284 research outputs found

    Topological superfluid phases of an atomic Fermi gas with in- and out-of-plane Zeeman fields and equal Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling

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    We analyze the effects of in- and out-of-plane Zeeman fields on the BCS-BEC evolution of a Fermi gas with equal Rashba-Dresselhaus (ERD) spin-orbit coupling (SOC). We show that the ground state of the system involves novel gapless superfluid phases that can be distinguished with respect to the topology of the momentum-space regions with zero excitation energy. For the BCS-like uniform superfluid phases with zero center-of-mass momentum, the zeros may correspond to one or two doubly-degenerate spheres, two or four spheres, two or four concave spheroids, or one or two doubly-degenerate circles, depending on the combination of Zeeman fields and SOC. Such changes in the topology signal a quantum phase transition between distinct superfluid phases, and leave their signatures on some thermodynamic quantities. We also analyze the possibility of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO)-like nonuniform superfluid phases with finite center-of-mass momentum and obtain an even richer phase diagram.Comment: 9 pages with 5 figures; FFLO analysis include

    Stability of spin-orbit coupled Fermi gases with population imbalance

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    We use the self-consistent mean-field theory to analyze the effects of Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling (SOC) on the ground-state phase diagram of population-imbalanced Fermi gases throughout the BCS-BEC evolution. We find that the SOC and population imbalance are counteracting, and that this competition tends to stabilize the uniform superfluid phase against the phase separation. However, we also show that the SOC stabilizes (destabilizes) the uniform superfluid phase against the normal phase for low (high) population imbalances. In addition, we find topological quantum phase transitions associated with the appearance of momentum space regions with zero quasiparticle energies, and study their signatures in the momentum distribution.Comment: 4+ pages with 3 figures; to appear in PR

    Quantum phases of atomic Fermi gases with anisotropic spin-orbit coupling

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    We consider a general anisotropic spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and analyze the phase diagrams of both balanced and imbalanced Fermi gases for the entire BCS--Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) evolution. In the first part, we use the self-consistent mean-field theory at zero temperature, and show that the topological structure of the ground-state phase diagrams is quite robust against the effects of anisotropy. In the second part, we go beyond the mean-field description, and investigate the effects of Gaussian fluctuations near the critical temperature. This allows us to derive the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory, from which we extract the effective mass of the Cooper pairs and their critical condensation temperature in the molecular BEC limit.Comment: 10 pages with 7 figures; to appear in PR

    Compressibility of a two-dimensional electron gas in a parallel magnetic field

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The thermodynamic compressibility of a two-dimensional electron system in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field is calculated. We use accurate correlation energy results from quantum Monte Carlo simulations to construct the ground state energy and obtain the critical magnetic field Be required to fully spin polarize the system. Inverse compressibility as a function of density shows a kink-like behavior in the presence of an applied magnetic field, which can be identified as B-c. Our calculations suggest an alternative approach to transport measurements of determining full spin polarization. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Measuring the Cosmic Ray Muon-Induced Fast Neutron Spectrum by (n,p) Isotope Production Reactions in Underground Detectors

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    While cosmic ray muons themselves are relatively easy to veto in underground detectors, their interactions with nuclei create more insidious backgrounds via: (i) the decays of long-lived isotopes produced by muon-induced spallation reactions inside the detector, (ii) spallation reactions initiated by fast muon-induced neutrons entering from outside the detector, and (iii) nuclear recoils initiated by fast muon-induced neutrons entering from outside the detector. These backgrounds, which are difficult to veto or shield against, are very important for solar, reactor, dark matter, and other underground experiments, especially as increased sensitivity is pursued. We used fluka to calculate the production rates and spectra of all prominent secondaries produced by cosmic ray muons, in particular focusing on secondary neutrons, due to their importance. Since the neutron spectrum is steeply falling, the total neutron production rate is sensitive just to the relatively soft neutrons, and not to the fast-neutron component. We show that the neutron spectrum in the range between 10 and 100 MeV can instead be probed by the (n, p)-induced isotope production rates 12C(n, p)12B and 16O(n, p)16N in oil- and water-based detectors. The result for 12B is in good agreement with the recent KamLAND measurement. Besides testing the calculation of muon secondaries, these results are also of practical importance, since 12B (T1/2 = 20.2 ms, Q = 13.4 MeV) and 16N (T1/2 = 7.13 s, Q = 10.4 MeV) are among the dominant spallation backgrounds in these detectors

