408 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Ktsp) Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pembelajaran Agama Di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Rantau Prapat

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tentang penerapan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran agama di MTsN Rantauprapat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan: 1) penyusunan KTSP untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran dalam mata pelajaran agama, 2) penyusunan silabus dan RPP dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran, 3) pelaksanaan pembelajaran agama untuk meningkatkan mutu dan 4) pelaksanaan sistim evaluasi dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran agama. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan bersifat kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menemukan dan menggambarkan proses aplikasi KTSP sebagaimana ditemukan di MTsN Rantauprapat. Data dalam penelitian ini didapatkan dengan menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumen. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) dalam menyusun Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan mengikuti tahap-tahap berikut: 1) pembentukan tim, 2) evaluasi Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, 3) penyusunan dokumen 1 Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, 4) penyusunan dokumen 2 Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, 5) revisi, 6) finalisasi dan 7) penetapan. Kedua, dalam menyusun silabus dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, para guru mengikuti langkah-langkah berdasarkan komponen silabus dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, sebagai berikut: 1) identitifikasi, 2) Penentuan Standar Kompentensi dan Kompetensi Dasar, 3) Penentuan Materi pembelajaran, 4) Perencanaan Strategi dan langkah-langkah pembelajaran, 5) penentuan teknik penilaian, 6) mengalokasikan waktu. Ketiga, pelaksanaan pembelajaran Fikih, Akidah-Akhlak, Alquran Hadis dan Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Rantauprapat jauh berbeda dengan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran sebagai acuan paling rinci. Keempat, untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran Fikih, Akidah-Akhlak, Alquran Hadis dan Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Rantauprapat, pihak sekolah menerapkan sistim evaluasi yang terdiri dari evaluasi: kurikulum, pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan hasil belajar


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    This century is famous for three mainstream schools in the history of Islamic thought, namely; first, the school of Islamic philosophers who only understand Islamic beliefs. Second, the Salafiyah school is very textual. Third, the Mu'tazilah school is a school that combines reason and naql while still making reason the determining factor when there are texts that conflict with the truths of reason (logic). Al-Asy'ari was originally one of the followers of the Mu'tazilah school until he was 40 years old. Furthermore, he formed formulas and patterns of thought that were different from the three schools of thought and he tried to combine the functions of both reason and texts while still providing guidelines that in fact reason must submit to text


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    Komitmen menjadi salah satu bentuk keseriusan seseorang dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya dalam kehidupan. Baik sebagai anggota profesi, organisasi, kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan ataupun lainnya. Sebagai nilai yang melekat dalam kehidupan manusia, komitmen dianggap menarik untuk dikaji terutama dalam konsep pendidikan. Artikel ini berupaya mengkaji tentang bagaimana komitmen ditegaskan dalam islam yang tentunya telah dijabarkan melalui penafsiran dan pendapat para ulama. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, juga guru perlu dikaji bagaimana seharusnya komitmen yang dimiliki guru yang pada kahirnya nanti dapat meningkatkan mutu pendidikan

    Tracing a decade of drafting, reviewing and assessing integrated development plans in KwaZulu-Natal: Some key reflections

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    The next decade of planning in South African municipalities under democracy has dawned. The previous decade was characterised by drafting, reviewing and assessing outcomes of Integrated Development Plans (IDPs). Through the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, 32 of 2000 and Sections 152/3 of the South African Constitution, 1996, local government is responsible for development processes and municipal planning. It requires from municipalities to formulate and review IDPs. Two “generations” of IDPs were drafted and reviewed from 2001 to 2011 by KwaZulu-Natal municipalities. The Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) and its predecessors evaluated and measured legal compliance of drafting, approval and submission processes. Identification of factors critical to planning, observations and recommendations for IDPs, are captured in this article. Direction, formulation and evaluation of third-generation IDPs for periods 2012/13 to 2016/17 municipal financial years is a focus of this article. The article also examines compliance, by focusing on quality and improvement of IDPs

    Contextualising the National Development Plan for enhanced service delivery: Considerations for planning in KwaZulu-Natal

