223 research outputs found

    Time Theory in Kurunthokai Songs

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    The events of life become literary records. No statement can be explained without pointing to at least one of the three periods of the past, present, and future. All the elements of the poem are special additions to the poem's specialty. In this way, the element of time helps to enhance the subtlety of the poem. The purpose of the term can be realized by understanding the way in which the elements of time are arranged. The Sangam literature deals with the various aspects and values of life, which are divided into Agatthinai and Puratthinai. Tolkappiyam defines the grammar of how Tamil verses should be arranged without breaking the tradition. In this article, it is examined with some evidence how the element of time, which the Tolkappiyar has shown as one of the elements of poetry, has been studied in the Korunthokai volumes. Finally, the element of time is an essential part of the verse, and the special additional style has been explained. The idea that it could be used as an extensive research field has also been put forward

    Strongly Minimal Generalized Closed Set in Biminimal Structure Spaces

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    AbstractIn this paper, we introduce the concept of smg-closed sets in biminimal structure space and a new notion of a pair wise smg-closed set is defined and studied some of its properties

    The scientific Thoughts of Kalameka Pulavar in Solo Songs

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    It is the literature composed during the Sangam period that still stands as the lifeblood of Tamil literature. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they are the mother and forerunner of contemporary literature. Thus, the collection of solo songs has an important place in Tamil literature. It highlights the lives and ethics of the people. The songs of Kalameka Pulavar are praiseworthy. The contribution of science to today's medicine is immense. With the development of science, new drugs have been discovered in medicine and a permanent solution has been found for various terminal diseases. Nevertheless, today's scientific medicine has also endorsed the system of medicine found in the Sangam literature and has made its continuous use among the people. It is used in today's medicine as a natural medicine for various skin diseases. This is what Kalamekar, the scholar of the Sangam age, also teaches through his song. The purpose of this article is to highlight the scientific thoughts and medical references found in the poems of Kalameka Pulavar

    Prevalence of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and its maternal outcome in a tertiary care hospital, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Background: Hypertensive disorders complicate 5-10% of all pregnancies and together forms the deadly triad- along with hemorrhage and heart disease that contributes greatly to maternal morbidity and mortality. Objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and its maternal complications in patients attending obstetrics and gynaecology department, Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Hospital, Salem.Methods: This is a prospective study conducted from August 2018 to July 2019 in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology. Patients diagnosed with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy was evaluated and data were collected.Results: A total of 19,383 pregnant women visited obstetrics and gynaecology department over a period of one year, out of which 2028 were diagnosed with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Hence the prevalence of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy is 10.4%. Among 2028 hypertensive disorder cases, Gestational hypertension were 962 cases (47.4%), pre-eclampsia 661 cases (32.6%), chronic hypertension 166 cases (8.2%) and pre-eclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension 239 cases (11.8%). The prevalence was highest among primigravida (54%) compared to multigravida (46%). Hypertensive disorders were highest among the age group of 18-22 years in our study. Most common maternal complication in our study was HELLP syndrome.Conclusions: Prevalence of hypertensive disorders was high in our study. Early detection and timely intervention decrease the maternal complications


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    Cloud computing is one of the leading computing paradigms that offers services like Infrastructure as a Service called IaaS, Platform as a Service called PaaS, Software as a Service called SaaS to users on a pay per use model. The massive data centers that help cloud offer all the above stated services are virtualized. Virtualization enables easy management of resources. However, the massive physical servers in the data centers tend to consume enormous energy, leading to high environmental impact. So, energy conservation with optimum usage and management is one of the prominent areas of research in cloud. The major techniques to manage energy is to identify unused physical resources and put them to low power state or sleep state. But, the usage of resources depends heavily on the user requirements in an elastic environment like cloud. Hence machine learning techniques can be used to predict the usage patterns thereby identifying the physical resources required to fulfill the user demand. This paper aims to survey the avenues wherein machine learning can be applied to help energy management in a cloud data center

    Clinical and economic outcomes of risperidone versus clozapine in the treatment of chronic schizophrenia

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to examine clinical outcomes and direct cost associated with risperidone and clozapine for the treatment of chronic schizophrenia.Methods: In a prospective observational study on 100 patients with schizophrenia in a tertiary care setting clinical outcome was measured using positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) and costs by direct medical cost.Results: Both risperidone and clozapine significantly reduced the severity of psychotic symptoms (scores on the PANSS) from baseline, with no significant between group differences. The clinical improvement was more in the case of clozapine compared to risperidone group (p=0.479). In both groups, extrapyramidal symptoms and other adverse events were few, and their severity was generally mild. A statistical significance was noted in the total direct cost which was higher in patients receiving clozapine when compared to risperidone.Conclusions: Risperidone was well tolerated and as effective as clozapine in patients with chronic schizophrenia and more economical than clozapine

    Studies on Soil fertility, Cow urine and Panchagavya levels on Growth and Yield of Maize

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    The present study revealed that higher grain and stover yield, plant height and number of leaves in maize with panchagavya, cow urine but it was comparable to recommended fertilizer treatments at higher level (200% and 300%). It can be concluded that presence of rich plant growth substances, both major and micro nutrients, beneficial microbial population in organic liquid manures help to bring rapid changes in phenotypic characteristics of plants and also improves the growth and ultimately improve the productivity of the crops. Liquid organic manure like panchagavya could be prepared locally by farming community and obtain increased yield levels. Such practices would pave way to reduce use of external inputs and increase sustainability among organic farmers in the developing countries

