104 research outputs found

    Mini Review on the Use of Clinical Cancer Registers for Prostate Cancer: The National Prostate Cancer Register (NPCR) of Sweden

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    Given the increasing prevalence of cancer, it is vital to systematically collect data in order to monitor disease trends and quality of cancer care. For this purpose, clinical cancer registries have been developed in some countries. These registers are intended to be used as a basis for quality assurance and quality improvement, but they also constitute a rich resource of real world data for research. The aim of this mini-review was to describe the structure and the organization of the National Prostate Cancer Register (NPCR) with some examples on how data in NPCR have affected prostate cancer care in Sweden

    Nomograms including the UBCÂź Rapid test to detect primary bladder cancer based on a multicentre dataset

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    Objectives: To evaluate the clinical utility of the urinary bladder cancer antigen test UBC Rapid for the diagnosis of bladder cancer (BC) and to develop and validate nomograms to identify patients at high risk of primary BC. Patients and Methods: Data from 1787 patients from 13 participating centres, who were tested between 2012 and 2020, including 763 patients with BC, were analysed. Urine samples were analysed with the UBC Rapid test. The nomograms were developed using data from 320 patients and externally validated using data from 274 patients. The diagnostic accuracy of the UBC Rapid test was evaluated using receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis. Brier scores and calibration curves were chosen for the validation. Biopsy-proven BC was predicted using multivariate logistic regression. Results: The sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve for the UBC Rapid test were 46.4%, 75.5% and 0.61 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.58–0.64) for low-grade (LG) BC, and 70.5%, 75.5% and 0.73 (95% CI 0.70–0.76) for high-grade (HG) BC, respectively. Age, UBC Rapid test results, smoking status and haematuria were identified as independent predictors of primary BC. After external validation, nomograms based on these predictors resulted in areas under the curve of 0.79 (95% CI 0.72–0.87) and 0.95 (95% CI: 0.92–0.98) for predicting LG-BC and HG-BC, respectively, showing excellent calibration associated with a higher net benefit than the UBC Rapid test alone for low and medium risk levels in decision curve analysis. The R Shiny app allows the results to be explored interactively and can be accessed at www.blucab-index.net. Conclusion: The UBC Rapid test alone has limited clinical utility for predicting the presence of BC. However, its combined use with BC risk factors including age, smoking status and haematuria provides a fast, highly accurate and non-invasive tool for screening patients for primary LG-BC and especially primary HG-BC

    Visual Analytics for Epidemiologists: Understanding the Interactions Between Age, Time, and Disease with Multi-Panel Graphs

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    Visual analytics, a technique aiding data analysis and decision making, is a novel tool that allows for a better understanding of the context of complex systems. Public health professionals can greatly benefit from this technique since context is integral in disease monitoring and biosurveillance. We propose a graphical tool that can reveal the distribution of an outcome by time and age simultaneously.We introduce and demonstrate multi-panel (MP) graphs applied in four different settings: U.S. national influenza-associated and salmonellosis-associated hospitalizations among the older adult population (≄65 years old), 1991-2004; confirmed salmonellosis cases reported to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for the general population, 2004-2005; and asthma-associated hospital visits for children aged 0-18 at Milwaukee Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 1997-2006. We illustrate trends and anomalies that otherwise would be obscured by traditional visualization techniques such as case pyramids and time-series plots.MP graphs can weave together two vital dynamics--temporality and demographics--that play important roles in the distribution and spread of diseases, making these graphs a powerful tool for public health and disease biosurveillance efforts

    Vilken typ av antibiotikaprofylax anvÀnds vid prostatabiopsi i Sverige? - EnkÀt till alla enheter som rapporterar till Nationella prostatacancerregistret (NPCR)

