184 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Uji Kompetensi Mandiri Berbasis Komputer Untuk Meningkatkan Efikasi Diri Siswa

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    Contoh penerapan teknologi dalam pendidikan adalah Computer Based Testing (CBT). Efikasi diri adalah keyakinan seseorang untuk menyelesaikan tugas. Uji Kompetensi Mandiri merupakan untuk menguji kompetensi siswa secara mandiri. Tujuan penelitian menghasilkan produk UKM, menentukan kepraktisan dan efektivitas UKM. Metode penelitian Research and Development. Subjek penelitian siswa kelas VIII SMP 2 Demak tahun 2012/2013. Desain penelitian adalah One group pretest-posttest study. Efikasi diri diukur melalui pretest dan posttest, sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pembelajaran dengan UKM. Pengembangan UKM dengan menguji vaiditas, kepraktisan dan keefektifan. Karakteristik UKM yang dapat meningkatkan efikasi diri adalah: (1) memiliki tingkat kesukaran soal, (2) memiliki bantuan materi, (3) menyesuaikan gaya pembelajar modern, (4) mendorong terjadinya pengalaman vikarius. Keefektifan dilihat pada peningkatan efikasi diri siswa. Rerata pencapaian efikasi diri sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan adalah 76,6% dan 82,9%. Pencapaian efikasi diri siswa ini termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. The example of technolgy in education application is Computer Based Testing (CBT). Self-efficacy is the ability of someone to complete the task. Uji Kompetensi Mandiri (UKM) aims to test student competency independently. The research objectives are to produce UKM, determine the practicality and effectivity of UKM. The Research methode is Research and Development method. Subjects were the students of grade VIII of SMP 2 Demak in academic year of 2012/2013. The Research design is one group pretest-posttest study. Students' self-efficacy was measured by pretest and posttest that measured before and after a treatment by using UKM in a learning program. The development of UKM is done by validity, practicality and effectiveness tests. UKM's characteristics that can enhance students' self-efficacy are: (1) have difficulty level, (2) have learning material assistance, (3) adapting to modern learner style, (4) easy to integrated in the learning experience to stimulate discussion and vicarious experiences.. The averages of students' self-efficacy before and after the treatment are 76.6% and 82.9%. These achievements are categorized into high category

    Kajian Tingkat Aliran Permukaan dan Erosi, pada Berbagai Tipe Penggunaan Lahan di Sub DAS Jenneberang Hulu

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate and assess the level of run-off and erosion on various types of land use in the Upper Jenneberang Sub Watershed. This research was conducted in the Upper Jenneberang Sub Watershed, Saluttoa Village, Sub Tinggimoncong, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi Province. Land use type (LUT) which was used as land units of observations was determined based on land use maps of upper Jenneberang sub watershed. Based on the analysis results of map and observation in the field, it was defined four types of land use as land units of observation: 1) Natural forest, 2) Gliricidia tree-dominated agroforestry, 3) Coffee tree-dominated agroforestry, and 4) Maize monoculture. Each LUT was given the observation plot size 30 m x 10 m and plot placement was determined randomly. All LUT had slope 26%, soil type of Brown Latosol at the same altitude and climate. The composition of the observation plot was based on Randomized Block Design (RBD). Collected data on LUT included: soil physical properties, infiltration rate, run-off and erosion. The result showed that changes in land use of natural forests into agroforestry and maize monoculture types resulted in decreased amount of woody vegetation that resulted in increased run-off and erosion

    Pembuatan Instrument Audio Musik Berbasis Komputer dengan Menggunakan Software Fruity Loops 8

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    Knowledge to play music to produce different sounds good to hearexperience and made a few times. Thousands and perhaps millions of youngpeople who have the talent to play music. Give the expected solution for smallchildren or people who like to play music, promote your music with the help ofcomputer games without the need for a tool. Written by the author's in the formof a training manual for the reader to more easily understand. Development ofcomputers provide opportunities for people who love the music until she willdevelop a game to learn and train The role of information and computertechnology is growing so fast recently. Even e-Government and e- commerce isbuilt to give a new dimension of life in Indonesia. Now people have to usecomputers in everyday life. In music, to get a good job and gave birth to abrilliant musical artist, now the computer is also very influential. Fruity Loops 8is to help the musicians or someone who likes playing music can help in makingmusic without having to possess, have and can use the instrumen

    First analysis of solar structures in 1.21 mm full-disc ALMA image of the Sun

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    Various solar features can be seen on maps of the Sun in the mm and sub-mm wavelength range. The recently installed Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is capable of observing the Sun in that wavelength range with an unprecedented spatial, temporal and spectral resolution. To interpret solar observations with ALMA the first important step is to compare ALMA maps with simultaneous images of the Sun recorded in other spectral ranges. First we identify different structures in the solar atmosphere seen in the optical, IR and EUV parts of the spectrum (quiet Sun (QS), active regions (AR), prominences on the disc, magnetic inversion lines (IL), coronal holes (CH) and coronal bright points (CBPs)) in a full disc solar ALMA image. The second aim is to measure the intensities (brightness temperatures) of those structures and compare them with the corresponding QS level. A full disc solar image at 1.21 mm obtained on December 18, 2015 during a CSV-EOC campaign with ALMA is calibrated and compared with full disc solar images from the same day in H\alpha, in He I 1083 nm core, and with SDO images (AIA at 170 nm, 30.4 nm, 21.1 nm, 19.3 nm, and 17.1 nm and HMI magnetogram). The brightness temperatures of various structures are determined by averaging over corresponding regions of interest in the ALMA image. Positions of the QS, ARs, prominences on the disc, ILs, CHs and CBPs are identified in the ALMA image. At 1.21 mm ARs appear as bright areas (but sunspots are dark), while prominences on the disc and CHs are not discernible from the QS background, although having slightly less intensity than surrounding QS regions. ILs appear as large, elongated dark structures and CBPs correspond to ALMA bright points. These results are in general agreement with sparse earlier measurements at similar wavelengths. The identification of CBPs represents the most important new result.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Electron beam shaping via laser heater temporal shaping

