13 research outputs found

    The Effect of Motivation and Compensation on Employee Performance PT. Kebab Turki Baba Rafi Surabaya Branch with Work Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable

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    The purpose of this study is 1. To analyze the effect of motivation on employee satisfaction at PT. Kebab Turki Baba Rafi Surabaya branch 2. To analyze the effect of motivation on employee performance at PT. Kebab Turki Baba Rafi Surabaya branch3. To analyze the effect of compensation on employee satisfaction at PT. Kebab Turki Baba Rafi Surabaya branch 4. To analyze the effect of compensation on employee performance at PT. Kebab Turki Baba Rafi Surabaya branch 5. To analyze the influence of employee satisfaction on employee performance at PT. Kaba Turki Baba Rafi branch of Surabaya. This research is quantitative research. The population and samples were distributed by 58 respondents. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Analysis of the data used is Convergent Validity, Discriminant Validity, Reliability and Average Variance Extracted (AVE). The results showed the effect of the Motivation variable (X1) on Employee Satisfaction (Y1) was significant at 0.002. And Motivation (X1) is not significant with Employee Performance variable (Y2) of 0.297 which means negative. based on the correlation for the Compensation variable (X2) on Employee Satisfaction (Y1) of 0.880 which means negative. And for the Compensation variable (X2) on Employee Performance (Y2) of 0.691 which means negative. And for the Employee Satisfaction variable (Y1) on Employee Performance (Y2) of 0.009 which means strong. The results of this study indicate that, Motivation has a significant effect on employee satisfaction, which leads to employee performance. And employee satisfaction has a significant effect on employee performance


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat progres serta peramalan posisi produk- produk simpanan agar dapat diketahui dan menunjang pula pertumbuhan dana pihak ketiga di PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Kantor Cabang Pembantu Jatirogo Tuban. Produk- produk simpanan yang diteliti adalah deposito, giro, dan tabungan. Dalam dunia perbankan, semua bank berlomba - lomba menarik hati masyarakat untuk mempercayakan uang mereka disimpan di bank tersebut dalam jangka waktu selama- lamanya dan dalam jumlah yang sebesar- besarnya. Oleh karena itu perlu dihitung seberapa besar kemajuan atau kenaikan posisi uang masyarakat (Dana Pihak Ketiga) tersebut dimana besar kecilnya dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan perusahaan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder pada Tahun 2013 untuk melihat progress masing-masing produk dan memprediksi posisi dana pada tahun 2014 dengan melihat trend analisis menggunakan metode Least Squares. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh produk simpanan yang memiliki progress tertinggi adalah Deposito 12 bulan dengan persentase sebesar 966.67% (≈10 kali lipat) dan produk simpanan yang memiliki progress terendah adalah Deposito 6 Bulan dengan persentase sebesar -59.60% (mengalami penurunan). Sedangkan untuk prediksi progress terbesar dari tahun 2013 ke tahun 2014 adalah Giro dengan persentase 8,02%

    Exploring Mediating Role of Supply Chain Management between Logistic Management, Supplier Selection and Planning of Supply Chain and Sustainability, Supported Tourism Business in Indonesia

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    The competition is mounting in the Indonesian tourism sector. Therefore, it is key for the firms operating in this sector to adopt different strategies related to the supply chain by which they can attain sustainability. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the impact of logistic management, supplier selection, and planning of the supply chain on SCM and sustainability of the organization. Moreover, the mediating role of SCM between logistic management, supplier selection, and planning of supply chain and sustainability of the organization. the data was collected from the 258 respondents of the tourism sector on Indonesia in the form of a questionnaire. For data analyses and hypotheses testing, this study has used PLS-SEM as suitable technique. The findings of the study pointed out that all relations to be significant. It means that supply chain functions, Logistic management, Supplier selection on supply chain management, and sustainability. The findings of the study are helpful for the policy makers of this sector to adopt different strategies by which they can attain sustainability

    The Influence of Social Media, Product Quality, and Price on Purchasing Decisions on UMKM Ayra & Eve in Surabaya

