26 research outputs found

    Relaxation Affirmation Technique Increases Self Efficacy of Patients with Nasopharingeal Cancer

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    Introduction: Patient with nasopharynx cancer may experience emotional distres. Emotional distres and anxiety may lead to decrease self-efficacy. Clients with a negative perception of the health or low self-efficacy would become apathetic and disability in soluns problem as compensation of getting that disease. The purpose of this study was the relaxation affirmations techniques in order to increase self-efficacy patient with nasopharynx cancer. Methode: This study used pra-experiment pre-post test design. Population was taken from patient with nasopharynx cancer of Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) Patient Departement Dr. Soetomo Hospital at Surabaya. Sample comprised of 19 respondents who selected based on inclusion criteria. Independent variable was the relaxation affirmations. Dependent variable was self efficacy of nasopharyngeal cancer patients. Data were collected using the observation sheet. Result: The results showed that there was a significant influence of relaxation affirmation in increased self-effi cacy patient with nasopharynx cancer, with p = 0.008. Discussion: Based on that results, it can be concluded that relaxation affirmations help patients nasopharyngeal cancer in THT Patient Departement Dr. Soeotomo Hospital at Surabaya in improving self-efficacy so that they would have ability to accept reality and belief in health pattern for optimalizing quality of life. Relaxation affirmations techniques including diaphragma breathing and affirmation decrease sympatic nerve activity and increase positive firm belief in patient

    Cucumber Juice Decrease Blood Pressure on Essensial Hypertension Patient

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    Introduction: Essential hypertension is an intermitten or sustained elevation of dyastolic or systolic blood pressure with unkwown aetiology (idiopathic). Complication can occur such cerebro vascular accident (CVA), heart failure, arterial aneurism till death. High blood pressure should be treaten with medicine or low salt and high potassium diet. One of high potassium diet is cucumber juice. The aimed of this study was to analyze the effect of cucumber juice on blood pressure regulation. Method: A pra experimental (pre-post test one group) purposive sampling design was used in this study. Population were citizen of Pendil village who suffered essential hypertension which comprising 31 respondens. Sample were 14 respondens who met to the inclusion criteria. The independent variable was cucumber (Cucumis sativus) juice and dependent variable was blood pressure regulation. Data were analyzed by using ANOVA test with α=0.05 .Result The result showed that cucumber juice has an effect on systolic blood pressure regulation (p=0.000) after first week of treatment, systolic blood pressure regulation (p=0.000) after second week of treatment and systolic blood pressure regulation (p=0.000) from first to second week. Discussion: It can be concluded that cucumber juice consumption has an effect on blood pressure regulation among essential hypertension patients. The cucumber juice should be given in the best dose that can reduce blood pressure level, which is 2x200 g/day, as well as for treatment, it can regulate blood pressure level as long as consumed. Further studies should be developed and include the variables of stress, activities and larger responden to obtain more accurate results

    The analysis of factors associated with diploma of nursing students’ interest for working abroad

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    The interest of a profession will motivate students to apply for any job. The attention to work abroad is occurred because of the push and pull factors such as better income, the raising of work conditions, and higher living standards. This study used a descriptive approach and involved 88 respondents in the Nursing Academy of the Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Mataram, by total sampling. Data were analyzed with SPSS using the Spearman Rho test with a significant value α <0.05. The result of this study shows that there were a meaningful relationship between individual encouragement, social and emotional motives with the interest of students to work abroad. This study can be useful for respondents, candidates of job applicants, and future researchers as one of the references in determining the interest to work abroa


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    Introduction: Pregnancy lead to changes in anatomical, physiological, and biochemical. Changes of it affect the nutritional needs of pregnancy. Knowledge and a bad attitude will affect the nutritional needs of pregnancy.  This research aims to know the affect of health promotion of the knowledge and attitude of mother in fulfillment of nutrition during pregnancy in Paberasan village. Method: The quasy experiment with pretest posttest control group design. The amount of pregnant in Paberasan village were 32 people. Analysis using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test and Mann-Whitney. Result: The result showed that, the treatment group before given health promotion the majority have enough knowledge (81,25%). After given health promotion all of respondent have good knowledge (100%). The attitude of pregnant before given health promotion the majority have enough attitude (68,75%). After given health promotion the majority have good attitude (68,75%). In the control group before given health promotion the majority have knowledge enough (75%). The control group obtained the results of the knowledge tends to remain. The attitude of pregnant before given health promotion majority has enough attitude (62,50%). The control group obtained the result of the attitude tends to remain. Mann-Whitney test results obtained significant value p=0,000 less than 0.05. Attitude test results before and after treatment in the treatment group and the control group obtained significant value p = 0.001 less than 0.05. The results showed that there is effect of health promotion of the knowledge and attitudes of mothers in fulfillment of nutrition during pregnancy. Discussion: Health workers in Paberasan village to give health promotion about the fulfillment of nutrition during pregnancy to the community to help improve the knowledge of society and help realize the achievement of fulfillment of good nutrition during pregnancy. Keyword: Promotion, health, nutrition, pregnant, knowledge, attitudes, Paberasan, Sumene

