing the theme and the different way of solving a problem as well. This comparison of literary works provides an example of how an Indonesian and British person deal with the same theme in their literary works and make differences in terms of exploring the theme in their works
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Alternatif Pemeliharaan Gedung Sekolah (Studi Kasus: Sltp Negeri I Pakem)
The performance of the building declines in line with the age of the building. To maintain the performance of the building, the building maintenance should be carried out. For this reason, an adequate program that able to analyze cost as well as condition of the building has been developed in this research. The assessment was carried out in a secondary school building in Pakem Sub Regency of Yogyakarta. The research used Analyzes of Hierarchy Process (AHP). Besides, the maintenance cost was also considered in the analysis. The secondary school has several buildings. Each building consists of structural, architectural and utilities components. This research mainly studied the performance of the architectural components rather than other components. The architectural components consists of classrooms, office rooms and supporting rooms. In every room, architectural element such as ceiling, wall, window, door and floor are subdivided into their accompanying elements. The elements were then weighted in accordance with their functions. The severities of their conditions were assessed in terms of percentage of the deterioration. The residual condition was determined by reducing the index condition (100 is best condition). The accumulative index condition was then represented the condition of every room. The determination of the priority was carried out on the basis of the ratio between increment of the condition (from the existing condition to the best condition) and the cost implied on the maintenance. The priority would go to the highest ratio. An analysis result indicate that among 37 rooms perceived, the class rooms obtained first priority followed by office room and then supporting room. The three first sequence priority among sixteen class rooms are classroom VIIA, the natural science laboratory and classroom IIIA. Among four rooms in office room groups, three first priority are Teacher room, Administration room, Headmaster room, and among seventeen room of supporting room groups, the three first priorities are parking area, canteen room, medical room
Reologi Adukan Beto-serat
Kuat tarik beton yang rendah merupakan suatu kendala pemakaian beton pada struktur-struktur dimana gaya-gaya tank maupun kejut mendominasi reaksi-reaksi yang terjadi. Pemakaian serat pada beton akan meningkatkan kuat tank, tetapi di lain pihak akan sangat mempengaruhi sifat-sifat reologi adukan beton.
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh terhadap-sifat reologi adukan beton ditentukan oleh jenis, aspek ratio, konsentrasi dan bentuk permukaan serta yang dipakai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek ratio 100 dan konsentrasi serat 1,5% merupakan nilai maksimal.
Keywords: reologi adukan, beton-berserat, kuat tari
Tubuh sebagai Manifesto: Pandangan Politik Sally Rooney dalam Normal People
This research explores the role of the body in the Irish literary work, Normal People. Written by renowned Irish author Sally Rooney, the novel narrates how contemporary Irish society experiences shifts in its social structure. It delves into the lives of young Irish characters as they navigate social and political upheaval in relation to the Western culture that serves as their cultural axis. This culture is, in part, represented through the colonized form of the body. Rooney elevates this concept to emphasize her political stance that the body has become a manifesto in the ideological struggle against the encroaching Western influences. By employing Lucien Goldmann’s theoretical framework, this article demonstrates the intersection of the body and alcohol, connecting the historical memory of the Republic of Ireland with Northern Ireland. Moreover, the article contends that the United States of America has colonized the bodies of the Republic of Ireland’s society through the consumer patterns of popular culture introduced in television advertisements.Keywords – Alcohol, Colonization, Political Beliefs, Popular Culture, Television Commercials
Indeks Tahanan Lentur Beton-Serat
Beton merupakan bahan konstruksi yang paling se-ring dipakai, karena mempunyai banyak keuntung\u27an, balk dari segi struktur, ekonomi, pelaksanaan maupun perawatan. Salah satu kelemahan yang cukup menonjol, yaitu sifatnya yang getas dan tidak mampu menahan lenturan yang terlalu besar. Penambahan serat-serat pada adukan beton akan memperbesar kemampuannya menyerap energi lenturan yang mungkin terjadi, yang dinyatakan dengan Indeks Tahanan Lentur,
Pengdian Indeks Keliatan (Indeks Tahanan Len tur) dilakukan dengan membuat benda-benda uji beton balok 100 mm x 100 mm x 500 mm. Indeks Tahanan Lentur dinyatakan dengan luasan di bawah diagram hubungan lendutanbeban dengan lendutan 0,075" dibagi dengan luasan di bawah diagram lendutan-beban pada saat terjadi retak pertama pada uji lentur dua titik pembebanan.
