15 research outputs found

    Studi Karakteristik Kelistrikan Komposit Carbon Nanotube-polyvynilidene-flouride (Cnt-pvdf)

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    Development of nanomaterial technology strongly supports advancements in composite technology. Composite that use nanomaterial produce better electrical properties than common composite. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) is one of nanomaterial with high conductivity, so it\u27s potentially used in composite for various aplication. This research combines Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) with Polyvynilidene Flouride (PVDF) for producing CNT-PVDF composite with high conductivity. CNT-PVDF composites were fabricated by solution processing method. PVDF was dissolved into distillated aceton then CNT was dissolved in acetone and added Triton X-100 4 ml. PVDF solution and the solution of CNT were stirred for 1 hour using a magnetic stirrer, then both were mixed and stirred at temperature of 40 ° C until the acetone evaporates. Composites were molded using a hot-pressing at a pressure of 1 MPa and a temperature of 200oC for 10 minutes. CNT-PVDF composite were characterized by a conductivity test to generate conductivity values​​. The results of the analysis of the test showed that the addition of CNT conductivity on CNT-PVDF composite increased conductivity values​​. In the mass percentage of CNT 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% conductivity increased slowly. Improved high conductivity of CNTs obtained in the mass percentage of 10%

    Isolation and Identification of Thermophilic and Mesophylic Proteolytic Bacteria from Shrimp Paste "Terasi"

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    Terasi is a traditional product generally made of fermented shrimp. There were many studies regarding lactic acid bacteria of terasi but none regarding proteolitic bacteria. This study was conducted to isolate and identify the thermophilic and mesophylic proteolytic bacteria from terasi. In addition, the effect of different salt concentrations on the growth of the isolated proteolytic bacteria with the greatest proteolytic activity was also studied. Terasi samples were obtained from the Northern coast region of Java island i.e. Jepara, Demak and Batang. The study obtained 34 proteolytic isolates. Four isolates were identified as Sulfidobacillus, three isolates as Vibrio / Alkaligenes / Aeromonas, two isolates as Pseudomonas, 21 isolates as Bacillus, three isolates as Kurthia/ Caryophanon and one isolates as Amphibacillus. The growth of proteolytic bacteria was affected by salt concentration. The largest growth was found at 0 ppm salt concentrations and growth was declined as salt concentration increased. Maximum growth at each salt concentration tested was found at 8 hours incubation

    Kepuasan Pelanggan Untuk Pembelian Mobil Honda

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    The Indonesia economic grewth slowdown on 2015. It has impacted the competition in the automotive industry in Indonesia. All players have got to implement many strategies to keep them in the automotive business. One of the most common strategy is to how to maintain customer satisfaction.This research aimed to investigate which variables are significant and contribute the most to the customer satisfaction variable. This research was using 5 variables, i.e. product quality, after sales service, brand image, perceived value, and customer satisfaction. The sampling data was customers that used Honda Mobile. The questionnaires were distributed to 200 respondents across Indonesian provinces. Structural Equation model method was used for data processing using Lisrel program for Windows.Finally, the conclusion of this research would help Honda improve its performance to keep its customer satisfaction level high, and win the competition in the Indonesian automotive industry

    Sintesis Lapisan Tipis Nanokomposit Tio2/cnt Menggunakan Metode Sol-gel Dan Aplikasinya Untuk Fotodegradasi Zat Warna Azo Orange 3r

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    Nanocomposite thin film of TiO2/CNT as a photocatalyst material was synthesized using the sol-gel method with the dispersion of commercial TiO2 Merck in CNT. The crystal structure and nanocomposite thin film morfology of TiO2/CNT were characterized using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Sol TiO2 0.3 M was mixed into the sol CNT with mass ratio of CNT:TiO2 was 1:5. Sol TiO2/CNT was sprayed on a glass substrate that was heated at a temperature of 250 oC, then it was heated at the temperature of 450 °C for 60 minutes. Photodegradation was done by dipping the nanocomposite thin film of TiO2/CNT into 100 mL Azo Orange 3R dye sol 10 ppm, then was irradiated using UV light with a wavelength 380 nm. XRD pattern analysis showed that TiO2 has anatase structure with crystallite size at the range from 72-92 nm by using Scherrer equation. SEM image analysis showed that the grains of TiO2 sfreris pattern and was dispersed on CNT. Refluks TiO2/CNT nanocomposite thin film had been able to degrade Azo Orange 3R dye sol for 12 hours until percentage of 98,2% which was much better than the non reflux TiO2/CNT nanocomposite thin film as 97,2% and the TiO2 thin film as 90,9%

    The Effect of BaCO3 Compound Changes on the Formation of Magnetic Material BaFe12O19

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    BaFe12O19 is a permanent magnetic material which has superior properties to be excellent until the late of twentieth century. Some of the obstacles in the synthesis of the material using a stoichiometric composition is a difficulty to obtain a single phase and the second phase is always found. This research attempted to make modifications on the initial non-stoichiometric composition by varying the fraction of Ba/Fe through BaCO3 and Fe2O3 compound through solid state reaction mechanism. This solid state reaction was initiated by mixing various fractions of BaCO3 and Fe2O3 powder composition and compacted to produce a homogeneous mixture using a planetary milling. After drying and molding, it was obtained a homogeneous mixture like a cylinder with a diameter of 2:54 cm and a thickness of 0.5 cm. The BaFe12O19 phase was obtained by heating the sample at a temperature of 1200 ° C for 4 hours. To determine changes in the fraction of Ba/Fe before and after sintering, the samples were tested by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), while the structure and crystallinity were tested by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The results showed that during the heating process, the reduction of barium fractions exceeded 5% from of their initial weight, while changes in the fraction of Fe was not significant. The results of structure and crystallinity measurement showed that the addition a substantial amount of barium carbonate can lead to the decrease of crystallinity from 35.271 nm to 11.265 nm