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    Background: The risk of infection after transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided prostate biopsies is increasing. The aim of the study was to assess the use of antibiotic prophylaxis for prostate biopsy in Sweden. Methods: All public and private urology clinics reporting to the National Prostate Cancer Register of Sweden received a survey on TRUS-biopsy prophylaxis. Results: Of the 84 clinics surveyed, 76 replied (90%). If no risk factors for infection were present, a single dose of ciprofloxacin 750 mg was used by 50 clinics (66%). Multiple doses of ciprofloxacin 500 or 750 mg (n=14; 18%) or a single dose of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 160/800 mg (n=7; 9%) were other common prophylaxes. Most clinics gave the prophylaxes immediately before the biopsy (n=41; 54%). Urine dipstick was used by 30 clinics (39%) and rectal enema by six (8%). In patients with high risk of infection, the survey mirrors a large variety of regiments used. Conclusions: The preference to use a single dose of ciprofloxacin 750 mg is in accordance with the Swedish national guidelines for patients with a low risk of infection. Better compliance to the guideline recommendation to use a urine dipstick would probably increase the number of patients classified as having an increased risk of infection. Being classified as a high-risk patient should lead to an extended duration of antibiotic prophylaxis, however, the variety of regimens used in the high-risk group reflects an inability to treat these patients in a standardized fashion and also highlights a need for more clear-cut guidelines. Pre-biopsy identification of high-risk patients is an important issue to tackle for the urologic clinics in order to reduce the number of infections. Data are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Zero "No rights reserved" data waiver (CC0 1.0 Public domain dedication). Survey data methodology Current routines for antibiotic prophylaxis prior to transrectal prostate biopsy – a national survey to all urology clinics in Sweden An electronic survey was distributed to all of the hospitals and outpatient urology clinics reporting to the national Swedish National Prostate Cancer Register (NPCR). The web-based Information Network for CAncer registers in Sweden (INCA) platform was used for reporting. Recipients of the survey were the trained staff reporting to the NPCR or the heads of department if contact with the staff could not be established. In one case, where neither of these recipients could be reached, the survey was distributed to a urologist known by the authors at the clinic in question. The questionnaires were distributed 2014-11-26 and after up to three reminders per e-mail, the last response was collected 2015-11-03. Data from the survey was downloaded into Microsoft Excel 2011 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA) and exported to SPSS Statistics 23 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) for further analysis.Bakgrund: Under de senaste Ă„ren har det skett en riskökning för infektion efter prostatabiopsi. MĂ„let med studien var att kartlĂ€gga anvĂ€ndningen av antibiotikaprofylax vid prostatabiopsi i Sverige. Metod: Alla enheter som rapporterar till nationella prostatacancerregistret fick en enkĂ€t om antibiotikaprofylax vid prostatabiopsi. Resultat: Svarsfrekvensen var 90% (76 av 84 enheter). NĂ€r det gĂ€ller patienter utan riskfaktorer för infektion var en enkeldos ciprofloxacin 750 mg den vanligaste profylaxen och anvĂ€ndes av 50 enheter (66%). Fjorton enheter (18%) anvĂ€nde flera doser ciprofloxacin 500 eller 750 mg och sju enheter (9%) anvĂ€nde en singeldos av trimetoprim/sulfametoxazol 160/800 mg. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller patienter med riskfaktorer för infektion (tex KAD eller tidigare urinvĂ€gsinfektion) visade enkĂ€ten ett vitt spektrum av olika preparat och behandlingslĂ€ngder. Urinsticka anvĂ€ndes av 30 kliniker (39%) och de flesta kliniker gav profylaxen omedelbart innan biopsin (n=41, 54%). Lavemang gavs av 6 enheter (8%). Konklusion: Relativt god efterlevnad till nationella vĂ„rdprogrammet för prostatacancer visades för lĂ„griskpatienter med hög anvĂ€ndning av singeldos ciprofloxacin 750 mg. Emellertid visar de blandade svaren kring handlĂ€ggning av riskpatienter att bristen pĂ„ vĂ€gledning frĂ„n nationella riktlinjer kan utgöra ett problem som leder till under- eller överbehandling. En ökad anvĂ€ndning av urinsticka eller odling skulle kunna förbĂ€ttra riskklassificeringen av patienter inför biopsi. Data are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Zero "No rights reserved" data waiver (CC0 1.0 Public domain dedication)

    Traumatic brain injuries and whiplash injuries : epidemiology and long-term consequences

