112 research outputs found

    Supervision Implementation in Management Quality: an Attempt to Improve the Quality of Learning at Madrasah Aliyah Darul A'mal Metro

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    The primary purpose of this qualitative study is to identify and analyze supervision by implementing management quality to improve the quality of learning at Madrasah Aliyah Darul A'mal Metro, Lampung. The quality of management implementation is elaborated in the steps of assurance of learning quality. Two instruments, which consist of observation and questionnaire, were used in this study of which each instrument was analyzed based the deductive framework. The results of this study from each instrument revealed four steps of assurance of learning quality, among others (1) by socializing academic supervision program and its advantages to all stake holders, and (2) by implementing stages of assurance through academic supervision by the principals of Madrasah Aliyah Darul A'mal and supervisor, (3) performing supervision that is equipped with valid instrument to measure learning success, (4) performing the follow-up program by clinical and group discussion to provide appropriate model of performance

    Role and Management of Potassium Nutrient for Food Production in Indonesia

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    The big number of as well as the increase in Indonesian population offers challenges in supplying foods in terms of quantity, variety, and quality. This situation requires increasingly attention because at present the country is still importing rice, maize, and soybean in a significant amount. In Indonesia, efforts to increase food production highly depend on supplying nutrients of crops, among of them is potassium (K). Potassium is essentially required in a high amount by crops to grow normally and to produce yield optimally. Potassium is one of the determining factor in obtaining quantity and quality of agricultural products due to the important roles in: (1) photosynthetic process and translocation of its products; (2) protein syntheses; and (3) increasing crop tolerance to biotic (pests/diseases) and abiotic (drought and Fe toxicity) stresses, as well as determining physical and chemical properties of agricultural products. Therefore, K in the soil and fertilizers, and agricultural resources should be managed properly through several ways, i.e.: (1) preparing map of soil K status as a guidance in implementing specific recommendation of K fertilizer application; (2) using agricultural by-products containing K such as rice straw, maize and soybean stove, and animal manure; (3) decreasing erosion and K leaching, and (4) optimizing aeration and water holding capacity of soil

    Indonesian Curriculum Development: Meaning-Based Curriculum and Competency-Based Curriculum in the Context of Teaching English Subject

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    Curriculum as the foundation of teaching and learning process coverssubject matters and students' learning experience frominside and outside of school. This articleaims at describing Indonesian curriculum developments, which consist of Meaning-Based Curriculum (MBC) and Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), basedon theoretical dimension and practical dimension. Curriculum views as a theoretical dimension are underpinned by four models of curriculums that consist of (1) dualistic model, (2) interlocking model, (3) concentric model, (4) cyclical model. Meanwhile, English subject matter curriculum (ESMC) views as a practical dimension are based upon (1) thematic development inMBC, (2) syllabus development in CBC. Two theoretical dimensions of the Indonesian curriculum views describe (1) Concentric model is incorporated into MBC in the 1994 Curriculum and CBC in the 2004 and 2013 Curriculum; (2) Interlocking model is incorporated intoCBC in the 2006 Curriculum. Three dimensions of ESMC views describe (1) Thematic development is incorporated into MBC in the 1994 Curriculum to develop students' English skills and components based on selected themes, (2) Syllabus development is incorporated intoCBC to develop students' English competences by the 2004 and 2006 Curriculum; however, in the 2013 Curriculum to develop students' core competences for character values that are attached in science and technology by Exploring English without adequately equipping students with English skills and components

    Deskripsi Kualitatif Sebagai Satu Metode Dalam Penelitian Pertunjukan

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    Seni pertunjukan merupakan salah satu manivest dari kebudayaan yang awal mulanya  dikenal sebagai seni tontonan.  Seni pertunjukan mulai menjadi perhatian setelah meningkatnya kebutuhan masyarakat dan anggautanya untuk merefleksikan dirinya dalam berbagai medium. Diperlukan penelitian yang seksama dari berbagai disiplin  ilmu sosial terutama sosiologi seni untuk memperkuat landasan teori yang akan dibangun. Deskripsi sebagai sebuah model penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan Sosiologi seni merupakan salah model analisis yang memadai. Seni pertunjukan merupakan proses dan produk kreatifitas pencipatan seniman berkaitan erat dengan masyarakat pendukungnya. Seni Pertunjukan rentan dalam ruang, waktu dan alat, sehingga kecermatan peneliti sebagai instrumen penelitian menjadi kunci untuk mengambil kesimpulan yang tepat. Performing arts is one manifestation of culture that was once known as a showbiz. Performing arts began to attract people’s interest since people and their members found the need for reflecting themselves in many kinds of medium. It is necessary to have a thorough study from various social sciences especially Art Sociology to bolster theoretical foundation. Description as a qualitative research model by means of Art Sociology approach is an appropriate analysis model. Performing arts is a process and a creative product of the artist in accordance with their supporting community. Performing arts is susceptible to space, time, and tools so that a researcher’s accuracy as a research instrument becomes the key to make a correct decision