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    Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) are the planning instruments directed at strategies for enhancing service delivery in local government. As a consequence, capacity initiatives are driven by these plans to address prioritised developmental needs. The key to establishing such initiatives is informed by the National Development Plan (NDP). This Plan changed the planning regime in South Africa, culminating in a comprehensive planning hierarchy for local, provincial and national spheres of government. In light thereof, the article theoretically examines the alignment of planning work procedures in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) in ensuring that development planning is ‘on track’. To this end, the KZN Provincial Planning Commission (PPC) developed a Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS) aligned with the National Plan. It follows then that District Municipalities formulated a District Growth and Development Plan (DGDP) with the same time horizon as the National Plan leading to 2030. Municipal Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) then become instruments to implement the Provincial Strategy in five-year periods. Against the background of action-based Batho-Pele Principles as necessary determinants, key issues may be addressed, whilst contextualising long-term development planning and implementation as the NDP-PGDP-IDP praxis. Cumulatively, planners in KZN must respond to this new plan hierarchy innovatively by integrating and aligning with the NDP at other planning levels in an ethical, accountable and socially responsible manner addressing poverty, inequality and unemployment. The article concludes that the trajectory of development planning in KZN is strategically linked to national and long-term initiatives and work procedures for enhanced service delivery.&nbsp

    The essential oil constituents of Artabotrys species – A review

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    Artabotrys species which belongs to Annonaceae family are pleasant smelling and it is attributed to the presence of mono and sesquiterpenoids present in the essential oil of the plant. The objective of the present work is to review the chemical composition of the essential oils reported from twenty different Artabotrys species from various parts of the world. In the various Artabotrys species, the major compounds are monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated sesquiterpenes.  The frequently and most commonly identified constituents are β-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, 3-Carene, cyperene, cyperenone and 1,5-epoxy-salvial4(14)-ene.  Other constituents seems to be more specific to the respective Artabotrys species

    Priprema, karakterizacija i in vitro procjena toksičnosti micela s kapsantinom na modelu stanične linije karcinoma dojke MDA-MB-231

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    Research background. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers and remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality among women worldwide. In developed countries, breast cancer as a multifactorial disease is a major health concern, and its incidence is constantly rising in low and middle-income countries. Numerous studies have demonstrated that phytochemicals such as carotenoids inhibit breast cancer growth and induce apoptosis. We recently enhanced the solubility of capsanthin in water by encapsulating it in diosgenin polyethylene glycol succinate, a novel non-ionic surfactant. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the cytotoxicity of water-soluble capsanthin-loaded micelles in MDA-MB-231 cells in vitro through tetrazolium dye MTT assay. Experimental approach. In the current study, capsanthin, a hydrophobic carotenoid, is extracted from sweet red pepper (Capsicum annuum). Capsanthin-loaded diosgenin polyethylene glycol succinate 1000 (cap-DPGS-1000) micelles were prepared from capsanthin extract (cap) and diosgenin polyethylene glycol succinate 1000 (DPGS-1000) using the solid dispersion method. The capsanthin extract and cap-DPGS-1000 micelles were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), particle size distribution, polydispersity, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effects of capsanthin extract and cap-DPGS-1000 micelles on a human triple-negative breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-231) were tested to check the cell viability, proliferation and cytotoxicity of the micelles. Results and conclusions. The solubility of encapsulated cap-DPGS-1000 micelles in water is greatly enhanced and leads to an increased scope for localized drug delivery, a better delivery option for treating residual cancerous tumours. The encapsulated capsanthin showed a sustained release in simulated intestinal fluid (pH=6.8). Our research proposes a sustained drug delivery system that ensures effective and controlled release to the affected site. The characterization data revealed no change in the structure and functional groups in the encapsulated capsanthin. The IC50 value of the cap-DPGS-1000 micelles against MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells was (3.10±1.09) μg/mL, which is much lower than of capsanthin extract ((81.1±1.5) μg/mL). Capsanthin extract and capsanthin-loaded micelles are promising drug candidates to induce apoptosis and increase reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cancer cells. Novelty and scientific contribution. The result shows the cytotoxic effect of capsanthin and capsanthin-loaded micelles on MDA-MB-231 cell line for the first time. Capsanthin from sweet red pepper (Capsicum annuum) showed remarkable cytotoxic effect on the triple-negative MDA-MB-231 cell line.Pozadina istraživanja. Karcinom dojke jedan je od najčešćih tipova tumora te je još uvijek glavni uzročnik morbiditeta i mortaliteta među ženama diljem svijeta. U razvijenim zemljama ova multifaktorska bolest predstavlja primarni zdravstveni problem, a u stalnom je porastu u srednje i nisko razvijenim zemljama. Mnoga istraživanja pokazuju da fitokemikalije poput karotenoida suzbijaju rast i potiču apoptozu stanica karcinoma dojke. Nedavno smo poboljšali topljivost kapsantina u vodi postupkom inkapsulacije u novom neionskom surfaktantu, diosgenin polietilenglikol sukcinatu. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila pomoću MTT testa ispitati in vitro citotoksičnost micela punjenih kapsantinom, topljivih u vodi, na stanice raka MDA-MB-231. Eksperimentalni pristup. U radu je iz ekstrakta slatke crvene paprike (Capsicum annuum) izoliran hidrofobni karotenoid kapsantin. Iz čvrste disperzije ekstrakta i diosgenin polietilenglikol sukcinata 1000 pripremljene su micele. Ekstrakt kapsantina i micele su okarakterizirani pomoću UV-Vis spektroskopije, visokodjelotvorne tekućinske kromatografije, infracrvene spektroskopije s Fourierovom transformacijom, difrakcije X-zraka, raspodjele veličine čestica, polidisperzije i pretražne elektronske mikroskopije. Ispitali smo učinak ekstrakta kapsantina i micela na preživljavanje i rast trostruko negativnih stanica raka dojke (MDA-MB-231) te citotoksičnost micela. Rezultati i zaključci. Bitno se povećala topljivost kapsantina u inkapsuliranim micelama i time proširila mogućnost njegove primjene za ciljanu isporuku, čime se postižu bolji rezultati u liječenju rezidualnih tumora. Inkapsulirani se kapsantin kontrolirano otpuštao pri simulaciji probave u crijevima (pH=6,8). Predloženi sustav za ciljanu isporuku lijeka s produljenim djelovanjem omogućuje učinkovito i kontrolirano otpuštanje aktivne tvari na mjestu djelovanja. Rezultati pokazuju da se pri inkapsulaciji kapsantina nije promijenila njegova struktura, a niti sastav funkcionalnih skupina. Citotoksičnost micela na stanice MDA-MB-231 (IC50=(3,10±1,09) μg/mL) bila je bitno veća od one ekstrakta kapsantina (IC50=(81,1±1,5) μg/mL). Ekstrakt kapsantina i micele s kapsantinom mogu se upotrijebiti za poticanje apoptoze i povećanje količine reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva u stanicama raka. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Rezultati prvi put prikazuju citotoksični učinak kapsantina i micela s kapsantinom na stanice raka MDA-MB-231. Kapsantin izoliran iz slatke crvene paprike (Capsicum annuum) imao je izniman citotoksični učinak na trostruko negativne stanice raka MDA-MB-231

