4 research outputs found

    Pola Sebaran Kelompok Telur Ostrinia Furnacalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) pada Beberapa Fase Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.)

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    A field study was conducted to determine the distribution of egg masses of Ostrinia furnacalis on corn leaves and within corn field. The corn field was divided into three regions: the inner edge closed to other crops and outer edge closed to main road and the middle region. The numbers of egg masses laid were recorded entirely in all corn plants existed (census method). Egg laying period lasted for 34 days, with 11 days from initiation of egg laying to the peak of oviposition and 23 days from the peak to termination of egg laying. The egg masses laid on corn leaves were distributed in aggregation pattern. During eight-opened-leaf to twelve-opened-leaf stages, there were 847 egg masses found, and 80.9% was laid on the sixth-to-ninth leaves. From tasseling to blister stages there were 491 egg masses found of which approximately 80.7% was laid on the seventh-to-11 32.8, and 29.8% of those were found in the inner edge, middle, and outer edge of corn field, respectively. leaves. Egg masses laid within corn field varied, in which 37.4, 32.8, and 29.8% of those were found in the inner edge, middle, and outer edge of corn field, respectively. Kajian lapang dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pola sebaran peletakan kelompok telur ngengat Ostrinia furnacalis pada daun tanaman jagung dan penyebarannya pada lahan pertanaman jagung. Lahan penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu lahan pinggir dalam berdekatan dengan pertanaman lain, bagian tengah lahan, dan lahan pinggir luar berdekatan dengan jalan raya. Pengamatan kelompok telur dilakukan pada seluruh tanaman jagung (sensus). Periode peletakan telur berlangsung selama 34 hari, dengan periode inisiasi hingga puncak 11 hari dan periode setelah puncak hingga akhir peletakan telur 23 hari. Peletakan telur O. furnacalis pada daun tanaman jagung menyebar secara berkelompok. Pada fase 8 hingga 10 daun telah terbuka sempurna ditemukan sebanyak 847 kelompok telur, 80,9% diantaranya ditemukan pada daun ke 6–9. Pada fase VT (bunga jantan) hingga fase R2 (bunga betina telah kering) ditemukan sebanyak 491 kelompok telur, 80,7% diantaranya ditemukan pada daun 7–11. Penyebaran kelompok telur pada bagian lahan terjadi secara berkelompok. Jumlah kelompok telur tertinggi berturut-turut dari bagian lahan pinggir dalam, bagian tengah lahan, dan bagian lahan pinggir luar masing-masing 37,4; 32,8; dan 29,8%

    Aras kerusakan ekonomi (AKE) larva Ostrinia furnacalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) pada tiga fase pertumbuhan tanaman jagung

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    The Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) is an important economic pest of corn and is widely distributed in the Asia-Pacific region, including Indonesia. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of infestation levels of O. furnacalis larvae per plant on corn grain yield reductions, and to determine economic injury levels (EIL) of O. furnacalis larvae at three growth stages (V10, R1, and R2) of corn. The experiment was designed in a split-plot randomized complete block with blocks replicated three times. Differences in grain weight between the uninfested and highest infestation levels (six larvae per plant) V10, R1, and R2 were 59.81; 58.76; and 49.20 g/plant, respectively. For each additional infestation by one larvae per plant at V10, R1, dan R2, there is reduction in grain weight of 4.94%, 4.56% and 3.76% respectively. The calculation of EILs was based on the proportion of yield loss per larvae per plant on three corn growth stages with the assumption that pesticide control reduced 67% of O. furnacalis population. The lowest EIL was 0.31 larvae per plant at V10 when the cost of control reaching Rp.125,000 per ha and crop value of Rp.12,000,000 per ha. The highest EIL of 1.24 larvae per plant was found at R2 with the cost of control of Rp.250,000 per ha and crop value of Rp.8,000,000 per ha

    Pola sebaran kelompok telur Ostrinia furnacalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) pada lahan jagung

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    Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis Guenée, is known as an important pest of maize, Zea mays L., in both whorl and reproductive stages. Management decisions based on egg-mass density is useful because decision is made before damage occurs. Observation on O. furnacalis egg-mass distribution in maize-field was carried out in Agricultural Training, Research, and Development Station (ATRD) UGM, Yogyakarta. The number of egg-masses laid on each plant surface in maize-field was sampled in reproductive stage of corn at 52 – 58 days after planting. The spatial dispersion was analyzed using the ratio variance-to-mean (σ2/μ = Iδ), Morista’s Index (Iγ), and the negative binomial parameter (κ-value). The results showed that horizontal and vertical distributions were aggregated distributions (σ2 > μ or σ2/μ > 1). In line with the increasing age of plant,  the degree of clustering or aggregation likely tended to decline (the κ-value increased, Morisita index decreased) indicating the possible departure from aggregation to randomness (Poison distribution) due to the heterogeneity of the environment, such as microclimate, preferred parts of the plants, and occurrence of natural enemies. The results concluded that the horizontal and vertical distributions of egg-masses of O. furnacalis on corn in generative phase were clustered with the degree of clustering tended to decrease by the increase of age of corn. These findings provide the bases for further study on the ecology and biology of O. furnacalis for management decision-making process


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    A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of infestation levels of Ostrinia furnacalis larvae per plant on corn grain yield reductions, and to determine economic injury levels (EIL) of O. furnacalis larvae and economic threshold (ET) of egg masses at three corn growth stages (V10, R1, and R2). The interaction between corn growth stage and number of larvae per plant on grain yield was absent. Either corn growth stage or number of larvae per plant significantly affected grain yield. Differences in yield between the uninfested and highest infestation levels (six larvae per plant) in V10, R1, and R2 were 59.8