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    Purchasing decisions are very important. Because a product will be sold, with a purchase decision made by consumers. As with the UMKM Ayra & Eve in Surabaya, the more purchasing decisions made by consumers, the more products are sold. In this study to analyze the influence of social media, product quality, price on purchasing decisions. This study uses quantitative research with a sample of 80 respondents. And data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis techniques and classical assumption tests. Simultaneous social media, product quality, and significant price for purchasing decisions. Therefore, the UMKM Ayra&Eve in Surabaya must be maintained

    Influence of Packaging Design, Promotion and Brand Image on Consumer Buying Interest (Study Case of Consumers Glek-Glek Tea Nganjuk)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of packaging design, promotion and brand image on consumer buying interest in NganjukGlek-Glek Tea. The population used in this study were consumers of Glek-Glek Tea Nganjuk with 100 respondents. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that simultaneously the packaging design, promotion and brand image variables have a significant effect on consumer buying interest, this is evidenced by the significance value of 0,000 or less than 0.05 and F 127,634> ft. 1.98. The results of the analysis partially indicate that the variable promotion of significance value 0.002 <0.05, which means that it has a significant effect on buying interest and brand image significance value 0,000 <0.50 which means that it significantly influences buying interest, while packaging design variables partially significance value 0.542.> 0.50 which means does not significantly influence buying interest

    Covid19 and World Tourism Research

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    Purpose: Constructs and visualizes bibliometric networks research in Covid19 and world tourism research with meta-analysis techniques using VOS-viewer analysis. Design/methodology/approach: This research is a bibliometric analysis, a statistical evaluation of published books, or the chapters of a book, scientific articles in COVID19, and tourism field, also it is an effectual way to measure the influence of publication in the scientific community. First analysis using Scopus.com analysis search result, COVID19 and tourism research publication, Next analysis using VOS-viewer, a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks in COVID19, and tourism field. Findings: Based on VOS-viewer analysis using COVID19 and tourism research publication, 2020-2021, 303 document results, in scopus.com. COVID19 and tourism research publication, 2020-2021, 303 document results, scopus.com, best 3 affiliations are Texas A&M University, The University of Sydney, and Griffith University; best 3 countries and territories are United Kingdom, United States, and Australia; best 3 funding sponsor are National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission, and European Research Council. Paper type: Research Pape

    Bali: Tourism Economy The End Of 2021, Will Fly High Again?

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    Based on the Bali Economic Quarterly Development document for the second quarter of 2021 by BPS, from the beginning of 2020 until now, the Covid-19 pandemic has continued to infect Indonesia. Even the number of new cases affected by this disease is increasing. Based on data from the Covid-19 Handling Task Force, as of June 30, 2021, the number of daily new confirmed cases reached around 21,000. Not only attacking the health sector, but this pandemic has also shattered the joints of the economy. Various government efforts carried out in 2021 have been able to withstand the economic contraction year on year. In the second quarter of 2021, Indonesia's economic growth year on year was recorded at 7.07 percent and was the first positive growth since the second quarter of 2020. In particular, the tourism sector became the sector that experienced the highest growth in the second quarter of 2021. The transportation and accommodation provision business fields, which are the business fields most closely related to the tourism sector, are the two categories that experienced the highest growth, namely by 25.10 percent and 21.58 percent. Among all provinces in Indonesia, Bali can be said to be one of the provinces most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Bali's dependence on foreign tourist visits has caused Bali to still slump in the economy. Since March 2020, the arrival of foreign tourists to Bali has continued to decline. The decline even reached almost 100 percent when compared to the same months the previous year

    Alat Pembuat Pakan Ikan Dengan Sumber Listrik Tenaga Surya (Solar Powered Fish Feeding Machine), Mendukung Peningkatan Pendapatan UMKM Dan Produksi Pakan Ikan Daerah

