123 research outputs found
Master’s Thesis 2024 30 ECTS
Denne avhandlingen undersøker effektiviteten og forvaltningspraksisene av sandfang i Ås
kommune, Norge. Sandfang er kritiske komponenter i urbane overvannshåndteringssystemer,
designet for å fange opp og beholde sedimenter og forurensninger fra avrenning, og dermed
beskytte nedstrøms avløpssystemer.
Studien benytter en tosidig tilnærming; en detaljert analyse av sediment prøver samlet fra
sandfang, og en omfattende undersøkelse distribuert til kommuner over hele Norge. Sediment
prøver ble analysert for å bestemme konsentrasjonen av ulike forurensninger, inkludert
tungmetaller som bly (Pb), kadmium (Cd), kobber (Cu), krom (Cr), kvikksølv (Hg), nikkel
(Ni) og sink (Zn). Undersøkelsen hadde som mål å samle informasjon om drifts- og
vedlikeholds praksisene av sandfang.
Resultatene indikerer betydelig variasjon i forurensningskonsentrasjoner på tvers av ulike
områder, med høyere nivåer av tungmetaller påvist i soner med tung trafikk og industriell
aktivitet. Undersøkelsen avdekket at mens de fleste kommuner har etablerte rutiner for
sandfangforvaltning, er det behov for mer systematiske og standardiserte tilnærminger for å
forbedre effektiviteten.
Funnene tyder på at dagens sandfangforvaltning i Ås kommune er relativt effektiv, men
fremhever områder for forbedring, spesielt når det gjelder deteksjon og rettidig tømming av
fylte sandfang. Anbefalinger for forvaltning av sandfang inkluderer utvikling av bedre
metoder for å oppdage fyllingsnivåer i sandfang og implementering av hyppigere
vedlikeholdsplaner basert på empiriske dataThis thesis investigates the effectiveness and management practices of (GPSTs) in Ås
Municipality, Norway. Gully pots sand traps are critical components in urban stormwater
management systems, designed to capture and retain sediments and pollutants from runoff,
thereby protecting downstream sewer systems.
The study employs a dual-method approach; a detailed analysis of sediment samples collected
from GPSTs, and a comprehensive survey distributed to municipalities across Norway.
Sediment samples were analyzed to determine the concentration of various pollutants,
including heavy metals such as lead (Pb), cadmium (C), copper (Cu), Chromium (Cr),
mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn). The survey aimed to gather information on the
operational, maintenance practices of GPSTs.
Results indicates significant variability in pollutant concentrations across different areas, with
higher levels of heavy metals detected in zones with heavy traffic and industrial activities.
The survey revealed that while most municipalities have established GPST management
routines, there is a need for more systematic and standardized approaches to improve
efficiency and effectiveness.
The finding suggests that current GPST management practices in Ã…s Municipality are
effective but highlights areas for improvement, particularly in the detection and timely
emptying of filled sand traps. Recommendations for gully pots sand traps management
include developing better detection methods for sand trap fill levels and implementing more
frequent maintenance schedules based on empirical data
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An Extension of Objectification Theory: Examining the Roles of Racial and Cultural Factors on Self-Objectification and Depression Among Asian American Women
Objectification theory proposed the idea that U.S. culture positions women to be viewed as physical entities foremost, typically to the fulfillment of men's sexual desires. The most damaging aspect of this experience is women's internalization of this perspective into their own sense of self, which has been shown to predict body image issues, eating disturbances, depression, sexual dysfunction, reduced psychological flow, and substance abuse. More recently, there have been efforts to examine how multiple layers of oppression may impact the experiences of sexual objectification and its psychological consequences. This study tested an extension of objectification theory on a sample of 618 Asian American women with the inclusion of race-related experiences, Asian American cultural values, and their relationships with the self-objectification process and depression. Findings indicate that the more participants endorsed Asian American cultural values, the more they engaged in a self-objectification process that involved internalizing mainstream ideals of beauty, monitoring their body appearance, and feeling shame and less satisfaction with race-related features and their bodies in general, which then predicted depression. In considering participants' adherence to Asian cultural values, the internalization of mainstream body ideals was necessary to engaging in self-objectification. Similarly, the more participants endorsed experiencing racial and sexual objectification, the more they engaged in the self-objectification process, which predicted depression. However, internalization of mainstream body ideals was not a necessary link between experiencing objectifying events and engaging in other components of the self-objectification process.
