61 research outputs found

    Profil Kompetensi Menyelesaikan Tes Berfikir Tingkat Tinggi Mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Profesi Guru Terintegrasi Di Pendidikan Sains Fmipa Unesa

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    Penerapan IPA perlu dilakukan secara bijaksana untuk menjaga dan memelihara kelestarian lingkungan. Pembelajaran IPA sebaiknya dilaksanakan secara inkuiri (scientific inquiry) untuk menumbuhkan kemampuan berpikir, bekerja, dan bersikap ilmiah serta mengomunikasikannya sebagai aspek penting kecakapan hidup. Oleh karena itu pembelajaran IPA menekankan pada pemberian pengalaman belajar secara langsung melalui penggunaan dan pengembangan keterampilan proses dan sikap ilmiah. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program pendidikan profesi guru terintegrasi berjumlah 32 orang. Sumber data berupa skor siswa hasil analisis tes keterampilan berfikir tingkat tinggi yang dimodifikasi dari Tim USAID Prioritas. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan oleh peneliti melalui pemberian instrument tes tulis dalam bentuk isian kepada mahasiswa, kemudian dikoreksi tingkat kebenaran jawaban berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah: kompeten simahasiswa PPGT dalam menyelesaikan tes berfikir tingkat tinggi pembelajaran sains berkategori baik (dengan rerata skor 76,6). Namun demikian, terdapat pula ketercapaian indicator membuat kesimpulan data pengamatan denyut nadi per menit yang menunjukkan skor 56.3 dengan kategori cukup.Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan berfikir tinggkat tingkat mahasiswa PPGT Unesa secara mayoritas sudah baik, tetapi masih diperlukan penguatan pada materi-materi tertentu


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    This study aims to describe students learning motivation preferences and cognitive learning outcomes using Quizizz on the respiratory system material. The participants of this study were class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Pacitan, class VIII F (experimental class), and class VII G (control class). Data collection techniques using motivational questionnaires and giving pretest and posttest. The questionnaire instrument was designed according to the indicators of learning motivation and the tests (pretest and posttest) referred to indicators of cognitive learning outcomes. The statistical test of cognitive learning outcomes between classes VIII F and VIII G also showed consistent results where the average increase test for classes VIII F and VIII G gave the results that there was a difference in the average increase in average between classes VIII F and VIII G with the (p<0.01). The conclusions of this study indicate that the Quizizz evaluation media affects learning motivation and student learning outcomes. This research implies that the teacher can determine interesting and motivating media to be used in science learning so that it can affect student learning outcomes for the better. The use of Quizizz media is very helpful for students in online learning and tends to develop learning motivation during a pandemic and is in line with the Ministry of Education and Culture's policy on education policy in the COVID-19 pandemic

    Developing a Mutually Cooperative Attitude and Science Process Skills Through Experiential Learning

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    Experiential learning is learning that applies learning through action, learning through activities, learning through experience, and learning through discovery and exploration. Science process skills are skills that students need to have because they are closely related to intellectual skills. Gotong royong is an activity that is done together. A group does it to complete a task or work considered useful for the common interest or welfare. This study aimed to determine the effect of the experiential learning model on science process skills and students' cooperation attitudes. The research design used was one group pretest-posttest, applied in one of the junior high schools in the Sumberrejo sub-district. Data collection techniques include tests and response questionnaires. Based on the average n-gain score of all indicators, the study results obtained a score of 0.72 with a high category. The highest increase in the indicator of making conclusions was an increase in the n-gain score of 0.75. The mutual cooperation questionnaire obtained an average percentage of all indicators of 88%. The helping indicator obtained the highest percentage, with a percentage of 90%. The analysis results of the gotong royong questionnaire show an increase in all indicators, with a high average value. Empathy and human values play an important role in improving helping attitudes. Based on the analysis of this research, it can be concluded that using an experiential learning model in learning can improve students' science process skills. The experiential learning model also effectively fosters an attitude of gotong royong in students


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    This study aims to describe the creative thinking skills of junior high school students in science learning during online learning (Microsoft Teams). Exploration study participants were students of class VIII SMPN 62 Surabaya. The data collection stage used a test instrument containing description questions that had been designed in line with the indicators of creative thinking. The results of the instrument validation test showed that all questions were accepted and feasible. Semi-qualitative research data analysis. The results of the analysis showed that as many as 12% of the students were very creative, 48% were creative, and 40% were quite creative. Based on the results of the study, the percentage of achievement of each indicator of creative thinking, among others, is the fluency indicator of 75%, the flexibility indicator of 60%, the originality indicator of 73%, and the elaboration indicator of 46%. The conclusion of this research shows that the tendency of students' creative thinking competencies is in the creative category. The implication of this research is that teachers can determine the creative thinking competencies of their students, so that they can determine a science learning model that can improve students' creative thinking competencies


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    This research aimed to describe the implementation of learning while improving cognitive learning outcomes used discovery-based learning models and student responses. This research used pre-experimental with one group pretest and posttest design. The participants in this study were 25 students of class VII SMP. The data were collected by observation, tests, and surveys and then was analyzed quantitatively and descriptively. The results that were obtained showed the value of implementing learning included in the very good criteria. The results of the N-Gain obtained a moderate improvement category so that students' cognitive learning outcomes experienced a significant increase. The results that were analyzed of student responses to discovery-based learning showed positive responses by students with the acquisition of very good criteria. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there was an effect of discovery-based learning on cognitive learning outcomes and positive responses by seventh-grade junior high school students


