437 research outputs found

    The H-Line Signed Graph of a Signed Graph

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    For standard terminology and notion in graph theory we refer the reader to Harary; the non-standard will be given in this paper as and when required. We treat only finite simple graphs without self loops and isolates

    Mobile Apps as Supplements of a Typical Discrete Mathematics Course: Benefits, Features, and Design Elements

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    Mobile Apps have tremendous potential for use as very effective supplements to the exiting learning modalities in a typical introductory Discrete Mathematics course. In this article we consider the general nature of a typical introductory Discrete Mathematics courses and derive elements of design which are expected to make the mobile Apps intended for use as supplements to such a course more effective. We enumerate the elements of the topical coverage and inherent characteristics of typical introductory Discrete Mathematics course, and the benefits of a mobile App course supplement. We then present the design aspects and desired salient features of mobile Apps intended for uses as supplements in a typical introductory Discrete Mathematics course, and the elements of user experience (UX) of such an App. We believe that several of these design elements could be adapted across several different courses and disciplines to enhance the learning experience

    Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Coding of Images Using Wavelet Transform and Predictive Coding

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    Image compression techniques are necessary for the storage of huge amounts of digital images using reasonable amounts of space, and for their transmission with limited bandwidth. Several techniques such as predictive coding, transform coding, subband coding, wavelet coding, and vector quantization have been used in image coding. While each technique has some advantages, most practical systems use hybrid techniques which incorporate more than one scheme. They combine the advantages of the individual schemes and enhance the coding effectiveness. This paper proposes and evaluates a hybrid coding scheme for images using wavelet transforms and predictive coding. The performance evaluation is done using a variety of different parameters such as kinds of wavelets, decomposition levels, types of quantizers, predictor coefficients, and quantization levels. The results of evaluation are presented

    Rate-Based End-to-End Congestion Control of Multimedia Traffic in Packet Switched Networks

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    This paper proposes an explicit rate-based end-to-end congestion control mechanism to alleviate congestion of multimedia traffic in packet switched networks such as the Internet. The congestion is controlled by adjusting the transmission rates of the sources in response to the feedback information from destination such as the buffer occupancy, packet arrival rate and service rate at the outgoing link, so that a desired quality of service (QoS) can be met. The QoS is defined in terms of packet loss ratio, transmission delay, power, and network utilization. Comparison studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme over New-Reno TCP (a variant of AIMD: additive increase multiplicative decrease) technique during simulated congestion. Since it is end-to-end, no router support is necessary, the proposed methodology can be readily applied to today\u27s Internet, as well as for real-time video and voice data transfer in unicast networks


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    Background: Dandruff is an irritative disease of the scalp in which shedding of dead tissue from the scalp with itching sensation is the cardinal feature. It can be correlated to Darunaka. The cardinal symptoms of the disease Darunaka are Kandu (Itching), Keshachyuti (falling of hair), Swapa (abnormalities of touch sensation), Rookshata (roughness or dryness of the skin) and Twaksphutana (breaking or cracking of the skin). Yogaratnakara has mentioned the application of Gunjataila (i.e., Gunja, Bhringaraj, Tilataila) in the treatment of Darunaka. In the current dermatological practice there is no effective modern remedy for dandruff. Hence the present study is undertaken to find effective and safe alternative to conventional topical anti-dandruff agents. Objectives: To compare the effects of Shiroabhyanga with Gunjataila and Tila Taila in the management Darunaka. Materials and methods: This study was Randomized, open labelled, non-controlled, comparative clinical study. In Group A, Gujataila shiroabhyanga and in Group-B Tilataila Shiroabhyanga was done for thirty days, daily once in the morning, after the completion of treatment, all the patients were advised to attend the O.P.D for two months at regular interval of fifteen days for the follow up study to assess the post effects of treatment. Results: Group A showed complete remission in 30%, marked improvement in 30%, moderate 30% and 10% mild relief. In patients of Group B only 30% moderate relief and 10% mild relief from the Darunaka is noticed and 60% of the patients found no relief. Conclusion: Gunjataila shiroabhyanga has higher significant effect in pacifying the symptoms of Darunaka and marked reduction in clinical symptoms was well appreciated within one month duration. There was no topical and systemic adverse drug effects noted at the end of the study.

    Adaptive Bus Routing Heuristics for Improving Vehicle Utilization and Reducing Commuter Waiting Times

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    ABSTRACT: Millions of people in cities around the world, especially in the developing and underdeveloped countries, depend on the (intra-city) public bus system to get to work and back home. In most cases, the system is strained -there are demands for more buses and routes than available. This has led to increased waiting times of the commuters. Also, since the routes are 'static', this might lead to underutilization of the buses. In this paper, we propose a system which makes use of sensors, and computing and wireless/mobile technologies in the buses and bus stops, and a central scheduler which gathers streaming data from the buses and bus stops and uses heuristics to determine in realtime 'adaptive' routes for the buses. These are expected to reduce the waiting times of commuters and increase the utilization of the buses

    Microrheology of non mulberry silk varieties by optical tweezer and video microscopy based techniqueas

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    We have carried out a comparative study of the microrheol. properties of silk fibroin solns. formed from a variety of silks indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. We present the measured viscoelastic moduli of Tasar silk fibroin soln. using both a single and dual optical tweezer at 0.16​% and 0.25​% (w​/v)​. The bandwidth of the measurements carried out using optical tweezers is extended down to the lower frequency regime by a video microscopy measurement. Further, we have measured the viscoelastic moduli of Eri and Muga varieties of silk fibroin solns. at a higher concn. (1.00​% w​/v) limiting the tool of measurement to video microscopy, as the reduced optical transparencies of these solns. at higher concn. preclude an optical tweezer based investigation. The choice of a higher concn. of fibroin soln. of the latter silk varieties is so as to enable a comparison of the shear moduli obtained from optical methods with their corresponding fiber stiffness obtained from wide angle X-​ray scattering data. We report a correlation between the microstructure and microrheol. parameters of these silk varieties for the concn. of fibroin solns. studied