Penelitian dengan menggunakan Plain Steel Fibres dan Duoform Steel Fibres memberikan basil bahwa pada umur 28 hari, Indek Tahanan Lentur akan meningkat sebesar 19 dan 12 kali Indeks Tahanan Lentur beton tanpa sera t, yaitu dengan memakai konsen trasi sera t yang\u27 optimal ialah 1,0 1. Nilai Indeks Tahanan Lentur jugs dipengaruhi oleh kemasakan beton dan nilai ini akan konstan jika beton sudah berumur minimal 28 hari. Pada pengujian dengan umur di bawah 28 hari dijumpai Indeks Tahanan Lentur yang lebih sehingga pemakaian Indeks Tahanan Lentur pada umur beton yang kurang dari 28 hari untuk perancangan struktur akan memperkecil angka keamanan.
Kata Kunci:Beton, Konstruks
The performance of the building declines in line with the age of the building. To maintain the performance of the building, the building maintenance should be carried out. For this reason, an adequate program that able to analyze cost as well as condition of the building has been developed in this research. The assessment was carried out in a secondary school building in Pakem Sub Regency of Yogyakarta. The research used Analyzes of Hierarchy Process (AHP). Besides, the maintenance cost was also considered in the analysis. The secondary school has several buildings. Each building consists of structural, architectural and utilities components. This research mainly studied the performance of the architectural components rather than other components. The architectural components consists of classrooms, office rooms and supporting rooms. In every room, architectural element such as ceiling, wall, window, door and floor are subdivided into their accompanying elements. The elements were then weighted in accordance with their functions. The severities of their conditions were assessed in terms of percentage of the deterioration. The residual condition was determined by reducing the index condition (100 is best condition). The accumulative index condition was then represented the condition of every room. The determination of the priority was carried out on the basis of the ratio between increment of the condition (from the existing condition to the best condition) and the cost implied on the maintenance. The priority would go to the highest ratio. An analysis result indicate that among 37 rooms perceived, the class rooms obtained first priority followed by office room and then supporting room. The three first sequence priority among sixteen class rooms are classroom VIIA, the natural science laboratory and classroom IIIA. Among four rooms in office room groups, three first priority are Teacher room, Administration room, Headmaster room, and among seventeen room of supporting room groups, the three first priorities are parking area, canteen room, medical room
Genteng beton dengan substitusi tras
Concrete, in the broadest sense, is any mass product made by the use of cementing medium. Therefore, concrete tiles is made from Portland Cement and fine aggregate as the filler materials. The increasing of cement price affects on the building cost. Research for qualified and economical concrete tiles needs to be encouraged and developed because cheap concrete tiles will save the construction cost. Trass utilizes to substitute part of the cement used is expected to fulfill this need.
Concrete tile specimens were made from 1 portion of Portland Cement and 3 portions of fine aggregate with water/cement ratio of 0.50. Trass granules diameter of pass filter no. 200 was added to the tile mortar using 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% proportion to substitute part of the cement used in the same percentage. After the specimens reached 28 days, flexural, water infiltration resistance, and water absorption power tests were conducted.
The test results showed that as the trass content increased the concrete tile flexural strength decreased and the water absorption power increased. The water absorption power of all of the tested specimens met the Indonesian Industrial Standard and the trass content to comply with the standard flexural strength, was 10%. Other contents did not meet the standard. Based on the water infiltration resistance, all of the tested specimens still required additional efforts in order to comply with the requirements
Perhitungan Indeks Kondisi Bangunan dan Analisis Biaya Perbaikan Gedung Akademi Keperawatan Panti Rapih Pasca Gempa (Studi Kasus : Bencana Gempa 27 Mei 2006)
Earthquake disaster on May 27, 2006 has forced many buldings to terminate their service due to the severe damage the earthquake caused to the buildings components. Such damage requires renovation in order to restore the building performance and function. This research analyzed the renovation cost analysis for Panti Rapih Nursing Academy in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. This research related to building advisability after shaked by earthquacke based on the Condition Index. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used for the analysis. Based on this method, the building Condition Index depends on two parameters. The first parameter is building component and sub component weight. The second is the damage degree and quantity, which was obtained by onsite visual assessment. This research included the analysis of renovation cost completed with factors influencing the cost based on the degree of the damage. The renovation cost was calculated by multiplying unit cost and quantity of works, which was obtained from onsite results of the direct survey. The unit cost used refered to official cost in Regency of Sleman, Yogyakarta. Finally, the result obtained were then compared to the cost computed by contractor. Analysis results showed that the Condition Index of Nursing Academy Building was 93,5394%, which was within low damages category. In theory, the cost to restore the building Condition Index (back to 100%) was Rp. 73.160.000,00. This amount was lower than the real cost of Rp 97.680.000,00 calculated by the contractor. Such difference may be due to the different method used when calculating the quantity and unit cost of works
Judul Buku: Reading Contemporary Indonesian Muslim Women Writers. Penulis: Diah Ariani Arimbi. Penerbit: Amsterdam University Press, 2009. Tebal: 234 halaman
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