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    Background The incidence of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) is about 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year, a majority of which are mild TBI (MTBI). The incidence of whiplash injuries is about 300/100,000/year. There are several similarities between MTBI and whiplash injuries with regard to the causes of injury (traffic crashes and falls), the demographic profile of the injured (mostly young persons), and the type of symptoms exhibited by some of the injured (for example head/neck pain, fatigue, irritability, impaired cognitive functioning, and depression).  Main aim To investigate the epidemiology and long-term consequences in terms of symptoms, disability, and life satisfaction in cases of TBI and whiplash injuries in a well-defined population. Material and methods Data on frequencies and characteristics of TBI and whiplash injuries were extracted from the injury database at the emergency department (ED) of UmeĂ„ University Hospital (UUH). The results were presented as descriptive epidemiology. The 18-65 year-old persons who sustained an MTBI or whiplash injury in 2001, were provided a questionnaire three and five years after injury respectively, in which questions were asked about: Symptoms; Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) Disability; Rivermead Head Injury Follow Up Questionnaire (RHFUQ) Life satisfaction; LiSat-11 A local reference population was used for comparison of the RPQ. A national cohort was used as reference for LiSat-11. Data on sick leave for the cases of whiplash injuries were analysed to calculate the cost to society for loss of productivity. Results In 2001, the incidence of TBI was 354/100,000/year. The mean age was 23 and 55% were men. Ninety-seven percent of the injuries were classified as mild (Glasgow coma scale 13-15). The main causes were falls (55%) and traffic related injury events (30%). In 8% of the cases (17% of the elderly persons) an intracranial bleeding was detected by using CT. The 3-year follow-up of the MTBI patients showed that women had more symptoms and disability (~50%) than men (~30%). Both women and men had more symptoms and lower life satisfaction compared with the reference population. The incidence of traffic-related whiplash injuries in adults was 235/100,000/year and the annual incidences were relatively stable during 2000-2009. Combining the incidences with national insurance data showed that the proportion of insurance claims decreased during the period. When looking at whiplash trauma following all causes of injury in 2001, traffic crashes caused 61% of the injuries and falls caused 14%. Neck fractures occurred in 3% of the cases. Five years after whiplash injury, the injured persons had more symptoms and lower life satisfaction than the references. Sick leave ≄15 days was granted in 14% of the cases of whiplash injuries. The median number of sick days was 298 and the cost of loss of productivity during the follow-up was 5.6 million USD. The frequencies of symptoms were relatively alike when comparing subjects with whiplash injuries to subjects with MTBI. Conclusion TBI and whiplash injuries are common, especially among young people, and the injuries render long-term symptoms, disability, and impaired life satisfaction in up to 50% of the cases. Symptoms exhibited are alike between the two types of injuries. The cost to society for loss of productivity is high, and there is a need for enhanced preventive measures aiming at reducing traffic-related injuries, sports injuries, alcohol-related injuries, and falls. Physical, mental, and social factors are important and should be addressed when examining and treating patients with persisting symptoms following TBI and whiplash injuries.Bakgrund Skallskador utgör ett stort folkhĂ€lsoproblem, sĂ€rskilt eftersom mĂ„nga som skadas Ă€r unga. Skallskador Ă€r ocksĂ„, parallellt med sjĂ€lvmord, den vanligaste dödsorsaken hos ungdomar och unga vuxna. De flesta av skadorna klassas som ”lĂ€tta” i akutskedet men trots det sĂ„ kommer en del av patienterna att drabbas av kvarstĂ„ende besvĂ€r, t ex smĂ€rta, koncentrationssvĂ„righeter, depression och nedsatt livstillfredsstĂ€llelse. Whiplashskador Ă€r nĂ€stan lika vanligt förekommande som skallskador och uppkommer framförallt i trafikolyckor. Även fall- och sportskador orsakar emellertid ett betydande antal whiplashskador. I normalfallet avtar de akuta symptomen inom nĂ„gra veckor men en del av patienterna anger att de fĂ„r kvarstĂ„ende besvĂ€r. Ett flertal skademekanismer i nackens vĂ€vnader Ă€r kĂ€nda men tyvĂ€rr svĂ„ra att verifiera eller utesluta. Huvudsyfte Att undersöka förekomsten av skallskador och whiplashskador i en vĂ€ldefinierad population samt beskriva restsymptom, funktions-nedsĂ€ttningar och livstillfredsstĂ€llelse hos de drabbade tre till fem Ă„r efter skadan. Material och metod Förekomsten av skadorna (Studie I, III och IV) Studierna baseras pĂ„ skadedatabasen vid Norrlands Universitetssjukhus i UmeĂ„ (NUS). I skadedatabasen registreras alla patienter som söker till akutmottagningen efter en skadehĂ€ndelse, ca 10 000 fall per Ă„r. NĂ€r patienterna anmĂ€ler sig i receptionen tilldelas de en skadejournal som de sjĂ€lva fyller i i vĂ€ntan pĂ„ att bli undersökta. NĂ€r patienter inkommer med svĂ„rare skador fĂ„r anhöriga i möjligaste mĂ„n fylla i journalen. PrimĂ€rvĂ„rdens jour har under Ă„ren för studiens genomförande varit belĂ€gen pĂ„ akutmottagningen under kvĂ€llar, nĂ€tter och helger vilket inneburit att de fĂ„ skadefall som konsekvent missats har varit lĂ€ttare skador som behandlats dagtid pĂ„ vĂ„rdcentralerna i upptagningsomrĂ„det.   