    RELAKSASI AFIRMASI MENINGKATKAN SELF EFFICACY PASIEN KANKER NASOFARING (Relaxation Affi rmation Technique Increases Self Effi cacy of Patients with Nasopharingeal Cancer)

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    Introduction: Patient with nasopharynx cancer may experience emotional distres. Emotional distres and anxiety may lead to decrease self-effi cacy. Clients with a negative perception of the health or low self-effi cacy would become apathetic and disability in soluns problem as compensation of getting that disease. The purpose of this study was the relaxation affi rmations techniques in order to increase self-effi cacy patient with nasopharynx cancer. Methode: This study used pra-experiment pre-post test design. Population was taken from patient with nasopharynx cancer of Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) Patient Departement Dr. Soetomo Hospital at Surabaya. Sample comprised of 19 respondents who selected based on inclusion criteria. Independent variable was the relaxation affi rmations. Dependent variable was self effi cacy of nasopharyngeal cancer patients. Data were collected using the observation sheet. Result: The results showed that there was a signi fi cant in fl uence of relaxation affi rmation in increased self-effi cacy patient with nasopharynx cancer, with p = 0.008. Discussion: Based on that results, it can be concluded that relaxation affi rmations help patients nasopharyngeal cancer in THT Patient Departement Dr. Soeotomo Hospital at Surabaya in improving self-effi cacy so that they would have ability to accept reality and belief in health pattern for optimalizing quality of life. Relaxation affi rmations techniques including diaphragma breathing and affi rmation decrease sympatic nerve activity and increase positive fi rm belief in patient

    Aromatherapy Decreases Level of Pain Among Patients Who Experience Migrain

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    Introduction: Migraine was one of the headache type which is often griped by most of young woman. Migraine could influence activity, degrading work productivity, bothering work, family and social life, and there was possibility to loose job opportunity and decreased salary. Aromatherapy was one of the alternative that could be taken to decrease the migraine pain. Aromatherapy was trust directly influent brain to changed someone's emotion and mood. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of aromatherapy to decrease the migraine pain. Method: This study was used a quasy-eksperimental design. There were 12 respondents who met the inclusion criteria, divided into treatment and control group. The independent variable was giving aromatherapy and the dependent variable was decrease pain level of migraine patients. Data were obtained by using observation and questionare, then analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with level of significanceα ≤0.05, Mann-Withney U Test with level of significance <0.05. Result: The result showed that giving aromatherapy had strong influence to decrease pain level of migraine patients, with the result of statistical test had same significant level p=0.014. The result showed that there was differences of post test pain level post test between treatment and control group, with the result of statistical test had same significant level p=0.011. Discussion: It can be concluded that giving aromatherapy could decrease pain level of migraine patient. Recommendation for the nurses and other health profession to use aromatherapy as alternative medication of migraine naturally. Further studies need to be conducted regarding aromatherapy in decreasing pain level of migraine patients to help assisted curing prosess


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    Adolescents are a transition to adulthood with changes in growth and development, adolescents are at risk of reproductive health especially during menstruation. Personal hygiene during menstruation is the issue of determinants of adolescent health that affect the life of old age. Management of disorders at the time of menstruation is to familiarize themselves hygienic behavior. The aim of this research is to know factors related to Personal hygiene during menstruation. Such as knowledge, peer communication, menarche age and belief in mythology at siswi in MI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan. Quantitative research type with cross sectional approach. Respondents in the study were MI Miftahul Ulum Pamekasan as many as 117 student. The measuring tool used is questionnaire and tested using Chi Square Sampling is done by purposive sampling method. The results showed that 76.1% of respondents have enough Personal hygiene categories and as many as 23.9% of respondents into the category of Personal hygiene is less. The Chi Square test shows that there is a relationship between knowledge (p = 0.001), peer communication (p = 0.002), and mythic belief (p= 0.001) with Personal hygiene during menstruation, and menarche age (p= 0.473) Personal hygiene during menstruation. Teenagers are expected to increase Personal hygiene during menstruation by providing knowledge gained from mass media, parents, health workers and books. Schools apply health education methods to improve Personal hygiene during menstruation like SGD (Small Group Discussion)