    Aiming for Success through a Qualitative Examination of Educator Perceptions of Flexible Learning Spaces

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    Flexible learning spaces are common in schools in Victoria, Australia, as is the practice of inclusive education. More research is required into teachers’ perceptions about these flexible learning spaces and effective pedagogical approaches to supporting all students in these classrooms. Teacher education institutions also need to ensure pre-service teachers are prepared to teach in these spaces. A qualitative design was used, and interviews were conducted with seven educators to gain insights into their experiences and thoughts on teaching in the flexible learning space. Three main themes emerged: collaboration and relationships, the pedagogical implications and the actual physical space. The findings of this study will be useful for both teacher educators and educational planners, as we move into the next decade of learning and teaching


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             Objective:Trichodesma Indicum Linn.R.Br. of Boraginaceae family was traditionally used as an anticancer plant material. The present study was aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic activity of the plant against three human cancer cell lines-Breast cancer cell line (MCF-7), Cervical cancer cell line (HeLa) and laryngeal epithelial carcinoma cell line(HEp2),since  a few clinical trials are needed to confirm its anticancer activity.Method: The chloroform& ethanol extracts of the plant were used for in-vitro screening. The cytotoxic effect of the plant was analysed by MTT assay.Results: The results obtained are statistically analysed by one way analysis of Variance(ANOVA)and it was found  that the ethanol extract has stronger cytotoxic activity than chloroform extract against all the tested cell lines. However higher degree of cyto toxicity was found to be in ethanol extract against human breast cell line (MCF-7) (IC50 57.41µg/ml).Conclusion: The traditional use of the plant material as anticancer was correlated with its invitro cyto toxicity results. The plant has a remarkable cytotoxic activity against the tested cancer cell lines.Keywords: Boraginaceae, Cytotoxic activity, IC50 value, MTT assay, Trichodesma Indicu

    Shared Services for enhancing municipal planning efficiency in KwaZulu-Natal

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    The past five years have seen a growing trend towards the notion of a Shared Services approach to enhancing municipal efficiency in the local government sector in South Africa. In KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), this approach is receiving more focused attention. In this regard, the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) is playing a pivotal role in supporting municipalities in KZN with regards to capacitybuilding and financial resources. The thrust of municipal service delivery is premised on its Integrated Development Plan (IDP), and the concept of Shared Services is being used as a conduit for municipalities to work towards ensuring that their organizational and developmental objectives are achieved in the short-, medium- and long-term. The article therefore examines the efficacy of municipal planning within the context of Shared Services.&nbsp