38 research outputs found

    Workplace Interventions to Reduce Occupational Stress for Older Workers: A Systematic Review

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    The working life of individuals is now longer because of increases to state pension age in the United Kingdom. Older workers may be at particular risk in the workplace, compared with younger workers. Successful workplace interventions to reduce occupational stress amongst older workers are essential, but little is known about their effectiveness. The aim is to evaluate current evidence of the effectiveness of interventions for reducing stress in older workers in non-healthcare settings. Four database searches were conducted. The search terms included synonyms of “intervention”, “workplace” and “occupational stress” to identify original studies published since 2011. Dual screening was conducted on the sample to identify studies which met the inclusion criteria. The RoB 2.0 tool for RCTs was used to assess the risk of bias. From 3708 papers retrieved, ten eligible papers were identified. Seven of the papers’ interventions were deemed effective in reducing workplace stress. The sample size for most studies was small, and the effectiveness of interventions were more likely to be reported when studies used self-report measures, rather than biological measures. This review indicates that workplace interventions might be effective for reducing stress in older workers. However, there remains an absence of high-quality evidence in this field

    Breslauer Orgeln in weltlichen RĂ€umen

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    In diesem Beitrag prĂ€sentiert die Autorin fĂŒnf Orgeln aus den wichtigsten KonzertsĂ€len Breslaus, nĂ€mlich aus dem Musiksaal der UniversitĂ€t, dem Breslauer Konzerthaus, der Jahrhunderthalle, der Technischen Hochschule und dem Breslauer Rundfunkhaus

    Die Geschichte der Rezeption der Neunten Symphonie von Ludwig van Beethoven in Breslau von 1827 bis 1944

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    In Wroclaw, dem alten Breslau, fanden seit dem 18. Jahrhundert große Vokal- und Instrumentalkonzerte statt, zunĂ€chst jedoch nur unregelmĂ€ĂŸig. Zu den AufĂŒhrungen benötigte man ein gutes Orchester und, wenn das Werk auch vokal besetzt war, Solisten und Chor. Diese öoglichkeit gab es in Breslau erst ab 1825 mit der GrĂŒndung der Singakademie. Von nun an fanden regelmĂ€ĂŸige Oratorienkonzerte in der Hauptstadt Schlesiens statt

    Learning physics-constrained subgrid-scale closures in the small-data regime for stable and accurate LES

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    We demonstrate how incorporating physics constraints into convolutional neural networks (CNNs) enables learning subgrid-scale (SGS) closures for stable and accurate large-eddy simulations (LES) in the small-data regime (i.e., when the availability of high-quality training data is limited). Using several setups of forced 2D turbulence as the testbeds, we examine the {\it a priori} and {\it a posteriori} performance of three methods for incorporating physics: 1) data augmentation (DA), 2) CNN with group convolutions (GCNN), and 3) loss functions that enforce a global enstrophy-transfer conservation (EnsCon). While the data-driven closures from physics-agnostic CNNs trained in the big-data regime are accurate and stable, and outperform dynamic Smagorinsky (DSMAG) closures, their performance substantially deteriorate when these CNNs are trained with 40x fewer samples (the small-data regime). We show that CNN with DA and GCNN address this issue and each produce accurate and stable data-driven closures in the small-data regime. Despite its simplicity, DA, which adds appropriately rotated samples to the training set, performs as well or in some cases even better than GCNN, which uses a sophisticated equivariance-preserving architecture. EnsCon, which combines structural modeling with aspect of functional modeling, also produces accurate and stable closures in the small-data regime. Overall, GCNN+EnCon, which combines these two physics constraints, shows the best {\it a posteriori} performance in this regime. These results illustrate the power of physics-constrained learning in the small-data regime for accurate and stable LES.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Theatrical drama and Franciscan simplicity in oratorios by Ferenc Liszt

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    The works of Ferenc Liszt are both influenced by the romantic mood and various opposing trends of the church music of his era. In his oratorios Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth and Christus, as well as in the unfinished St Stanislaus, one may discern such features as drama, mysticism, universalism, and national elements. In these vocal-instrumental works the composer makes use of two languages, German and Latin, as well as of various types of the archaisms such as quotations from Gregorian melodies. In Liszt’s compositions, choral monodies become ‘motifs’ - the recurring themes which appear frequently and in a variety of versions. Dramatic expression and lyricism are particularly dominant in St Elisabeth. The Christus oratorio, which resembles a misterium, because of the absence of a libretto and the use of liturgical texts, is characterised by the abundance of harmonic solutions. The oratorios reveal both the composer’s uncommon piety and his striving to reform the church music of his times

    Charlotte Kraeker-Dietrich – „Schlesische Nachtigall“

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    Musikalische Traditionen wurden auch zu Hause bei Intellektuellen und in stĂ€dtischen Oberschichten gepflegt, zu denen mehrere Breslauer Ärztefamilien gehörten. Ihre HĂ€user wurden zu Kultursalons, wo nicht nur Musik ertönte, sondern auch ĂŒber Kunst diskutiert wurde. Solche Kulturzentren waren die HĂ€user von: Dr. Albert Neisser (1855–1916), Hautarzt, UniversitĂ€tsprofessor und seiner Gattin Toni Neisser (1861–1913), Dr. Karl Partsch, Chirurg und Zahnarzt, Vorstandsmitglied des Breslauer Orchestervereins und der Singakademie, sowie Dr. Herbert Kraeker, Arzt, und seiner Gattin, der SĂ€ngerin Charlotte Dietrich-Kraeker. Eben die zuletzt erwĂ€hnte Familie lebte in der Ohlauer Vorstadt, und in ihrer Wohnung fanden regelmĂ€ĂŸig Konzerte statt. Die Informationen zu den kĂŒnstlerischen AktivitĂ€ten dieses besonderen Ehepaares, das sich unter anderem wegen der Musik zusammengefunden hatte, entstammen BeitrĂ€gen von Horst Gleiss sowie der von ihrer Tochter Roselotte Kraeker verfassten Familienchronik

    Kirchenmusik in Breslau wÀhrend des 19. und in der ersten HÀlfte des 20. Jahrhunderts: Stand der Forschung

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    Kirchenmusik im engeren Sinne ist Musik, die der Liturgie dient. Hierzu zĂ€hlen alle musikalischen StĂŒcke, die im Verlauf der Liturgie erklingen dĂŒrfen