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    This research was conducted to analyze science process skills (SPS) and students' interest in learning at SMP Negeri 62 Surabaya while learning uses media Microsoft Teams. This type of research is categorized as descriptive quantitative. The participants selected in this study were students of class VIII B, with 35 students. The instrument used in this study was a test instrument with 18 multiple choice questions covering 6 SPS indicators and a non-test instrument in the form of a questionnaire containing 20 selected questions. This research using  descriptive data analysis techniques. The research’s results are obtaining an average SPS level for class VIII B students in the sufficient group with a percentage of 52%. The highest skill is in the conclusion indicator with percentage of 74%, while the students’ lowest skill is in the indicator measuring with a large percentage of 20%. For the average student interest in learning using media, it falls into the very interested group with a total percentage of 74.2%. It can be concluding that the level of SPS for grade VIII B students of SMP Negeri 62 Surabaya is in the sufficient group so that there is a need for improvement in the SPS-based learning process and students' interest in online learning is in the very interested group so that media is Microsoft Teams suitable for use in the learning process. The implication of this research can be used as a reference and separate in designing learning that can increase SPS and student interest in learning


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    The research aims to analyze the misconceptions that occur in students by applying the four-tier certainty of response index method in learning about pressure material and its application. This research uses descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The participants used in this research were 39 students of class IX-A and 36 students of class IX-C of SMP Negeri 60 Surabaya. The research instrument was a four-tier diagnostic test consisting of four levels, namely questions with one correct answer and three distractors, the level of confidence in the answers, the reasons, and the level of confidence in the reasons. Data collection techniques used were filling out questionnaires and filling in diagnostic tests. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive quantitative by looking for the percentage of student misconceptions in each item indicator. From the results of the research, it can be seen that students experience misconceptions in each indicator of the material pressure and its application with an average percentage of misconceptions of 34.1%. This percentage belongs to the moderate category misconception. The highest percentage of misconceptions occurred in question number 14 at 48% with an indicator of the application of Archimedes law and question number 18 at 48% as well, with an indicator of analyzing hydrostatic pressure. Based on the results of filling out the student questionnaire, it can be concluded that the reason the students answered the questions incorrectly was that the initial concepts the students had were wrong. By carrying out this research, the teacher can analyze the misconceptions that occur in students, and use appropriate learning methods not to happen again competencies


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    This research has the aims of representing science learning with the help of video conferencing during the Covid-19 pandemic era, which includes aspects of the level of productivity or pedagogy of science teachers as facilitators and active involvement interests, as well as the expectations of learners. This research method used an exploratory study research type with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data collection techniques using survey techniques that use instruments questionnaire where scale 5 Likert and open. The technique of determining participants using purposive sampling. There are two data analyses of Miles and Huberman’s data analysis and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques through percentage calculations. The results of the research showed their perception preference for video conference media is very helpful for them in learning online and fostering the interest of learners. Then in the pedagogy aspect, the teacher gives a clear explanation of the material, but the use of video conference has not been fully effective due to connection quality problems which ultimately cut learning time and interaction such as feedback and discussions are only given if there is time left in learning. The expectations of learners include learning by being directly like practice, demonstrating by utilizing props as well as improving the quality of visual video, images and sound in the use of video conferences. The implications of this research include the use of video conference is very helpful for learners’ communication in online learning and tends to develop the interest of learners


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    This research aims to describe (1) the implementation of learning using models Experiential Learning, (2) increasing critical thinking skills by applying models Experiential Learning, (3) the response of students after participating in learning with models Experiential Learning. The type of research used is type the one group pretest posttest. Data collection methods used in this study are observation, tests, and questionnaires. The instruments developed included learning implementation sheets, student worksheets, questions pretest posttest, and response questionnaires. The results of the study show that the results of the implementation of learning have a very good category at meetings 1 and 2. An increase in critical reasoning abilities is obtained from N-Gain of 0.65 with moderate improvement criteria. Responses of students after participating in learning with models Experiential Learning has an average percentage of 23.67% answered strongly agree, 72.67% answered agree, 3.67% answered disagree, and 0.33% answered strongly disagree


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    This study aimed to describe learning using Gallery Walk strategy based on Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) for students’ environmental care attitude and literacy in environmental pollution topic. The study used pre-experimental with one group pretest-posttest. The subjects of this study was 15 students of VII grade in middle school. The data were collected by observation, test, and survey techniques with the instrument were used observation sheets of learning implementation, student activities, environmental literacy tests, and environmental care attitude questionnaires. The environmental literacy test and environmental care attitude questionnaires were used for analyzed the students competency before (pretest) and after (posttest) the learning. The results showed that learning using Gallery Walk strategy based on SSI affects the students environmental literacy and environmental care attitude. The results of the N-Gain showed that students environmental literacy and environmental care attitude increased in the medium category. This improvement also supported by well-implemented Gallery Walk strategy based on SSI’s learning. The results of this study can be used as a reference for implementing learning using Gallery Walk strategy based on SSI on other topics, so that it can be implemented optimally and achieve the learning goal
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