    Modification Effect of Carbon Nanotubes by LiCl (CNTs/LiCl) on the Electrical Conductivity Character

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    Carbon nanotubes have been modified by mass percentage variation of LiCl using reflux method. Mass percentage variation used in this study was 0, 1, 5, and 15%. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of LiCl dope on the electrical conductivity of carbon nanotubes. This research was used reflux method by heating at 80°C for 24 h. The products produced were in the form of CNTs / LiCl dry powders. The characterization results of FT-IR spectroscopy showed that there was a Li-O bond group in the addition of 1, 5, and 15% LiCl while XRD characterization results did not show any diffraction of lithium chloride. The results of this study showed an increase in electrical conductivity at 15% addition of LiCl which was of 2.69 x 10-3 S/m. Electrical conductivity in the addition of 1% and 5% LiCl decreased (1.17 x 10-6 S/m and 2.64 x 10-6 S/m) from CNTs/LiCl 0% (3.68 x 10-6 S/m) due to the influence of the PVA high resistivity used as an adhesive in the pellets fabrication

    Pembuatan Komposit Carbon Nanotube-polyvinyl Alcohol (Cnt-pva) Serta Evaluasi Sifat Mekaniknya

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    Perkembangan teknologi nanomaterial mendukung teknologi komposit. Komposit yang menggunakannanomaterial menghasilkan sifat mekanik yang lebih baik daripada komposit biasa. Komposit carbon nanotubes(CNT) berpotensi memiliki kekuatan tarik yang tinggi oleh adanya struktur tabung nanonya yang baik sebagaimatrik. Komposit CNT-PVA telah dibuat dengan metode pelarutan. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) dilarutkan dalam airbertemperatur 80°C, selanjutnya material CNT ditambahkan ke dalam larutan tersebut dengan variasi fraksi massaCNT terhadap PVA sebesar 10%, 20% dan 30%. Komposit CNT-PVA terbentuk setelah dikeringkan padatemperatur 80°C. Selanjutnya sifat mekanik komposit dikarakterisasi dengan uji kekuatan tarik. Hasil ujimenunjukkan bahwa komposit CNT-PVA dengan fraksi massa 20% CNT terhadap PVA menghasilkan modulusYoung yang paling besar yaitu 137,71MPa. Ketebalan komposit 0,94 mm yang dibangun oleh tiga lapis tipiskomposit CNT-PVA menghasilkan peningkatan modulus Young hingga 107,30%

    Analisis Permint Aan a Yam Potong (Broiler) Oleh Peoagang Pengecer Dan Tingka T Konsumsi Rumah Tangga Terhaoap Daging Ayam Potong 01 Kota Bengkulu

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    The objectives of this research were to analyze factors influencing broiler meat demanded by retailers and households. The research was conducted at Pasar Minggu, Bengkulu city. Two sampling methods were used,i.e, Simple Random Sampling for selecting 29 retailers and Accidental Sampling for selecting 58 households (two households for each retailer). Multiple regression model which then estimated with OLS was applied in estimating the objectives. Results showed that factors partially influencing retailer\u27 demand for broiler meat were broiler price at producers/distributors (X3) and capital (X6), while broiler meat price at consumers (X4) and plastic bag price (X5) were not significant factors. At household level, family members (X2), total familiy income (X3) and broiler meat price (X4) were significantly influencing households to consume broiler meat, while household education ataianment (X1), domestic chicken (buras) meat price (X5), tempe price (X6) and gold fish price (X7) were not

    Fotokatalitik ZnO:KA Pada Penjernihan Air Kali Banger Semarang

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    Fotokatalis ZnO yang dikombinasikan dengan karbon aktif (ZnO:KA) digunakan pada proses penjernihan dan penghilang bau busuk air kali Banger. ZnO dilapiskan pada karbon aktif dengan memasukkan karbon aktif ke dalam larutan ZnO, kemudian dipanaskan pada temperatur 100oC selama 3 jam. Mikrostruktur dan komposisi atom ZnO:KA diamati menggunakan scanning electron microscope (SEM) yang terintegrasi dengan energy dispersive x-ray spectroscope (EDX). Citra SEM menunjukkan bahwa ZnO telah berhasil dilapiskan pada permukaan KA. Proses fotokatalis dilakukan pada penjernihan dan reduksi bau busuk air kali Banger dengan pemberian radiasi sinar UV. Fotokatalitik ZnO:KA diuji melalui pengukuran total dissolved solid (TDS) dan biological oxygen demand (BOD). Penurunan TDS air kali Banger yang dijernihkan menggunakan sinar UV dan ZnO:KA lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan media lainnya. Kombinasi antara ZnO dan KA yang disinari UV juga menurunkan BOD air limbah kali Banger. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ZnO:KA dapat digunakan untuk proses penjernihan air