    A Regression Model to Investigate the Performance of Black-Scholes using Macroeconomic Predictors

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    As it is well known an option is defined as the right to buy sell a certain asset, thus, one can look at the purchase of an option as a bet on the financial instrument under consideration. Now while the evaluation of options is a completely different mathematical topic than the prediction of future stock prices, there is some relationship between the two. It is worthy to note that henceforth we will only consider options that have a given fixed expiration time T, i.e., we restrict the discussion to the so called European options. Now, for a simple illustration of the relationship between true stock prices and options let us consider the following situation: if at the beginning of January the S&P index is valued at 1,277andthenattheendofDecemberofthesameyearthepriceoftheindexbecame1,277 and then at the end of December of the same year the price of the index became 1,400 then the fair price of the option to buy this in January would be 123,assumingT=1.Thisisafairpricebecauseiftheholderpurchasestheoptionfor123, assuming T=1. This is a fair price because if the holder purchases the option for 122 or less then he or she gains while if the holder purchases the option for 124ormorethenthebankwinswhile124 or more then the bank wins while 123 is neutral for both parties. As one can see from this simple illustration predicting the fair price of an option is directly related to predicting the value of the stock price in a future time T

    How frequently are insects wounded in the wild? A case study using Drosophila melanogaster

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    Wounding occurs across multicellular organisms. Wounds can affect host mobility and reproduction, with ecological consequences for competitive interactions and predator–prey dynamics. Wounds are also entry points for pathogens. An immune response is activated upon injury, resulting in the deposition of the brown-black pigment melanin in insects. Despite the abundance of immunity studies in the laboratory and the potential ecological and evolutionary implications of wounding, the prevalence of wounding in wild-collected insects is rarely systematically explored. We investigated the prevalence and potential causes of wounds in wild-collected Drosophilidae flies. We found that 31% of Drosophila melanogaster were wounded or damaged. The abdomen was the most frequently wounded body part, and females were more likely to have melanized patches on the ventral abdomen, compared with males. Encapsulated parasitoid egg frequency was approximately 10%, and just under 1% of Drosophilidae species had attached mites, which also caused wounds. Wounding is prevalent in D. melanogaster, likely exerting selection pressure on host immunity for two reasons: on a rapid and efficient wound repair and on responding efficiently to opportunistic infections. Wounding is thus expected to be an important driver of immune system evolution and to affect individual fitness and population dynamics

    A Multitier Deep Learning Model for Arrhythmia Detection

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    Electrocardiograph (ECG) is employed as a primary tool for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in the hospital, which often helps in the early detection of such ailments. ECG signals provide a framework to probe the underlying properties and enhance the initial diagnosis obtained via traditional tools and patient-doctor dialogues. It provides cardiologists with inferences regarding more serious cases. Notwithstanding its proven utility, deciphering large datasets to determine appropriate information remains a challenge in ECG-based CVD diagnosis and treatment. Our study presents a deep neural network (DNN) strategy to ameliorate the aforementioned difficulties. Our strategy consists of a learning stage where classification accuracy is improved via a robust feature extraction. This is followed using a genetic algorithm (GA) process to aggregate the best combination of feature extraction and classification. The MIT-BIH Arrhythmia was employed in the validation to identify five arrhythmia categories based on the association for the advancement of medical instrumentation (AAMI) standard. The performance of the proposed technique alongside state-of-the-art in the area shows an increase of 0.94 and 0.953 in terms of average accuracy and F1 score, respectively. The proposed model could serve as an analytic module to alert users and/or medical experts when anomalies are detected in the acquired ECG data in a smart healthcare framework

    Chemistry in Second Life

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    This review will focus on the current level on chemistry research, education, and visualization possible within the multi-user virtual environment of Second Life. We discuss how Second Life has been used as a platform for the interactive and collaborative visualization of data from molecules and proteins to spectra and experimental data. We then review how these visualizations can be scripted for immersive educational activities and real-life collaborative research. We also discuss the benefits of the social networking affordances of Second Life for both chemists and chemistry students