LĂ„ngtidsuppföljning (Studie II, III och V) En uppföljande enkĂ€tundersökning bestĂ„ende av ett antal validerade frĂ„geformulĂ€r skickades till alla skall- och whiplashskadade patienter i arbetsför Ă„lder tre respektive fem Ă„r efter skadehĂ€ndelsen. De frĂ„geformulĂ€r som analyserades var: För symptom: Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) För funktionsnedsĂ€ttning: Rivermead Head Injury Follow Up Questionnaire (RHFUQ) För livstillfredsstĂ€llelse: Life Satisfaction-11 (LiSat-11) För smĂ€rta (hos de whiplashskadade): Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)  Resultaten frĂ„n RPQ och LiSat-11 jĂ€mfördes med sedan tidigare tillgĂ€ngligt material frĂ„n Ă„ldersmatchade referenspopulationer. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller de whiplashskadade genomfördes en femĂ„rsuppföljning avseende sjukskrivning. Data frĂ„n FörsĂ€kringskassan analyserades och samhĂ€llskostnaden för produktionsbortfall berĂ€knades baserat pĂ„ den genomsnittliga kostnaden för en Ă„rsarbetare. Resultat Förekomsten av skallskador vid NUS under 2001 var 354 skadade per 100 000 invĂ„nare. MedelĂ„ldern pĂ„ de skadade var 23 Ă„r och 55% var mĂ€n. Andelen lĂ€tta skallskador var 97%. Fallolyckor orsakade flest skador (55%) och trafikolyckor var nĂ€st vanligast (30%). Minst 17% av patienterna (ofta medelĂ„lders personer) var alkoholpĂ„verkade. Hos 8% av patienterna (17% av personer över 65 Ă„r) upptĂ€cktes blödningar i hjĂ€rnan. I uppföljningen efter tre Ă„r noterades att de skallskadade patienterna i arbetsför Ă„lder hade högre symptomfrekvens och lĂ€gre livstillfredsstĂ€llelse Ă€n referenspopulationerna. Kvinnorna rapporterade högre förekomst av symptom och funktionsnedsĂ€ttning Ă€n mĂ€nnen. FunktionsnedsĂ€ttning av varierande grad samt sĂ„ kallat postkommotionellt syndrom (med förekomst av minst tre specificerade symptom) fanns hos ca 50% av kvinnorna och hos ca 30% av mĂ€nnen. Medelförekomsten av whiplashskador till följd av trafikolyckor var under 2000-2009 235 fall per 100 000 invĂ„nare och Ă„r. Sammantaget var förekomsten relativt stabil under perioden; en ökning med 1% per Ă„r noterades. NĂ€r siffrorna matchades mot data frĂ„n FörsĂ€kringsförbundet noterades en minskning av andelen försĂ€kringsĂ€renden under perioden. 2001 Ă„rs incidens av akuta whiplashskador efter alla typer av skadehĂ€ndelser var 383 skadade per 100 000 invĂ„nare. Könsfördelningen var 56% mĂ€n / 44% kvinnor och medelĂ„ldern var 32 Ă„r. Trafikolyckor orsakade 61% av whiplashskadorna medan fallolyckor stod för 14%. Frakturer i nacken var ovanliga och hittades hos 3% av patienterna. I femĂ„rsuppföljningen av whiplashpatienter i arbetsför Ă„lder noterades att de hade högre frekvens (ca 50%) av symptom samt lĂ€gre livstillfredsstĂ€llelse Ă€n referenspopulationerna. FunktionsnedsĂ€ttning av varierande grad fanns hos ca 50% av patienterna. Kvinnorna skattade sin smĂ€rta högre Ă€n mĂ€nnen men i övrigt fanns ingen könsskillnad betrĂ€ffande förekomsten av symptom, funktionsnedsĂ€ttning och livstillfredsstĂ€llelse. Vid jĂ€mförelse mellan whiplashskadade och skallskadade noterades att förekomsten av symptom med nĂ„gra fĂ„ undantag inte skilde sig Ă„t mellan grupperna. Fjorton procent av de whiplashskadade blev sjukskrivna i mer Ă€n 14 dagar. Sjukskrivningens medianlĂ€ngd var 298 dagar och i 3% av fallen fortskred sjukskrivningen under hela 5-Ă„rsperioden. Trafikskadade sjukskrevs oftare Ă€n fallskadade och noterbart Ă€r ocksĂ„ att nackfrakturer ej resulterade i lĂ€ngre sjukskrivningar Ă€n mjukdelsskador. SamhĂ€llskostnaden för produktionsbortfall var i snitt ca 600 000 kr per sjukskrivning. Konklusion Avhandlingen bidrar med nya grunddata som ytterligare förstĂ€rker bilden av att skallskador och whiplashskador Ă€r vanliga och att det framförallt Ă€r unga personer som drabbas. Grad och typ av kvarstĂ„ende besvĂ€r Ă€r likartade efter bĂ„da skadetyper. SamhĂ€llskostnaden för skadorna Ă€r hög och lĂ€mpliga omrĂ„den för skadepreventivt arbete tycks vara fallskadeprevention, trafikskadeprevention, skadeprevention inom hĂ€stsport, fotboll och ishockey samt prevention av alkoholrelaterade skador. BĂ„de fysiska, psykologiska och sociala faktorer inverkar pĂ„ lĂ€kningsförloppet och symptombilden efter skadorna och det Ă€r viktigt att utvĂ€rdera och behandla patienterna med utgĂ„ngspunkt frĂ„n detta

