1,511 research outputs found

    New species of the parasites of the Rhodes - grass scale from the Indian union

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    Recent progress of plasma exhaust concepts and divertor designs for tokamak DEMO reactors

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    The power exhaust concept and an appropriate divertor design are common critical issues for tokamak DEMO design activities which have been carried out in Europe, Japan, China, Korea and the USA. Conventional divertor concepts and power exhaust studies for recent DEMO designs (Pfusion = 1 – 2 GW, Rp = 7 – 9 m) are reviewed from the viewpoints of the plasma physics issues and the divertor engineering design. Radiative cooling is a common approach for the power fusion scenario. Requirements on the main plasma radiation fraction (frad main = Prad main/Pheat) and the plasma performance constrain the divertor design concept. Different challenges contribute to optimizing the future DEMO designs: for example, (i) increasing the main plasma radiation fraction for ITER level Psep/Rp designs and simplifying the divertor geometry, and (ii) extending ITER divertor geometry with increasing divertor radiation (Prad div) for larger Psep/Rp ≥ 25MWm− 1 designs. Power exhaust simulations with large Psep = 150 – 300 MW have been performed using integrated divertor codes considering an ITER-based divertor geometry with longer leg length (1.6 – 1.7 m), as in a common baseline design. Geometry effects (ITER like geometry or more open one without baffle) on the plasma detachment profile and the required divertor radiation fraction (frad div = Prad div/Psep) were key aspects of these studies. All simulations showed that the divertor plasma detachment were extended widely across the target plate with a reduction in the peak heat load of qtarget ≤ 10 MWm− 2 for the large frad div = 0.7 – 0.8, while the peak qtarget location and value were noticeably different in the partially detached divertor. Simulation results also demonstrated that radial diffusion coefficients of the heat and particle fluxes were critical parameters for DEMO divertor design, and that effects of plasma drifts on outboard enhanced asymmetry of the heat flux, suggested the need for longer divertor leg to ensure the existence of a detached divertor operation with qtarget ≤ 10 MWm− 2 . Integrated design of the water cooled divertor target, cassette body (CB) and cooling pipe routing has been developed for each DEMO concept, based on the ITER-like tungsten monoblock (W-MB) with Cu-alloy cooling pipes. Engineering design adequate under higher neutron irradiation condition was required. Therefore, inlet coolant temperature (Tcool) was increased. In current designs, it still shows a large potential variation between 70 ◦C and 200 ◦C. The influence of thermal softening on the Cu-alloy (CuCrZr) pipe was fostered near the strike point when the high qtarget of ~10 MWm− 2 was studied. Improved technologies for high heat flux components based on the ITER W-MB unit have been developed for EU-DEMO. Different coolant conditions (low- and high Tcool) were provided for Cu-alloy and reduced activation ferritic martensitic (RAFM) steel heat sink units, respectively. The high-Tcool coolant was also considered for the CB and supporting structures. Appropriate conditions for the high-Tcool coolant, i.e. 180 ◦C/ 5 MPa (EU-DEMO) and 290 ◦C/ 15 MPa (JA-DEMO, CFETR and K-DEMO), will be determined in the future optimizations of the divertor and DEMO design

    Care seeking behaviour for childhood illness- a questionnaire survey in western Nepal

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    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization estimates that seeking prompt and appropriate care could reduce child deaths due to acute respiratory infections by 20%. The purpose of our study was to assess care seeking behaviour of the mothers during childhood illness and to determine the predictors of mother's care seeking behaviour. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in the immunization clinics of Pokhara city, Kaski district, western Nepal. A trained health worker interviewed the mothers of children suffering from illness during the preceding 15 days. RESULTS: A total of 292 mothers were interviewed. Pharmacies (46.2%) were the most common facilities where care was sought followed by allopathic medical practitioners (26.4%). No care was sought for 8 (2.7%) children and 26 (8.9%) children received traditional/home remedies. 'Appropriate', 'prompt' and 'appropriate and prompt' care was sought by 77 (26.4%), 166 (56.8%) and 33 (11.3%) mothers respectively. The mothers were aware of fever (51%), child becoming sicker (45.2%) and drinking poorly (42.5%) as the danger signs of childhood illness. By multiple logistic regression analysis total family income, number of symptoms, mothers' education and perceived severity of illness were the predictors of care seeking behaviour. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study show that the mothers were more likely to seek care when they perceived the illness as 'serious'. Poor maternal knowledge of danger signs of childhood illness warrants the need for a complementary introduction of community-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness programmes to improve family's care seeking behaviour and their ability to recognize danger signs of childhood illness. Socioeconomic development of the urban poor may overcome their financial constraints to seek 'appropriate' and 'prompt' care during the childhood illness

