38 research outputs found

    Urban trees management methods and their suitability for creating databases

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    The number of decisions permitting the removal of trees in cities is increasing every year, which suggests long-term negligence, or rather insufficient funds for proper management of urban forests. Lack of appropriate tools causes difficulties in the decision-making process. This problem is especially important in a situation of increased pressure exerted by residents to remove trees, mainly due to the safety reasons. An essential element in maintaining the proper tree management in a city is to improve management systems by applying comprehensive methods and tools. For this reason, many methods are used to support the inventory and identification of dangerous trees. The presented research is a response to the need for unification of management systems based on the most effective and proven methods of defining the resource, health and static condition, value, assessment of tree life expectancy or tree damage. Such a multilateral approach can improve the safety and management of urban forests. The results of the presented analyses led to the formulation of objective guidelines for the urban tree management standards

    Application of new technologies in promotion of a healthy lifestyle – selected examples

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    Modern society is characterized by fascination of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), physical laziness, isolation from nature and preferences to stay indoors. Despite the general acceptance and understanding of health benefits coming from recreation in open air, a change of recreational patterns of urban dwellers is observed, as they spend less time outdoors. In order to counteract such behaviours we can try to apply ICTs to enhance spending time outdoors. The performed study aimed at searching for solutions of ICT application in design of public spaces in order to enhance  and promote a healthy lifestyle. The selected examples show possible application of ICT in promoting active recreation, e.g. mobile applications for sport activities, urban games in line with the idea of Playable City, urban furniture and outdoor hotspots enabling access to the Internet. The research findings proved that the digitalisation is not only a threat for a healthy lifestyle, but it can create opportunities to improve the quality of life

    Designing hotspots in the public spaces and public greenery of modern cities – selected issues

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    The idea of smart cities is no longer just a vision of urban planners, authorities, and ordinary people – it is being implemented to an ever broader extent. Activities aimed at the accomplishment of the goals set for contemporary cities, oriented at making them “smart”, involve numerous areas, including public and green spaces. In order to increase the attractiveness of these areas and to encourage potential users to make use of them to an increasingly greater extent, it is recommended to make it possible for them to easily use wireless networks in public and green spaces, while at the same time working on the principles of organising the surroundings of the hotspots, increasing the comfort of their use. What is key in this respect is not only to adjust the parameters of the basic features of the WiFi signal, but also to take into consideration the spatial elements, such as the landform features and plant coverage. An analysis of the above-mentioned factors related to the use of Wi-Fi in the open air made it possible to formulate recommendations for shaping the hotspot space in these places. They apply to public spaces, including in particular green spaces in cities, as in these places, there is real demand for outdoor wireless Internet access

    Outdoor hotspots as a tool for enhancing healthy lifestyles of ICT users : design and development principles

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    The authors of this presented study formulated research assumptions that the Internet and new technologies may interact with the landscape architecture. The presence of hot spots in public spaces can help to increase the amount of time spent outdoors, improve relationships between users and enhance their quality of life. The conducted research included a review of literature related to ICT applications, as well as a survey of global design solutions concerning the introduction of ICT components into public spaces. Moreover, the study was based on the results of previous research by the same authors on behaviour and social expectations of ICT users in relation to leisure spaces. The research results let us frame design guidelines and principles for development of outdoor hotspots. The developed guidelines apply both to technological and spatial solutions, including the following aspects: the location of hot spots, rules of design of urban furniture, vegetation, pavements and architectural details.Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union.peer-reviewe

    Transit versus Nature. Depreciation of Environmental Values of the Road Alleys. Case Study: Gamerki-Jonkowo, Poland

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    Road alleys are multifunctional features in open landscapes that serve as ecological corridors connecting habitats, and play an important role in sustaining ecological stability. However, multiple road authorities claim that tree-lined routes pose a threat to traffic safety and should therefore be removed. This aspect of safety seems crucial to authorities, significantly overwhelming the benefits of road alleys. Problems with the vitality of the trees (which are mainly mature and aging) deliver arguments for cutting them down. The aim of this paper is to examine the environmental and natural value of road alleys based on a 14 km long section of the Gamerki—Jonkowo Road in the Province of Warmia (Northeast Poland). Further, we aim to verify the degree of hazard posed by trees to be felled for safety reasons. An examination framework with six components was developed for the research. This framework includes a tree risk assessment and vitality evaluation, pulling tests, an examination of the protected hermit beetle and lichen species, and an examination of bat fauna. The results revealed that no trees were in the resignation phase and confirmed that the alley is a unique natural habitat with protected species of lichen, a few bats, and valuable insect species, among others the hermit beetle (Osmoderma barnabita). Therefore, the alley cannot be perceived only as a component of the road infrastructure. The maintenance of the trees seems to be essential when taking into account the environmental stability of the region