Furthermore, adherence to Asian American cultural values did not have a significant moderation effect on the self-objectification process as predicted
Kesan penambahan surfaktan tak-ionik kepada kompleks Al(III)-morin dalam penentuan aluminium (III) akues secara spektrofotometri
Dalam kajian ini, kesan surfaktan tak-ionik terhadap kompleks Al(III)-morin telah dijalankan. Surfaktan tak-ionik didapati telah meningkatkan bacaan serapan kompleks Al(III)-morin. Penambahan triton X-100 kepada kompleks Al(III)-morin telah membolehkan penentuan ion Al(III) dalam kuantiti submikrogram pada pH4.00 dijalankan. Bacaan serapan maksimum adalah pada 425 nm dengan serapan molar, ε, 9.31 × 103 l.mol-1.cm-1. Graf kalibrasi bagi penentuan ion Al(III) adalah linear daripada 0.03 hingga 2.0 μg mL-1 dengan had pengesanan 0.015 μg mL-1 telah diperoleh dalam kajian ini. Sisihan ralat relatif (r.s.d) ialah 2.2% bagi kepekatan Al(III) 1.0 μg mL-1. Kesan penambahan ion lain terhadap kompleks Al(III)-morin turut dijalankan dan didapati ion Cu(II), Zn(II) dan Pb(II) memberi gangguan yang lebih berbanding ion-ion lain
Good ones and bad ones : gendered distortions and aspirations in research with conflict-affected youth in Liberia
Funding: The work was supported by the Scottish Funding Council [#SFC/AN/12/2017, #SFC/AN/02/2018], the Folke Bernadotte Academy (Sweden’s government agency for peace, security and development) [#20-00280], and the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue.Gendered discourses of motorcycle taxi drivers in Liberia construct cyclists as bad men, presumed to possess excessive masculinity: too much speed, aggression, and hustle. These discourses contrast with cyclists’ self-perceptions, where motorcycling is one of few pathways available to them to become good men through the economic and social possibilities of the sector. Moreover, they maintain that cycling positions them not just as labourers but as peacebuilders. Liberian motorcyclists therefore narrate a quest for societal recognition against a backdrop of misrecognition. We analyse these gendered distortions and aspirations to show how masculinity positions young men outside of peacebuilding processes. We explore our positionality as researchers alongside efforts to discuss, analyse and operationalise masculinities in our research encounters and peacebuilding work with conflict-affected youth. We argue that aspirations for gender inclusion and gender analysis are not simple or straightforward tasks but require frequent translation, collaborative problem-solving, and participatory action methodologies.Peer reviewe
Cash, and "Drops": Boosting vaccine registrations
Demand (registrations), supply (availability of vaccines), and throughput (administering of vaccines) are key determinants of the progress of vaccination drives globally, including Malaysia's National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme (Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan, PICK). This paper will focus on the first determinant - demand. Specifically, were major policy "shocks" effective in influencing vaccine registrations? Between 24 February 2021 to 14 June 2021 when the PICK was in progress, several interventions were applied in select districts and states. These provided "natural experiments" to assess the effect of certain policy interventions on vaccine demand. In this paper, we assess the effect of two types of interventions on vaccine registrations in the PICK programme in a difference-in-difference (DiD) and panel event study settings - (1) a cash transfer programme for vaccine recipients, and (2) two instances of parallel opt-in "first come, first serve" queues. Finally, we rationalise these findings in a simple model of individual demand with preference shocks
Uncertainty and Exchange Rates: Global Dynamics (Well, I Don't Quite Know Anymore)
This paper offers two points on the impact of uncertainty and exchange rate shocks on output. (1) A conceptual model where behavioural frictions --- rational inattentiveness and bounded expectations --- interact with uncertainty, generating aggregate fluctuations. Central banks can target these behaviourial frictions to stabilise output and prices. (2) Empirical findings from a panel of advanced and emerging economies. Output and inflation slow in response to uncertainty shocks. Government bond yields moderate and exchange rates depreciate, suggesting within-country and between-country flight-to-safety respectively. Exchange rate appreciation shocks generate similar responses. The Malaysia-specific analysis finds divergent responses in employment and output, likely reflecting compositional effects in more productive tradable and less productive non-tradable sectors
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Penggunaan Electronic Customs Declaration (ECD) dengan Pendekatan Expectation Disconfirmation Model (EDM) di Soekarno Hatta International Airport (SHIA)
Soekarno Hatta International Airport (SHIA) merupakan salah satu bandara internasional terbesar di Indonesia. Jumlah penumpang kedatangan internasional di SHIA pada tahun 2022 mencapai 3.518.429 orang meningkat 446,60% dibanding tahun 2021 sejumlah 643.688 orang, dimana mereka wajib memberitahukan barang bawaannya melalui Customs Declaration (CD). Dengan adanya transformasi digital di Kementerian Keuangan, berbagai instrumen didorong menjadi digital untuk akuntabilitas dan peningkatan kualitas layanan termasuk untuk CD. Selain CD konvensional (formulir kertas), saat ini Bea Cukai juga memberlakukan CD berbasis elektronik atau Electronic Customs Declaration (ECD). Namun sejak diterapkan pada Juli 2022, muncul berbagai keluhan baik secara lisan kepada petugas di lapangan, maupun keluhan secara tulisan berupa teknis pengisian ECD (83,14%), jaringan internet dan sistem yang tidak stabil (12,83%), dan keluhan lainnya. Meningkatnya keluhan karena ketidakpuasan penumpang terhadap penerapan ECD. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan penumpang untuk menggunakan ECD dengan pendekatan Expectation Disconfirmation Model (EDM). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode cross-sectional quantitative menggunakan purposive sample dengan 209 responden. Analisis data menggunakan Partial-Least Square Structural Equation Model untuk menganalisis berbagai hubungan antara variabel di dalam kerangka penelitian yang dikembangkan dari penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel Perceived Disconfirmation memiliki pengaruh terbesar terhadap Customer Satisfaction, diikuti oleh variabel Effort Expectancy dan System Quality. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan ECD lebih baik dari yang diharapkan, sehingga ekspektasi penumpang terkonfirmasi
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