    Modification of the Alfvén wave spectrum by pellet injection

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    International audienceAlfvén eigenmodes driven by energetic particles are routinely observed in tokamak plasmas. These modes consist of poloidal harmonics of shear Alfvén waves coupled by inhomogeneity in the magnetic field. Further coupling is introduced by 3D inhomogeneities in the ion density during the assimilation of injected pellets. This additional coupling modifies the Alfvén continuum and discrete eigenmode spectrum. The frequencies of Alfvén eigenmodes drop dramatically when a pellet is injected in JET. From these observations, information about the changes in the ion density caused by a pellet can be inferred. To use Alfvén eigenmodes for MHD spectroscopy of pellet injected plasmas, the 3D MHD codes Stellgap and AE3D were generalised to incorporate 3D density profiles. A model for the expansion of the ionised pellet plasmoid along a magnetic field line was derived from the fluid equations. Thereby, the time evolution of the Alfvén eigenfrequency is reproduced. By comparing the numerical frequency drop of a toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) to experimental observations, the initial ion density of a cigar-shaped ablation region of length 4cm is estimated to be n * = 6.8×10 22 m −3 at the TAE location (r/a ≈ 0.75). The frequency sweeping of an Alfvén eigenmode ends when the ion density homogenises poloidally. Modelling suggests that the time for poloidal homogenisation of the ion density at the TAE position is τ h = 18 ± 4 ms for inboard pellet injection, and τ h = 26 ± 2 ms for outboard pellet injection. By reproducing the frequency evolution of the elliptical Alfvén eigenmode (EAE), the initial ion density at the EAE location (r/a ≈ 0.9) can be estimated to be n * = 4.8 × 10 22 m −3. Poloidal homogenisation of the ion density takes 2.7 times longer at the EAE location than at the TAE location for both inboard and outboard pellet injection

    Power exhaust concepts and divertor designs for Japanese and European DEMO fusion reactors

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    Concepts of the power exhaust and divertor design have been developed, with a high priority in the pre-conceptual design phase of the Japan-Europe broader approach DEMO design activity (BA DDA). Common critical issues are the large power exhaust and its fraction in the main plasma and divertor by the radiative cooling (P radtot/P heat 0.8). Different exhaust concepts in the main plasma and divertor have been developed for Japanese (JA) and European (EU) DEMOs. JA proposed a conventional closed divertor geometry to challenge large P sep/R p handling of 30-35 MW m-1 in order to maintain the radiation fraction in the main plasma at the ITER-level (f radmain = P radmain/P heat ∼ 0.4) and higher plasma performance. EU challenged both increasing f radmain to ∼0.65 and handling the ITER-level P sep/R p in the open divertor geometry. Power exhaust simulations have been performed by SONIC (JA) and SOLPS5.1 (EU) with corresponding P sep = 250-300 MW and 150-200 MW, respectively. Both results showed that large divertor radiation fraction (P raddiv/P sep 0.8) was required to reduce both peak q target (10 MW m-2) and T e,idiv. In addition, the JA divertor performance with EU-reference P sep of 150 MW showed benefit of the closed geometry to reduce the peak q target and T e,idiv near the separatrix, and to produce the partial detachment. Integrated designs of the water cooled divertor target, cassette and coolant pipe routing have been developed in both EU and JA, based on the tungsten (W) monoblock concept with Cu-alloy pipe. For year-long operation, DEMO-specific risks such as radiation embrittlement of Cu-interlayers and Cu-alloy cooling pipe were recognized, and both foresee higher water temperature (130 °C-200 °C) compared to that for ITER. At the same time, several improved technologies of high heat flux components have been developed in EU, and different heat sink design, i.e. Cu-alloy cooling pipes for targets and RAFM steel ones for the baffle, dome and cassette, was proposed in JA. The two approaches provide important case-studies of the DEMO divertor, and will significantly contribute to both DEMO designs

    Seaweed resources off Tamil Nadu coast: Sector III. Valinokkam - Kilakkarai

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    Survey of seaweed resources in deep water was carried out in the area between Valinokkam and Kilakkarai during January 1989 and March,l990 respectively. In the survey from Valinokkam to Kilakkarai 33 species of marine algae were recorded of which 8 species belong to Chlorophyta, 8 to Phaeophyta and 17 to Rhodophyta. Only one species of seagrass Halophila ovalis was recorded. Among the 200 sq Icm area surveyed, vegetation occurred only in 27.5 sq.km with a total standing crop of 2962.5 tonnes (wet wt)

    Seaweed resources off Tamil nadu coast, Sector - IV Kilakkarai - Rameswaram island (Dhanushkodi

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    Survey of the deep water area from Kilakkarai (Appa Tivu to Rameswaram Island (Dhanushkodi) was undertaken from December 1990 to January 1991 in the IV Sector survey of Deep water Seaweed Resources off Tamil Nadu coast, which formed the last phase of the survey from Rameswaram to Kanyakumari carried out during 1986-91. An area of 417 .5 sq.km. was surveyed yielding a total biomass of 18,162.5 tons (wet) seaweeds. Out of 167 stations surveyed in 13 transects, vegetation occurred only in 12 stations. Of the 29 species of marine algae recorded 8 belonged to Chlorophyta, 8 to Phaeophyta, 12 to Rhodophyta, and I to Cyanophyta, One species of seagrass Cymodocea serrulata was also recorded. Twenty species were found in estimable quantities, of which the following 8 species were abundant: Halimeda macr%ba, Spatog/ossum asperum, Zonaria crenata, Sargassum ilicijolium, Amphiroa jragilissima, Hypnea muscijormis, Botryocladia /eplOpoda and Lyngbya majuscula with a biomass of 1325, 9775, 650, 1550, 1925,300,862.5 and 1012.5 tons (wet) respectively. The species of Hypnea and Sargassum could be exploited for the manufacture of phytochemicals