14,604 research outputs found

    Aging Dynamics of a Fractal Model Gel

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    Using molecular dynamics computer simulations we investigate the aging dynamics of a gel. We start from a fractal structure generated by the DLCA-DEF algorithm, onto which we then impose an interaction potential consisting of a short-range attraction as well as a long-range repulsion. After relaxing the system at T=0, we let it evolve at a fixed finite temperature. Depending on the temperature T we find different scenarios for the aging behavior. For T>0.2 the fractal structure is unstable and breaks up into small clusters which relax to equilibrium. For T<0.2 the structure is stable and the dynamics slows down with increasing waiting time. At intermediate and low T the mean squared displacement scales as t^{2/3} and we discuss several mechanisms for this anomalous time dependence. For intermediate T, the self-intermediate scattering function is given by a compressed exponential at small wave-vectors and by a stretched exponential at large wave-vectors. In contrast, for low T it is a stretched exponential for all wave-vectors. This behavior can be traced back to a subtle interplay between elastic rearrangements, fluctuations of chain-like filaments, and heterogeneity.Comment: 30 pages, 25 figure

    An atlas of ECMWF analyses (1980-1987). Part 1: First moment quantities

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    This document is an atlas of the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) initialized analyses for 1980 to 1987. Various first moment quantities are presented for monthly, seasonal, and annual averages on a global cylindrical projection, as well as, cross section maps of zonal averages. Global maps of winds, temperature, stream function, and velocity potential are presented at 850 and 200 mb. In addition, global maps of the 300 mb height field (total and eddy), the 500 mb vertical velocity, the 850 mb moisture field, and sea level pressure are presented. The average seasonal cycle and anomalies during the 8 year period are presented for selected quantities

    Quantum correlations versus Multisimultaneity: an experimental test

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    Multisimultaneity is a causal model of relativistic quantum physics which assigns a real time ordering to any set of events, much in the spirit of the pilot-wave picture. Contrary to standard quantum mechanics, it predicts a disappearance of the correlations in a Bell-type experiment when both analysers are in relative motion such that, each one in its own inertial reference frame, is first to select the output of the photons. We tested this prediction using acousto-optic modulators as moving beam-splitters and interferometers separated by 55 m. We didn't observe any disappearance of the correlations, thus refuting Multisimultaneity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTex 4 versio

    Panelists\u27 Comments on Cobb\u27s Paper

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    Quantum entanglement with acousto-optic modulators: 2-photon beatings and Bell experiments with moving beamsplitters

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    We present an experiment testing quantum correlations with frequency shifted photons. We test Bell inequality with 2-photon interferometry where we replace the beamsplitters by acousto-optic modulators, which are equivalent to moving beamsplitters. We measure the 2-photon beatings induced by the frequency shifts, and we propose a cryptographic scheme in relation. Finally, setting the experiment in a relativistic configuration, we demonstrate that the quantum correlations are not only independent of the distance but also of the time ordering between the two single-photon measurements.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figure

    Phosphoregulation on mitochondria: Integration of cell and organelle responses

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    Mitochondria are highly integrated organelles that are crucial to cell adaptation and mitigating adverse physiology. Recent studies demonstrate that fundamental signal transduction pathways incorporate mitochondrial substrates into their biological programs. Reversible phosphorylation is emerging as a useful mechanism to modulate mitochondrial function in accordance with cellular changes. Critical serine/threonine protein kinases, such as the c‐Jun N‐terminal kinase (JNK), protein kinase A (PKA), PTEN‐induced kinase‐1 (PINK1), and AMP‐dependent protein kinase (AMPK), readily translocate to the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM), the interface of mitochondria‐cell communication. OMM protein kinases phosphorylate diverse mitochondrial substrates that have discrete effects on organelle dynamics, protein import, respiratory complex activity, antioxidant capacity, and apoptosis. OMM phosphorylation events can be tempered through the actions of local protein phosphatases, such as mitogen‐activated protein kinase phosphatase‐1 (MKP‐1) and protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), to regulate the extent and duration of signaling. The central mediators of OMM signal transduction are the scaffold proteins because the relative abundance of these accessory proteins determines the magnitude and duration of a signaling event on the mitochondrial surface, which dictates the biological outcome of a local signal transduction pathway. The concentrations of scaffold proteins, such as A‐kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) and Sab (or SH3 binding protein 5—SH3BP5), have been shown to influence neuronal survival and vulnerability, respectively, in models of Parkinson\u27s disease (PD), highlighting the importance of OMM signaling to health and disease. Despite recent progress, much remains to be discovered concerning the mechanisms of OMM signaling. Nonetheless, enhancing beneficial OMM signaling events and inhibiting detrimental protein‐protein interactions on the mitochondrial surface may represent highly selective approaches to restore mitochondrial health and homeostasis and mitigate organelle dysfunction in conditions such as PD