    Edukasi Latihan Fisik berbasis self care kepada klien dan keluarga penderita diabetes mellitus di RSUD Dr H. Slamet Martodirdjo Pamekasan

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    DM adalah penyakit kronis yang tidak bisa disembuhkan tetapi bisa dikurangi dan dikontrol kadar gula darahnya (WHO, 2006). Berdasarkan laporan Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDP) tahun 2007 prevalensi secara global cenderung meningkat. Sepuluh negara yang paling banyak menderita DM yaitu India, Cina, Amerika Serikat, Indonesia, Jepang, Pakistan, Rusia, Brazil, Italia dan Banglades Indonesia menempati urutan keempat terbanyak penderita DM. Pada tahun 2000 di Indonesia terdapat 8,4 juta penderita DM dan diperkirakan akan meningkat pada tahun 2030 sebanyak 21,3 juta penderita (WHO, 2006). Berbagai intervensi sebagai upaya meningkatkan kualitas hidup penderita DM telah dilakukan baik berupa Diabetes Mellitus Self Care (Guthrie & Guthrie (2002) maupun Diabetes Self Management Education (Funnel, 2010), namun banyak penderita DM belum menunjukkan adanya kemandirian dalam mengelola penyakitnya. Beberapa penelitian mencatat bahwa 50–80% penderita DM memiliki pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang kurang dalam mengelola penyakitnya (Norris, 2001; Palestin, 2005 dalam Bondan P, 2008). Kondisi seperti ini membutuhkan strategi baru untuk, dan meningkatkan perilaku kemandirian penderita dalam mengelola penyakitnya, menurunkan prevalensi serta untuk mencegah komplikasi. Tujuan pengabdian masyrakat ini menerapkan pendekatan Latihan fisik eksentrik berbasis Self Care terhadap penderita DMT 2

    The Effect of Logotherapy to Diabetes Mellitus Client’s Meaning of Life

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that caused meaning of life disturbance. Logotherapy is an intervention that could affect people life perspective. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of logotherapy implementation to the meaning of life in diabetes mellitus client. This study used quasy-experimental pretest-post-test with control group. The dependent variable was meaning of life, and the independent variable was the implementation of logotherapy. Sample in this study was 30 respondents, were taken by using consecutive sampling. The meaning of life were taken by using Purpose in Life Test (PIL Test) then analyzed by using Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test and Mann Witney U statistic test, a= ÂŁ0.05. The result showed logotherapy had significant effect on meaning of life in the treatment group (p=0,001). Statistical test Mann Whitney U Test showed that there was a difference meaning of life in control group and the treatment group after implementation of logotherapy. It could be concluded that the implementation of logotherapy has an effect to increasing the meaning of life in diabetes mellitus client. Further study was recommended to developing deeper study that related to logotherapy in diabetes mellitus client


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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus was an uncurable metabolic disease but it can be controlled. Diabetes can be controlled independently by diabetic with diabetes self-care behavior. Self-care behavior was challenge problem causing in adherence in majority diabetic clients especially in Persadia Darmo Hospital. Method: Research design was Quasy-Experiment study among type 2 diabetic client. This study involved 30 samples taken by purposive sampling. The independent variable were What is Important For You (WIFY) and Life Map. The dependent variable was self-care behavior. Data were taken by using SDSCA questionnaire then analyzed by using t-test with a= ÂŁ0.05. Result and Analyze: WIFY and Life Map change self-care behavior in treatment group before and after treatment significantly with p value = 0,024. There was significant difference between treatment and control group of self-care behavior with p value = 0,029. Discussion: It could be concluded that application of WIFY and Life Map with goal attainment model increase self-care behavior in type 2 diabetic clients. The use of this approach could be optimizing diabetic counseling and education for clients. Further research to investigate WIFY and Life map effect on blood glucose level and HbA1c test in Type 2 Diabetic