    Educators in Dance : Perspectives on the Formation of a Teacher Education 1939–1965

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    This thesis describes and theoretically illuminates perspectives on the formation of a dance teacher education in Sweden during the period 1939–65. The process is explored mainly through the visions and activities of Svenska Danspedagogförbundet, SDF (The Swedish Dance Teacher Association). Particular attention is paid to specific instances which eventually could lead toward the establishment of a government-sponsored educational program. The work is both chronologically and thematically arranged in order to enlighten time specific turning points that also encompass three major themes which can be seen as initiation, expansion and establishment. These themes summarize the problems my investigation zeroes in on. The chronological framework is bounded by the foundation of the SDF in 1939, and the first year of classes at the new pedagogical section of Koreografiska Institutet, KI (the Choreographic Institute) in 1964–65. The study focuses on the intersection of aesthetic, educational, and professional transformative processes which also includes the international field of dance. More specifically the study explores the initial process gathering practitioners in a professional association, which could lead both to unionization and the establishment of an education. As far as professional and educational questions are concerned the process toward establishing a system of dance teacher education followed a general growth and organization of the Swedish educational system as a whole. The educational alternatives which evolved between 1959 and 1965 corresponded to both internal and external needs, especially by exposing the lack of a competent corps of teachers. The study examines how these alternatives collaborated and competed with one another for a relatively short time. Though lines of contention were drawn between leading actors this work also illuminates how the profession and the art itself acquired increased status in a broader cultural context. The vision of modernizing the art of dance along with its pedagogy is shown to be as much about pedagogic matters as about aesthetic ideals. Regardless of actual differences and approaches to aesthetics and education the process was guided toward the establishment of a dance teacher education

    Occurrence of abdominal bulging and hernia after open partial nephrectomy : a retrospective cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: Abdominal bulging and incisional hernia are known sequelae after open partial nephrectomy (OPN) via a flank incision. Precise rates are not known. The aims of this study were to determine the rates of bulging and hernia after OPN, and to examine potential risk factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review was undertaken of 197 consecutive patients operated on with OPN via a flank incision between 2004 and 2014. After exclusion, 184 patients remained. Medical records and radiological images from the preoperative work-up, and follow-up after surgery at 3, 12 and 24 months, were reviewed. RESULTS: A visible bulge was noted in 36 of the 184 patients at clinical examination. Only 20 cases (12%) remained at the last follow-up. Radiological changes interpreted as a bulge were initially seen in 50 patients, while only 35 (19%) remained at the last radiological examination. Clinical incisional hernia was reported in five patients (3%), and radiological hernia was seen in 10 patients (5%). Patients who developed a hernia had a higher body mass index (30 vs 26 kg/m(2), p = 0.02). Other demographic variables showed no significant correlation. CONCLUSIONS: Bulging is a common sequela after flank incision. The rate of incisional hernia after flank incision is comparable to rates after other forms of abdominal surgery. Further studies are required to evaluate the psychological and physiological effects of bulging, the pain and weakness caused, and the cosmetic embarrassment suffered by the patient