    A review of geological effects and damage distribution of the June 9, 1980 Mexicali Valley Earthquake

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    The June 9, 1980 earthquake (M_L = 6.1) occurred on the Cerro Prieto fault located in the Mexicali Valley (Figure 8.1). A day and a half after the event, the area was inspected both from the air and on the ground. The aim of the aerial reconnaissance was to obtain evidence of possible slippage of the Cerro Prieto fault as well as other phenomena related to the earthquake

    Le bassin versant du fleuve Santa (Andes du PĂ©rou) : dynamique des Ă©coulements en contexte glacio-pluvio-nival

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    Au debout des annĂ©es 70 les chercheurs de diffĂ©rents pays ont dĂ©tectĂ© des variations climatiques qu'ils ont appelĂ© « changement climatique », lesquelles se manifestent par des variations des tempĂ©ratures, du cycle de l'eau, du niveau de la mer, un recul accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© des glaciers, etc. Afin d'Ă©valuer ce changement climatique le programme de l'environnement des Nations Unies a crĂ©Ă© pendant l'annĂ©e 1988 le « Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change » (IPCC en anglais). Cette Institution a Ă©valuĂ© le changement climatique et ses consĂ©quences au niveau planĂ©taire. Le PĂ©rou pays entiĂšrement situĂ© en AmĂ©rique du Sud dans la rĂ©gion intropicale subit directement les effets de cette variation climatique. Le PĂ©rou concentre presque 70% des glaciers tropicaux de la planĂšte. Au nord de la ville de Lima se situe le bassin versant du fleuve Santa qui, avec une surface englacĂ©e de 631 kmÂČ reprĂ©sente presque un tiers de toutes les surfaces englacĂ©es du PĂ©rou. Ce bassin draine une partie de la CordillĂšre Blanche « CordillĂšre Blanca ». Les glaciers de cette CordillĂšre prĂ©sentent un recul qui s'est accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© durant les 30 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Des photos aĂ©riennes de 1970 et les images satellites SPOT 3 et 5 pour les annĂ©es 1991 et 2003 ont permis de quantifier la perte de masse glaciaire de la CordillĂšre Blanche. L'unitĂ© GREAT-ICE de l'Institut de Rechercher pour le DĂ©veloppement (IRD), le Service National de MĂ©tĂ©orologie et hydrologie du PĂ©rou (SENAMHI) et l'Institut des Ressources Naturelles du PĂ©rou (INRENA) ont signĂ© une convention de coopĂ©ration Ă  partir de l'annĂ©e 2000 (reconduite en 2004) afin de suivre l'Ă©volution des glaciers et de la ressource en eau qui en dĂ©pend. C'est dans le cadre de cette coopĂ©ration que j'Ă©tudie l'avenir de la ressource en eau de la partie amont (sur les 2000 premiers mĂštres Ă  partir des crĂȘtes) des sub - bassins versants englacĂ©s de la cordillĂšre Blanche. Ce travail a permis d'Ă©tablir une modĂ©lisation de la ressource en eau issue de la fusion glaciaire, tenant compte des Ă©coulements liĂ©s de la prĂ©cipitation liquide sur la zone non englacĂ©e. Cette modĂ©lisation travaille suivant 2 scĂ©narios A2 et B2 du changement climatique proposĂ©s pour l'IPCC utilisant diffĂ©rents modĂšles de circulation gĂ©nĂ©ral du couple atmosphĂšre-OcĂ©ans (AOGCM)(RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur
