17 research outputs found

    Risk factors associated with increased mortality in septic patients admitted to the intensive care unit/ Fatores de risco associados ao aumento da mortalidade em pacientes sépticos admitidos na unidade de terapia intensiva

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    Sepsis is a potentially fatal clinical syndrome characterized by an abnormal response to infection associated with organic dysfunction. It is a relevant cause of admission to intensive care units (ICUs) and related to increased morbidity and mortality rates. This study aimed to evaluate the epidemiological profile of adult ICU patients of Lauro Wanderley University Hospital (HULW) in the municipality of João Pessoa (PB) to determine the risk factors associated with increased mortality in patients with sepsis. This retrospective and observational methodological study evaluated the epidemiological profile and characteristics of patients with sepsis, aiming to analyze the risk factors related to increased mortality. The mortality risk analysis was performed in two parts. The first was made from Pearson’s chi-square test to determine the association between categorical variables. Thus, only those variables with p values < 0.05 were included in the final logistic regression model to neutralize the effects of the confounding variables, for which values of p < 0.05 were considered significant. This study’s findings suggest that septic shock and IMV and CVC use are the factors that deserve greater attention in patients with sepsis. However, among them, IMV is the main risk factor for death in ICU patients with sepsis. Variables such as sex, age, and comorbidities did not inflate the death rate for the patients studied

    Reflection on Matias Aires.

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    Reflection on Matias Aires

    Reflexão sobre Matias Aires. (Reflection about Matias Aires)

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    Um dia escreverei mais detidamente sobre ele, mas não posso deixar de me referir de passagem, aqui, a esse grande homem, o qual, além do grave pensamento que nos legou, escreve nesta extraordinária Língua portuguesa com tanta dignidade, tanta eloquência verdadeira, tanto vigor, tanta concisão, e sobretudo com um gume tão acerado a servico do escárnio do mundo e dos homens, tateando no escuro, no barro e no fogo que queima o apodrecido, à procura do lume da Verdade, até que, quando o encontra cai sobre ele como um Gavião, com uma força de rapina realmente espantosa.One day I will write more about him, meanwhile, I can not but refer here to this great man, who, in addition to the grave thought which he bequeathed to us, writes in this extraordinary Portuguese language with so much dignity, so much true eloquence, both vigor, so much concision, and above all with a sharp edge to serve the mockery of the world and men, groping in the dark, in the clay and in the fire that burns the rotten, in search of the fire of Truth, until, when it finds it falls on him like a hawk, with a really frightening prey force

    O casamanto suspeitoso

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    Programa tradicional; quadricromia; 20 cm x 20 cm (peça fechada), 20 cm x 40 cm (peça aberta).O casamento suspeitoso é uma comédia de costumes que trata do tema casamento por dinheiro. A história se passa na casa de Dona Guida, a matriarca de uma família, que tem um empregado esperto, chamado Canção, aos moldes dos personagens das comédias de Moliére. O velho golpe do baú é o fio condutor da trama, cujo enredo flerta com a literatura de cordel e os folguedos populares do Nordeste. Personagens se passam por outros, tramóias são planejadas e descobertas, cenas absurdas e confusões engraçadas recheiam a trama

    Presépio de Hilaridades Humanas

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    Programa folheto; quadricromia; 29 cm x 9 cm.Livre adaptação da obra de Ariano Suassun

    Gustavo Corção e Eu

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    Mimetismo e Recriação do Imaginário Medieval em Auto da Compadecida de Ariano Suassuna e en La Diestra de Dios Padre de Enrique Buenaventura

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    O artigo tem por objetivo discutir, a partir da análise das peças teatrais Auto da Compadecida, de Ariano Suassuna, e La Diestra de Dios Padre, de Enrico Buenaventura, a presença do imaginário medieval ibérico no continente americano.<br>This article intends to discuss the maintenance of iberian medieval imaginaire in the american continent analysing the plays Auto da Compadecida by Ariano Suassuna and La Diestra de Dios Padre by Enrico Buenaventura