    A Comprehensive study on Incidence and Management of Incisional Hernias

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    INTRODUCTION: Incisional hernia is the hernia that appears between the layers of the abdominal wall that develops in the scar of the surgical incision. Incisional Hernias make up about 80% of ventral hernias that surgeons encounter. The range of incisional hernias rates after laprotomy is from 2% to 11% which means that at least 150000 patients are going to develop this complication from abdominal surgery. Once incisional hernia occurs, the natural history is for it to grow. Delay in repair complicates every single aspect of the surgery and leads to increase morbidity. So repair should be done as soon as possible as. As it grows the chances of complications such as in cacerations and strangulation of viscera, atrophy of subcuteanous tissue, thinning of skin, ulceration of skin and loss of domain of the viscera occurs. The lateral abdominal muscles retract and become fibrotic and this enlarges the defect. All these things greatly complicate any repair and increase the chance of repair failure and prosthetic infection and wound problems. If the patient is obese weight loss makes the surgery easier. Closure is much easier with much lower recurrence rate. Excess skin and fat can be excised which pleases the patient. AIM OF STUDY: 1. To identify the etiology, predisposing factors and contributing factors for the ventral incisional hernia. 2. To find the incidence of incisional hernia following various abdominal incisions. 3. Management of ventral incisional hernia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study was conducted in Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Trichy for the period of 2010 - 2012. Study of 50 cases of incisional hernia has been carried out under the guidance of Prof.Dr.A.Kanagasundaram MS my chief in Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Govt. Hospital, Trichy. Patients were considered eligible if they had an incisional hernia defined as the palpable fascia or muscle defect at the site of the previous abdominal incision. Hernias were detected clinically and assessed by ultrasonography. Certain aspects like obesity, anemia, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, hypertension and chronic constipation were particularly looked for. Clinical observation and statistical analysis follow up, results of mesh repair were measured. The college ethics committee approved the study protocol. Routine laboratory investigations like urine, blood, chest screening, electrocardiogram were done. OBSERVATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS: In our study 50 cases were studied over a period of 2 years. High incidence of incisional hernias is seen in females when compared to males .Since lower segment caesarean section is the most commonly done surgery in females. Most of the incisional hernias is seen in middle age around 30 – 50 years since these people was subjected to more surgeries and more amount of stress like lifting heavy weight and also due to collagen disorders Since most of the incisional hernias occur through LSCS scar and the incision is below the umbilicus and the defiency of the posterior rectus sheath predisposes to this and also more common among emergency procedures Wound infection in the post operative period is the most common complication met in repair of incisional hernia since the seroma is the cause for the same due to excessive handling of subcutaneous tissue . occurrence of the incisional hernia is seen in the first three years of previous surgery since the lack of adequate rest is the reason for this occurrence 22 patients presented with swelling and 13 patients presented with pain in our study . Most of the repair done in our hospital are onlay mesh repair since the rate of recurrence is less after mesh repair when compared to anatomical repair. CONCLUSION: Careful analysis of the current surgical literature including four recently published meta analyses indicates that a consistent conclusion can be made regarding an optimal technique. The abdominal closure technique should be fast, easy and cost effective while preventing both early and late complications. The technique involves mass closure incorporating all the layers of abdominal wall (except skin) as one structure in a simple running technique using 1-0 or 2-0 absorbable monofilament suture material with a suture length to wound length ratio of 4:1. Use of mesh has drastically reduced the rate of recurrence of incisional hernia. Mesh repair is the gold standard for the treatment of incisional hernias. We should all remember that incisional hernia is a preventable surgical complication

    Intracranial germinoma – a case report

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    Intracranial germinomas belong to the class of germ cell tumors which are relatively rare intracranial tumors. Early recognition of this neoplasm is vital as germinomas are highly radiosensitive and effective/early radiation therapy can result in relatively favourable overall prognosis. In this article we describe a 19 years old man who presented with pituitary tumor in the suprasellar region for which transsphenoidal decompression and biopsy was done. The histopathological examination confirmed it to be germinoma and he underwent craniospinal radiotherapy


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    ABSTRACT: Bioremediation of textile dyes has been of considerable interest because it is inexpensive, ecofriendly and produces a less amount of sludge. An attempt was made to evaluate the potential of two bacterial strains for decolorization of Alizarin red S were isolated from textile dye effluents. The bacterial strains Pseudomonas sp. and Escherichia coli were identified by morphologically and biochemically. Physico-chemical parameters like pH, temperature, dye concentration, carbon source, nitrogen source, combination of carbon source and nitrogen source and the effect of immobilized bacterial cells were optimized. The optimal condition for decolorization of Alizarin red S for both Pseudomonas sp. and Escherichia coli was found to be 1% glucose, 1% peptone, pH 7.0, 37°C, 500 mg/L dye concentration, combination of 1% glucose and 1% peptone and 50 immobilized bacterial cells per 100ml of Mineral Salt Medium. The highest decolorization rate was found to be 69.17% and 78.04 % for Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas sp. respectively. The results revealed that Pseudomonas sp. was found to be more efficient in dye decolorization than Escherichia coli.. The FTIR spectrum of control Alizarin red S displayed a peak at 3409.86 cm-1 indicates an OH stretching of phenols. Peaks at 2926. 07, 1648.24, 1383.56 and 1066.10 showed CH stretching of alkanes, CC stretching of alkenes, nitro compounds and CO stretching of alcohols, ethers, carboxylic acids and esters respectively. The FTIR spectrum of the products formed after decolorization displayed a peak at 3448.24 showed OH stretching of phenols. Peaks at 1641.04 and 1080.47 indicate a CC stretching of alkenes