    Design aspects of arranging walking and cycling routes in the context of noise reduction

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    Głównym celem artykułu jest określenie zasad przebudowy i dokonywania korekt projektowych ciągów pieszo-rowerowych o elementy sprzyjające wypoczynkowi i rekreacji czynnej. Za najważniejszy element uznano poprawę jakości życia mieszkańców oraz uatrakcyjnienie czasu przejeżdżającym daną trasą rowerzystom. Przyjęto założenie, że pas drogowy, często sąsiadujący z infrastrukturą taką jak osiedla mieszkalne, powinien tworzyć łącznik pomiędzy nimi, m.in. przez zastosowanie zieleni jako narzędzia zmniejszającego poziom hałasu. Analizy uwzględniają również zastosowanie metod sprzyjających zmniejszaniu zanieczyszczenia powietrza oraz hałasu spowodowanego sąsiedztwem ruchliwej ulicy. Zastosowanie roślinności pozwala na częściowe zatarcie granicy pomiędzy poszczególnymi obszarami funkcjonalnymi, co wiąże się z pozytywnymi odczuciami wizualnymi i kontaktem z naturą dla użytkowników ścieżek pieszo-rowerowych, szczególnie na terenie o dużej antropopresji.The main purpose of the article is to define the principles of design of pedestrian and bicycle routes with elements friendly to rest and active recreation. The most important element was the improvement of the quality of residents life and the more attractive time using route cyclists. It was assumed that a road lane, often adjacent to infrastructure, such as housing estates, should form a link between city and communication zone, among others through the use of greenery as solutions to reduce the noise. The analyzes also take into account the use of methods conducive to reducing air pollution and noise caused by the neighborhood of a busy street. The use of vegetation allows partial blurring of the boundary between individual functional areas, which is associated with positive visual contact with nature for users of footpaths and cycling paths, especially in the area of large anthropopressure

    Oportunities and limitations of instrumental diagnosis in trees statics assessment – Part 1

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    Among the officials of local governments responsible for urban forest, a wide range of society, and even among people professionally dealing with trees, there are often conflicting opinions about the use of modern technology for their diagnosis. Knowledge of its applicability is crucial in making decisions about mature and aged trees. The work was based on many years of experience of the authors in the diagnosis of trees. It was supported by examples from practice and also presented research and opinions of the best specialists in this field in the world. Each device has its strengths and weaknesses. The ability to use it without proper interpretation of the obtained results may lead to wrong conclusions and thus the decisions made. The use of simple diagnostic equipment has been discussed. Instrumental diagnosis supports the correct assessment of trees, but requires a sufficient knowledge and experience in interpreting obtained results

    Bicycle paths and sidewalks in trees root system

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    Artykuł porusza tematykę alternatywnego podejścia do budowy ścieżek rowerowych w przestrzeni miejskiej. Tradycyjne rozwiązanie zakłada wykorzystanie betonu, asfaltu, kostki brukowej i innych materiałów, których specyfika, a także sposób wbudowywania przyczyniają się do uszkodzeń korzeni drzew, często powodują obumieranie drzew. Najbardziej istotnym czynnikiem, niestety wielokrotnie zaniedbywanym, jest destruktywny wpływ na otaczającą zieleń, w szczególności na korzenie drzew i krzewów, które często są cięte lub całkowicie usuwane w czasie korytowania ścieżki rowerowej. Problem ten nabiera jeszcze większego znaczenia w kontekście obszaru opracowania jakim jest pomnik przyrody „Aleja Drzew” zlokalizowany przy ulicy Żwirki i Wigury w Warszawie. Zastosowanie alternatywnej, podwieszanej konstrukcji drogi dla rowerów może skutecznie chronić korzenie drzew nie ingerując w ich strukturę, a ponadto nie pociąga za sobą wyższych kosztów z tytułu wykonania i eksploatacji.This paper discusses the subject of an alternative approach to designing bicycle paths in urban space. The traditional solution involves the use of concrete, asphalt, paving stone and other materials, the specificity of which, as well as the method of construction, contribute to damage to tree roots, often causing the death of trees. The most important factor, unfortunately neglected many times, is the destructive impact on the surrounding greenery, in particular on the roots of trees and shrubs, which are often cut or removed during the construction of the bicycle paths. This problem becomes even more important in the context of the area of study which is the “Avenue of Trees” natural monument located at Żwirki i Wigury street in Warsaw. The use of an alternative, suspended pavement construction for bicycles can effectively protect tree roots without damage, and also does not entail higher costs for construction and maintenance