    Agama Dalam Perjalanan Gangguan Mental Psikotik Dalam Konteks Budaya Jawa

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    The inter relationship between religion and mental illness is very complex. Religion can be an effective therapy but it can also be the trigger of mental illness. This study aims at exploring religious and spiritual issues among psychotic patients. This study employs a qualitative case study method. The subjects were 7 patients who suffered from a first episode psychotic disorders. They were recruited based on the diagnosis provided by two mental hospitals in Yogyakarta. Data were collected through interviews and observations, either directly to the subject or to the family caregivers. Several themes in this study showed that religion had a role in triggrering psychotic disorder through internal moral conflict and external conflict between particular religious groups and traditions. Some religious issues were also present in the symptoms of psychotic disorder particularly in the content of delusion and hallucination. Meanwhile, religious coping played an important role in the process of recovery. Participants understood that their illness was their destiny (takdir) which had to be accepted (nrimo). Acceptance of participants' destiny did not associate with fatalistic attitude. On the contrary, their understanding that the illness was from God meant that it could be cured. This understanding provided a light of hope which ignited their effort (USAha) to solve their problem. Keywords: course of mental illness, religion, religious copin

    Strategi Mutu SDM Berbasis Broad Based Education Dan High Based Education Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Nu: Perspektif Tantangan Abad Ke-21

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    Although the educational program had been ongoing process since 68 years ago in Indonesia, but this state did not has provided qualified human resources. Since 32 years ago of the New Order Government authority, educational sector development has never been placed as a prime priority of development. The effect of Indonesian educational quality is being worse until now than the other countries in Southeast Asia likes Malaysia, Philippine, Singapore, and Thailand. Indonesia is being affected by dimensional multi crises since eighteen years ago and until now. It is still degraded by its past time which avoided educational development. Moreover, the other states which effected by the same problem like Indonesia could reform by paying attention greater toward educational development sector. They could reform faster and being better states because they have qualified human resources. By this broad based education system and high based education system, we hope the quality of Nahdliyin human resources will be better and qualified in the next future

    Baratayuda Suluhan Gatutkaca Gugur Sebagai Pahlawan : Kajian Dari Aspek Etis Dan Estetis

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    Puppet show is part of Indonesian culture that teaches good conducts. In Javanese puppet world, Mahabarata story has many times been transformed in puppet plays. Baratayuda Suluhan is one of the episodes of great battle between Kurawa against Pandawa in Kurusetra battlefield, in which Gatutkaca plays role as the commander in chief. The show of Baratayuda series took place in Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah of Surakarta on every Friday Kliwon eves, Javanese date, that has been lasting for almost two years. The shows are based on the puppet maters’ (dalang) point of views so that, sometimes, they seem not in the right order and tend to follow the dalangs’ tastes. Suluhan play is often known as the Dead of Gatutkaca. After the death of Bisma, the knights of Kurawa obeyed Darmayuda’s rule no more. The rule was about war ethics. The battle between Kurawa and Pandawa occurred heroically, severely, cruelly and ruthlessly. They fought nights and days. The most important thing for the commander in chief was how to defeat the enemy and how to kill even when they broke the rule of war. They never stopped fighting. Baratayuda Suluhan is performed at night by usingtorch or suluh as the lamp. Gatutkaca died as a hero. There are ethics values that can be generated from the battle of Baratayuda Suluhan as the moral values. All characters dying in the battle have ethics judgments according to the perspective of Javanese supporting puppet show

    Pengelolaan Hara Kalium untuk Ubikayu pada Lahan Kering Masam

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    Produktivitas ubikayu (Manihot esculenta Crantz). nasional tergolong rendah (18,24 t/ha ubi segar), salah satu penyebab pentingnya adalah ketersediaan hara yang rendah dalam tanah, di antaranya K. Kecukupan hara K sangat menentukan pertumbuhan tanaman serta kuantitas dan kualitas hasil ubikayu, sebab K terlibat dalam berbagai proses fisiologi, di antaranya pertumbuhan sel, pembukaan stomata, pembentukan dan translokasi karbohidrat, pembentukan protein, dan senyawa fenol yang dapat meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman terhadap penyakit. Pengelolaan hara K pada ubikayu di lahan kering masam perlu mendapat perhatian besar, sebab: (a) areal ubikayu telah dan terus berkembang ke lahan kering masam yang tersedia luas, khususnya di Sumatera dan Kalimantan yang antara tahun 2005 dan 2009 tumbuh secara signifikan, berturut-turut 17,6% dan 6,5%, dan (b) ubikayu relatif banyak membutuhkan hara K jika dibandingan dengan tanaman pangan yang lain (padi, jagung, kedelai, kacang tanah). Ketersediaan K (K-dd) pada lahan kering masam umumnya kurang dari 0,10 me/100 g tanah, padahal untuk ubikayu batas kritis K-dd adalah 0,15 me/100 g tanah; sehingga tambahan K melalui pemupukan mutlak diperlukan untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan K dalam tanah. Berdasarkan pola pertumbuhan biomas dan perakaran ubikayu, serta potensi erosi dan pelindian hara K yang tinggi pada lahan kering masam, maka pupuk K dianjurkan diberikan dua kali, masing-masing 50% pada umur satu dan tiga bulan Pupuk diaplikasi secara dibenamkan/ ditugal di samping tanaman pada kedalaman 5–10 cm. Selain melakukan pemupukan, upaya lain yang harus dilakukan untuk mengurangi kehilangan serta meningkatkan ketersediaan dan penyerapan hara K dalam tanah adalah: (a) menerapkan sistem pertanaman lorong dengan menanam pagar hidup untuk mengurangi erosi dan pelindian, dan (b) meningkatkan kandungan bahan organik tanah, sebagai sumber K dan agar tanah lebih banyak mengikat/menyediakan air/lengas untuk memperlancar pergerakan K ke permukaan akar melalui proses aliran masa dan difusi. Kadar kritis bahan organik dalam tanah untuk ubikayu adalah 3,2%
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