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    Active longitudinal beam optics can help FEL facilities achieve cutting edge performance by optimizing the beam to: produce multi-color pulses, suppress caustics, or support attosecond lasing. As the next generation of superconducting accelerators comes online, there is a need to find new elements which can both operate at high beam power and which offer multiplexing capabilities at Mhz repetition rate. Laser heater shaping promises to satisfy both criteria by imparting a programmable slice-energy spread on a shot-by-shot basis. We use a simple kinetic analysis to show how control of the slice energy spread translates into control of the bunch current profile, and then we present a collection of start-to-end simulations at LCLS-II in order to illustrate the technique.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Revised physical elements of the astrophysically important O9.5+O9.5V eclipsing binary system Y Cyg

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    Thanks to its long and rich observational history and rapid apsidal motion, the massive eclipsing binary Y Cyg represents one of the cornestones to critical tests of stellar evolution theory for massive stars. Yet, the determination of the basic physical properties is less accurate than it could be given the existing number of spectral and photometric observations. Our goal is to analyze all these data simultaneously with the new dedicated series of our own spectral and photometric observations from observatories widely separated in longitude. We obtained new series of UBV observations at three observatories separated in local time to obtain complete light curves of Y Cyg for its orbital period close to 3 days. This new photometry was reduced and carefully transformed to the standard UBV system using the HEC22 program. We also obtained new series of red spectra secured at two observatories and re-analyzed earlier obtained blue electronic spectra. Our analyses provide the most accurate so far published value of the apsidal period of 47.805 +/- 0.030 yrs and the following physical elements: M1=17.72+/-0.35$ Msun, M2=17.73+/-0.30 Msun, R1=5.785+/-0.091 Rsun, and R2=5.816+/-0.063 Rsun. The disentangling thus resulted in the masses, which are somewhat higher than all previous determinations and virtually the same for both stars, while the light curve implies a slighly higher radius and luminosity for star 2. The above empirical values imply the logarithm of the internal structure constant log k2 = -1.937. A comparison with Claret's stellar interior models implies an age close to 2 millions yrs for both stars. The claimed accuracy of modern element determination of 1-2 per cent seems still a bit too optimistic and obtaining new high-dispersion and high-resolution spectra is desirable.Comment: 13 pages; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    ALMA small-scale features in the quiet Sun and active regions

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    Aims. The main aim of the present analysis is to decipher (i) the small-scale bright features in solar images of the quiet Sun and active regions obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and (ii) the ALMA correspondence of various known chromospheric structures visible in the H-alpha images of the Sun. Methods. Small-scale ALMA bright features in the quiet Sun region were analyzed using single-dish ALMA observations (1.21 mm, 248 GHz) and in an active region using interferometric ALMA measurements (3 mm, 100 GHz). With the single-dish observations, a full-disk solar image is produced, while interferometric measurements enable the high-resolution reconstruction of part of the solar disk, including the active region. The selected quiet Sun and active regions are compared with the H-alpha (core and wing sum), EUV, and soft X-ray images and with the magnetograms. Results. In the quiet Sun region, enhanced emission seen in the ALMA is almost always associated with a strong line-of-sight (LOS) magnetic field. Four coronal bright points were identified, while other small-scale ALMA bright features are most likely associated with magnetic network elements and plages. In the active region, in 14 small-scale ALMA bright features randomly selected and compared with other images, we found five good candidates for coronal bright points, two for plages, and five for fibrils. Two unclear cases remain: a fibril or a jet, and a coronal bright point or a plage. A comparison of the H-alpha core image and the 3 mm ALMA image of the analyzed active region showed that the sunspot appears dark in both images (with a local ALMA radiation enhancement in sunspot umbra), the four plage areas are bright in both images and dark small H-alpha filaments are clearly recognized as dark structures of the same shape also in ALMA.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Preliminary results on the solar rotation determined tracing SDO/AIA coronal bright points

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    In this paper we present preliminary results on the solar differential rotation measured tracing coronal bright points in SDO/AIA images. An automatic recognition method was applied to the series of images taken in the test period, 1-2 January 2011. Coronal bright points are suitable tracers for the determination of the solar differential rotation, because they are localized objects which are very well distributed over solar disc. Results presented in this paper show that the SDO/AIA data are very useful for that aim, due to the high spatial and temporal resolution of the images

    Extremely halophilic pleomorphic archaeal virus HRPV9 extends the diversity of pleolipoviruses with integrases

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    Certain pleomorphic archaeal viruses are highly infectious even at saturated salt. These viruses belong to the genus Betapleolipovirus of the recently described archaeal virus family Pleolipoviridae. Pleolipoviruses comprise single-stranded or double-stranded, circular or linear DNA genomes that share countless homologues among various archaeal genetic elements. Here we describe a new extremely halophilic betapleolipovirus, Halorubrum pleomorphic virus 9 (HRPV9), which has an integrase gene. We also identified new genes encoding minor pleolipoviral structural proteins. The studies on HRPV9 enhance our knowledge on pleolipoviruses, especially their reciprocal relatedness and relation to certain archaeal plasmids, proviruses and membrane vesicles. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Institut Pasteur.Peer reviewe