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    Budidaya perikanan telah menjadi faktor utama untuk peningkatan produksi, melalui pengembangan budidaya perikanan air laut, payau dan air tawar. Perikanan tangkap dan perikanan budidaya secara langsung diperkirakan memperkerjakan 6,4 juta orang di Indonesua pada tahun 2012. Penelitian ini untuk mendesiminasikan teknologi alat pembuat Pakan Ikan dengan Sumber Listrik Tenaga Surya (Solar Powered Fish Feeding Machine), guna peningkatan produksi pakan perikanan budidaya di daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dengan Alat Pembuat Pakan Ikan Dengan Sumber Listrik Tenaga Surya (Solar Power Fish Feeding Machine), Mendukung Peningkatan Pendapatan UMKM dan Produksi Pakan Ikan Daerah. Kata Kunci: Sumber Listrik Tenaga Surya (Solar Powered Fish Feeding Machine), Produksi Pakan Ikan Daera

    Integrasi Transportasi Publik, Bandar Udara dan Pelabuhan, Mendukung Peningkatan Industri Jasa Transportasi dan Pergudangan Indonesia

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    PP No.69 Tahun 2001 tentang Kepelabuhanan, menyatakan pelabuhan merupakan tempat kegiatan pemerintahan dan kegiatan ekonomi serta sebagai tempat perpindahan intra dan antar moda transportasi, pelabuhan merupakan salah satu simpul kelancaran angkutan muatan laut dan darat. Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No. 44 Tahun 2002 tentang Bandar Udara, lapangan terbang merupakan pendukung pesawat udara, penumpang, kargo dan/atau pos, serta sebagai tempat perpindahan antar moda transportasi Integrasi transportasi publik bandar udara dan pelabuhan, merupakan salah satu faktor pendukung peningkatan pembangunan serta ekonomi daerah. Teknologi pendukung integrasi semakin mudah dengan memanfaatkan industri 4.0, berupa teknologi online GIS mobile untuk memperlihatkan efektiftas integrasi transportasi publik bandar udara dan pelabuhan. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif, peningkatan industri jasa transportasi dan pergudangan di Indonesia, didukung integrasi transportasi publik bandar udara dan pelabuhan, yang paling efektif adalah di kota Semarang, melalui bandar udara Achmad Yani dan pelabuhan Tanjung Emas yang berjarak 6,13 KM, meski kota Semarang hanya pada ke-13 industri jasa transportasi dan pergudangan di Indonesia, senilai Rp 6,032 Trilyun, namun dengan kemudahan akses antar moda transportasi publik tersebut, dipastikan pada beberapa tahun mendatang akan meningkat ekonomi daerah, khususnya dalam pengembangan industri jasa transportasi dan pergudangan Kata kunci: ekonomi daerah, industri jasa, industri transportasi, industri pergudangan, transportasi publik

    Potensi Surabaya Sebagai Kota Pusat Bisnis Maritim Didukung Pemukiman Modern

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    Surabaya merupakan kota metropolitan terbesar di Indonesia setelah ibukota DKI Jakarta, dengan potensi industri jasa didukung posisi geografs tepi pantai sehingga memiliki keunggulan bidang maritim dan pemukiman. Disisi Maritim, industri jasa transportasi dan pergudangan kota Surabaya adalah yang tertinggi se Indonesia dengan nilai mencapai Rp 26 Trilyun, didukung pelabuhan Tanjung Perak sebagai pelabuhan utama. Sebagai kota jasa dan bisnis, perlu didukung ketersediaan pemukiman yang layak dan modern. Pengembangan pemukiman highrise building, antara lain apartemen dan rumah susun semakin meningkat, sehingga semakin mendukung identitas Surabaya sebagai kota pusat bisnis maritim yang modern. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survey langsung pada konsumen apartemen dan rumah susun di Surabaya, sejumlah 758 responden dengan 88% belum memiliki apartemen atau rumah susun. Didapatkan hasil sejumlah 54% konsumen apartemen dan rumah susun di Surabaya, menginginkan harga dibawah Rp 300 Juta, 40% menginginkan fasilitas taman hijau, 53% menginginkan apartemen ukuran studio atau 1 bedroom serta 33% menginginkan apartemen atau rumah susun sebagai investasi jangka pendek (1-2 tahun). Kajian ini memperlihatkan tipikal penduduk kota Surabaya yang modern dan berorientasi bisnis serta investasi. Kata kunci: pelabuhan, industri maritim, pemukiman, apartemen, investasi jangka pendek